Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Apr 1918, p. 6

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AR > x 5 : v THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, | Military News | THE $3VIO RECEPTION On Wednesday evening a farewell banquet was tendered to Sergis W.h Houghton and A. E. Suthers who are leaving the Army Medical Corps Training Depgt. The banquet was given by t eants' mess of the dajor W, Simm as event proved to be a4 very enjoyablf one. The N.C. 0's present were HY. H. Neilson, C. E. Chapman, 'B, Franklin, W. Boss, W. M. Franklin, W. Harrison, A. BE. Suthers, W. Simm, W. Houghtonéand E. Hendry, 1918. IDLERS IN CANADA - TO BE DEALT WITH All Loafing Aliens and the Idle Rich Will Be Attended : To. g (Canadian Press Despalch) Ottawa, April An Order-in- Council has been prepared dealing with the question of Idlers. 1t is felt at the present national crisis that the whole man power of the country is required either for the fighting forces at the front or for greater production and that it is intolerable there should be any idlérs in Canada. Aliens, it is claimed, of- ten work for several months at high wages and then spend. as many months logfing. The terms of the order have not yet been made pub- lic but it f% presumed 'that aliens of enemy birth who refuse to work will be interned and others conscripted ed, The order will also likely hit at the idle rich. PAGE SIX | New To the Returnéd Soldiers is Fixed for 3 the th. © ' The date for the eivie welcon returned soldie "april 9th, anniversary of Vimy Ridge. All sol- who returned during 'the past six weeks and all men . on furlongh will be invited, the estimated num- ber being 200. The guests will wear a distintive badge An automoblle ride will be given for one hour bhe- fore entering Hall. Als. Litton and Corbett, of the automobile committee, are endeavoring 1o secure sufficient cars and the voluntary of- FX Dominion officers, in | fers of private-cars will be appreciat- ef -Sleath. blew inloy., "414s O'Connor and Chown are ay' night and set 0 arranging or a concert, at which Dr. |L tigate conditions here. | price Taylor and W. iF. Nickle, M.B., I pominjon officers pralse the]. speak. Lieut. Wr Hazlet is to Bg work the Belleville police as they to-night on "Home Gordening," by think it is on account of thelr work presented with the Military Cross at that such excellent conditions exist the event " STOLE SEVENTEEN4OOT Builders, Attention For Lumber, Shingles, Ete. Good Assortment On Hand. 'Allan's Lumber Yard Victoria St. ' Phone 1042. to s From Eastern Ontario * BELLEVILLE WAS COMBED, | No Defaujiers Found by the Military H.~-- f Palice, r 1 April 5. Belleville distinction of béing the » town combed by the Do- t. in which not one elibigle the City toastmasier. Oar April 5. Mra. MiNeil nine. @'cldck St. John's. church, : requiem high mass was sung for the |1 " reposet of her soul by Rev, Father Kehoe, after witch her remains were placed' in the vault at Gananoque cematery." The floral were very numerous and beautiful. The funeral was largely attended, The members of the Sodality of the Bless- ed Virgin attended in a body The pall-bearers were .Mxyor Wilson; Postmaster Green, Byron ritton, P. Conlin, Colton, and R. John- SON. George Websdale dispcsed of his household goods and chatterls by public auction at his residence on John street on Wednesday afternoon. Under the auspices of the A.Y.P. A. of Christ church, a successful so- ¢ia} was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Willlams, King street west, on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Orser, Ar- {hur street, are mourning the loss of their little daughter, Marion, who passed away on Wednesday evening after a short illness. The funeral funeral « MeCa No returned men are expected to afrive in the eity for at least. ten days, of tributes -- The R.CH.A. will de going to ree . Petawawa camp this year as usual Was Useil to Wheel Invalided according to a message received from | diers Into a House. Ottawa. The local unit's connection A citizen living near the corner of with the brigade in France has Qs de hi inna Parl streets is minus kept it very high in the estimation of Sydenham aanc har 8 Rial headquarters, and tie camp Is be- tario and Quebec points. One hun-|% eventeern- 0g plank hich SoIie lieved to be the best possible advan- dred head thoroughbred cattle (Person perloined during LRUrsCA¥lisge to the battery for training men were sold Auctioneer Norman The plank apparently Be eded who will uphold that reputation. 