Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Apr 1918, p. 10

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PAGE Bo Poh des on ee ALE nA nO i TEN Kept Coming on Neck Bl IN EFFECT MARCH SBS One After the Other Trailing will Jeave Station, Foot of Going arrive at City phuson Street. West, Live. City Arr, Ohiy Anyone ws pedBd0a mm. 12578m I Lails know diam, ho has ever suffered from how sick and miserable u feel. i Madl .. Express . .. a.m. LA) se. wa Stam J0iTam Intern'i Lid 1.20 p.m, 1.60 pon. Mall , Gola 400 pune 3.40 pm they make vo When you think you are about cur- Eaat. Lred of another seems ready to Lee. City Arp. Oty [take its place and prolong your wret- os RARER. AR} chaedness All the poulticing and blancing vou may do will not cure them ar stop more coming. Boils are simply bad blood burst- ing out, and the bad hlood must be made pure before the boils disap- pear. : Burdock Blood Bitters is the great. est blood purifier known. It cleanses the system and removes every pars ticle of foul material from the blood, then never another poil comes and the cure Is permanent Mr. Geo. Ayers, 302 Gloucester St., Ottawa, Ont., writes: "1 wish to tell you what I know about your won- derful Burdock Blood Bitters, In the spring I suppose my system needing a cleaning out, for I had nine boils come on my neck one after the other. 1 quickly got a bottle of B.B.B., and before it was half finish- ed 1 felt a great change, and it cer- tainly put an end to my boils, other- avise I might have had a lot more. 1 recommend B.B.B. to all I can, for 1 know it to be a great remedy." A tt one Lew pres ~ Tee #3 63 18 Seeks nt 0. No. 28 ila res SATE. 737 Nos 1, 13; 14. 16, 18 1% run dail Other trains dally except Sunday, Direct route te Toronto, Petecbore, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St Johu. * Hmlifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman accommodation, tickets ell other information, apply to J. P. Hanley, Agent. Agency for all oceun steamshiov Hnes. Open day and night «Passenger Service BETWEEN Halifax and Bristol Money remitisnces made by mall op enbie, Apply to Loess Agents or The Robert Reford Co, Limited, General Agents, 50 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. Lh art tN A Ol ------------ Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! One or two doses ARMY & NAVY DYSPEPSIA TABLETS will make you feel fen years younger. Best 'known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Dyspepsia. 25 cents a package at all Druggists, or sent to any address postpaid, by the U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway, N.Y. EB - TO ALL | Sheep Owners "This Book FREE picely illusfrated and handy booklet gf pages--containing practical poipters #n simple language on sheep raising asd wool marketing: A few gdod sheep, with ordinary care, will Mog 1) more real pad-of Bo the amouat invested than any other branch of an average mixed farm. This book will be very useful to every ownér of sheep-- a If you are interested in sheep, write un ay and we will gladly mail you your copy of this book free. Please address in full as below. DESK 7, HALLAM BUILDING : TORONTO a WOOL FURS HIDES CHAE RR 7' CHAPTER XLV. The heart burnings 1 had, the tears I shed, over the menu for my dinner, make me smile now. It seems so childish. But then it was very real. PI was so anxious this first dinner of mine should be a success, that it nearly made me ill. But.as I look back, I realize it was not for the sake of the guests, but to please George. . Finally, we had the menu all made out It was simple in the end, in gpite of all my worry. Mrs. Sexton said it was better so, and advised against any elaborate dishes. "You want to please Mr. Howard Do not ape older people's affairs. Your guests are all young people. Simplicity is your key notex" S80 we had hors d'oeuvres, a deli- cate consomme, salmon wonderfully prepared by Mary (who took an in- tense interest in the success of my dinner), quail with jelly, a rack of lamb with French peas, a Palm Beach salad---I chose it because of the name---~then a coupe Tosca, fancy cakes and coffee. Of course we had all the usual things, like celery, salted almonds, etc. (Neither Mary nor James knew that Mrs. Sexton had anything to do with the menu, although they may have suspected. She was darling about it, always referring them to me if they asked lér any questions. She could be so nice, 1 wondered why she was usually so disagreeable, , A Thought of George. "George will be so proud of me," I thought, loyally, in my triumph over the assured success of my din- ner, [I félt as though, in serving his y of a wife. He had made me that way. Merton Gray had called with a le of the