Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Apr 1918, p. 11

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7 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL : 1918. RAILWAY SX 1: EER, - LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MARCH SRD Trains will leave and arrive at Clty Station, oot of Johnson Street, Golng West. Lve. City No.3 Mant .. .. ..1220am No. 13 Express . .. ) ax No. 27 Loos 9.45 No. 1 Intern Ltd. 1.20pm No. Mail .... .. 300; Golng East, Lve. ( ig ]1 Mall » .. .. 0. 16 Express . . No. 6 Mail ., Arr. City 1267 am 5.62 a.m 10.17a.m 1.50 p.m $40 pm. 1 3 140 a i 3 24. '186. 18, 19% run da ¥. Other trains daily except Sunday, 6 to Toronto, Peterbore, Haman Buffalo, London," Detroit Chichgo, Bay City, Saginaw, 1t Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, Halifax, Boston and New Yuliman secommodation, sll other information, apply Hanley, Agent. Agency for all ocean sieamshio lines. Open day and night CUNARD LINE Passenger Service Halifax and Bristol Money remittances made by mall op enable. Apply to lLeenl Agents or The Robert Reford Co. Limited, General Agents, 50 King St. East, Toreato, Ont. AAA att ~~ p | i { i a ------ INFORMATION ON INVESTMENTS -ach ri on't Diet. Yourself TO CURE DYSPEPSIA IT ISN'T NEC CESSARY, The sufferer from dyspepsia and! indigestion vho, has to pick and choose his food, is the most miserable | of all mankind the littie he does eat causes] and ie digested so im-| | t it does him little good. | Pptics need is not diet- | ieial digestants, but] something that will put their stom-| ght so it will manufacture its! erments i years now Burdock! has been making weak stomachs strong, and curing severe cases of dyspepsia and indigestion that other remedies were powerless to reach, 2 It restores the stomach to a nor- mal healthy condition so that the food no longer causes distress, but is thoroughly digested and assimilated and goes on its way making rich, red blood. Mrs. Henry Shaw, Campbellton, N.B., writes: "I was for five years troubled with a weak stomach, and could not eat any food that wpuld agree with me. I tried differeat medicines, but could not get cured. A friend advised me to take Burdock Blood Bitters, I took four bottles, and now I am in perfeet health." B.B.B. is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, To- routo; Ont. own digestive { For forty Blood Bitters and stocks particulars. world. When you have money to invest you can get full information from us on all Canadian bonds The services of our Statistical Department are at your disposal to enable Our Market Circular will enable you to keep in touch with the developments in the financial It will be mailed free on request. you to secure all ¥ Thornton Davidson & Co. Members Montreal Stock Exchange. Transpertation Building, = = = = MONTREAL. likes. {of Bourassa's sowing You need Envelopes, Letter Heads, Tags, Statements, Bill Heads, Etc. from time to time, and We Need Your Business Let us quote on your requirements JOB DEPARTMENT British Whig Publishing Co., Ltd. Golden Rule Service Our full line of 1919 Calendars now ready See our bargains in Loose Leaf Material {'last everyone THE WHIRLWIND IN QUEBEL, 1S BORASSHS ai | The Duty of the New Union Government Is To the Present, Not the Past, And Its Duty Begins At Quebec. "Ottawa, April 4. Quebec, but | Thé opinion prevails here that Won't Work, and this seems to: be while Major General Lessard and{a case of 1 Won't Fight--anybody his machine guns may straighten [but fellow Canadians -- which is out the Quebec situation for the time! iquite a difficult matter. The ap- being, the psychology of the trouble | pearance of , Armand Lavergne 'on remains constant so Jong as Henrilthe scene, in the -role of pacifist on Bourassa is free to say what he his own terms--the soldiers and This whirlwind is held to be| General Les- sard and his soldiers are merely his own way dealing with effects--the cause is|true color Devoir and its truculent editor. | Armand Lavergne is the man in Since men have been killed and |front, but in the background lurks property destroyed, Mr. Bourassa |the sinister figure 6f Henri Bourassa. has been careful to sing low in his|All through the war Mr. Lavergne newspaper, but it takes a lot of these [has manoeuvred to get himself in a crocodile tears to make Parliament | position of safe martyrdom, of haz- forget that not more than three|ardless heroism. It does not suit weeks ago Mr. Bourassa was cem- him to risk bullets in Flanders, but