~ __ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1918. | | EENNENSER we nl : | PREFERS TO WATER OUTSIDE. | , ON CADE : Weller Discusses the Que =). Ti i al News x GIVEN BY DR. SINCLAIR IN THE CITY HALL. So 'PAGE NINE NENEEREEN ENN NNN EEE UREN EERE RTRSY 9 a mms = TROUBLED WITH - CONSTIPATION " of the Dairy Stable, Writing (in the Canadian Country-| Kingston Weller, of } FROM 16 TO 20, Constipation is 'one of the com- monest ills of mankind, and one too often allowed to go unlooked after unt Some serious complication sets If the bowels are properly looked after there will be no constipation, Jaundice, sick or bilious headathes. heartburn, coated tongue, sour stom- ach, floating specks before the eyes, ec, Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills" will keep your bowels 80 regulated that in no time the constipation will dis- appear entirely, Miss Emma E. Melanson, Halifax, N.8., writes: "I am now 20 years of age, and 'since T was 16 I have been greatly troubled with constipation, so much so that at times I would be in bed three or four days a month. | tried all the old-fashioned remed/fes, castor . oil, cascara, etc, with only temporary relief until my sister-in- law gave me some of Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills, From the first they seem- ed beneficial and I gave them a fiir trial. This was two years ago, and with an occasional dose I have képt entirely free from constipation for the period mentioned," Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 26c¢ a vial at all dealers, or mailed dir- ect on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. FRECKLES fii Now is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othine double strength--is guaranteed remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othine -- double strength ---- from any drug- gist and apply a little of it night and morning, and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom. that more than an ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complex- ion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. A A i 7 PP AN HAD A CLOSE CALL. to Leo Millan Stood Next to Soldier . Shot in Quebec. Leo Millan, son of "Ald. D. J. Millan, who "entered military service | three weeks ago, and was transfer- red to Toronto, was one of the num- ber from. the Queen [City to be sent down to Quebec to quell the riots there, and has already had a taste of fighting. He was standing along- side one of the Toronto soldiers who was shot in the jaw, but was lucky enough to escape injury. It is expected that the Venereal: 'Agricultural Department, lectured in| { { that they The Children Were Addressed On This Important Topic Friday Af- ternoon and Adults In the Even- ing. Dr. 8. M. Sin the Ontario lair of the City Hall Friday afternoon to children and jin the evening tol adults. In the afternoon about 400 children wefe present as well as a number of adults. Dr. Sinclair dealt with gardening in a most practical manner and succeeded in holding the attention of the children throughout, He told of the preparation of the soil for the seed; the great importance of saying the moisture already in the ground; the value and method of fertilizing, and: the planting of the seed. The children showed "great enthusiasm, and Dr. Sinclair told them that a good boy or girl garden- er remained a gardener ever after. Dr, Sinclair is in charge of the City Home Garden Branch of the Ontario' Department of Agriculture and has addressed over 6,000 schools already this year. He proposes to address at least 20,000. The doctor had a large attendance at the meet- ing in the City Hall on Friday even- ing. His motion pictures formed the basis of his talk and proved intensely interesting. The pictures are the on- ly ones ever taken of vegetable gar- den work and 'being taken in this province were quite appropriate. There were three films shown. The first film is entitled "Preparations for Back Yard Gardening." This takes in the apparatus necessary, shows hot beds, flat garden tools etc. The second film deals with the act- ual work and illustrates children at work, planting potatoes and doing over work about their garden. It even shops chickens -picking up in- sects nea) ie plants, The third film | shows how to dig the ground, to put | in fertilizer, how to mix the oil, the proper method of raking and finally special instructions on asparagus, rhubarb, peas, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, ete. With she pictures, Dr shows the urgeny need for greater production of foodstuffs. It 'said that it was quite possible for a child to raise $5 worth of vegetables on a plot of ground ten feet square. This! year the demand would be for corn, beans, potatoes, etc., and these could be raised ly the children' working with their parents. The Department has a bulletin (No. 231) which gives | the parents valuable instructions and 'he hoped 'that this--the connecting Sinclair man,' A, E, Townsh must majority , Bays: In distussing the dwiry stable, we bear in mind that: the great of stables are be placed entirely for root roof perhaps, if desired. storage HH a and to prop with, that will not Laying the floor of the stalls is a matter that needs a good deal of con- sideration. the first two feet at the front with planks