Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1918, p. 3

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¥ * nervous does of his virtues. ia TO SUFFER FROM HEADACHES MAKES LIFE MISERABLE, Headaches seem to be habitual with many people. Some are seldom, it ever, free from it, suffering con- tinually with the dull throbbings, the intense pain, sometimes in one part, sometimes in another, and then over the whole head, varying in its severity by the cause which brings it on. The vatieties of headache most common are sick or bHious headache, headache, headache from constipation, debility or indigestion and periodical and spasmodic head- ache, and undoubtedly the cause must be removed before permanent relief ean be had. Burdock Blood Bitters, that has been on the market - for 'over 40 years, removes the cause of the head- ache, and not only does this but also restores the entire system to healthy action and buoyant vigor, Miss Emily Smith, 204 Bellwoods Ave,, Toronto, Ont., writes: "I can- FIRST VESSEL INT0 OSWERD GOT NEW HAT MASTER, CAPT. M. SHAW FROM HARBOR m---- Jex Arrived Back in Kingston ° on Tuesday Afternoon, With a:Cargo of Coal for Sowards Company----- Noles in Marine Ulrcles, Capt. Malcolm the veieran Kingston mat honor of running the fi into Oswego this Reason, und ad a result of his trip over with the stqamer H, N, Jex he i8 now sporting fine new hat, given him by the } yor master of that port. Capt. Shaw has won the new hat many years, for being the firdt eaptain to arrive ar Oswego at the opening of navigation, but thist season makes the third In succession, and the captain ig deserving of mueh credit, fil, and at the same time, navigators out of this port, The Jdex was loaded with coal for the" Sowards Company and arrived in Kingston late Tuesday afternoon. The Montreal Transportation Com- pany will send out quite a large fleet of vessels just as soon as thie weather the skilful not Speak too Mighty of Burdock Blood Bitters. For two yeara-1 was greatly troubled with violent head- aches, particularly. In the morning. I tried everything to cure me until a friend recommended B.B.B. I tried it, and now I am completely cured." Manufactured by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, DARKEN GRAY HAR, LOOK YOUNG, PRETTY Sage Tea and Sulphar Dirkens 'So Naturally That Nobody Can Tell Hair that loses" its color and lus~ tre, or when it fades, turns gray, dull and lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grand- mothér made up a mixture of Sage | Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and' beautiful, and thousands of women 'afd fen who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which is so attractive, use only this old-time reeipé. Nowadays we get this fameus mixture improved by the addition of other ingredients by asking at any drug store for a hottle of 'Wyeth' # Sage and Sulphur Compound," which darkens the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobddy can possibly tell it has been applied. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush and | draw. this through the hair, taking ohe small strand at a time. By! smorging the gray hair disappears; ! but what delights the ladies with | Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound is that, besides beautifully dark- ening the hair after a Yew applica- tions, it also brings back the gloss | and lustre apd' gives it an appear- ance of 'abundance. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- | pound is a delightiul toflet requisite to impart color and a youthful ap- pearance to the hair, It is not in- tended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disedse. | Best's Spring | =: Tonics Are prepared to give the quien. est results -- lasting, too. Sulphur and molasses . . .. $1.00 and $1.00 vis gor or, So. Beef, Tron and Wine qs tne "Wike nil" Whe Hike of-! tenér of hig imperfections than he PB, Lai ab pa TTT TY YY YY YY isome big vessels will be bwil; from the east, ll conserving the tobacco supply wil i} packages. | | taken to 'make it last. ll on' April 11th, i tand Miss Addie Ross. WARY moderates A very heavy gale pre vailed on Tuesday afternoon and evening. The tug Thomson wis gehbduled to clear for Fairhaven, hut was unable to do so JA Halifax wire states that J. W. Nogtross, vice-president and "manag- ing® "director of Canada Steamships and Roy M. Welvin, have been there in wonneciion with proposals te es: tablish a shipbuilding plant and dry doek there. . Arthur T, Phillips, saperintending engineet of the Rideau canal, an- nounces that a start will be made to let thé water into the Rideau canal on, April 20th, and that navigation will open on May 1st, ,by which time it will be filled, : It understood that the Kings ton Bhipbuilding Company has work ahead for a considerable time and after