plaining that England had dragged | he will take chances with all the France ate this war and therefore | | plaudits that can be hurled at him a bas 1L'Angleterre. A bas in Jacques Cartier Square. It is Arata 1 anyway--that is Mr. [recognized as a bad day for Canada Bouradsa's obsession. He could when Armand Lavergne sets up as a probably love Canada a great deal|dictator Mr. Lavergne's vanity is more if he hated England less, just |second only to his master's the as he could probably hate England (only difference being that his vanity more if he loved himself less. Why is indiscreet, while Bourassa's is does Mr. Bourassa hate England for cautious when danger threatens his rescuing Quebec from the rotten | personal security rule of Louis the Fifteenth, some The Hon. Charles Doherty, who is hundred and fifty-eight years ago? ia benevolent old gentleman and well It seems a long time to bear a hatred. [beloved of his colleagues, says that The only explanation is that hatred |the Quebec trouble is merely a frame runs in the family. Mr. Boutrassa's|of mind which he strives to explain maternal grandfather, Papineau, hat-|with all the kindness of a big heart. ed England to the point of re-! But Mr. Doherty does not dwell on bellion, 'the immediate consequences the fact that this frame of mind is of which he avoided by escaping in|due to the misleadership of those a load of hay. When Mr. Bourassa's| who have led public opinion in Que- gospel of hating England results in/bec, and the lack of leadership riot and bloodshed, he escapes in ai;among those who should -have led. cloud of words. The gift of camou-|The feeling of Parliament is that flage would appear to be hereditary |the Quebec frame of mind, whatever also. --1t is, does not gibe with the life and After December {death struggle that Canadians are the substantial people of Quebec making for human liberty in Flan- were saying that it was Bourassa ders fields and elsewhere. © Mr: Do- that had brought them to this pass, |herty has perhaps strained the qual- and he was considered thoroughly |ity of mercy in the enforcement of dead. It seems that this was a mis-|the Military Service Act in Quebec, take.. He has been rubbing mustard [and it is with a sense of relief that in the wound ever since, so that|Parliament sees the rough course of when the law is defied in Quebec events taking the matter out of his the occasion finds the mayor timid, hands. There is a very general be- the police passive and the crowd [lief that the period of watchful wait- sympathjzing with the rioters. Itling is over and that it is not up to takes mwsre than a liftle rose water [the rest of Canada to be as patient from Cardinal Begin to disinfect al with Quebec as England, for ex- situation like that. ample has been with Ireland. A The trouble in Quebec has been a [Union Government with seventy-one source of great humiliation to the majority and the War Measures Act French members in Parliament. [behind it is fully empowered to take When the first clash occurred they drastic action. were inclined to excuse it as a nat- It is pointed out that so great a ural outbreak against the insolence man as President Wilson had to of Jacks in office like Belanger, the|;oq, summarily with a situation man who had his head bashed in. which had been created by. soft But when the offence was repeated |, oo and that Premier Borden is in 3 second dud 3 third time with In-1. similar case. Now is the time for eras Son pee" anetces 1 him to take a Arm grip and preven od that the I. W 1 wis at work tn this man Bourassa from crucifying . A the loyal citizens of Quebec any longer. It goes without saying that Conscription cannot be enforced with good grace anywhere else.in Canada until Quebec has furnishéd her full quota. It also goes without saying {that the young married men through- {out English-speaking Canada cannot {be called out until Quebec has done her share. 