hidden in cement, then rest of cement, with a heavy fall to- ward the gutter, feet may be laid of cement, level, with a fall to the gutter from there, or, the fall may be made all the way from the front to the gutter. thing of get the drainage to the gutter as a labor saver and for comfort for the Cow, One good way is to Jay the or, the first two greatest importance is to In laying out the stable, provision should be made for the passage of a team in one side and out the other, behind the cows, so as to take the manure been demonstrated that there is less loss from leaching in manure placed in small piles in the fields than any other way, as well as the great sav- ing of labor and of capital invested in wheelbarrows. wheelbarrow, greatest objection may on the investment. direct to the field. It has litter carriers and, perhaps, Thinking of the reminds me that the not be loss While I was one of many who in- stalled steel fittings before the war cliused the cost not install the as durability The water is one thing that causes considerable labor, in 'my own experi- ence, But if water can be provided in a to douffle. 1 would at the present cost, the only advantage. I have had water in the stable, link between the city and the country | Sheltered place in the yard, I would --would be developed this year to the prefer it and allow the cows out for advantage of the children, the par- @ ents and the country generally. Two of the victims of the Quebec rioting on Monday evening were buried on Friday morning. There was no demonstration of any kind. The man with the good message doesn't always have a good andi- ence to tell it to. Disease Act will come inte effect about July 1st. * . STOMACH SOUR? STOP INDIGESTION, ~ GAS, HEARTBURN -- PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN Don't Suffer! Regulate Your Up. set. Stomach in Five Min. utes. Do some foods you eat hit back--- taste good, but work badly; ferment into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, sour, gasdy stomach? Now, Mr. and Mrs, Dyspeptic, jot this down: Pape's Diapepsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. ° No difference how badly your: stomach is disordered, you get happy relief in five minutes, but what pleases. you most is that it strengthens and regulates your stomach so you can eat your favorite foods without fear. The most exacting creed can never cover Ap & crooked character. Most remedies give you relief some- times--they are slow, but not sure. Diapepsin is quick, positive and puts your stomach in a healthy condition 80 the misery won't come back. You feel different as soon as Pape's Diapepsif comes in contact with the stomach---distress just vanishes-- your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belching, no eructations of undi- gested food, ybur head clears and you feel fine, Put an end to stomach trouble by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer with in- digestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. 3 stable is light. less than the other parts of the wall. The first cost is the only cost, except 'by accident, yet many stables need more light, in most cases the ceiling is too low. most desirable, few minutes twice each day, as 1 believe it does them good if they are not left out too long to get illed: The first cost of installing inside wa- ter fittings cost, and when the final end of their usefulness draws near, it is well to draw the veil. is not the end of the One of the necessities of a good The windows ccst because Ventilation is another trouble im- proved by making the ceiling high and installing one of the many ven- tilators. guaranteed to ventilate. One easily closed in very cold weather is T-am-not in a posi-| tion to discuss the milking machine, as I have never operated one, but I think the public should not expect too much from these and many other machines, which are being improy- ed from time to time. MAY KEEP LIQUOR. © . Interpretation of Act Gives Greater IL atitude. Fewer convictions for breaches of the Tmperance 'Act will probably re- sult from 1 passed defining the term "apartment dwell- ing." Former interpretations of the the recent legislation by the Ontario Legislature being re-| modelled instead of new being built, "Pollyanna," #0 that the location is already settled. | thousands, which comes to the Grand in building new,.or where old ones|{ April 11-12th, as a vivid, magnetic, may be maved, it is most desirable human personality in the glad-heart- above | ed comedy produced by Klaw & Er- ground, with a runway from higher |langer and George C. Tyler. The story ground roots under, house is built, the walls shouldbe of cement; rout, old gas pipes bedded in the floor in the proper places will pro- vide support for bins cn each side also. In laying the gutters of the floor of the stable, it is very desirable that at least some fall be allowed and the drainage provided easily cjog up in warm weather-- this is very important, floor it will be easier to lift the litter if the floor of the hallway is made not much higher than the floor of the gWter, but it is well to have the floor in the stalls about six inches higher. the In laying the The ~~~. | Act have made # illegal for persons dwelling in apartments over stores to have liquor in their possession. 