u " é ___THE DALY B RITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1918. The abundant, creamy lather of Lifebuoy Soap is laden with great cleansing power, and antiseptic properties as LIFEBUOY "HEALTH SOAP 80, when you have used LIFE- BUOY on skin, garment or anywhere in the home you can be sure of cleanliness and SAFETY. The mild antiseptic odor vanishes quickly after use. Well Known in Kingston. Miss Dorothy Cotton, who has succeeded Miss Vivian Tremaine as the matron of the 1LO.D.E. Hospital at Hyde Park, London, England, is a danghter of the late Brigadier General Cotton, who lived in Kings- ton some years ago. 1) 0 i | lat LL 1 LL <i (F, W. Cooke, (THE MORES: * CANADA WHO SHALL PRESUME TO AT- TACK HEREDITARY TITLES? That W. F. Bourgeoisie, An Ottawa Writer Says . Nickle Is Of the {If Which Has a Corporate Existence In Canada. A writer says: is Kingston, array of emblazoned ghields against whieh he has presumed 10 draw his lance in his it on hereditary titles in Canads Has he looked to the na Sup against which he is the Ottawa Journal willam Nickle, M.P., of aware of the extent of the butting? Surgly he has net, or he would be glad that intervention has ended his futile fight ere he splinter- ed his lance in vain against armour tempered by the mildew of centuries. As for that, by what right does William Nickle, of Kingston, pre- sume to wear a lance? Surely he forgets himself Wwilllam Nickle has skipped some letters in the: alpha- betical index to the rank of citizen- ship. He is out of the bourgeoisie --in rank just above the peasant or the plebe, No hourgeoisie or peasantry in Canada? Does he protest? He de- ceives himself. 'Canada has a royal European constitution with king, noblelesse, clergy, and bourgeoisie as factor." (If he doesn't believe it let him ask the College of Arms of the Noblesse of Canada, whose represen- tatives he will find in the Archives Department here in Ottawa. : It is not just Baron Shaughnessy, Baron Atholstan, and Sir Joseph Flavelle, Baronet, that William Nickle, bourgeoisie, has in the lists against him. He has entered combat with the Order of the Noblesse of Canada. If there is doubt as to the of Canada, let it be known from the College of Arms of Canada that "the inhabitants of Canada are divided in- to I the Noblesse, I1 the Clergy, Hr the Bourgeoisie, and 1V the Peasan+ try," and that, "the Noblesse is a self-governing order of the state founded on Aryan' race distinction with treaty rights" and that "it°has precedence hext after the King had a A a it, i YOU'LL MAKE NO MISTAKE By pisciag your order early for store or house awnings and curtains. Supplies and help are scarce and prices will be higher, J. J. Turner & Sons, Limited. ht, Awning, Flag and 'Waterproof Goods Manufacturers. 1 Agent) ONTARIV. -------------------------- Government Standard Flour Kingston: Milling Co. Limited Is Eminently Satisfactory To All Users. HUNGARIAN--For Bread. ROSK--For Bread and Cake. CROWN-=Winter Wheat Pastry. WHITE For Sale by All Dealers. Anything You Bake can be no better than the flonr you use. Why take chances? The coun- try-wide popularity of our unexcelled flour, and the unrivaled esteem in whieh it is' held , everywhere, by housewives who Know these facts should be sufficient to convince you, that its use is indispensable in get- ting best baking results. W. F. McBroom A Tr rT YYY = © Safety Corner TY TT TTY YY YY » hia a aE Ah Ah hha verseas' Boxes go to make life bearable for the boys in the trenches SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Princess and Montreal - Telephone 41. 4 4 4 4 4 4 Bs <4 Shaving Soap, 3 Powder, and all the little comforts that 3 hb " <4 4 4 4 4 " y "4 hha ahd 4 nt RTT TY Antiseptic Soap, Sts. Ahh ddd ddd identity of the Order of the Noblesse y or legal right of representation in the overnment." The order consists of 'the de- seendants of European mflitary and elvil officers of royal commission who held rank in the country before 1760 when, up to that .date, commissions were given only to those of birth and instruction. These were allowed heraldic distinction and honorable rank in the Order of the Noblesse by the Royal dic of 1760 which had been incorporated in the Constitution of Canada." How far is presumption being car- ried against this noble order? For, according