MR ™ \} ni . Made in England very drop, and eT over the world. One Quality One Size One Price Grocers keep H.P. on their handiest shelf, it selis so freely. HERE HR RN 'woman never Yooks better than her® Hair cil GOING % ING 1} & GONE 11) 5 ul i co ta NEW BROWS a ce to ys CIDE. No matter what may or Ti a woman with a nice Ir air that is sof fufty Ph fats, Senger an PICIDE o SiS hair bea- ' tiful with that sheen and shimmer Lis so attractive and always fa health . Aral grow: t keeps m dand- There the hair from fallin gut, are remedies to be a8 good," but HERPICIDE: is Senuine original geam S Hergicide in S0camd $1.00 sizes is Sold ax all drug stores and Guaranteed by --should be your first con- sideration, and which no business man can well afford to neglect. . ' To insure bound improved EE ge health and talit ay ae By JANE PHELPS Pe oe Who TT T Ta CHAPTER LIL. When 1 got home I found Bexton there, waiting to see me, "Now tell me all about the dinner ~--averything!"" she ordered, after 1 had laid off my wraps and insisted that she do the same. "Don't forget: anything." : 1 commenced at the very begin- ning. 1 told her how nice George had been about dressing, how won- derfully he looked; thén of his com- pliments anent the decorations, the menu, the costume idea, etc.' Also how delighted he had been with the place cards. When [ gpoke of them, I thought I detected a change in her face; but as she said nothing, I con- clnded I had been mistaken. She asked after each of the guests ~-how they looked, whether the cos- tume was becoming or not; then 1 Mrs. i | veered back to the place cards. "May I see them again? Yours, I mean," she asked. "Oh I am 80 sorry! down to be framed." Then 1 told her of meeting Mr. Gray and Mr Carpenter; of their turning to walk with us; of Julia Collins and her un- king' remark; and that Mr. Gray made Mr. Carpenter turn back be- cause of it, but I took them "I'm sorry you met her, but go on." .. So, encouraged, ¥ toll her the rest of 'the story. How Merton had re turned and helped us select them, and then how he had stayed behind when Evelyn and I started home. Of our meeting with Mrs. Collins and what she _had said, and my answer. She laughed and urged: "Repeat what you please.™ her, fring said to lb THE ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN That women make highly success ful farmers is shown by the fact that nearly 2,000,000 of them are in charge of farms in this country. Miss Anna C. Garrett, superin- tendent of the Frankford Hospital of Philadelphia, has gome to Italy to instruct volunteer Red Cross workers in nursing. The Government has appointed 56 women deputy sheriffs to look after the welfare of girls in the vicinity of training camps and cantonments. Sepators favorable to women suf- ifrage are planning to make a fight to 'have it granted throughout the country on the grounds that it is a measure of war efficiency. Miss Esther Cleveland, daughter of the late Prosident, was married in Westininster Abbey to Captain W. 8. B. Bosanquet, an officer of the | famous Coldstream Guards. . The . American = God-mothers' League has been organized by Mrs. 'William Leonard Davis to supply the American troops in. France with fuxuries, such as tobacco and news- Officers to lead the woman's land army in raising crops this summer will be traimed at the scheol of orticulture for women at Ambler, Miss Bmma LeClair, of Lowel, Mass, has organized a veritable bat- talion of death known as company A, first woman's regiment of Massa- dhusetls. | . Steel hélmets have been furnished to women drivers in London to pro- tact their heads from exploding Gers mah bombs dropped from aero- planes. : : ci cain sapnot live on leas than $11.70 a week in New York, accord- ing to figures furnished by the state factory investigating commission. When Jack of funds prevented the Jerectionh of a new hospital at Palm Beach, four women started in and | raised nearly $20,000 in a few days. Miss Mary C. O'Neill, an Atlagtic City girl, claims the honor of being one of the youngest successful real estate operators in the emtire United States, if. nog the 'world. A d tment for the mainion- ance and housing of women workers in. munition plants has been erected in the war. ent and is direct- ed by Miss an Kleeck. Mrs: Hershel Tupes, wife of Col. Jupes, commanding Fort Hamilton, s 8 graduate Red Cross nurse and is caring 'for invalid private soldiers under the command of her husband. 'Mrs. Ronald H. Barlow and Miss champions, '#laine W. Rosenthal, both golf defeated Wiliam B. { A PAT ON THE BACK I did, and to my surprise Mrs. Sex- ton said: "Bally for you! 1 done better myself." couldn't 'have Mrs, Sexton Tells George. 1 urged her to remain for dinner and, finally she consented. To my horror, we were scarcely seated, be- fore she repeated George every word 1 had told My face flamed. 