'The latest interpretation, however, is to the effect that liquor may be kept -in such 'a dwelling, provided jthere is no communication between | store and the apartment above. NNN NIN NN NINN Overseas' Boxes Safety Razors, Shaving Soap, Antiseptic Soap, Antiseptic Powder, and all the little comforts that £89 to make life bearable for the boys in the trenches SARGENT'S DRUG STORE . Corner Princess and Montreal Sts. '4 folly to discover you are a fool. | Sometimes it is best not to agree Telephone 41. ywith a woman when she is ten. her husband. Re Waiting for something to turn up is certainly a "waiting" game. The matrimonial knot many times proves a difficult tangle. =~ Glasses | Broken ® "I Believe They WHAT NEWTON P. SMITH SAYS OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. HegHad Previously Tried Doctor's Medicine, Plasters and Liniments for His Sore Back, Without Get- ting Permanent Results. Parker's Ridge, York Co., N. Apr. 5.-- (Specials ~After- suffering for yours tro: oh i the back, New-. n P. Smith, a -respected citi- zen of this place, belleves that at last he has found a permanent through the use of Dodd" ! Pills. Asked to make a statement for publication, M: : y | Men cents worth of help is many times worth more than a dollar's jworth of advice and argument. Some writer has made the remark thit where fgnorance is bliss it is iio ddan dh dd hd A 4 \ } to replace any broken lens, no matter where it was Nee Shupred, sure service, "EYES EXAMINED." J.J. STEWART, Opt.D, _ Srmiavy ave orroueruor Opposite Post Office, Kingston. '| abandonment of its plans | to France. next. The preach {be Rev. Dr. R. J. (Continied from Page 12.) "Pollyanna." Anticipation runs high concerning read and beloved by of how Pollyanna played her glad game in a New England community is full of comedy and romance, aglow | with optimism and the joy of Hving.! Catherine . Chisholm Cushing, who! wrote successful comedies TOF' May | Irwin, Henrietta Crosman, and Billie Burke, has well preserved the spirit! of Eleanor H. Porter's stories. original cast comes from a record run| at the Broad street theatre, Philadel- phia, and several months at the Hud-| son theatre, New York, and includes players of distinction such as Patricia | Collinge, Oswald Yorke, Beatrice Morgan, Joseph Jefferson,y Helen| Weathersby, Maud Hosford, Stephen | Davis, Mattie Ferguson, Glenn Hun-| | ter, Harry Barfoot and Selma Hall, | Gus Hill's Minstrels," Minstrelsy extraordinary is the treat held out by Gus Hill's big min- strels, who begin an engagement at| day, April 10th, matinee and night. The foundation of all good companies of this kind is comedy and singing. | If a more capable, more prominent, | more famous comedian in the black-, faced'ranks ever existed than George Wilson, Gus Hill in his thirty odd] years of managerial experience never! ran across him. And jt's no less than | "Waltz Me Again," wh*lis Been se-| lected to head the humorous depart- | ment. © Mr. Wilson has able and caps | able lieutenants, s&who may be expect- | ed to give a good account of-them- selves, There are John P. Rogers, by | all odds the best bass solist that min- strelsy ever knew, and Jack McShane, a robust tenor, prominetly connected for the past ten years with the best | minstrel troupes travelling. ; Alto- | gether, Mr. Hill promises a scienic production, that for scientific and ela- borate stage settings, wit, flashing costumes, and an all round abso- lute completeness, 'patrons of min- strelsy in Kingston have never seen the like. { GERMANY PLANS MORE CONQUESTS The Meaning of Her Disclaimer of Faith in League of Nations. New York, April 6.--Alluding to a news despatch telling of a semi- official announcement from Ger- many that she had no, faith in the ability of a league of nations to dis- courage war. 'Theodore Marburg, former American Minister to Bel- gium, said that this statement "dis- closes clearly the intention of Ger- many to proceed with aggressive plans in the future." "Jt is perfectly clear that no league of nations can be effective unless Germany is overthrown," he said. '"The great duty before the world is to overcome Germany. One means of agcomplishing this is pre- | venting the Bolsheviki Government in Russia from continuing to help Germany. It would see hopeless to try to organize in Russia opposition to Germany under present condi- tions. The only hope is for an Al- lied army to step in, so that the con- stitutional party in Russia can or- ganize themselves behind this wall of steel. : "Necessarily, wé must let the Japanese play a leading part in any such step, but. small Allied forces could be joined to theirs, and the Allies as a whole could announce their intefition eventually to with- draw from Russia, just as we an- nounced our intention, at the begin~ ning of the Spanish-American war, to withdraw from Ouba and kept our word." = THE GREATEST EFFORT : NOW I8 EXPECTED Only the First Phase of the Gi- gantic Battle Has Bee 3 Passe Washington, April 6.