\, THE DAILY" BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1918. Now== Spring's here and it's time to do it. If -you haven't said farewell to your winter suit you'd better. Our elegant spring suits are here all ready and wait- ing for you. We'll puta smile that won't come off all. summer on the face of .every man that is wise enough to come. here for his new. sprang suit. We are show- ing every new g fabric. and every new style fea- ture. May we show you? Spring Overcoats, $15, $18, $20, up to $30. Suits, $18, $20, $22, up to $35. New colorings in checks, plaids, grey, mix- tures, hair line stripe, etc. At your service, any day. Livingstons If off your route it pays to walk. ==T5T GENES 6000 YER | The Then ie y fres Suit Yourself CATRAEDRAL VESTRY ME ETING | : HEARD ENCOURAGING RE PORTS. | $ -- : - | To-dight, "Gus Hill's Minstrels.' Full Mission Apportionment Mef--! Gus Hill's big minstrels will be the Debenture Fund Reduted--Prie st| attraction at the Grand Opera House { to-night, Mr. Hill always has the A ; { best obtainable in the minstrel line adjourned . meeting of and the local playgoers can feel as- George's cathedral vestry w nel d of two solid hours of song, Vicar's Stipend Increased, ing Dean Starr was in > Dall. | 0 Prom every standpoint, "show In the rector's report it was remark-| jog the show bills say. "biggest and ed that despite the anxiety CONSe-ij.q¢ aver,' This season's offering jis quent upon the war, the activities of} gi) to be a pleasing combination the cathed ral had been more, as | of all the elements necessary to make shown Ix gh in the much increased|y, 5 gyccessful minstrel show, with number of communicants at Chr a predominance of that element mas and Easter, and also in the} whieh always makes the Hill shows mission givings, the cathedral ap- display great originality. Hill has portionment of. whieh was met in full gathered around him the best min- ($1,850) and a goodly sum extra, as|gtrel ,men in their various lines and well as in special efforts put forth ithe result is the best show of its kind to improve the general financial con-| ever organized. The first part is en- dition of the ehurch, titled "A Study in Colors," a most The dean referred to the following | magnificent setting of Joy and wha had made the great sacrifice: | beauty. The epsemble of the company Col. D. 1. V. Eaton, R.C.H.A., at{of sixty is great and gives zest tothe Vimy; Major Stanley Waldron, C.F. | show from every standpoint, from the A., at Vimy; Lieut. William Rt. rise to the fall of the curtaid, C.F.A.; Sergt. "Jack" Mills, P.P.C.| s L.I.; Cergt, Irwin Conley, 38th Bat-| At Griffin's. talion, and Sergt. Frank Daly, in| Talented Billie Burke again capti- Canada. | vated the audiencé at this popular The report of the church wardens | place of amusement last evening in showed total receipts of $12,493.24. the up-to-the- minute American play, There is an overdraft of only $399, He 'Eve's Daughter," a rippling, pep- 08, showing an improvement over | pery picture, . dominated by the | last year oi nearly $800, piquant personality of bewitchingly | The report of St. George's mission | pretty Billie Burke, Jack Pickford i | i showed total receipts of $126.92 and Louise Huff in '"ThHe Varmint" Through a donation previous to the proved to be a splendid attraction, | vestry meeting.there would be $1.09 which kept the audience in a most {to the good. St. George's Mission | enthusiastic mood from beginning to Sunday school had total receipts of | end. To-night these two good -feat- 25.55 and a credit balance of $9.95. | ures will be given a final presenta- had contributed $4 to mission of 1 along with the fourth episode y Armenian Relief, and increased | of that most melodram iti se iai, roll to 45. It was also re ported | "Vengeance of the Woman This same time that in the year! 'S @ bill you can't afford to miss ticles had been made for the) Cross Society by members of . 2 b x x eT. las oht + mission congregation. The bill at the Strand last night J. Carson and P. D. Lyman| WAS well patronized, despite the | were re-elected chureh wardens: . | counter attractions, - and the large i . 