1 was indignant that she should so treat a confidence, even though I had said nothing ' about keeping it from George. That she could have any other motive save to embarrass me, 1 never though. * "I tell you, Mr. Howard, 1 ans proud of my pupil," 1 heard, when 1 had conquered my indignation enough to heed what they were say- ing "Why, I couldn't have given Mrs. Collins a better answer, myself. Your wife will soon have the aplomb necessary to deal with older and more worldly wise women." I wondered what Geo He smiled at Mrs ton, and made some remark to James who stood at his elbow. But various expressions had chased each other across his face I thought I detected annoyance, an- ger, and also--could it be--a sort of pride." Anyways 1 noticed that every little while all through dinner he would look back at with an in- quiring expression in his face, as if he were newly appraising me. I hoped he would not after Mrs. Sexton left have worried. He never to her. rge thought Se me scold me I need not mentiohed the subject. I finally concluded he hadn't con- sidered it worth while, and dismissed the subject. Southern nd George W. Carroll, two promindnt experts, over the Pinehurst championship course re- cently. The title of Heroine of Sweden has been conferred on Mrs. Ira Nel- son Morris, wife of the American ambassador to that country, becaase of her wonderful work among the poor and destitute of Stockholm. So 'that the average wage scales will not be lowered when the men return, leaders of women's activities throughout the country are insisting that feminine workers should re- ceive the same rates that were paid men. The suspension of laws through- out the country prohibiting married women from teaching school has been requested by (P. (P. Claxton, fedoral eommpissioner of education, in order to replace the large nhm- ber of teachers who have entered the war work. This Skin Peeler All the Rage in Society S---------------------------------------- Tere Is a growing tendency among women of -culture and fashign to pay more attention to hygienic means of preserving their charms. The advent of mercolized wax doubtless has been largely responsible for this. THis ree miarkahble substance produces complex. fons so natural in appearance, so mag- netically beautiful, artificial complex- fons are no longer desired. Insicad of '"daoctoring" an offensive skin, the skin is peeled off. Mhe wax peels the skin so gradually, in such fine particles, no disdomfort is experienced. The 1 sher, Younger skin beneath, wholly in evi. dence within a week or two, is Hly white, satiny soft and smooth, It's not a patched.over complexion, but a brand new ane. That's why mercodzed wax has become such a rage amon 1g society folk." The wax is put on nights like cold eregm and washed off mornings, iy druggists have dt; one ounce will | i { Every little while 1- would feel sol happy with George. Life seemed | really worth the living ---- life with | him, I mean. | was very careful no. o offend him in any way. To say] nothing hefore him at which. he would eavil, And to make my Ideas conform to his wishes.' I wonder if anyone who reads my | story has heen through the same ex-| perience and knows how hard it is] to restrain all natural impulses, and | to intrigue oneself to please another? | Many times I would fail in some way | --musually' what particular 1 had failed--and I would be miserable for days because of the coldness with which George treated me. Never could I become | accustomed to his leaving me so much alone in the evening. And it! was often hecause of a complaint on' this score that he was peeved with| me. George never confined either busi- fiess cares, or his pleasures, to me. It seemed strange, as, at home, my father and all the neighbors told! their wives everything that occurred. | I read much at this time, the month-| ly magazines which were overflow- ing with fiction, some of it of a hec- tic sort, and 'many novels. Often after finishing a story 1 wonld compare my life with that of the heroine. If she were unhappily married, 1 always tried to figure out which one was to blame. Usually, though, the author laid all fault on the woman. It was, [ told Evelyn once, as if 'all women were Eves,| trying to make the Adams of the] world eat apples. (To be continued) AA AAS NNN NNN NNN At. | About Old Violins, Old violins have been of great in- terest to many persons aside from} performers on the instrument. fact, many of the finest ction. have been formed by people whol could perform but little, if, at all, on| the instrument. There is something fascinating in the tontemplation and the masterpiece over a century, some almost two centuries old, and the] perfection attained by the