PAGE EIGHTEEN Tp has a flavour, a distinctive ness, and an excellence all its own. Try it for you rself. From The Countryside Frontenac GLENDOWER, April 10.--Quite a number of fish- ermen are operating on the lake. The the roads. Archibald MacGowan is gomewhat better Some" factories have started, School has closed for a while. - Potatoes are very scarce. A number of people had to buy hay this gpring. George' Jeffrey was 'burned out the other day. He limes across from Desert lake. Biram Hopkins is at James Wilson's. Lemons Whiten the Skin Beautifully! Make Cheap Lotion The juice of two fresh lemons strained into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most re- markable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a small jar of the ordinary cold creams, Care should be taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lo- tion will Keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice §s used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowhness and tan, and is the ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifier. Just try it! Make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon jotion 'and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It ghould naturally help to whiten, sof- ten, freshen and bring out the hid- den roses and beauty of any skin. It is wonderful for rough, red hands. Your druggist will sell three oun- ces of orchard white at little cost, and any grocer will supply the lem- ons. > 5 Save Your ~~ Coal THE SOWARDS COAL CO. 2 NEWBURGH. Apfil 10,--John Wartman of Cam- den, has fought the residence of Mrs, James Thomson, but does not intend to occupy it until fall. Miss Margaret Witehell attended the Q. E. A. this week in Toronto, Cory Estes of Or- illia came to settle up the affairs of his sister, Miss Annie Estes, who died at Omenee last month, Lady Fal- c¢oner of Toronto is spending a few days with her parents, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Gandier, the latter being very ill of pneumonia. A. W. Thomson of Toronto, spent the week-end in the village. Part of Breeze's dam has gone out with the high water. Miss Mattie Welbanks and George Mar- tin of Creigville were quietly married here recently. 'The monthly meeting of the Med Cross Society was held fn the Standard Bank hall on Wed- nesday evening. Miss Alma Sexsmith spent the Easter holidays at home Little Wm. Toner has recovered from an attack of pneumonia. T. I. Win- ter attended his uncle's funeral at "Thurlow. WASHBURN'S CORNERS, April 11. --Edward Danis his sold his farm 'and has moved to his resi- dence nearby. Clarke Kirker thas moved to Seeley's Bay. At Athens on April 10th, Bert Johnston of Fair- field and Miss Nellie Young ' of Soperton, were married. Farmers report an abundant yield of maple syrup. James Loveur has returned home after a visit with friends at | Lake street. Miss Edna Preston, who has been visiting friends at Lyn, returned home on Thursday last, At Athens on April 10th, Mort, Knapp of Lake Eloida and Miss Ada Ross of Washburn's Corners were married, School still remains closed. A party was held at the home of Albert Youfig on Wednesddy night, Mrs. 2 --t DELTA. April 9.--Mr. and Mrs, Charles Preston, Toronto, are guests of the former's father. Misses Olive and Ella Russell and Ruth Hartwell, Al- bert College, Belleville, spent their holidays here, Flood Venney, Brock- ville, paid a visit here recently. Miss Marjorie Frye, Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. J, Frye, Migs Edith Davison has returned to her work at Ottawa. Master Gér-| ald Phelps visited his grandmother, Mrs. M. A. Halladay, at Athens, re- cently. Miss Leoro Whitmore is confined to 'the house through ill- ness. The sugar social on. Thursday .evening under the auspices of the W. A. of the Anglican church was a de-] cided succcess, . Miss Bessie John- ston, Lyndhurst, was a recent guest of Miss Vara Birch. Misses Mable, _§ Lorraine, and Kathleen Quigley, To- CFV IR EN ledo, made a visit here last week. Miss Carrie Hill is at her homie here, Miss Vera Birch is visiting friends at 'Addisons The men and boys are hav- ing excellent sport spearing fish near the mill. W. W. Phelps has received LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE |... of chestnut coal. IN EFFECT MARCH SRD Trains will leave and arrive at City Station, of Johnson Street. MORTON. April 8. --Mrs. J. Flynn has return- Going West. Live, City Arr, City DON'T E BILIOUS, 10 am, 1257am. h Il edsam 10i17a 3. 