2 Calvi gy * | audience was well pleased with the | D. Lyman, 8: C. Calvin, C. C. Hodg- enitat 4 Talmadge tins. Charles Kirkpatrick, o hares | pr esen ation of Consts ance, Fa Mad ge | Smith. W. Sawyer, H, Price, N. Gill. in "The Honeymdon," in w hich the l John Taylor and "William Jackson | tre ubles of a wife of a day when she | we a elected sidesmen; R E "Burns tinds her gay young husband in the | . re oat on : 0s "ldressing room of an actress in the { and C. C. Hodgins, auditors, and theatre where they are staying, are | Charles Kirkpatrick, vestry clerk. wel shown. The scend laid at | The finance committee appointed cons | Niagara Falls, and many pretty and sitis of the dean (ex officio), the| niaresting views in and around the primat vicar, Messrs. Carson, Lyman,| alls are shown. Mrs. Vernon LLatvin, Hodgins, Tandy, Burns, J.| Castle, the best dressed woman j ; Johnson and Price : : the world, was alsa seen in { 'The reports of the Sunday school Mark of Cain." These twq features, ! showed an increase of 10 per cent.| with comedy reels, will be shown for in attendance and a balance of $40.|the last time to-night. For the last Mite box returns, over $45; contri-| three days of the week William 8S. bution to Armenian Relief of $20,| Hart in "The Bargain," and Toto, .and to Halifax Relief $18.75; Yotal| the boneless clown, will be shown, reeipts, $208.86; together with comédy veels, and The Church Warden's Aid Society | these features will be well worth had a banner year: Total receipts, |seeing 1$691.94; a grant of $500 was made (Continued on Page 5.) to the debenture fund and two $50 er ti------ Victory bonds pur sed; balance Algonquin Park. $30, St. George's ward in Kingston This wonderful Government re- General Hospital was provided witn [serve of nearly 2,000,000 acres of $100 worth of linen, torest, lakes and rivers set aside for The A.Y.P.A. granted $75 to the|a playground for the people has be- | debenture fund and purchased one|come one of the principle objective At the Strand. 5 ~ Eat an extra potato a day; it will save a slice of bread for overseas.-- Issued by Can- ada Food Board. Just recejved a large shipment of new suits showing the cleverest styles and smart- est ideas for spring weary:made from finest quality serge and gaberdine and poplins, plain, tailored andswith the new braid trim- mings, all the new colors. Moderately pric- ed from $18.50 to $47.50. Coats | 3 , | Every. woman requires one of these use: ful garments; our stock is complete, with he smartest and newest models, in all the ors for this season's wear. Specially eh ee y $50 Victory Bond. Besides a fair| points of the summer tourist, the amount of Red Cross worl: this or-| camper and canceist. Good' hotels ganization provided entertainment)and log cabin camps with most rea- to soldiers in the city at least once | sonable rates, situated. in different every month. parts of the park and. operated by the The various branches.of the Wo-| Grand Trunk Railway System offer man's Auxiliary showed , excellent| first class accommodation for those returns and evidence of increased! who do not desire to live in the open. membership and interest, The thank-| Unlimited canoe routes for the offering from the Cathedral W.A. was | camper, splendid fishing, beautiful $159. country, and pure and invigorating The finance committee met regu-| air is found above sea level. Illus- larly monthly, ifs most important | trated descriptive literature and all eflort being a canvass to, raise money | particulars may be had on applica- for the debenture fund which pro-|tion to any Grand Trunk agent or to duced over $800, which is to be con-{J. P. Hanley, tributed for two more years, until] ~~~ oo Amn, Am the duplex envelope system is more DAILY ME MORANDU M arling Club, §, generally adopted. - Board |f Works, 8. A bequest of $200 from the estate| Hill's big Minstrels, Grand, ¥. of the late Mary Adams, a devoted] See top of page 3, right hand corner, member of the congregation, was re-| for Probabilities. BE ad ported. This .money will be applied 3 BORN. od the defraying of the expense OfCAiviN_At Bath, England, on Sun- wiring the hall and placing a suit- ¥; Tua April, 1918, the wife of able brass plate in the cathedral. fot J.D. Oalvin, Canadian En- The stipend of the priest-vicar , of a son, was increased b 8 2 HAWI3ON-4In Kingston, on April jth, ased by the sum of $200. 