--Renewal of the German assaults against the British and French lines in Picardy indicated to military observers here that the Germans, having gathered strength in the lull of the past few days, might now be ready to launch their greatest effort. Some officers think the Allied commtanders realize that only the first phase of the gi- gantic battle has passed, and that this probably accounts for the fact that no extemsive counter movement has been undertaken as yet. It is pointed out that the previous record of the German high command argues against any possibility that it would be content with the minor strategic advantages already gained by the costly enterprise, or with the without further attempts to force apart the French and British armies, The bat- tle of Verdun continued for months 'before the Germans admitted that their objective was unobtainable, Preparations for the present drive were so much greater and the object sought of so much more importance that officers here are confident the (German generil staff knew it was entering on a long, bitter struggle when the assault was planned. - n to-day signs pointed to a increase in troop movements Additional British ship- ping is known to have been made 'available, and the war department will take full ddvantage of all tonm- The anniversary services of Chal- mers church will be held Sunday er for the day will Wilson, of Vancou- ver, B.C. There will be special music at morning and evening services. The Bolsheviki The, ll 4 the Grand Opera House on Wednes- | i HAT NEWS For Men Who Want Stylish Hats. Our shapes are original' in style and the new colorings are distinctive. Choosing a hat is an easy job here for you select from the finest display ever shown in Kingston. New soft hats in green, grey, brown, tamarac, fawn and all the leading colors. NEW DERBIES, NEW CAPS, SWELL NEW HATS, From $1.25 to $6.. CampbellBros Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER, BOWELS Spend 10 Cents! Don't Stay Bil. fous, Sick, Headachy, : Constipated. ~ Can't Harm You! Best Cathartic For Men, Wemen and Children. Enjoy life! Your gystem Is filled with an accumulation of bile and bowel poison hich keeps you bil- ious, headachy, dizzy, tongue coat- ed, breath bad and stomach sour-- Why don't you get a 10-cent box of Cascarets at the drug store and feel bully. Take Cascarets to-night and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. You'll wake up with a clear head, clean tongue, lively step, rosy skin and looking and feeling fit, Mothers can give a whole Cascaret to a sick, cross, bilious, feverish child any time --they are harmlesg----never gripe or sicken. mm KINGSTON EVENTS 25 YEARS AGO --~ To-day there are one hundred men employed in the Kingston foundry. F. Clow purchased a store and dwelling on Earl street, or $2,300. Creamery butter was. sold on to- day's market or 25 cents, Several muskrat traps were seized at Portsmouth by the inspector, There will be more applications for liquor cases this year than last, and no protest will be put in by the tem- perance people, 2 If they couldn't remarry few wo- men would want a devorce. AVOD SPRING ILLS Parity and Build Up the Blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla. In the spring your blood meeds cleansing and enriching. You feel poorly, and there is more or less eruption on your face and body. Your appetite is not good, your sleep » broken, and you are tired all the me. ; : You need Hood's Sarsapariila. It is the one safe and effective tonic that has stood the test of forty years. It makes the pure red blood that will make you feel better, look better, eat and sleep better. It is the old standard tried and true afl- the-year-round medicine for the blood and the whole s; . Ask any druggist for Hood's Sar- like it, for nothing 80 there is it today. saparill la, and insist om having it. $7.50 : Special -- vorite Shoe." - ~- Abernethy's Shoe Store Young ladies' mahogany colored calf laced boot, Neolin sole and rub- ber heels. "The High School Girls' Fa- Enns Furniture v a [l For the prices. ityDairy Whole House . And now you will be turning your thoughts towards the rejuvenation of your home. The searching light of the spring sun no longer permits old dingy furniture to pass muster. Refurnishinmg in the Reid way enables you to buy tasteful and artistic furniture at very moderate + At the busy store with the large stock. JAMES REID Phone 147 and we will call for your repairs. | ~~ . or ala i PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed, Official Test by H. B. Smith. Milk test- ed 3.2 Butter Fat, hone 2083 14 JOHNSON STRERT. EE The py Sarsaparilla Season is here, a general favor ite in spring medicine. Builds you up, makes you strong, puri- ' files the blood and starts your appetite. We can recommend Nyal's: Sarsaparilla to you as it is an excellent formula. Ask for it at Proyse's Drug Store. Phone 82. -- Calitornia Phone 2168. o A ee So Use ft regularly in place of fresh milk. IT IS PURE, GEN- UINE separated milk in pows der form. A pound makes four quarts. 85 cents. Reduce your milk bill. H.C Merriman Buccessor to J. A. BOYD J Oranges, Bananas, California = Apples, Fruit,all sizes. Try our home-made candy, fresh every day. - 611 Princess Street Phone 847. Government Standard Flour Kingston Milling Co. Limited Is Eminently Satisfactory To All Users. HUNGARIAN--For Bread. WHITE 'ROSE--For Bread and Cake. CROWN---Winter Wheat Pastry. For Bale by All Pealers. ---- "FRESH STRAWBERRIES Lemons, Grape- Store Prompt Delivery. Frui formula or ingre. NEENENNANRRRNNENEEEEENRRRRAN » § BABY CARRIAGES -- SULKIES