finished place cards, gere exquisite, The delicate coloring, the dainty dresses, and the, lovely faces of the women were wonderful. "You aref a very forjunate little woman,' gMrs. Sexton remarked after she had unstintedly © admired and praised them. It is a great com- pliment that Mr. Gray has paid you." "I am delighted to assist Mrs, Howard, and I am the one who is complimented to be allowed the priv- ilege,"" Merton answered, rather stilt- edly. 1 called him Merton always, in myx thoughts. He had been so nice to me---or so it seemed--that, next to Bvelyn and Kurts, I felt I knew him better than any one in More- land. . Once I had spoken "Merton," to Mrs. Sexton. She had corrected mie immediately, making me feel very small, I hated her for it, even though I knew she was right. "If you speak of him, or any other man, by his given name, or if you allow yourself to think of them by that name, you will be apt to so ad- dress him when not thinking, or to use his name at some time When you will be embarrassed because of your carelessness.' I have learned that she was ab- solutely right. One js inclined to speak to, and of, people by the name which they give them in their thoughts. But, then, it "seemed to me a silly thing to regard so seri- ouslyx . of him ~.as PART CANADA 1S PLAYING CANADA PLAYING MAGNIFICENT PART, 5 War Has Cost $1,352,227 823 and © 100,000 Casualties--The Estimates Are Based Upon Assumption That This Year Canada's Half Million Men Will be Raised. Ottawa, April 11.---~The tale of Canada's outpouring of treasure for the attainment of the objects in- wolved in the present conflict of na- tions' is told in the great mass of figures with which Sir Robert Bor- den introduced the: diseussion=of the Dominion's fifth war apptopriation bill in Committee of the Whole in the Commons yesterday, . The recital of statistics brings few thrills to the listener, but a study of the Prime Minister's statement is rewarded by a new and clearer appreciation of the magnitude of Canada's share of the financial burdens of the struggle. To the end of the fiscal year 1917-18 Canada's war expendituré at home and abroad so far as it has to date been reported amounted to $836,950,- 019. To that will be added if the dis- bursements for {he present year are as estimated, $516,277,804, making a total since the outbreak of war of $1,362,227,823. As the Prime Minis ter pointed out, however, that sum does not represent all the expendi- tures of the period inasmuch as cer- tain large amounts laid out in Great Britain have not yet been reporfed ang included in the amounts, The vote of $500,000,000 provid- ed for in the bill before the House is available not only for the payment of military and naval expenses, but is also drawn upon by other depart- Jments of the Government to meet the cost of services directly attribut- able to the war. The expenditure of the Department of Militia apd De- fence this ver, it 18 estimated, reach es $443,050,000, of which $217,887,- 500 will be spent th Canada and $226,172,5600 overseas, The estimate is based upon the assumption that the _Jtotal of Canadian enlistments since What Is 'Well-Favoured" ? "Leah was tender eyed, but Rachel was beautiful and well-favoured." : Bacon says "Beauty of feature is greater than beauty : of favour. : ' But as a matter of fact, most people find the fine complexion (beauty of favour), the more attractive. It means health and a body sweetly clean. . Haw splendid to think that anyone may have beauty of favour! The face exposed to dust of every day life should be cleaned with a pure soap: HY The right-Soap shouldwdissolve readily and have creamy, sooth- ing softness, owing to rich while strong enough to clear off grime. © VINOLIA | LIRIL SOAP ap which proves perfect for daily tajlet use and' pure, sweet Vegetable Oils which are aids to a {amy f a houinplexion, EEE nd Ahiashe moderately prised Vivolia Litil aweetly garden soented de Parme. ; Om sale at all druggists 1c a cabe : 7; t Royse! Vinolia Tooth Paste - + 2Se, Royal Vinolia Face Creams 25¢ and up. oy wie the beginning of hostilities will this year reach 500,000, Including 100,- 000 first draft uider the Military Ser- vice Act home defence force 10,000 men, in England 150,000 men and in France 140,000 men. The large items to be met include $180,000,000 to pay 110,000 troops in Cahada and 200,000 aboard; the total pay list in Canada will he $50,187,500 and that abroad will be $132,312,500. For the maintenance of troops ip France at the rate of 8 shillings and 4 pence per : upon; $115,000, 000 will be required; for the assign-| ed pay of overseas troops $54,000,000 | allowance payable in $21,760,000, and for those payable in England $6,000,000. To rov ns for soldiers in Canada 20,075,000 will be required, and for food for men in England $21,000,000. ng will cost $19,080,000; equip- including arms, $20,000, unition, $56,000,000; ,000,000; ocean and sport, $15,675,000. ifs. This Tn Kingston? When the House of Commons went s + S0c and up. UNIVERSAL TRAINING FOR CANADIAN YOUTH Major Mowat Will Move For Amendment to Militia AST to Compel This. Ottawa, April 11.