1813, to Major and Mrs. H. 0. Law- CQ Mair Apartme nts, Barrie DAYLIGHT SAVING COMING ~~ FRANCIS-COOCKADE---On April 10th, b - 1918, by Rev. T, W, Savary, Valetta CLOCKS TO BE TURNED ON AN Widland Cockade to Walter Rob- HOUR SUNDAY MIDNIGHT. ert Francis, both of this city. AR Ao News of Legislation Passed at Ottawa DALZILI In Kingston, on Aptil 9th, Received Here With General Satis-| "1918, Ellen, wife of Bdwand F. Dal- . ras zell, aged 44 years, faction----A Boom For Ingreased| poral (private). Production. " McC ALL-1n Kingston, on April 10th, a Margar™™t Jane Mcligquham, At last we are to have daylight wite of John McCall, aged 75 years. 'saving. At midnight on Sunday. fhe pyugernal (privieté). from the residence of hafrds of the clock will be pushed on her ssiter-in-law, Mrs. A. Mellqu- an hour. The necessary legislation ham, 241 Victoria St, on Friday in St. George's hall on Tuesday 3 story, fun and beauty, color and mu-| "jdeaths in Paris during PA A BA Bl fe elton Boel The following men for Kingston on Fugsday Lieut. E. W. Clarke, A Dooley, W. Hunt, F. gd T. Chara, E. Theriaunit Ottawa; W. Berry Lindsay; G. Payne, " 8 Frontenac Kingston; W 100 street, Kingston; L. Ye omans, 7 Quebec street, Kingston; J, I ley, W. Walker and G. Watson, Montreal Lieut. D, Morrison, Dulkeith; Berard, Renfreé *. Bullis, Iroquois; | J. Errett, Merrickville; E. Gandaur, Powasson; M. Hilton; Cavan; C.} Jones, Tweed; J. Lachapelle, Val-| ew orse S 0 ne d e court; G. Lumsden, Newcastle; N.| : Matte, Hull; J. Ryan, Hull; H. Mill- er, Felten; J. Montroy, Fassifern; C.!| Moore, Hartington; E. Park, Inger-| arm dai race or soll; A. Richardson, Beavterton; F.| Robertson, Gooderham; E. Rycyman, Picton; W. Sharp, Belleville: KE. Stew-| : . * art, Des Joachins; F. Stillwell, Sal- 5 mon Arm; A. Wells, Ashburn; H.| | L . Save the Food -- Honey and aple sugar do not require ship- m ping. Use them. -- Issued by Can- ada Food Board. BOA nd White, Ida; S. wright, Havelock: W. i Byrne, Perth; R. Coones, Apsley; E.| Hawkins, Hastings and S. Laferriere, | Alexandria | Lieut. R. H™2Harrower, Montreal, a graduate of the Royal Military! College, 1914, has been admitted to the Second British Red Cross Hos-| pital on April 1st, suffering from a gunshot wound in the ankl¥. iCol. A. G. F McDonald, of Alex- ander, is in the city to-day. Lieut. Kidner is in charge of a| hospital special which left Halifax for Kingston at 12.20 p.m. April th with 54 N.C.O's. and men for thi district Capt. J. B. Lambkin; of Moncton, wired that an ambulance special left Muncton ta 11.30 p.m. on April Sth, ! with five cot cases for Kingston Lieut.<Col. G. H. Gillespie went to | Ottawa on Tuesday in connection with the transfer of stores of No. 5} Company C.ASX from Capt Greene to Major Gillies HON. JUSTICE DUFF MAKES RULE PLAIN A Claimant for Exemption | Must be Indispensable in - | National Work. tan { Ottawa, April 10.--The elaim of] RIN avr act : a waiter for exemption from military In the smartest, handsomest gervice on the ground of his employ-, and largest array of American and. ment; has been refused by the Cen-| 7 Tre tral Appeal Judge. The waiter, Al-| Canadian F rench models. bert Ladouceur, was employed in a : : : Joliette, Que,, restaurant, He was! J Designed for the most discrim- granted exemption by the local tri- inating and well dressed woman--- bunal so lonz as he remained in his| present employment, | who plans her corsets with the In another judgment, the Central] * . Appeal Judge discusses the position| most careful and definite ideas of of an employe.in a munition works. | The subject of the application, E. J.| securing the very latest corset O'Carroll, is employed at Canadian] modes. Vickers, Limited, Montreal, He was! granted exemption by the Lower! Court on the ground that continu-| OUR CORSET DEPARTMENT ance in his present employment was | y of national importance. 