. Face Nothing But Running Sores FROM ECZEMA day or h that ter or night for those af- skin disease, salt No rest fiicted eczema, rheum With its unbearable ing, torturing day and is gladly welcomed, There is no remedy like Burdock Blood Bitters for giving relief to giuch suffgrers: no other remedy has done, or ean do so much for thoge who are almost driven to distraction with the terrible torture. Apply it externally and it takes out the sting- ing, jtching and burning, and pro- Yio Fes Liealthy healing Take it internally and it gets at the source of the disease in the blood, and completely and perman- ently drives it out of the system, Migs Mary V. Chambers, Anagance ll | Ridge, N.B., writes, "1 used Burdock | Blood Bitters for eczema. 1 had it when an infant, but it left me." Two years ago it came back. [I used doc- tors' medicine, but it did good only while I used it, At last my face was nothing but a running sore. 1 saw fn the paper what B/B.B. did for peo- ple. I took it, and today I am free from that terrible disease. Manufactured only by The T. Mil- burn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Ont. rible ten called, wit as it is ol Are prepared to give the quick. Ji est results ~-- lasting, too. j Bulphur gnd molasses . ... 2 Sarcaparilla Compound . 'Blood Purifier, 50¢ and $1. 00 s Iron and Wine, 75¢ and $1.00 Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, 50c and $1.00 fteh- relief burning, night, Popular Drug Store. Everything Photographie Developing and Printing. Phone 59. Branch 2018 wi aaft, veliabis refuiating ¢ Sold in three de strength--No. 1,81; fo 2 83; No. 3, orb Sold by sll dru id on receipt ps of ree pamphlet. ress : THE COOK Ne ICIE co. TORONTO, ONT. (Farmerly Wisdssr.) Cocoanut Oil Fine For Washing Hair 1f. you want to keep your hair in good condition, be careful what you wash it with, Don't use prepared shampoos or anything else, that contains too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harm- ful. Just plain mulsified cocoanut oil. (which 1s pure and entirely greaaeless), is much better than any- thing else you can use for shampoo- ing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with wa- ter and rub it in. One or two tea- spoonfuls will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The la- ther rinses out easily, and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries] quickly and evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky, bright, flufly and easy to manage. ° You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at most any drug store. Tt 15 very cheap and a few ounces is enough to last everyone in the family far months. ' 'e ; Dont Sn That because in the past you could not get a decent job done on your old hat, that yon canpot now. We are here for your benefit, : In order to make over an old hat, one must know how to make a new one froth start to finish, We don't experiment; we know how. Seventeen years at the bench is why we know. Why not get yours done right? It costs no more. Our reference --=your milliner or hatter. Get the number right-- 163 Princess Street Kingston Hat Cleaners. Phone 1488. Man'f'rs of Pan-a-Tae--Tt was terproofs anyl does not rot your Panamas. LET ARTISTS WHO KNOW A GOOD PIANO SELECT THAT LIFETIME GIFT For YOUR HOME 83 per cent. of all the world's greatest artists' who come to Canada select THE WILLIAMS NEW SCALE PIANO. Made to last a lifetime and stay. in tune. You are invited to call at our store and see these beautiful models. J.M. Greene Music Co. Lid. . Cor. Sydenham & Princess Sts., Kingston The "Hall-Mark" of Good Taste is his judicious selection of correct, well- fitting apparel--for, - indeed, is a man * known by his clothes." In the famous Semi-ready tailored-to-measure line, you can make no mistake, for here is found the true expression of elegance and good form--plus a right price and an unéqui- vocal guaranty. Semi -ready Tailored Hote. FOR MEN t the acme of apparel craftsman- ious: pffects' painstakingly - into each and every gapinenty and : price-savings to you are t e result Semi-ready perfected organization tailoring, system Spring and Summer now invite your early ine at our