Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1918, p. 11

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Holds 3: Ps. syrup --when empty use for preserves, SYRUP ~the pure, wholesonis table syrup, with the delightful flavor, : Also sold in 2, 5, 10 and 20 pound tins--at all Yrocers. Write for free Cook Book. _ THE CANADA STARCH CO. LifnITED, 4 MONTREAL. 16 oe NN NY NII Fresh Haddock and Cod, Whiting, Tom Cods, " Smelts, Oysters. | Dominion Fish Co. a] ann, RAILWAY IRE SYSTEM LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MARCH 3RD Trains will leave and arrive at Clty Station, Foot of Johnson Street. Golng West. Live. City +» «212202 m, +. 3.10 a.m, 9.45 a.m. 1.20 p.m, + ++ 8.00pm. Golng East, Live. City Arr, City No, 18 Mail . 2.17 No. 16 Express « 3 No, 6 Mail ,. ., ..12.20 p.m. No. 14 Intern'l Ltd. 1.20 p.m. No. 28 Local . .. .. 6.45 p.m. 7 Nos. 1, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run daily Other tralng daily except Sunday. Uirect route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St Halifax, Boston and New York, Pullman accommodation, tickets and all ather information, apply to J. P Hanley, Agent.. Agency for all ocean steamship lines. Open day and night A NO Ag Mg is. i, CUNARD LINE Passenger Service BETWEEN Halifax and Bristol Money remittances made by mall or eable. Apply to Loenl Agents or The Robert Heford Co. Limited, meral Agents, 50 King St. East, Toronts, Ont A A ra gaat Arr. City No.1 12.57 am, No. 11 3 No, 2 OCR... No. Intern' Ltd. No. 7 Mail . 40 p.m. VW VY For thé Boys at the Front CHOCOLATTA "The Ready-to-use Chocolate" Contains ihe Chocolate, Milk and ugar, Prepared Instantly hy Adding Rolling Water Only. No Cooking or Milk Required, For Sale By D. Couper Phone 76 341-3 Princess St. dha yy IMPERIAL LIFE Wise is the young man, any man, who buys an ¥ al Endowment Bplicy to provide for his later 'Pears. And the sooner the cheaper, : severe J. B. COOKE 332 King Street. Phone 5038 Residence 842 = i bo * ; * Maggie' Truelove spent a few days with Miss Vera Brash. Mrs. Brash entered a complaint to the trustees Frontenac SANGSTER ; March 26th---A number from here attended the auction at Leo Mur- v's Saturday Visitors: Miss Anna O'Connor at James Daley's, Cole lake; Mrs. Thomas Barrett and baby Gladys, F'homas Young's; James Jarrett is spending a few days at his oid home here before returning to New York to don the khaki. Tho- mas Young is at T. Babcock's, Glen- dower. Thomas Barrett made a trip} to Brockville last to see his, sister Nellle, who ig ill. MN. O'Brien is at N. Murphy's. : breaking the windows of her. vacant house. * A few of the young people of Fermoy were entertained at Mrs. John Kish's on Tuesday evening fast. sale vipa LEPLER ; March 28.--The roads are very bad. in this vicinity. Some of the farmers 'have tapped their ° sugar made «yet. The Red Cross workers met yesterday at the home of Miss KE. M. Patterson. Mrs. A. O'Brien and Miss Roxy Wartman, are recover- ing 'from their regent illness." Sergt. O. V. Harden, who recently return- 6d from Overseas has beem visiting his friends here. Mrs. W. Vance has returned from visiting friends in Kingston and Bath. Mrs. H. E. John- son spent a few days recently with her sister, Mrs..W. Cordukes, El- ginburg. J. Lindsay is home after spending the winter in the city. Mrs. B. Sharpe has returned from Ottawa. Visitors: J. Donnell, Portsmouth, at week MYER'S CAVE March 26.--Some of the farmers have tapped their sugar bushes and report not very good runs. The assessor, J. White, is making his! roumis," Mr, and Mrs. Elias 'Wood and family were week end visitors at T. D. Perry's. Miss Tena Mac- | with "| Miss Hazel Hamilton were week-end| ja5t week. '| factory to Cromwell Cramer, Glen-| a 1 8 FERMOY Gregor spent a few days last week'®m Donnell's: Miss M. Trumpo and her sister, Mrs. D. Rintoul, | Miss L. Haggarty, Tamworth, at A. Harlowe. Miss Green, Perry Road, Orger's; J. Boyce, Odessa. at A. spent the week-end with Mrs. Joseph Townsend's; Mrs. W. Trousdale, Syd- Perry. 