" or ; A 'y PAGE TWELVE - ts - UH AH--r -- The" Dainty" §| In The World Of Spon SR DISTURBED BALL GAME LIFTED 3,010 POUNDS 4 -- $ = = -- ~ 2 Baseball Briefs German Airplane Over Town Where Feat of W. L. Travis at Montreal Lifts Electric rates will be che r shortly. Now'is the thme i American Soldiers Were Playing. ing Contest, 8 have yok house wired for ae Hghts and have all the ¥ = | 4 The big' league baseball teams in The weight lifting tournament was vantages, | us give you prices. -- the spring training camps at home brought to a close in Montreal when : = ' g « Perticia, a young pitcher with the | have nothing on the American sol the prizes were presented and a back 3 - The ideal shoe for afternoon and even Los Amgeles club, Is attracting wide{ dier so far as Hmiering up the old} iifting competition was decided with J 1B ing wear... attention on the coast, and Passpall wing and Priming the, batting evel yw L. Travis, the American cham. : RIE : men out there predict that he w is concerned. { pion, the winner by a large margin. . . 3 = All the new styles in Patent Leather, soon be in the big show. Pats 3 the anes, on the Feat Travis also gave a spectacular LT EX Y 167 Princess St i é ---- camps in France or along the road-| demonstration of his strength in two . ] - a Kid, and Ga cy Buck. New heels and beau =| The Browns stand to lose Nuha- side, you can hear the thump of the teams of horses pulling. in * opposite Ki NGSTON ONTARIO tifully shaped toes. B= | maker, Williams, Gerber and Houck| ball in the mitt, the crack of the bat, | directions. They failed to pull his : : e= | in the present army draft. and all the familiar baseball sounds| rms apart in two trials. : : ,--as well as a few war sounds thrown In the back lift only three men 4 PPV : ed and turned. Within a few min- . Ing ig Ca autre ah a -- Joe Cattarinich. ainda AAA Ris a a a AAA utes the guns had put a complete Bert Daniels, once a popular mem- ntvela od 3 re hor Of the Yankees, will manage the circle of bursting shells about . the ed oh BOR, om js pPlane. Then American rooting be- St. Joseph Western League téam this gan year, , "Attaboy; get him, kid; get him| HIRI FE -- from a cloudless sky, and the war exhibition of lifting small bell bars -- that was a close one--now, just : 24 4 I PC Fa > A £ ' ® . - : Pal Moran Isn't worrying over the| iB, Says a 'writer. vk competed. Travis winning by Niking | B= | absence of Cy Williams now that The game of "old cat" was broken | 3 919 pounds on a platform. ' Dan- S | Meusel is playing great ball as the|Up recently by ai airplane-anti-air- durand lifted 2.142 pounds and Gir- NIIP fino Phillies' centre fielder. Galt gun scrap overhead. The game. guy' fajled at the same weight. The ' i was being played in the middle of | word's record for the back lift was : € |. The Cubs have placed Pitcher Tom | the Pullic Square at Luneville (about | made by the late Louls-Cyr in CLL TRY with one hand. He raised one weigh- The Home of Good Shoes. once more!' were some of the cries ten miles from the German border cago during the year of 1897, when Sc. Poet Cigar 5c. Herb. Hunter, former Giant young- | seemed a thousand miles away. .. ing 226% pounds from the' floor to C. oe 18 --~ ; Eg » il BS yi Hugsing ls sactod that the) SACe More! nn rar » Seaton and Outfiglder Harry Wolter and nine miles back of the front ) : : Q > a K he difted 4.300 pounds. indows show everything that's with the San Francisco and Sacrs-) 204 BR. Our w Y g : lines). There was a good bleacher Gendron, who made such a good ster, who is playing shortstop for the Byt just then an 'Archie' spoke, | a - ph ¢ San Francisco club, is hitting the ball | and everyone looked skyward. There Poe rd then strove lis hend. x for Silk "n Tip of gor, hard but has avéraged an error a} was the Boche. Gun after sun came were presented. = The