t. Suitsend ts, $18 to $50. fe). Wallnzi3 Princess St. § Slothing and Hi Grate. Furnishings.» en THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1918. THE STREETS OF HANGARD' SOENES OF CARN = NIGHT AND DAY. 3 t ARE Hardest Figining of Present rel Has Been Incessant Since March 21, and Ales Still Hold the Place. Witl April the present River S« ance, of the ny in Fr fighting south ol ht F The battie has been almost ins cessant around Hangard-cn-Santerre since Narcl 21. British and French have heen .engiged side by side defending this highly important and strategic position on the voad . be- tween Noyon and Amiens. Several times it has been wrested from them, only to be retaken In a herole counter-attack. On the 4th, the streets of ot horrible carr day, when the rencn 17 har 9th and 12th of April Hangard were scenes age, both night and enemy was driven from house to ouse hefore the French battalions. On the latter date, when the latest attack was de- livered by the Wrench, one of their battalions wus surrounded dn the overwhelming German advance The major commanding entrench- ed himself in the jruins of a castle, from which he held the enemy in check for over ten hours, mean- while signalling repeatedly for help and asking his'comrades to hasten. The major was captured, but short- ly afterward other French troops, with « British battalion, arrived, and after a terrific onslaught reéach- ed thé blazing castle. They rescued the survivors and took a hundred German prisoners, but the major, with another officer, had been cur- ried off in the interim OF 10,000 EXILES BUT 1,500 SURVIVE They Are New Being Brought to Jerusalem in British Motor Cars. Jerusalém, April 17.-- Fifteen hun- dred Armenians, survivors of the many thousands of victims exiled by the Turks two and a half years ago to the wilderness east of the River Jordan, have been, found making their way towards Jericho, the town recently eaptured from the Turks by the British The exiles, who the Turks from the ¢ Kharkne Marash, Aintab, Kesgab, had been combelled nen by Ottoman troops to break stone on roads Lie Avweluans ude being brought to Jerusalem in Brit- ish motor trucks. Six thousand Syrian refugees fiom Es Salt, 22 miles north of the Dead Sea, are expected to arrive in Jerusa~ lem this week. In connection with the refugee situation here the Rev. Stephen Van R. Trowbridge, of Brooklyn, representative of the American Commission for Armenians and Syrian Reliet, said: "We will equip expeditions to meet the exiles and will provide in- dustrial relief if additional funds can be sent from the United States. Nine hundred Armenians who were rescued by Arabs at Tawfile, between Maan and the Dead Sea; will be re- moved to Port Said. "Fer months from 20 to 30 of the éxiles have died of starvation each day. The original number was 10,- 000, From Tawfile a message has come through saying: 'The price of a life is the price of bread. " wore dragged by 3 of Adana, Urfa. and "The Yull béen accom- Mrankfurter apparently desired re- Huns Sense Failure. Amsterdam, April 17. strategie plan has not lished," 'declares the Zeltung. "The battle does not produce the suit." AA AANA NAN NAAN? Hood's Bas Pills ~ bllloasness and all liver Ills. Do not gripsor irritate. 25a. {partment of Lands, fellows under age. { Clancy, an employes of the Quaker 'Oats thontog on the company's tracks. To In Twilight i. PAE FIERA TEI 4 (Notice--TFierearter, the Whig, in common with other papers all over Canada, will make a charge of bie for inserting ah engagement, mar rlage or reception announcement.) - - . - 1 The Dan attended the Bridge and ant which. the Cataraqul Chapter of the Daughters of the Em-} pire gave in the City Hall on Satar- day a iy very much enjoyed this entertainment which bad been go perfectly planned and carried out by the Regent, Mrs. Walter Maenee and the members of this chapter. The tea tables, whieh were very bright and pretty with vases of lovely daf- fodils, were arranged around the sides the hall, while the centre waa cleared for dancing. Splendid music was supplied and the large mimber of yousg people who came in at the tea hour, contin ned ihe dance until seven