8. Grey, Ardoch, passed!onham, and Mrs. (Capt.) A. Trous- through here en route to Harlowe. guia Kingston; at Arthur Smith's; J. Mr. and Mrs, William Bauder spent Redmond, who is spending the winter Sunday at the Cave. Mr. Roy and|in she city, was here for a few days Mrs. C. Wartman, who has been visiting her brother, N. y Orser, has returned to her home in | Northumberland county. visitora cat. Hillcrest Mr. and Mrs L.. Delyea spént Sunday at D. Spicer's Miss Pearl Wood is-spendfig Faster week with her grandmother, Mrs * A ------------ Charles MacGregor spent one day | | | | Leeds last week in Harlowe,' -- ELGINBURG, « March 28 ---8Special Easter servic es are being held on Sunday m rolug | Mr. Madden, Belleville, is teaching - here. - "Miss Annie Irvin is spending] WASHBURN'S CORNERS a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. W.| March, 30.--Sugar making is in Barclay, Toronto. A number from! Progress. Syrep makers Thport a here have tapped their sugar bushes, , £004 flow "of Sap. Bator bas Mr. Cunningham has sold his cheese | 501d his farm one a half miles west { of Athens to Mr. Pattimore, near Elgin. . This section has been unfor- tunate in having its school closed for the month of Mareh. Mrs. A. Soper called on friends here recently. High school pupils are home for the Easter holidays. George Hogg, of Perth, is seriously ill of pneumonia at the home of his nephew, W, Whaley, Mrs, 8. A, Webster has re- 1covered from illness, Mrs. Willlam i Flood and children of Junetown, have | been enjoying a'visit here with rela- Mar. 30.-~The lakes are breaking 1 tives. . Mrs, George Lee of Elvida is up and there is very little driving. | seriously Hl. The many friends there While coming from Westport Edward {of Mrs. D. L. Johnston, Athens, are iin i pleased to hear she e McCann broke the ice but managed iI ased he he has returned from to get out of the water. At present| vey in health. a large nfimber of logs each day are being sawed into lumber at George OAINTOWN. Butterill's. Miss -Melissa Barr of March 28.----Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Westoort was the guest of Mrs. G. Mills, of (Yonge Mills, spent Saturday Butterill for a couple of 'days last! ast among Caintown friends. Mr. week. Mrs. Robert Barr has return- and 'Mrs. Nias Powell and daughter, od home after spending a few days: Ella, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wesley lt Newboro. 'Edward Warren has Love, Rockfield, one evening last been confined to the house during | week. Mr. E. J. Kahnt has purchas- the past two months with sore eyes. ©d tho farm lately owned by James Migs Blanche McKinley has returned oy. ihe Jatter, having purchased 5 2 rs Bay. Miss e Mrs. Earl's places at.Lillie's. 10 hat home af Saaley's Bay. Miss yr Willhn Galan 15 Shs coro. . Nurse Stack, of Mallorytown, is in NOT A PARTICLE attendance. Burton Poole, who has been confined to the house for some M. J. Connolly, -of Brockville, are A FAI | ING HAIR spending a few weeks-with Mr. and RAR Mrs. A. 4. Hogeboon. Mrs. John Maggie Scott, of Junetown, has been visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Scott. Miss Mildred' Stover spent a | few days with, friends in Kingston. Mrs. ¢. Irvine much better. Or- thel Orser is confined tq the house with rheumatism. Missés Mildred Graham and Hazel Lawson are visit- ing friends in Sydenham. Miss Elsie] Bearance is visiting her sister, Mrs. | Jenkins, Kingston. vale, is time' past, is able to be out again, Mr. Norman Hayes and family have moved to Yonge 'Mills. Mr. and Mrs. : | Tennant, who has heen ill, is improy- ' ing nicely under the care of Nurse Save Your. Mair! Double Its Beauty . ts : In Just a Few Moments. Hawkins, of Brockville. Miss "Panderine" Makes Your "Hale Thick, Glossy, Wavy and i Beautiful, WAGARVILLE, re March 29.--A number of farmers Within ten minutes after an ap- Vorder of the day. |seiting I Wilton dramatic club regarding the pupils of -the school lcert at Westbrook last Thursday ev- {Chatham to spend a féw weeks with bughes, but not much syrup has ween' - ' 1 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL %-1918. A A fi a 0 naa maa eon Witty War Newspapers From Trench and Ship Keep the Men Cheerful COLL PELE I Tt INCE the beginning of the war there have appeared in the field of British journalism, despite 4he discouragement of the censorship, several interesting and andacious. newcomers. » «These are the sheets published by soldiers in the trenches and sailors at sea. A unique instance is the "Maidstone Magazine," with which is incorpor- ated the "Pandora Piffle," and the "Alecto Argus," whose editor and contributors are all officers if the 8th Submarine Flotilla. It contains a Httle news and a great deal of jollity and nonsense. - The undersea journalists are rivalled by those who ride the bil, lows nated of diving under them. Several