2 The Quebec frame of mind which, by the way, does not find a place in patriotic newspapers like Patrie and L'Evenement, is due largely to the teachings of Henri Bourassa and a host of subscribers who have no other political nourishment than De- voir. This is no time to hate Eng- land when she is fighting fer the in- stitutions - that -have made Quebec safe, and hatred of England is the witohes' broth Bourassa brews daily. Quebec is suffering just now from an attack of ptomaine poisoning, which would be speedily cured if Mr. Bour- assa were removed to a place where he could do no harm, and his pews- paper suspended. It is objected that Mr. Bourassa's articles are written Jwith skillfa? ambiguity, and that a trial for" seditious utterances in the Quebec courts might result in a vic- tory, which would leave him stronger than ever, This objection is not per- tinent because it overlooks the fact W. W. stands for 1 {removed and Mr. Lavergne (o "have ~~ gives the trouble its the election last Ww. Use Cocoanut Oil . For Washing Hair | If you want to keep your hair 7 good condition, be careful what you | wash it with. Don't use prepared shampoos or anything else, that contains too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. Just plain mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and entirely grease- less), is much better than anything else you can use: for shampooing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with wa- ter and rub it in. One or two tea- spoonfuls will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The la- ther rinses out easily, and removes avery particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil.. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at most any drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounces is enough to in the family for -- months. Well Made, Look Well Wear Well.- and no * 'profitees profits--in a Seiividy garment. The " Price-in-the-Pocket " protects 3s well your Jour guano of you, constituting . mtrinsic value. Summer, 1: showig of | Semi-ready Tailored Clothes FOR MEN at $18 io 50 Sou vi will find not o£ unquestionable worth; Ror Taal of ct dg tion. Permit us to meet vert judgment ~~ {that the War Measures 'ct can set icourts and legal quibbles aside and mete oul punishment not for words, but for pesuits. In short, Parliament is getting a little impatient of Henri Bourassa He has abused the freedom of the press tofions gotten that when war broke out the '|Germans took Dr. Beland prisoner but let Mr. Bourassa go. Why this discrimination? Another question on everybody's lips is, how would Bourassa last in the United States, land of the free, though it is? + The statement is frequently made {that Bourassa is immune because he can hang something on the Borden Government in regard to the elec- tion of 1911. Parliament is dis posed to scoff at this as poor stuff. 'Whatever bargain certain enthusias- tic Conservatives fn Quebec made with Bouragsa in 1811, when the , (ing, is neither here nor there. was cancelled Jong - ago. - Nobody cares now how the election of 1911 was won or lost. . The election of 1911 is thoroughly dead, the Borden Government is dead, and it is high time that Bourassa should be politi-] cally dead too. Let the dead past bury its dead, says the new Parlia- ment, fresh from the people. U a ened ne Bow Government, 1 to winn bound by, the mistakes of its pre dscessors." Tts duty is ing the pres ont--and' 'its duty begins at Quebec. --H. SADSBY. The Shares are ten to one that Adam did oe 3 pther instruments of guthority to bel' It has not been for-. long Aad not] anything but the : vw. YOU KNOW, no matter what precan-® tions you take, accidents do. occur more or less frequently. 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Godwin & Son Insuranee and Real Estate. 39 Brock St. Phone 124 Fresh Haddock and Cod, Whiting, Tom Cods, Smelts, Oysters. Dominion Fish Co. Ak Ads Ars A aurea stronger in fact,. for vou great pick-me-up. grie on yourself. and steadies your nerves. forts and sustains. Keer YOUR boy supplied with WRIGLEYS MADE IN other Couservafives were not leok-| = it} ; Jeore 0 the app 5 EASTER SHOES Shoes that are in charming harmony with Easter styles. Shoes that are notice- ably becoming with spring suits. Newest shades. The Sawyer Shoe Store The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole Bervouse yetem, makestew Blood in eins, Oures Leraoua Debility, Mental por Brain Wi Energy, Falpitat be Hearts Fruiting Mem, ory. Price $1 per box, the One will please, six will sure. Sold by stl ates or mailed in plain pkg. on PE Woon of N let mailed PREDICINE CO. TORONTO. ONT horas, Mao between them and bite on it! determination will be just as strong-- The Flavour Lasts! & ~ Figures are like hens--they never AAA NAA nn Don't Grit Your Teeth! Put WRIGLEYS Your gain pluck, perseverance, renewed vigour, from this Do as the soldiers in the frenches are doing -- chew WRIGLEYS fo get a fresh it helps teeth, breath, appetite and AEE digestion while it soothes your throat #5 it" com-

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