'Montgomery, and the sale totalled] dhs nailec down for Jae : nearly $22,000. Daisy Gerben Ver- keeping, but the purpose Jor w hic! bella, seven-year-old cow, consigned it was used did not require that it by C. Baker, Brighton, brought $1, should be fastened down, It was . the purchaser being Mr. Brock used so that wounded soldiers could Brighton Countess be taken into the house on tng Neville "LANK. Stock Sale at Belleville, ] NE Belleville, April §.---The eighth annual sale of the Belleville District Holstein Frisian Breeders' Club held in this city was one of the best ever held Buyers were present from On- Of good eye-sight is a wonderful thing and much to be desired. It you do not see clearly for all purposes, something is wrong. Consult our specialist, and through careful service and correct glasses your vision will be corrected and eyestrain prevented. R. J. RODGER Opticians and Optometrists, Sol i A CHARGE IS MADE Butcher' Violated Laws Regarding Shipping. As the result of an investigation 5 . --- B " tleld carried on by a Government official, a No authorization for MBarriefield summons has been issued against a camp has yet been received, but it{)5ea]l wholesale butcher, charging {s understood that the camp will be! him with having violated the laws re- : held as usual. If additional classes garding shipping cattle out of the Scripture, of rheal - are called out and the Depot Battal-! country, It is understood that the Walker Segis sold for $900, the con- Wheel chairs . fon put under canvas there will be cpeo will came up in Police a) sigher being E. B, Purtelle, of Bloom- = m----- quite a large camp. oni Saturday morning. field, and the purchaser was L. Shaw, 4 n . -- lowimnarke Pha ches {oe / 3 rig.-Gen; T. D. R. Hemming ---- Of Ie ole Bigham Ary 1 5 was expected to arrive back from paid for a NW : : Brockville on Friday afternoon. That Wholesale Man't'g. 132 Princess Street. of night to have Leen AT THR Maple Leaf Grocery 'Cooked Meats of All Kinda Raked Meat Loaf with Oheese) York Sausage: Cooked Shoulder) Headcheese; Empire Frankforis) Jellfed Tongue; Cooked Ham) Ham HBelogun; Jellled Hock. HELLO, How about trying the new gar- age of Robinson and Wiltshire. All kinds of ours repaired 125 Canadian Oasaalties, The casualty list for Friday con- was held this afternoon to the vault at Gananoque cemetery. Mrs, B. O. Britton is spending a few days in Toronto in attendance wt the meeting of the executive com- mittee of the Montreal branch of the Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church, Under the auspices of the local branch of the Iron, Steel and Tin Workers Union, a fine entertainment was furnished in the 8.0.E. hall last evening and was liberally patronized. Pr, Fergus J. O'Connor occupied the chale, Mrd. C- 8. Lee. of Oshawa, who has been spending a short time In town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Michael Brennan, was treated to a surprise party and a miscellaneous shower at the home of her parents on Tuesday evening. Town Clerk McCammon has issued his annual Board of Health procla- mation for the cleaning up. of all premises on or before May 1st. Mrs. William Edwards, Jr.; has gone to Brooklyn, N.¥., to attend the graduation of her sister, Miss Freda Sunbury, -at one pf the Brook- lyn hospitals early next week. / WINS MILITARY MEDAL, Gunner Chadwick Receives Honors For His Work at Pusschandzele. Gunner Verner Chadwick, son of Mr. and Mgs, Chadwick, 217 Division street, formerly "of Gananoque, has = DODD'S" "KIDNEY RINE / ' Jn 1876 'overseas. Count Segis Alcatra, consigned by KE. to A, Parks, of Napanee. Cardinal Soldier Killed. Brockville, April 4, --Pte. gE, C Bicoun, reported killed In action, is a Cardinal man who enlisted in 1916 in the battalion raised throughout Dun- das, Stormont and Glengarry by LieutenantiColonel A. G, F. Macdon-, ald After receiving training at Barriefield and Witley with this Highland unit, he was transferred to another Kastern Ontario Infantry unit on the firing line v Death of Belleville Veteran, Belleville, April 4.--Sergt Charles | Armstrong 'Gibson, Belleville's great- | est soldier from the standpoint of | service in various campaigns, died suddenly yesterday morning at five o'clock at his home, 72 Vietoila avenue. Death was due to heart tail- ure. Sergeant Gibson was the veter- an of thé Spanish American war, the South African campaign and the great war. He was born in Belleville ra B. Purtelle, of Bloomfield, and sold} Death of a Child, A sad death occurred at the Gen- eral Hospital - on April fourteen months' old daughter (Thel- ma Ila), of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mowers, Brock street. She was taken very suddenly by acute atoxennia and ghe only suffered a few hours before the angel of death called her. She was a very bright, lovable child, and her smiles will be missed