papers have appeared on different ships of the battle fleet. In one, the "North Sea Times," a contributor, "Mr. Clinker Cole. from the Stokehold," protesting against the uneven distribution of fighting chances, perpetrates a pun that is 5 bad that it is positively preemin- ent. . "Well, I dunno, but some blokes seem to scoop in all the luck wot's goin", 'he eomplains resentfully. "Every time there's anythink doin', that 'ere menageries squadring-- you know, the "Lion" and "Tiger" and "Indomita (ball)," whatever kind of animile that may be- --always gets a look in and does something, where as the remainder of us merely takes the part of aujince." Even the "Voice of the Benzipe Lancers'--motor transport---makes itself heard through a special organ: and more than one enterprising little British sheet, published just behind the trenghes "somewhere in France," Maple to $1.75 syrup is a gallon. gave a fine eon- $1.50 at ening." Mrs. R. Miller has gone to her daughtér, Mrs.' O. Asselstine. Visitors: Miss Wemp and Miss Ja Storms, Florida; Mrs. J. Henderson, and son of Empress, Alta; Miss A. Wallace, Wilton, at J. E. 'Storms': Miss Eva Topping, Elgin at T. Wal- lace's. id BETHEL. March 28. Maple syrup is the work nowadays. A. Salsbury is pre- paring to build a new hpuse. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Baker on the 22nd. Mrs. Wesley Curl has been suffering with grippe. Miss McRarey has been spending. a couple of weeks at W. Curl's. A few from here attended the lecture given by Capt. the Rev. John Garbut on the battle of Vimy Ridge, which was much appreciated as some home boys were in the battle. The general store at Camden East, known as "Sted- man's," has changed hands. Prince Edward PICTON. -~ Mrs. Agnes Vangesen holidays at Glen- D. Holt was a caller on Thursday. March 29 is spending he: brooke farm at P. MeCrimmon's Hugh McWilliams will have charge of the Glenora fer Miss Theressa English left on Tuesday for Vermont, having been called there on account of the illness of her mother and bro- ther. Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Allan have Brockville General Hospital much im-| returned from Kingston. SALEM. March -26.--On Thursday last Rev. C. J. Gall united in marriage. James Dempsey and' Miss Greta Col- ton, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cptton. Phey will reside on M7. Dempsey"s farm on the third concession. Mrs. C. Smith, Ban- croft; Mrs. A. Coulter, Smithfield; Mrs. A. McConnell, Mrs. Roy Morri- son and Mrs. Gilbert Alyea, Welling- ton, are at the bedside of their fath- er, Andrew Spencer, who. is very low. Charles Kemp is sawing wood for the farmers. W. Wray and K. Ackerman pressed a few carloads of hay for E. C. Wannamaker and D. H. Whitney. contains, along with its news and nonsense, advertisements of con- certs, private theatricals, wrestling and boxing matches, and football games organized among the men. In all the papers anecdotes of the lights er side of military life abound. Here are a few of them: "The skipper of a trawler arrived alongside in his dingy last week, having a German mine in tow," re ports a naval correspondent. "The worthy man's reply to urgent re- quests not to bring the thing too close was, 'It's all right, sir. I've knotked off the "orns with a boat hook." Two brief dialogues were sent in to compete for the leather medal of- fered hy a journal published in the trenches ih Flanders: Orderly officer (severely)--Didn't You enlist to fight for your country? Discontented Soldier--VYes, but 1 didn't enlist to eat it. . The second dialogue takes place between an infantryman and a motor mechanic: Infantryman--Which is your ser- geant-major--that man over there? Friend (of the motor transport) --No, the other ome; him with the Pneumatic stummick. Women for Flying Corps. The response made to the appeal for women for the Women's Army 'Auxiliary Corps in England has so far been very encouraging. The fig- ures received from all parts of the Country show a total of 1,900 appli- cation forms received. Arrange- ments are being made for these can- didates to be interviewed by selec- tion boards as soon as.possible, It is gratifying to note that a large re- sponge has been made by domestic servants to come forward and act as cooks, waitresses, ste. In addition to the 100,000 women which the War Office notified to the Employment Department as being required by the end of October, large numbers are wanted for work under the Reyal Flying . Corps. hese women will be required to work in the aircraft repairing depots, BONGARD'S. March 26.