com- i8 the contract for pleted. Capt. John Quigley died in Oswego, N.Y., on Saturday. He was one of thé best known of the old maripers who piloted the famous Oswego fleet of canal schooners into almost every port on the Great Lakes. YOU NG trawlers is ME N DISMAYE D. By the Increased Charges Made For Cigarettes, The announcement that cigarettes had been advanced considerably in price has caused dismay among the young men. For a long time the mahulacturers and jobbers have been bearing the increased cost 6f produc-) { thon "aud handling, but it has heen known that the advance for the re- tail dealers was coming, Oné man in téuéh with the sitna- tion remarked that it was not gen: etally known' that China and other countries in the east have become large consumers of tobiceo, Since the abolition of opium from many sections, tobaclo smoking has hecome a fad, with the result that there has been a largo increase in the demand which comes on top of i the great comsumption at the battle. ! rout. 4t is thought that the next stép in | Be By putting fewer cigarettes in the The quantity of light to- eal for Cigarettes, it Is swid, 1 compared to the demand, {and 'special measures will have to be The tarriage took 'place at Athens of Morton C. Knapp i, It you suffer from \ chie, Ris tis, Brick Dust Deposits, Urinary and Bladder Troubles, or Swollen joints, write for free sample of Gin Pills to The National and Chemical Co. of Canada, ited, Toronto He is one of the most care-| composer who were responsible } | which would dart Bowmanville, | 1 "Last {be taken with pains which commen. _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1918. oF {Contintied from Page 8.) ER -- "You're tn hove '® There never was any doubt, nor could thére possibly be, concerning the merits of an Arthur Hammer- stein musical production. The repu- tation of this manager is always an absolmtely safe assurance that his of- fering may be wholly depended upon as giving the maximnm amount of delightful pleasure, hence the coming to the Grand Opera House on Thurs- day, April 25th, of "You're In Love," another Hammergiein offering, and Iris very Iateat sudeess is sure to cre. ate a feeling of brightest cheer. "You're In Love" owes its remark able triumph to the same author and for "Katinka," "High Jinks" and "Fire fly," the memory of which still linger joyfully in our midst. Authentic ré- parts credited it as being even mote potent and considerably, richer in point of novelty, "You're In Love" boasts of a large and formidable or- ganization of singers, dagcers and comedians, among them Miss Edna Pendleton, Peggy Pates, Alice John- son, Raymond Crane, Ralph White- head, W, H. White, Harry T. Hantin, Billy Cetton, apd Maxson dnd Brown, those exceedingly cleverdanc- ers, and others of popular renown. "Trail Of Lonesome Pine." "The trail of the Lonesome Pine," Eugene Walter's thrilling dramatiza- tion of John Fox, Jr's, splendid story, emphasizes one of the mos{ fascinat- ing locales of a dramatic story. No pains or expense have been spared to make the production a worthy one in every sense. It proved a Striking success in Chieago, Bestdh and New York, and enjoyed long runs with the largest receipts of late vears, The story of the play is provided with a rich background painted with nature gkill, in fact, each of the four acts is a vigorous colorful pieture. Louise Price as June, Mr. Fox's delightful creation of the Virginia Mountains, has a part that perfectly suits her, This stirring play will Be seen at the Grand Opera House on Saturday, Apri ! 27th, matinee wna night BRITISH SUPREME IN DYE MAKING 3 # oo, Can Take Position Held Be- fore the War By the Germans. Ban, London, April > 24.--The British Dyes Company, promoted: Ly the Béard of Trade with ihe assistance of thé ireasury, to take the position held before the war by the Germans, hasbeen gt work for over two years and is able to report good progress. The. works of Huddersfield, near Leeds, have reached the proportions of a smdll town and are - still ex- panding. The directors hdve gone to the heart of the German suecess, It was not by making dyes, but by making "intermediates," that the Germans forced the whole world to depend on them fm this great indus. try. 