not only in her own 'home, but by all who knew her, The funeral was held at her late residence, 472 Broek street, Tuesday afternoon to Catara- qul cemetery, The floral contri- butions were many and beautiful, and included: Pollaw, mother and father: cross, Mr. and Mrs. 8, O. Weese and Clifford; sprays, Mrs. and Mrs, J. Barnes (Deseronto); Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mowers (Deseronto); Mr. and Mrs, Jack Mowers (Napanee); Mr. and Mrs. George Babcock (Belle- ville); Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs, T. Hazlett and Mrs, R. won the Military Medal for his work He was one of a party taking sup- plies and water to the guns at Pass- chandaelge. The enemy laid down a heavy barrage and his horse was killed, but he:vook the water can on his back and was the only one of the party who succeeded in getting through to the guns, which were a mile away. For this splemrdid work he was awarded tha Military Medal and a promotion. Gunner Chadwich is serving in the 3rd Battery of the 1st Brigade, Robbed Clothesline, Clothesline thieves are at it again, As the result of a visit some un known party or parties made Lo yard on Johnson street, a resident 2 4 mourning the loss of a bundle of fine clothing. Just a few weeks ago a resident: of Albert street lost cioth- ing to the value of $30. ' | German Chancellor Hertling is seri- AA tn AAAI NANA, Canada Food Board. ously ill. He is in his seventy-fifth Year, Te rn Harris, Mr, and Mrs, George Denee, Mr. and Mrs. A. Arbuckle, Miss Fanny Close (Napanee); Mr. and Mrs, E. Robbs, jr., Mr, and Mrs, Harry Mar- tin, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lowery, Mr. and Mrs: T. L. Smith, Miss Madaline Saunders, Mr. and Mrs, D. Fitzgib- hon, Miss Rita Prittie, George Veille, Miss Alma Merritt, Mr, Stanley Per- kins, J.B.LU. of A. % Salaries For Ministers. Ottawa, April 5.--Salaries of $7,- 000 per annum for Hon, A. K. Mae- Lean as vice-chairman of the recon- gtruction and development committee of the Cabinet, and Senator G. D, Robertson, chairman of the sub-com- mittee of labor problems, are pro- vided for in not.ce of a resolution, Dr. B, J. Forsythe, noted Ameri- an evangelist, who has four sons gerving with the Canadian army in France, will address soldfers to-night at 7.45 In Military YMCA. Two thousand pounds of fish has been vondemned by city food inspec- tors since the recent exposure of cold storage conditions in Monireal. AAA A AA AINA NA ANS The work of saving food is as much war work as is the Red Cross. No one would stop and argue about the one; why hesitate about the other? Yet people claim they can be patriotic while not helping. -- 'Must not fail to visit our store, There's sure to be some interesting 'values in ladies' and children's ready-to-wear and millinery. SPECIAL HOSE VALUES FOR SATURDAY, SPECIAL CORSET VALUES FOR SATURDAY. Sl "IAL BLOUSE VALUES FOR SATURDAY. viel ok ECIAL NECKWEAR VALUES FOR SATURDAY. Neti Kingston's Exclusive Ladies' Wear LE ' . SPECIAL HAT VALUES FOR SATURDAY FOR ~~ LADIES AND.C SPECIAL TAM ia USATURDAY., SPECIAL GLOVE VAL HILDREN, and MOTOR CAP VALUES FOR UES FOR SATURDAY. 2nd of the § 1 know not where His islands lft Captains 8. Grant and C. R. Scott, both of-whom will be With the new District Depot, have been authorized to wear casualty bars, Lieut.-Col. G. H. Gillespie left on Thursday for Iroquois and Brockville on duty, Sin, C.E., left on engin- Lieut. W. H, Thursday for Gananoque on eering work. Lieut. M. T. Smith has been ap- pointed as a captain in the Army Medical Corps Training Depot, Major R. M, VanLuven, late 1st C.0.R., has been struck off the strength of the C.E.F. In order to enable the military au- thorities in Military District No. 4 to provide military police to assist in the maintenance of discipline on troop trains passing through Mont- real instructions will be issued to officers commanding all troops trains east or west bound that they will, not Jess than five hours before time of arrival at Montreal, despatch to the G.0.C., M,.D., No. 4, a telegram, sta- ting the number in their party and time of expected arrival at Montreal Gr. S. E, Hoffie, 75th Battery, has' been granted his discharge to re- tn the Naval Coast Patrol. It .is understood that a number of Dominion Police have left for Quebec on duty. 