---The parlor social held at the home of J. B. Lucas on Wed- nesday evening was well attended and a nice sum realized. Nearly ten dollars was collected from Red Cross bags for the month of Febru- ary. Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Tobey, of Picton, were guests at D.®r. Mc- Carnock's. Ralph Harrison, of Adolphustown, spent Sunday last at C. Plerce's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Pal- matier, of Cherry Valley, were re- cent. guests at P. Thurston's. C. Jamieson has taken a position on the steam barge Shrigley. | Miss Kearney was over the week-end with friends in Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Pierce have returned after an extended visit to Virginia, Guelph and Toronto. Miss Lawton was the guest of Miss Estella Eaton 'on Sunday. Lance-Corp. J, Roberston passed away at Brockville on Thursday. He underwent a serious operation one month ago in the Queen's Military Hospital. The death took place at Trenton on March 27th, of, Rebecca Cross, re- lict, of the late James Williams, De- ceased was in her seventy-second year, Lorne Berry, Merrickville, was crushed to death in'a car in a freight train collision near White River on Saturday last. * : * AT THR Maple Leaf Grocery paca hee ont with Ohtoan: usage | a Shoniaéry : Headehoesss Lmpire Er Ee ee red Tim NHolognn; Jellled Hock, Freak assortment siways om pHeation of Danderine you can not find .a single trace of darndruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks use when you see new hair, fine and downy at] first--yes--but really new hair-- | growing all over the scalp. --- .-- _ Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates. and strength- ens them. It exhilarating, stimulat- ing, and life producing properties cause the h#ir to grow long, strong, and beautiful. ¥ A little Danderine. immediatel doubles the beauty of your hair. No differencé how ,dull, faded, brittle,' scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through 'your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is am- azing--your hair will be light, Auffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an incomparable lustre, softness and luxuriance. * i Get a small bottle of Knowlion's ' prove that your hair is as pretty and 'soft as any--that it has been ne- glécted or injured by careless treat-, ment--that's all--you surely can! 'have beautiful hair and lots of it it Fou will just try a little. Danderige. } have tapped their sugar bushes. The patrons of the Frontenac cheese fac- tory expect to hold their cheese meeting in the course of a few days. The variety shower'and dance at William = MeCumber's, Jr, was an enjoyable event, Stanley Clark's sawing machine is operating in the neighborhood at the present time. C. M. Jackson has returned to Lon- don to resume his position, after vis- iting his parents here. John Van- | volkenburgh has moved into his new home on Mill street. School is pro- gressing favorably,"under the able management of Miss A. M. Jamieson. There was no church service here on Sunday last, owing to the bad con- dition of the roads. S. Jackson made a business trip to the Limestone city last week. Recent visitors: George Goodberry and family, at C. P. Good- tberry"s; Murray Kurkham, at John Vanvolkenburgh's; Earl Howes, at T. Kurkham's. JONES' FALLS 'March 20.--The men are very Danderine from any drug store or Pusy in the bush making syrup and .| toilet counter for a few cents and sugar, which is selling at a very high price. Hiram Baxter made a trip to Newboro last week. Herbert Simp- son is moving to Newboro, having engaged. with 'W. M. Spicer for the seasoR. Delbert Siy has moved into his new ns on the View farm. Miss Keitha Kennedy of Port- land is visiting at A. Gamble's, Mjss | Susan Gamble at H. Baxter's: Miss Moda Y ndige a pe of weeks in + Andrew Simpson spent home has returned home af- | ter 1 Herbert Simpson is | ] and "Mrs. A. Gam- Seeley's Bay. Mr. and Mrs, 1 were at A. Gamblels Miss' Gladys on Sanday. Toledo, Capt. Gerald Allison, R.A M.C., in Picton from the front. was walenmad by the citizens and presented with a diamond pin, At Westport, marriage was so 'thia Amelia Price n March 20th, the muized of Miss Cyn- d William Moran L, 8. Muldoon, formerly of Brock- ville, has become manager of the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. i 