3 % 1 1. " 28 Local . i. .. 6.48 pun. * Nos. I, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 ran daily. Signer, wraing daily except Sunday. rect _powte Tonto, Hamilton, Hufiiio, My Det "hie go; Bay ¥e Ottawa, Quebec, 'Portjand, St. ifax, ston an iiman acco! Belov Peterboro, rot, New York. For mmodation, tickets and formation, apply to J. P. or all ocean day and night ACHY, SICK OR CONSTIPATED Enjoy Life! Liven Your Liver and Bowels 'Tonight and Feel Great, has. Montreal, Wake Up With Head Clear, Stomach John Sweet, Breath Right, Cold 3 Gone. {your liver and t tened water is quite high in some places on | H. Laforty still'remains very weak. _ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ST ST EE 4 EO ETAT ACEO AIC RRO FEE AARC SATURDAY, APRIL 13,.1918. Le ----ni - CANADAS PRIDE YANADIANS have good reason to be proud of the position Canada holds in the world today. This pride is justified .by the activities of her people, by her unlimited natural resources, by her splendid institu- tions, and particularly by her Industries. Facts about the immensity of some Canadian industries would « astonish most people. These industries, when viewed in the light of comparison with other countries, are simply tre- mendous. The growth of 'any industry is limited ta the number of people it can serve, and that is a fact not often properly. appreciated when Canadian industries are compared to similar enterprises in, say, the United States. For example: the population of the United States exceeds 100,000,000. * Opportunity for in-* dustries there is almost unlimited. In: comparison, Canada with its seven million population is a small country--yet in spite of this com- paratively small population, Can- ada possesses several industries which in actual size rank among the biggest in the world. In shoemaking, one Canadian concern has developed a volume of business and a service to the Canadian people which is not You will be interested in these facts, bearing the A.H.M. Br efficient organization making value for your money. equalled by another shoe manu- facturer anywhere in the world. This concern, if located in the United States, would rank as one of the twelve largest out of some two thousand shoe manufacturers there. While the sales of the largest shoe manufacturer in the United States--selling to the American people--do not exceed twenty-five cents per capita pér year, the sales of Ames Holden McCready to the Canadian people last year were approximately eighty cents per capita. In a comparative sense, there- fore, this Canadian concern is greater than the foremost Ameri- can shoe manufacturer in the United States. Thus Ames Holden McCready truly merit the distinction of their title "Shoemakers to the Canadian Nation." Just imagine for a moment the enormous work of supplying a large portion of Canada's 7,000,000 peo- ple with its boots and shoes: and, you will know that they are the shoes which will in every case give you the greatest 4 --it requires--huge up-to-date fac- tories equipped with the most modern machinery able to turn out 8,000 pairs of shoes a day. --it requires--a variety of nearly 800 different styles to meet the requirements of all classes of peo- ple, for different grades, shapes and kinds of shoes. --it requires--the maintenance of six large distributing branches in principal cities from coast to coast, and~in these are carried over a million dollars worth of stock, ready for quick delivery to re- tailers. --it requires--sixty travelling sales- men to call on the retail trade, because out of approximately 10,000 retail dealers who sell shoes in Canada, more than 5,000 handle A.H.M. Shoes. --it requires--many other details of organization and equipment, but this brief outline will give you some slight idea of the part that this great shoe concern is playing fin the business of supplying footwear to the Canadian people. EEE OEE EERE HAL CED LEML ALL RETA because the next time you buy footwear product of a large and AMES HOLDEN McCREADY "Shoemakers to 'the Nation" MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG EDMONTON _freteurned to her school at Lyn. ed after spending a few days in To- ronto, B. N. Henderson and L. Per- rin spent a couple of days last week in Lansdowne. E. James and family have moved into the village from Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs, A, Dill- on has returned home after spending a fe wdays with friends at Smith's Falls, A number from here attended the play held at Lyndhurst on Friday evening last. J. Lanning has secured a position driving the cheese . box truck for Mr. Spieer." Newboro. Charles Hill has réturned home again after spending the past few days with friends at Ellisville. The ladies of the Red Cross League held their an- nual business meeting at Mrs. A Hills on Wednesday evening last, Mr. and Mrs. George Roantree spent Wednesday with friends at Seeley's Bay. Mr. and Mrs, J. Slack, Lynd- hurst, spent Friday the guest of Mr. and Mys. J. Coon. The farmers of his vicinity are very. busy fn their] sugar bushes, Miss Amy 'Coon has Miss Jennie York has returned to Athens after spending the holidays at her home? hore, son. ¥, Handley, High Shore, PICTON, 1 April 11.----H. McWilliam will hava charge of the Gelora ferry this sea-{ i has | hirty 'ot bought Mrs. C. H : y Get a box at any drug store | Paul street. ju VareS bout GR ] Death of Glen Buell Girl. Glen Buell, April 11.---At the home of hen sister, Mrs. Green, at Glen Buell, Friday last, Miss Lucy Johnston, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, William Johnston, Frankville, pass- ed away. On the Saturday before she left to visit her sister and shortly after complained of not feeling well and a physician being called found her suffering from appendicitis. She would have celebrated her 13th birthday on the 11th of this month. She leaves besides ther parents, three brothers and five sisters, viz: Char- les and Kenneth in France, Claude at home, Mrs. Green, Glen Buell, Mrs, Morrison and Mrs, Gunness, Rock- spur, Mildred in Brockville and Edith at home. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to the Anglican church, Rev, Mr. Jackaberry officiat- ing. The church was filled with sor- rowing friends and neighbors. The members of her Sunday school class and also the children of her schéol at home ajtended in a body. Many floral emblems were placed on the casket. Interment took place in the Barber cemetery. The pall bearers were all schoolmates of the deceased, viz: Harold Eaton, Oscar Smith, W. Barrington, Gerald Moran, C, Eaton and M. Phillips. Death of a "Town Worthy." Renfrew, Aprii 11.--William Craig, an old man, who in the Old Country would have been called a "town worthy," was buried Sunday at the expense of .the town. No one |ever knew h , and it is variously estimated 'from eighty to ninety-five, In pioneer days of the county it is 4satd he was a school teacher, and afterwards became a cobbler, and the oldest citizen cannot remember {when ke lived anywhere else than in a little hovel on a triangular piece of ground fifty feet from the C. P. R. track. Charitable neighbors clofh-] ed and fed him, and he was not charged taxes or rent. A few months J which was barely habitable, and now : ihe town Adm. He was far ro: illiterate, on the contrary, Ar x readable was eagerly di- y was was £0 | Scottich a al his violin. He lived and died a straggo but barm- leas man, of strange parts. Fou ein make ne kindof an im- pression Ly ng a rlatement "Ranks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Pe Oe ONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS KINGSTON, ONT. ® Jago the town "fixed up' his hovel | of Burns' poems, | | with an. apology, but it whi not be a} liched and Burned. Wanted to Scratch All the Time. - ( Scarcely Any Sleep. years old, ecre- oR Bry fed noon PY cars, 4 sfenaras to iv ad t wad very paind so | Wanted to corach M 4 ocanpely "When | was { ma came wm a id ahy slecp. "Aver used loureakex | | soi TTT TY LOT FOR SALE 2% ] 40 ft. x 120 ft. Enough stone on it to build a house. Snap for $150 W. H. Godwin & Son Teal Estate. } Insurance and 80 Brock St. 4 i hu Plone 424 man Ar val Maple Leaf Grocery Kinda, - Meats of Al i ee tent Lot with Ohessei ke Saunage: Cooked Shoulder Ep a Ham Mem Jeitted Mock. Fresh assortment siways o8 Alex Potter. Phone 75% 12 Rigesw