'No "intermediates" are being made at Huddersfield, and the most elihorits and expensive plant used | in the whole undertaking is employ« ed in this easential branch, which absorbs eight. tenths of the capitat; outlay. Compounds have beén devised and dyes produced even beyond the in- genuity of the Germans; for the Brit- ish Dyes Company did not have to start at the beginning, but whers Ger- many left off in August, 1914. The company has been able to | manufacture nitrie acid, fuming sul- phuric acid, and intermediates, such as benzidine. Betanaphthol and syn: thetie phenol, as well as fine dyes, dnd is evidently in control of a come plete'organization, From a financial politi of view, its success is demon- ate died by the fact that it has been to pay the maximum dividends Tie upon. each share of capital during the 8 past two years, Grand Trunk Tinie Table Change. A change of time will be made on : April 28th, For 'information apply to J. P. Hanley, agent. Rev. A. Rintoul, Rideau Ferry, has accepted a call to the Presbyterian church at Nation, in the Sarnia Pres- bytery. PAINS FOLLOWED THE NERVES From the Feet to the Top ot _ the Head=~Could Not Asténd to Busi. ness For Five Months--Gaining Strength Rvery Day. tran} Bowmanville, Ont., April 24.--A {great number of people in this dis} triet have been trying out Br. Chase's Nerve: Pood with splendid results, and none are more enthusiastic than Mr. Allen. His netvous systeth had becbmid so rtely run down that he Had to "his usual occupation and he {ere x dbnty from nagraigle piins dart along the Herves, tausing keen distress. 3 But he found a eure and does wot hesitdte to recommend it to others. ah. Simul Alen severe, hack of er Toushe. up, unable to attend to my 'business, for five months. | would in my feet, and ran rig! head fed [ine son ot | the Windsor branch + [oson sovesse sass Theatrical News || Told In Twilight Peete Ieee ER (Notice----Herearter, tha Whig, in| common with othér papers all over Canada, will make a charge of bie for inserting an GDgAgement, mars riage or reception announcement.) The members of the First Raptist ehureh <hoir gathered at thé home of Sergt.-Major Turner, one of their returned anembers Home on rar tough, and an enjoyable eveaing was spent together in gdmies and music. Afte~wards freshments were serv ed. The gues voted. Sergt. Majer and Mrs. Turner exeallent 'hosts. tS hn re The Levaina Sotlety of Queen's University entertained at tea In Car- ruthers Hall 4 *f convocation this * EL afternoon iCtab did not meet 1 next Tuesday Miss William street, will The (Bridee last evening Marion l.e be the hostes * ,oom ! Nan Saunders, M.A, Alice entertained some of the 3s at tea on Tuesday Miss street; graduating cia afternoon PAGE THREE wk ABB SII SIIN . : Probs: Fair and cool today and Thursday. Macnee, Barrie stroet, rom New York and Miss Adice' has 'returned Atlantic City Miss Lillian 'Kent is the guest &f Mrs. K. L. Jones, 'King street. Miss Agnes | ardson and Miss Kathleen Daly left yesterday for Chaifey's 14 to apen "Fetter- cairn,' Miss Richardson's convales- tent home Mrgil iP. HK. in Ottawa, ) R. Bamforth, Col- borne, § re wring from a recent severe il Ine 38. 1@ 8 a daughter of Mra. William Lake, Queen street. Mr. and Mrs. FP: Wi Sackett, Cape Vincent, N.Y., are visiting Mr. and Mra. J. D. Craig at Ottawa. Mrs. Sacket and Mr Craig are sisters. Miss Magy Gemmill,' Queen's Uni- versity, leaving tomorrow for hér home in penfrew, Prof. and Mrs. T. M. Callender are leaving early in" May for their summer home at Pitts Ferry. IR. Walsh spent ths week-end with Mr. and Mra Al Brown, Barrie street. ! Mrs. 'George Mahood and Miss Anna and Miss Mildred Mahood ar- rived from New York this week and are the guests of Mra. Fred Mahood; Broek street. . . Miss (Ruth Harrop, B.A, left this Captain and Jenoit, Kingston, are Mrs. Ww MILLINERY KAYSER GLOVES 500 yards only today 30c. .. MONARCH YARN week for her Home in Alberta. Mr, and Mrs. iA. Betts have taken a house on 'King Street and | will move from their Albert street home early in May. * Hon. w. J. Hagng is expected home from South America in a couple uf weeks. : Lady [Falconer 18 dn Newburgh, where she went to see her mother, who is fll. Miss Grace Tucker, Belleville, re- turned to her home 'eh Monday af- ter spending the week-end with Mr. 'and oe 8 8S. 1 Lilley, igtre Miss Dorine Taggart, B.A, left this week for her home in Ottawa. Capt. and Mrs, Stewart Wother- spoon are the guests of Mrs. K. N. Fenwick at the Chateau Belvidere. Alan Sutcliffe, of the Bank of Montreal, has been transferred to h and left for | there on Monday. ; Mr. and Mrs. Clinton are in town from Bloomfield for Miss Nell Clin- ton's graduation to-day. Miss Saunders is leaving next week to be the guest of her sister, » 10. Mra. BL. Fort from Toronto. Prof. and Mrs. W. E, McNeill left on Tuesday for Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. Herbert Cooper and little Miss Nadine 'Cooper ware expected from Sydney early in May to be the guests of Mrs. James Higgins. has returned Jack Brandon, iia has been at-! tending Queen's University, left this week for ris home in Fenelon Falls. Mrs. Celin Gibson has returned to Toronto after spending a few aus at the'Chateau Belvidere. Hamilton Cassels, LL.D, Torotito, | is in town for Queen's eonvocation to-day. 