'Red - blooded men of courage are on the firing line apd there are many &nemic, - weak, 'discouraged men and women left at home. suffer from a condition of Spring Fever. They feel tired, worn | & out, before the day is half thru. They may have frequent headaches sometimes * pimply" or pale skin. Bloodless péople, thin, anemic people, checks and lipe, who hl the year, should_sry | wers of a good § pheasant ahd ark, 13; robin and 13; thrush and common i ured both at home and in France: numbers notified as being wanted immediately by the Corps are 144 fitters (general ma- chine and turners), 52 instrument in n Adrien Carton de war began he has heen wounded eight times, has lost an eye and an born in ago. He fought in the Boer war at 'th age of seventeen, : wounded while serving wit ant's and the that a left od eleven times. When the present At this time of the year most people war broke out he wnt to East called [Where he was severely wounded. The each 100 years; heron, The Royal = Flying irers, 20 acetylene welders, 37 ctricians, 12 draftswomen, 55 ters, 2 tracers, and 145 store- rs.--London Post. Wounded Eight Tifnes. - One of the most remarkable om- cers of the British army now fighting France is Brigadier-General Wiart. Since the ined several decora- n Carton de Wiart was Brussels thirty-four years rm, and has . Ge and was thrice Brab- light horse, so altogether be bas been wound- Africa, eneral, im spite of the loss of an arm and an exe, has proved himself brilliant and' fearless cavalry An English invest =ator says the ages to which-some of the ar birds live are as fol- Crow, eagle, raven, and swan, 8 *9;. parrot, 0; goose and pelican, each 50; spar- peacock, i. a: Canis : and pH . each. 24; n, aS hiynaley 38: soldfinch, dge, e 3 blackbird, each ; wren, 3. Collection of Hair. ~~ The 'collection of hair among fl _ women of Munich, organized Hg 3 Semin Navy Lea over 300 Ib. vei has reali; The batr is in U-boat chinery. Cc the crim King To Prosecuto conte Ex-King. Athens, April 2,---As a result I prosecution of forme or . fowl, each | of } harges bipught by the public prose- 'entor, a She t-mintial Ran ordered The All-Seeing Aviator HE aeroplahe upset many old ideas of Military Strategy. Surprise tactics of the enemy, onceso effective, arenowims= possible so long as our aviators rule the air. The movements of troops, the placing of batteries to *'strafe** our lines --in fact, ail enemy activities are observed by our air- men, who communicate the information * they obtain by. wireless to the Commanders on the ground. ¥ Young men who show skill as aerial ob- servers achieve rapid advancement. Their work is of such importance as to attract the attention of the highest militaryauthorities Clear-headed, keen young men, 18 to 30 years of age those possessing fair education, and sturdy physique, will be accepted as cadets and trained for the service. Cadets receive $1.10 per day while quali- fying for their commissions. rn ; Men who come within the provisions of the M are eligible only after having joined their Depot Bat- talion, when they may, with the consent of their Commanding Officer, be discharged for re-enlistment in the R.F.C. : Write for Booklet, ** Air Heroes in the Making," and apply directly to one of the following addresses: JBoual Flying Corps Recruiting Office: 93 King St. E., Toronto, Lt.-Col. R. E. Kent, Kingston. Sommer eee Bissell Carpet Sweep- ers Made Over New. All Repair Work Done, 301 Barrie St. Ph.1270 7 ~ A safe, reliable regniat marafe, Sold in thres o. 2, $3; No, 3, $5 per box Hold by all druggists, or sent repaid on receipt of price. free pamphlet. Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO, TORONTO, ONT, (Formerly Winder.) ar. -- LET ARTISTS WHO KNOW A GOOD PIANO SELECT THAT} LIFETIME GIFT . For YOUR HOME $l A 83 per cent. of all the world's greatest artists who come to Canada select THE WILLIAMS NEW SCALE PIANO, Made to last a lifetime and stay in tune. You are invited to call at our store and sec these beautiful models. J.M. Greene Music Co, Lid. Cor. Sydenham & Princess Sts., Kingston . ad -- GASTORIA Zorlsfanteapd Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Ree Cm a Use h a Buf (he mote cand he . dance a-aman } The tier "eis i the Heginaing has in himsell the less praying i may do. » ome, = roes of strength--No. 1.81; | of everything and 40 the end of evéry- o ¥

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