'SHIPPING BOARD STOPS SALE OF VESSEL Capt. A. R. Hinckley Refused Permission to Dispose of Steamer Isabella H. The United States Shipping Board has refused to grant Ca,t. A, R. Hinckley, of Oswego, N.Y., permis- sion to sell the steamer Isabella H. to Capt. Orr, of Kingston. Capt. Hinckley was offered $20,000 for the boat, butcas she was to be sold eut of the country the deal could not be consummated without permission of the Shipping Board. Capt, Hinckley sought the necessary permission and a representative of the Shipping Board went to Oswego and inspected hier. Upon his report that she was ia good staunch boat, useful in the coal trade, the board. declined io } permit Capt. Hinckley to dispose of er. HTH Ee SEVEN SENTENCE SER- MONS. | Practise in life what you pray for, and God will give it to you more abundantly. -- Pusey. * - * The man who would be truly happy should not study to enlarge his estate, but to contract his de- sires.-- Plato. LJ . k: The men the world calls "lucky" Will tell you, every gne, That success comes, .ndt by wishing, But by hard work, bravely done, rent na i ere ADOR. - » . * There is no use arguing with the inevitable; the only argument with the east wind is to pul on your over- coat. --Lowell, . . . Selfishness is that detestable vice which no one will forgive in ofhers and n6 one is without in himself. -- H. W. Beecher, 5 » Nd - Their fronded patms in air; I only know I cannot drfit Beyond His love and care. -- Whittier. * - . "The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world, is. to be in reality what we would appear to. be; all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the prae- tice and experience of Socrates, t Henry Ford, the builder, has as- sured United States Secretary Dan- iels it would be possible under great taing the following: Cobourg, of the artillery, wounds; A. Jacque, Mounted Rifles, Martintown, died of wounds, British cers who recently Mannerheim, Guard leader, upon orders from the Stockholm Legations| and lence by Finnish officers in a hotel restaurant in Vesa. ' Dr. E, J. Forsythe, noted an evangelist, who {serving with the Canadian army France, will address soldiers to-night at 7.45 in Military Y.M.C.A, The Canadian Association has decided to make big increase rates, affecting practically every in- dustry and business, ~ General Pershing, mander, has been awarded the Del- gian Order, the Grand Cross of the Order of Leopold. J: E. R. Randall, A promptly, vuleaniziug, re wash« died of ed. We well gasoline, olls, tires, and sccessories. Second-hand cars for sale. 3391 Bagot Street. Phoue 242. ---- and American army offi- visited General irinnish Waite the Fresh sssortment slways os hand, Alex Potter. Phone 752, 12 Ridean St were insulted threatened with personal vio- Ameri- four sons in has Underwriters' a insurance Fire in all fire American com- Try Us tor Anything in the Electrical Line Halliday Electric Co. i ECT CHEER AER EERE them." -- 3 'stress to turn submarine chasers out 3 at the rate of three a day. The Russian Government is send-' ing a delegation to the United States - to liquidate Russia's war orders with American firms and arrange future trade relations. ; Premier Lioyd-George réturnsd to 3 'London on Thursday from a visit to tht. tromt. _ A whole lot of times criticism and praise become so badly mixed that ir one can hardly be discerned from the ; other. realization that we are at war as much in 1918 as And it has come mor: yet. .-- Canada Food Board. A ---- AAA AAA NAAN NN NN Nt v Men's and Young Men Suits At $12.50, $15.00,$18.00 and $20.00. Snappy two and three- button models for young men in plain, semi:fittin models. ! : ¢ BOYS' SUITS AT $5.00, $6.50 | $7.50 UP TO $15.00. BRIGHT, S BOOTS FOR MEN You see this line than our store. Made from good solid Eng- 35 bill save a i lish and Canadian tweeds and worsteds,* in popular Norfolk and pleated belted styles; dark -grey-and fancy mited tweeds in checks and heather patterns. The trousers are bloomer style, well made and finished with belt loops, side, hip and watch poc- jets, ined throughout. Sizes 26 'to 22. sole at $5.95. wear, A fine, can be had in LADIES ! Your spring suit or coat may {1}. be ¢hosen from a particularly at- . tractive group at L. Abramson's. Smart as to tailoring, perfect as to fit -- diversified as to style and - fabric. er TT All that is wanted in Canada is a realization or a renewal of the more closely home now; it will come more closely , AA A A AANA NN Black or brown shde, with neolin 4 we were in 1914, ) TTT \ % REREREOEA EO RCS g, sack and belted NAPPY SPRING more real class in anything shown in Before purchasing by paying us a visit. foe THE NATHELIA An exclusive Walk-Over model, a distinctive style, made for those who take special pride in the appearance of their foot- easy walking shoe, the new nut brown "shade of tan, Cuban heel. = Satur- day for $5.95 and $6.95. Ang cos . o RE gs a Just received a large variety of men's furnishings in the very latest patterns, i ment to choose from. a big assort- Abramso

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