'Miss Nan Saunders, Alice stroet; who has been visiting Miss Elsie Saunders in Ottawa, réturned home on Monday. Prof. J, C. Gwillim left this week for Vancouver, B.C. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Richard 1. New- man, Montreal, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Dero- thy, to Lieut. old. E. Skeete, "CLA M.C., of Barbadoes, W.I. (Continued on Page 10.) Churches Amalgamate, Picton, April 23.--The union of the two Methodist hutches, of Picton has been consul by of the respective only the Hanetion make, it compl est harmony an tion exists is e that the name of the First That the gre I Sate of Contin Metho- Picton Methodist Chueh nae will be ad congregations at the close of the Cotta ference year. - ain. Tank Corps Popular. * Cornwall, April 23.--<Arthur Mac- Wellington | i a Mrs. Kennedy Mollwraith, in Toron-! lenced Til the fact] dist Church has been changed to the balls. maroon, SILK POPLIN one staple colors. WOOL SPENCERS are: White, black, | Kayser chamoisette gloves at less than wholesale cost. fect fitting wash glove in black, white, natural and grey. sizes; quantities restricted. NOVELTY SCRIMS of novelty floral scrim, full 36 inches wide; worth yarn. Reg. price $2.25. SENSATIONAL VALUES FOR THURSDAY Thus greatest of all spring sales continued with a rush all Wednesday with a most unusual array of genuine bargains. tinues throughout the week with additional bargains daily. NEW YORK DRESSES 300 charming New York silk dresses in taffeta, charmeuse, satin, georgette, crepe de chene and serge. $60, showing every new style festure a and color. .. . This sale con- Priced from $18.50 to . Sale price, "Tess 259% A sweeping clearance of all spring millinery -- all of which are absolutely fashion's latest dictates. 25 Trimmed Hats, reg. $7.00. . ci 15 Trimmed Hats, New York shapes. 20 untrimmed shapes, priced to $7.50. 30 children's Trimmed Hats . Sale price $4.69 Sale price $6.95 . Sale price $3.98 . Sale price $1.98 A per- All . Sale price 69¢ Y . Sale price 15¢ 300 lbs. of celebrated Monarch Sweater Yarn, in one full ounce The colors are tea rose, paddy, gold, black and white; worth 35c a ball, Sale price 23¢ poliu blue, chartreuse, 1 300 yards genuine French ilk poplin in silk de luxe, for spring suits, skirts, sleeveless pull overs, etc., in all wanted shades, which include: Jadegreen, bufftan, wet sand, wood violet and twenty 36 inches wide. . Sale price $1.48 Ideal for summer wear and just a limited quantity are left. Colors saxe, rose and gold; made of fine pure wool . Sale price 98¢ aes RG ee SUIT SALE An absolute clearance of all the smartest New York spring style suits are now on sale ' way below reglar gprice. POR DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION Heartburn, Belching, Sour Acid Stomach. Gas in Stomach, ete., take a teaspoonful of Bisurated Magnesia in a half glass of hot water after eat- ing. Is safe, pleasant and harmless to. use and gives almost instant re- lief. It neutralizes stomach acidity and sweetens the food contents so that digestion is easy and painless. Sold by druggists everywhere. NT -------- MARRIED. RN Pieton, on frit Moths Eugene Keogh to May ae tia Mek ennd, - LEA, MAST INAS Picton, on Mar, gn da Irene Mastin, Hallowell mry Eugene Leavitt, Athol, | rTERSON TRSKKY ~-- At Wellington, Apr?! 10uh, Mae Bllzabeth Teskey, to Ernest W., Pierson, Tans ~MARSII---At Trenton on Mar, Samuel Edgar Simonds, 19 Feber Marsh, buth of Consecon. DIED. PRIAR--~In North Maryshurg, AnH 13th, Gerald Arthur Friar, in Fenty «seventh vear. FIN Taal Big island, Apel haoles Huonf, aged 50 years, SR sh Peton, April 1Twh, SIMO is Tih, Ernest N April jam, Henry Preston, eed $2 wn Hallow, Charfes Purteli & URTELL fe on April 13th, aged i 2th A Marysburg. on Aprit i i Neistiana snyder, aged 58 years. One 'way fo keep friends is some- times. to. reserve your opinions. Are the two items added. to a home properly og ne with : AWNINGS No other place around the house ah you spend the same amount of money an good resalts. Ask our agent, F, W. Ror a od oul Te Buy Your ir Spring Footwear. Merv's uahagany tan salf ats Bova is. and rubber heels . . . $7.00 Other late styles in black and colors, from $6 to $8. Watch Our Windows. iston's Shoe Store 70 Brock Street The Tid Commission. | Sir Chaties' Davidson's Commis. whirh investigated the Kyte charges | sion, Inquiring into war purchases . anent. a Tn and bis, ote jHonerally, ont $11,545 for the year's sor, Sir Sam Hughes, ills' total- | investiga ling $51,495; The lawyers got 330,-| lareace Plerce, North Marysburg, 084 Tor their month's work. - has purchased Irvine Miller's farms, The Budget speech which was to|at Waupoos East A hate been delivered on Thursday, has! Oxford County Council voted $18. DOLR Jeatpondd X to next Tuesday. 000 fo the Y. , C.A, overseas tung. wl

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