to the College of Arms of the Noblesse of Canada, "the author- ity of the King in Canada is personal according to the Treaty of Cession of 1763, signed by the Kings of France, Spain and Great Britain and cannot be delegated to a Cabinet of Ministers whose place depends solely on the votes of ignorant dnd. irresponsible multitudes whose intereference in the Jovernmentis implicitly forbidden by the terms of the treaties by which Canada is held by the British Crown." Mr. Nickle, being a lawyer, is defi- nitely of the bourgeoise, which has a "corporate existence" and which consists of the professions, proprie- tors, merchants, manufacturers, and financiers, Just below him in rank is the peasantry, which consists of la- borers of city or country, artizans, do- mestics, barbers, petty shop-keepers, valets, servants, chaffeurs, ete, From this and other information contained in "Public Document No. 4 of the Constitution of Canada," is- sued by the College of Arms of Can- ada it would appear that Mr, Nickle of Kingston, had bit off a pretty b'g chew. GUS HILL'S MINSTRELS Provided Fine Entertainment at the Grand on Wednesday. Lovers of the ever-popular min- strel show had their innings at the Grand on (Wednesday, when Gus Hill's minstrels held the boards for the matinee and might, and put in a fine entertainment. An old-time minstrel show, brimful of good singing and dancing, with an abdn- dance jof real live jokes, was put on in @ manner that pleased all who were present. "Eddie ' iMazier, George Wilson and W. H.. Thompson got off some real funny things, and the audience was kept in roars of laughter. The show was divided in- to three parts. Part one consisted of some '"'minstrely up to date," the second consisted of James Gorman's creation, "Somewhere in France," and a wlever monologue entitled, "Some Job," by "Eddie" Mazier and W. H. Thompson. The Musical Cates and a song and dance sketch, "Scenes 'in 'Blockville." The final curtain was given over to "The Black Politictan," in which a §ozen or more of the artists took part. Three of the song hits were "Some- where in Ireland,'"" by John Burke; "Wild (Irish (Rose That God Gave Me," by Jack McShane, and "It's a Long, Long Trail," by Thomas Hughes. CUTTING DOWN TREES AT ABOUT $4 A CORD Will Not Cost Above $6 a Cord When Sawed Into Small Lengths. At the Board of Works meeting on Wednesday evening City Engin- i| eer McClelland statéd that last week the cutting down of trees ion the streets had cost at the rate of about tour dollars la cord, including the haul to the fair grounds. 'Later the wood will he sawed into small lengths. It is not anticipated that the total cost will be over six dol- lars a cord. : James McFadden was awarded the contract for supplying men and horses for street watering. . For a man and team the price is fifty-five cents an hour and for a man and single horse thirty-five cents an hour. \ An attendance at the meeting were Alds. 'O'Connor (chairman), Couper, Litton and J. (W: Smith. A (Worderful Flag. A wonderful flag is being mounted at the Royal Military College. It is 24 x.18 feet' and will be hung con- spiouously in the building. It is to be adorned with green maple leaves, 1,100 of them, each bearing the name of an RM.C. lad. In the centre will be red' maple leaves bearing the names of those who have made the supreme sacrifice. DIZZY SPELLS, INDIGESTION Napanee Man Could Scarcely Walk at Times, He Was So Dizzy ~~ Indi- gesti and Kidney Trouble Glasses Broken ! We are equipped to replace any broken lens, made. Quick and service. * no matter where it was "EYES EXAMINED." OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST Opposite Post Office, Overcome By This Treat ment. Napanee, Ont, Apr. 11.. -- The experience of Mr. Nolan of this town will interest all who suffer from indigestion and accompanying de- rangements of the liver, kidneys and bowels. dndigestion is such a common trouble that mamy suffer for years without knowing how readily they could obtain.relief by using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills to arouse the action of the liver, kidneys and bowels and thereby remove the cause of much discomfort and suffering. Mr. John P. Nolan, Dundas street west, Nap , Ont., writes: some time I was troubled with weak kidneys, and used to bave a scald- ing, burning