~Amendments to the Militia Act, 'of which Major 'H. M. Mowat, member of 'the Parkdale Division of Toronto, has given notice in the Commons, provide for uni- versal military training in Canada. Major Mowat believes 'that thirty days' militia training éach year, for two or three years at least, at some time {n a young man's life, will 'ee good for him, and a nation#il insur- ance for peate amd safety, jist as it has been in'Switzerland. The ameéndments which he pro- | poses provide for the compulsory en- rolling of aH men of military age in Canada, wlio shall compose the mil tia forces of Canada. Instead of leaving it optional with the Cabinet to make regulations providing for the annual training of the militia "emergency" shall not be restricted The Appearance of Familiarity. "Remembar, a married woman should studiously aveid not the ap- pearance of evil, so much as the appearance of familiarity. Nothing will set Mrs. Grundy™s tongue wag- 'ging like a familiar manner toward a man not your husband." Then, to emphasize her point, she told me a story. She told it in such 2 manner I conldn't help but wonder if it were her own: "I know a man and weman who, for certain reasons, never have mar- ried. Yet who, for many years, have been the closest of friends. For fear that a wrong construction would be put upon their friendship, they never have addressed each other, save in the most formal way. Even their letters have not gone beyond the usual "My dear Miss" or "My dear Mr." of the casual acquaintances. | do not imagine they ever think of each other, save by the same name which they invariably use. Fer; in the entire twenty years of their close friendship, no one has ever heard them address each other, save in such a way as gave no possible appearance of familiarity." "Oh, dear!" I grumbled, "At home everyone called each other by their first names. Even old married people." "That is one of the things you did at home that you cannot do in More- land, at least not in the society in which you move." "Oh, very well! It seems to me I do nothing right!" I snapped crossly, and left the room without asking pardon for my unladylike speech. J (To be continued.) ee forces, Major Mowat proposes to re- place "may" by "shall" in the clauses relating to annual drill, formation of cadet corps, etc. He further asks Parliament to enact that men called out to drill each year shall serve without pay -except for subsistance allowance, and 'that the word to mean merely 'pending or imme- diate emergency." He asked that the proposed amendments be refer- red to the select committee of eleven members, seven to be nominated by the Prime Minister and four by the Leader of the Opposition, to bring in a bill embodying the amendments and the principle of universal train- ing. dba New Women's Degree. Montreal, April 12.--A new de gree for women students of McGill University to be known as the de- gree of Bacvhelor of Household Science (B.H.8.), is to be established, according to a decision. of the Mc- Gill corporation at a meeting this af- ternoon. testing the heat of the iron. 10317 Braiding or Beading Design for Banding suitable for trim« ming Waists, Skirts, Coats, ete. The pattern consists of transfers for stamping 41% yards of banding 5 inches wide: alson tris! shes for PRICE, 15 CENTS. YELLOW, BOVRIL Aids the Digestion of Food, " ¥\ The new La Diva models embody the very (Rp latest fashions and are most reasonably f \ { 4 \ em at your cea'et dealer's. / &/ A nies Hees, Toren » Gh 2 x ow - FAA ws RS ~ NO. 230 Prorme savy on PATENT MEDICINE a 50¢ Soothes and Heals Burns and Cuts-- Works like magic. Takes the inflammation out of scalds, bruises, blisters, sunbutn and chafe. Relieves piles and abscesses. A wons| derful healing ointment, tested and proven by over 25 years success always effective. Try it--and you will always have a box in the house, :50c a box--all dealers--or write us, HIRST REMEDY COMPANY, HAMILTON, CANADA HIRST'S Paid Exteimiaator (35), and MIRST'S Pectoral Syrsp of Horchound and Elecampane (35¢) # A wholesome spread for a piece of Bread. ** Syrup is a pure, delicious Table butter. + All grocers sellitin2,5, 10 | ¥ Write for free Cook Baok "wt has all the sweetness of the Golden Corn from which it is made.

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