o'cloek, Hose wno of Miss Katie Dermingham was hos- tess at the Bridge Clubgast evening. # » * Miss Alice Hague, who is at pres- ent on furlough, has been granted ex- tended leave and will be with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. George E. Hague, University avenue, until August. Professor and Mrs. H. Miteuell will spend the summer on Wolfe Island, and Major and Mrs, Carr-Harris will occupy their bouse on Albert stroet during their ahsence, Miss Beth Small came up from Ot- tawa on Saturday and is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Small, Ear] street "Mr. and. Mrs. are again occupying Kensington avenue, Bernard Browne their home on Harold Drinkwater, and lit- tle Atiss Joan Drinkwater, who have been the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ed- ward Low in-Qttawa, have returned] to their home in Qrillia, Mrs. W. J Foley, Division street, has returned after 'spending a couple of weaka with friends at Lyndhurst. Miss Laura Nicolle, Barrie street, returned on Monday from Tampa, Florida, where she has been spending | the past several months, Roseborough Walsh was in town from Brampton for the weok-end Mrs { | Capt' Jack Meredith is spending a) few days with Mrs. Meredith, who is{ staying with her parents, the Bishop] of Ontario and Mrs. Bidwell. Mr. and Mrs. John McKay, Syden- ham street, have returned from At- lantic - City. Dean and Mrs. James Cappon, Bar- rie street, have returned from At- lantie City. Mrs. John Fischer, who has heen the guest of Miss Millie Ferris, Albert street, left to-day for ther home in Bound Brook, N.J. * + Gaskin, who has heen the guest of Mrs. R. 8S, Waldron, King street, is now with Mrs. John Macdonald, University avenue. Mrs. 'T. G. Smith, Gore street, has taken the house on King street, at! present occupied by Mrs, Noel Kent, | Mrs. John and will' move at the end of this month, Prof. and Mrs. Doward, Toronto, have taken Major and Mrs, James Hamilton's house on Sydenham street, for the summer monghs, . so» ill : 3 IEEE EEN ERNE NRE ENE NNER SPRING IS HERE Time To Replenish and AAA ALN IN MASS | | ------ \ PAGE THREE Probs: Thursday, showery. to 75¢ a yard. to 75¢ yard. ENCH MADRAS -- from 25¢ on up to R ART SATEENS BED SPREADS Steac Cys Brighten Up the Home We are prepared with complete stocks of beau- $6.50 a pair. tiful house-furnishings at popular prices. LACE CURTAINS -- Imported direct from Nie tingham, England, priced from 98¢ on up to SCRIM CURTAINS -- From the best American mills, priced from $1.25 to $12.75 a pair. NET CURTAINING -- In plain and dainty pat- terns, from 20c up to $1.25. SCRIM CURTAINING -- In White. | ivory and ecru; priced from 5c a CASEMENT CLOTH -- Americas and English makes, at 50c yd. In white, weriand cream, also a few colors, $1.00. AMERICAN CRETONNES -- A broad variety of handsome designs to choose from; priced from 35c up to $1.50 a yard. SILK REPPS TABLE COVERS Etc., Etc., in Full Assortments. . Limited VELOUR ART SHADES No Humbug! Lift Off Corns Daesn't hurt a Lit to lift a corn or callus off with fingers tte $ A Se For a few cents you a can get a. small bottle of Cr the magic drug freezone recently discovered by a Cincinnati man. Just ask at any drugj store for a small bottle of freezane. Apply .a few drops upon a tender, ach- | ing corn and instantly, | yes, immediately, all sore- | ness disappears and short- | ly vou will find the corn jor callus so loose that, Miss Dorothy Mickle, Queen's, left| this week for her home in Chesley, and Miss Gladys May has returned to] Ottawa. Miss Nan Saunders, Alice street, ia' visiting her sister Miss Elsie Saun- ders in Ottawa, { Migs Marion Brown and Miss Halen | Ruddick, Queen's University, left this] waek for their homes in Brockville. | Miss Aileen Campbell, who has] heen Sltending Queen's University, left this we for Wer home in Cora- * 18 Lorraine Shortt, Queen's Uni- versity, is in Ottawa to spend the summer with her parents, Dr. and Mrs, Adam Shortt. Miss Frankie Bresee, Lyndhurst, is the guest of Mrs. W. J. Foley, Divi fon street, . 