sensation in my stom- ach. This, was accompanied by dizzi- ness, and occasionally it would be op severe that I would stagger while commenced using Dr. MET WEDNESDAY EVENING AND FORMED A LEAGUE. CLA. and Athletics Entered in the Senior Series--The Junior Series Also Filled. The City Baseball League organi- zation meeting was jheld jn the Y. M. C. A. rooms on Wednesday evening. The resignation of P. J. Moran as president was accepted. He was appointed vice-president and B. Booth was appointed president. The promotion of Mr. (Booth left the position as secretary-ireasurer vac- ant, and Frederick Beaudry was elected to the vacancy. Mhe CL.C. junior and senior teams were entered by William Wil- son. Oscar Olson entered the Athr jetics. In the senior series the Pon- jes and Victorias may enter this year. The entries will close next Monday evening. The junior league was filled by the entry of the C L.C. and the Y.I.C.B.A. by W. Hammond, and the (Red Sox by Garnet Esford. This latter teawr 'won the cup last year, and a plate with the name Red Sox will be put on it. Because of the new daylight sav- ing scheme going into effect, there is possibility that double-headers may be run off in the afternoon without trouble, and this will likely be arranged. . . Weak, Anaemic Girls Bloodlessnes: is the trouble many girls who ought to be full of lite and good spirits. Instead they are pale, their lips they have no appetites, their diges- tion is poor, and if they walk fast, either in the street or going up stairs they are so tired and out of breath that their hearts beat as if to | burst. Almost always such girls are thin, flat chested, and sallow, with} nothing attractive about them. If they do not get better they will have a cough in the winter and theh, not unlikely, consumption, that hopeless of all diseases will develop. No girl should be like this. should be plump, rosy-cheeked and full of life, able to walk fast and to stand exertion without being breath- less and palpitating. To be in this healthy, happy condition she must have plenty of good, rich, red blood, as it is only through the blood that the body can be healthy. And the only medicine that will blood supply rich and red and pure is Dr. Williamg' Pink Pills. fect upon the pale, weak girl who gives them a fair trial is wonderful. They improve the appetite, backaches |} and headaches disappear, the glow of health tinges the cheeks, the eyes if sparkle and the step becomes light |} and elastic" Thousands of girls throughout Canada owe their health |fi and attractive appearance to Dr. Wil- {iams Pink Pills and do not hesitate i to say so. You can get these pills, through (|i any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six 'boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., i Brockville, -Ont. 4M | Theatrical News | (Continued from Page 8.) "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch." One of the outstanding features of the present theatrical season is the great number of revivals. This is due to two reasons; firstiy-a-great scarcity in good plays that are new; secondly a growing realization that plays of exceptional worth should not he of- fered merely for a tour or two, seen by a small part of the population at the most, but should be kept in exis tence until the public by failure to attend give vivid evidence that they had had enough. David Warfield, for instance, we find doing greater busi- ness than ever in that most beautiful play "The Music Master." 'Ben Hur" still finds thousands who see in it a superiority to thie later -offerings. In comedy drama lines "Mrs, Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" is with us again offered frankly as '"'superior to any present day play," and when one considers the remarkable eombin- ation of humor and pathos, the op- portunity for character 'work among its large cast, one fails to recall any other comedy drama its equal. Book stores have no present day offerings that find as large a sale as did this volume, and, in fact, it still among the big sellers. You can see Mrs. Wiggs at the Grand on Satarday, April 13th, matinee and night, -------------- LEFT 127 DESCENDENTS French-Canadian Woman Is Dead, Aged 104 Years. Salem, Mass., April 11.