24 E "The Central Appeal Judge." the/llll - is in complete charge of two expert ruling of Hon. Justice Duff continues, 3 fling of Hou. Justice Duff continues, and competent corsetieres, who to point out, what must indeed be will give you valuable advice and obvious, the two factors in the ma- v . . terial necessary to establish such a information concerning all corset- claim: First, the national import- : bl d : d id ance of the work. and, second, the ting problems, an assist an al indispensability of the individual, 1 1 The subject of the application ap- you mn securing a most correct fit, pears to be an accountant, and there from such famous and reliable is no evidence whatever to show that he is indispensable." makes as: Red Cross Appeal. . x spi: On Sunday next, through all the D. & A. Models in flesh and white, She Se SEN, on moe prices $2.00, $3.00, $3.50 and tish Red Cross Fund. pair, an The total expenditure of-the-Bri- $3. 75 a : d ! tish Red Cross for the first year of La Diva's in flesh and white, prices the war, to Octob 20, 1915, was s $8,500,000; for She second Sar ot $3.00 to $5.00 a parr, the war, to October 20, 1916, it was Bon Ton Corsets. Prices $3.75 to slightly over $9,000,000. Today it hy is approximately $300,000 a week, ' $5.00 a pair. $16,000,000 ar. * rhese Bgures. ei force to the C.C a La Grace Models. Prices statement of the chairman of the ex- ' . $1 00 to $4 00 Figs . * . ecutive, namely, "If Canada fails us now we must cartail many of our ac- Goddess Front Lace Corsets. Prices - tivities, for the province of Ontario a gave in 1915, $1,615,000, and in : $2.00 to $5.00 a pair. 1916, $1,680,000." ! The real appeal to Canadians this vear is, therefore, contained in the one sentence, 'This great work must go on." W There was a large increase of JOHN LAIDLA & S N i rari i March, re- q i afterncon at 2.30 lock, to Catar- was put through at Ottawa on Tues- ay lock, bo Ca day and the news was received in| «ain ons Kingston with general satisfaction, IN MEMORIAM. for it is something that the people, |in loving memory of Private, Frank as a whole, have been heartily in fa- Levecque, of Enterprise, Killed (in vor of. In view of the demand for action at Vimy Ridge, . April 10th, increased production, it will work -- out fine, as it will allow for an extra IN MEMORIAM. hour's work in the garden in daylight|, i.e memry of Pte. Thomas and in these days of war, when the Ralph « Poffley, who ded for his ery is produce, produce, produce, it Ring and country, April 10th, 1914: will mean much to the city gardeners. Servant of God. w ' : ell done! The Board of Trade, at a recent! Thy mlorfous warfares past: session expressed itself as being hear- | The battle's foughk, the victory won 9 tily in favor of daylight saving, 80 And thoy ant crowned at last this means that the" business men |g ier of Christ well dure! generally are in favor of the measure Praige be thy new employ, Amd while eternal ages run, which is about to be put into effect, i i "any PIA) ales TH Parents, Brothers, Sisters. Francis-Cockade Wedding. Sm The marriage of Miss Villatte Cockade, daughter of Capt. William Cockade, of the Kingston Fire De- partment, to Walter R. Francis took place on Wednesday at the home of E. E. then. 143 Nelson street. 'W. Savory, rector of St rn 'church, officiited. The wed-| ding was of a private nature, only few friends being present. = The bride was given away her father. Mr. and Mrs. Francis left on the-1.45 t King George has perro a "Royal warrant providing that promotions 'fo the rank of general in the British sulting from pneumonia, ascribed to people taking refuge in cold cellars during ajr raids. Rev. W. H. Sedgwick, Hamilton, and Rev. J. R. Menzies, M.D.. Honan, China, were given the honorary de- gree of D.D., by Knox College, To- ronto. 4 A Some Good House=- slippers for Ladies We have a nice lot of ladies' comfortable house sli ers, and men- tion a few lines below with the price of each. Shoule anything different we hope you will call and see what we have. oo bid oor, ] strap, med.:low heel .. .. .. .. .. |. ies, kid slipper, | strap and béw, turn sole . . - ois Ladies' kid slipper, 2 strap and bow; turn Cuban heel . ah Ladies' kid slipper, | strap, turn commonsense .. .. . |. .. . $2.50 Ladies' kid slipper, elastic front, turn low heel . -. 875 "We have also i Boudoir Slipper, Common Sense and Cushion - Sole Shoes. army shall he 'by selection instead of senlority.. you réquire |