0» - - 11. Mr. and Mra D, J, Murdock, | Montreal, announce the engagement of their daughter, Estelle Dorothy Harte, to C. Ivan Murray, Brockville The marriage will take place quietly on April 24th, Ad - ow, Mr. and Mrs. George 'Moxam, Belleville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Pedri "Eva, Kenneth B. Whitney, son of Mr. ind Mrs, H. E. Whitney, 'Prescott, the wedding to take place the third week - May. (Continued on Page 10.) SHELL-SHOCKED MEN AS FIRE RANGERS Returned Soldiers Given Op- portunity to Regain Their © Health, Toronto, April 17.--Twelve hun- dred fire rangers, all of them men beyond the age of military useful- ness, mm d men or returned sol- diers, have been engiged by the De- Forests and Mines for the summer's forest pro- tection work. In past years a con- siderable. number of students were employed, but this spring Hon. Mr. Ferguson, working upon the prin~ ciple that a young man fit to do fire ranging is able to work upon a farm, 'has fefused to employ as rangers, | fem either exempted students or young ? Man Killed. Peterboro Peterboro, Wpril 17. -- John + wis fatally dujored on Monday when caught between two (reight cars were being spine and legs were Troken, Be died in the, hospifal an hour Hleceased 1 leaves a wife and An inquest w ticle. dresser and never let ache twice. IF HAIR IS TURNING makes or mars the face. 1 tire; you lift it out, root and; all, with the fingers. | Just think! Not one | bit of pain hefore apply- | Hing freezone or after- wards. [It doesn't even ir- the surrounding Hard corns, soft corns, or corns between the toes, also hardened calluses on botton of feet, just seem to shrivel up andy Jall off without hurting a par: It is alinost magical. Ladies! Keep a tiny bottle on your a corn or callus GRAY, USE SAGE TEA Here's Grandmother's Recipe to Dar- ken and Beantify Faded Hair. That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only be had by brew-| ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul-} phur, Your hajr Is your charm. It: When it fades, turns gray or streaked, just an application or two of Sage and Sul- phur enhances its Sppearanich a hun- dredfold Don't 'bother to prepare the 'mix- you can get this famous old recipe improved by the additdon of other ingredients at a small cost, all ready for use. It is called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphui Compound, can always be depended mpl = bring back the natural color tre of your hair, Everybody uses "'"Wyeth's"" and Sulphur Compound now because | AE i 'pied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through the hair, taking one mall strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after amother application it betomes best tifully dark and appears glossy and | Tustrous. This ready-to-use prepara- tion is a delightful toilét requisite for those who desire dark hadr and a youthful appearance. It is not Bo ded for the enre, 'mitigation or prevention of disease, } "At Halifax, NBS. the marriage took plate of Nursing Sister Barnes, Canadian Army 'Corps, daughter of Charles. Barnes, Blosholm, England, and -Lieat. Charles Bur- dick, USyN.. executive officer of a United States hospital ship in port. Pear that he was abont (0 be con- scripted and sent lo the front Is said by the police to have been the cause of the suicide of Omer Robitaille, a Barber, twenty-six vears of age, who that nobody can tell 'it has been the ol sige, = : You can't afford to miss seeing our 'values in rugs and furniture. Rugs are be- ing sold today at less than wholesale prices. - : VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS T. F. HARRISON CO.,, LTD. Phone 90 Ahad hhh al = ST. This |= | it darkens so naturally and evealy S00 IH LAWRENCE ALE AND PORTER A pleasant smile with every glass. Ring Phone 645 for a case. A. TYO, Agent, 473 Prince Street. SU Hi Nii Honey and Maple Bugar do net require wipping. Use . hem, -- Canada Food Board latest sty "Spring Offerings ! shoes for men and , and at our special be Dressy shoes for men, $5.50 o $8.00. Boys 'shoes from $3.00 up Jack Joh Col C. Bolling, airman, To mio. Re Toc yg Free, ie a in at 276, yurk. § thou was 'Montreal, { down. ; Col, Almond, director pp is in New will address the House of Commons at Ottawa and the United States Cone gresy,