--Mrs, Aur- alie Marchand Lavoie, a native of Canada, died at her home here yes- terday at the age of 104 years, leav- ing 127 descendents. Mrs. Lavoie was interested in public affairs and followed the war news in the news= papers up 10 a few days ago, reading without glasses. More Drastic Censorship. Ottawa, Aptil 11.--Certain amend- ments to the *For | yor publication of articles calculated. to injure the cause of Britain and th allies, in this country, . § a ---- i -- west is made that the Domin- request ion Government assist a project to Canadian "wing" of five squad-| of | i have no color, ||| most | ii She {} keep the lll Their ef- | {i - HAVE PURE BLOOD HAT NEWS For Men Who Want Stylish Hats. Our shapes are original in style and the new colorings are distinctive. Choosing a hat is an easy job here for you seleet from the finest display ever shown in Kingston. * New soft hats in green, grey, brown, tamarac, fawn and all the leading colors. NEW DERBIES, NEW CAPS, SWELL NEW HATS, From $1.25 to $6. Campbell Bros Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers ' » AM Gents' Furnishings Our new spring stock includes the nattiest of ties, the finest of shirts, up-to-the-minute hats, fancy socks, kid gloves, etc. Best. of it is you can save money by trading here. -Also big stock of boots and shoes. ISAAC ZACKS - 271 Princess St. a aaa a ad hd ey > . b p p p b p p p s b y b , p b p bh ' dda Can't Find Dandruff | tnd Every bit of dandruff disappears after one or two applications of Dan- derine rubbed well into the scalp with the finger tips. Get a small bottle of Danderine at any drug store for a few cents and save you hair. After several applications you can't find a particle of dandruff or any falling hair, and the scalp will never itch, CATHOLIC BISHOPS OPPOSE. Protest Against Conscription in ¥re- Jand Without Consent of People. . Dublin, April 11.--The Irish Cath- olic Bishops' committee at a meeting held, which was presided over by 'Cardinal Logue, passed by an unani- mous vote a resolution protesting against conscription in Ireland and declaring that to enforce conscription without the consent of the Irish peo- ple would soon inevitably end in de- feating its own purpose. "What bétween management and |! : mischief-making," said the resolu- tion, "this country already has been desperately upset, and it would be a fatal mistake, surpassing the worst conscription." = 2 Li £3. i i : Young ladies' mahogany colored calf laced boot, ber heels. "The High School Girls' Fa- vorite Shoe." ~ Special Neolin sole and rub- Abernethy's Shoe Store ERROR NRE RRR i OA What a Better Home Means To a Woman 7 Home to a woman is the one place of greatest importance. Wife, mo- ther, daughter, spend nine-tenths of their time in the house. Surely that is reason enough why you should make the home as attractive as-pos- sible. _ . Is your home all that you would have it? ~ If it is not you can easily make it so by looking over our attractive spring display. "The busy store with large stock. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker with Motor F uneral Car. * Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. RRA OLE Season is here, a general favor. ite in spring medicine. Builds you up, makes you strong, puri- fies the blood and starts your te. We can recommend Nyal's Sarsaparilla to you as it is an excellent formula, Ask for it at Prouse's Drug Store. #1: Phone 823. Wood's Jas Great Jngtish med h nes and in tes the whol or makes new Blood reous Vorry, Lecspon- Loss of Knergy, Palpitation of the Memory, Price $1 per box, six will plese, six will cute. Bold by al ists or mailed in in pkg. on reccint © i y THE W & jee." New paniphlet mailed free. PREDICINE CO, TORONTO, OKT, Wisdoer) THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Wanting anything done in the earpens tery line, Estimates given on all kindy of répairs and new work; alse hard- wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop 60 Queen street. H.C.Merriman CHOICE - GROCERIES Meats, Flour, Grain, Hay and Straw. Choice Stock of Vegetables "Phone 847. 611 Princess Street. yg TT HURLBURT WELTS AND PLA-MATE Shoes for Your children require shoes that fit properly and wi elop of HURLBURT and feet a chance to Children give the little That is the secret PLA-MATE shoes; they fit well and wear well. . : Made in patent and gun-metal leathers, E button or lace.