first amount- " v , : , Everyone was bending back, shad- { player in Sam Vick, last season with/| | a | \ . '» a is: "His style at the bat hard-| Ing his eyes and watching the sight. | & ly could be Improveq. upon: Hug-| The airplane 3ot (hroush. the oom: National Smoke mento Coast League clubs respect-y ..owq oo mixed poilus and dough- lay since the: beginning of the sea-| into action. Fluffy white rings broke - . t Kingston, : ie Sogo 15a (wt | 2 a $530 cant wont 0 Secor |S, OBERNDORFFER, Maker, f' j "cre ffs" safely and darted \ y ¥ gins remarked in. discussing this] of pream utis" safely an darte AX SON S young player. "He is a natural slug-| 94ck toward home, an occasional nN ® ger and one of the best young pros-[ 8hell bursting behind him. ; new in footwear. ively, is boys. The sun was beamitig down showing in the tournamest gave an son. all about him. Decarle along with a belt donated by "Foller him up kid; foller him 7 ects ave seen in a | time." Importers of Scotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble, pects | have Be en ; n a long 1p!™ was the encouragement: shou. The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. = TL . ed from the American rooters. But 807 Princess Street. Telephone 198% Enormous Golf Business, the Boche outlegged the guns and i : All the British golf and ball manu- disappeared, > J ve ilacturers report record sales. The "Who's at bat and who's on base?" Bp spn y at oy . 5 McDalds of Edinburgh have Pa-| a sergeant yelled as the machine dis- san LANGFORD RETIRES Tolan Yo this pad LM Fulton gave | tented a new machine for winding| appeared. A minute later the ball "Hoston. Tar Baby" Through as a [him such a beating In Boston that iy het Henley itis ar Fale Was on again, | v \ Uniform quality Smooth, even burn- Ring Contender. ;, he declined to leave his carner for 2 ¥ A » SRE Ee i se . buted £200,000 to their lucky share- 4 ' . . » . 5 Sam Langford, Joe "Boston Tar He Seventh po rad. B : was a i nolders. Motor tires, however, were As a special ticket the National ng. The cigar with the rich flavor aby," is through as a ning con-|technical knockout, the firs nls | jargely responsible for this big show-| Lacrosse Union will probably be tender. 'When he took the count |lengthy record. i i ing, Five thousand dozen golf balls| rationed during the coming summer, y and aroma of fine Havana leaf, in he sixth round of'"his battle at nr a4 month is the record at present of| Nationals and Shamrocks may have . Panama, Saturday wight, against Uncle Sam showed himself a good | another big firm. Lack of*material| to fight it out among 'themselves 5 = 5 TORONTO Harry Wills, it Was curtains for his | judge of ball players when he decided | and men is the only factor that is| again. . § SS N= %* ANDREW WiLson & 0 ome career, and it is unlikely that he | to draft Grover (Cleveland Alexander preventing 1918 being 'a record yea: Pitcher Fred Toney is expected to a . = : a MIREM, will receive any more bouts on is ang Bill Killiter. in the golf trade. join the Reds shortly. at. tng i - -- \ bil Gor A le hn "ol { YES, IT 4g fevr. WHAT'S THE iDEA | "/ ! ; ; i THIS 15. THe \ \ NSW, we ag mt 7 / [OF THE DWINE SUIT) [BIE NAVY. | ANEM. \ (RAPPIEST Moment | of NT dtl as - Te CONTRACT, | I'm GONNA | is PAINT ALL THE | SUBMARINES IA J THE NAVY. Veena i ; HH OF MY LiFe, I | JEFED WHATEHA [loggrT, YEP JUST SieNED A WAR 3 i bo 27] 1 RaYF AiG; CONTRACT WITH OLD ' Bs : WAT RJ sienED ub WITH | UNCLE. SAM THAT'LL ; : SECRETARY 7 Dawes. ments of beauty and finish. And the price of this : Find this out for yourself. Don't take any- complete phonograph is in keeping with the econ- body's word for it. You buy but one plionogrann. omy of the times. al) aa i ERE The Brunswick brings all singers, all. bands, 1s not restricted, because it plays all records. And'in the Brunswick record