old Italian| violin makers has never been sur-| passed. The beautiful wood and the rith transparent varnish of a genuine | Italian violin is a delight to the eye, | and the care. used in the VARIOUS | p ints of finish, the exact insertion the purfling, the triple strip of in- ny arpund the edges is something | machine like in its pérfection. { Is it any wonder thew; that a lover| of art, and of tone quality, becomes | little by little an enthusiast on the] question of an old violin, and pos- sessing one good one, that tie should gradually add te the number ag specimens are found which differ, and. yet are alike, but show the in-| dividuality of the different makers" So few fine collections have been broken ip within the past few years| that the news of a sale of old collect-! ions comes as a welcome chance for such as are interested in old instru- ments, Wealthy connoisseurs will without | doubt speedily take the old violins off the market as many of them are beyond the means of the average violinist, 2" ---------- Miss Ella [Frances Harris, known throughout the east as the Child- ren's Lady, has been commissioned as a jspecial attache of the (American Red 'Cross in iParls, to take charge of welfare work among {fatheriess French babies. without the least idea in| | Chown, | spend the BAKING POWDER CONTAINS NO ALUM It is a pure phosphate baking pow- der and is guaranteed by us to 'be the best and purest baling powder possible to produce. The perfect leavening qualities of "Magic" 'combined with its purity and wholesomeness make it the ideal baking powder. The ingredients are plainly printed on the label and our half century reputation should be sufficient guarantee of the high quality of 1 these ingredients. E.W.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED WINNIPEG TORONTO.ONT. MONTREAL - mm nen A A A Ai Told In Twilight SPL ER ERTRRRRER ERE RRR from Page 7.) Lambent, Clergy street, has returned from a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. Clarence Montreal. ~ T. J. Shanks,\ Hamil ton, is Elizabeth Maloney and Agnes now in Belleville, whol she will Nester, both representing Ohicago summer, _ | womens' trade unions, have been ap- Doreen Taggart, Queens |pginted to the Illinois industrial sur- will return next week to|vey commission to study conditions be present at the convocation. Her {under which Illinois women work. mother will accompany her. Later, {They will recommend legislation to Miss Taggart, in company with «better these conditions friend, Miss Sheridan, + Brockville, Mhe first member of the famous who is also a student at Queen's,| Russian Battalion of Death to arrive will leave for the Canadian west to |insthis country was a girl named engage in teaching during the sum-| Verprinskai, who obtained six sme months, weeks' leave of absence and journey- ed from the firing line through Si- beria, Japan and across the United States to Boston to marry. The first unit. of the Women's Overseas (Hospitals, US.A., will in- clude ten doctors, a dentist, a path- Xe thirteen trained nurses, six ambulance drivers, four 'mechanics, a dietician, wireless operator, phar- macist, and two clerks, all women. Ratt th eet ih ath need 1 couple of days in New York. ologist, | Lady Borden is out again ! her recent illness Mrs. August the famous actress, Eleanor Robson, recently returned from the front trenches where she was sent abroad as a special commissioner by the American Red Cross, Mr:and Mrs, Charles F MacIntosh, South Mountain, fnnounce the engagement of youngest daughter, Emma, to Robert S. Urquhart, of Ottawa, marriage to take 2 Place Shortly. after Belmont, formerly RL LY Lh ranklin fa EAH : ui Ont,, i) 3 | ; (Conkinued thelr ge Miss Beatrice the Mrs. Miss University, * *» Sir John and Lady Hendrie have returned from Virginia, During their absence they were at Hot Springs] and Richmond and also spent a ------------ | Different Sized Crispand Packages Delicious Made Under Our Own, More Exacting, Pure Food Laws The purity and goodness of McCormick's of our great, snow-white, sunshine factory; Jersey Cream Sodas is assured by the and finally, by the perfect protection of an careful selection of the very best materials; air-tight, sealed -package that excludes all by the skill of our experts who bake them; dust and moisture. Ask your grocer. by the perfect cleanliness and appliances JERSEY " CREAM EVERYWHERE Sodas Onyx and Geon ina . Shoes 2 mpleteness. No matter how hand- some the spring suit or millinery--your attire is in- complete unless worn with a beautiful foot covering. 0115 with Grey Buck top is worthy of your consideration, or we would suggest an Oxford in Black, Colored Kid or Buck to match your suit. Writs for colored style plates, Buitt Exclusively By achford. Shochi fctuging Grpary