pik rs ra pvpmpeiensisoniags PAGE TWELVE : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1918. T 5 ! 9 SHOUKHR HAS AN UP OURVE. ATHLETES GOING TO FRANCE i - Ew -- EY iq -- i ; A bo | One of Few Pitchers With A Shot i3tars of Track and Diamond wil . 3 s ry = te, sell Briefs | ov or mn rice Rl. | Con TS sions. | An Old Friend with a New Name . * 3 Aon 4 '4 Pitalifng is the most highly = No&ohl abe' American Soldiers in I " i M ; frei , | Oped BTL in baseball eri hu ae ouraged to engage in ath- i i i Joe Slattery, t onfrea TSt [in tg stands see wothi ing | HOBBOMIE Buf it has become know , u {i 0 fhaseman, who wis sun Sed io have trong arm and & sharp brealing that THEY Tay pers Some pone ONG before Labatt's Brews come to the | been sold to the Leafs, Dg that | surve. Bark of the curve, the s correctly an, ficiently . i enti i > {position for Memphis in THe Southern | pal} and the knuckle Dall thers an {dred on gy miiF. a She Bun ferménting tuns, they have passed through : hb, League, ie ' ! gniz the processes which give then the favor, . Mike Doolan, the old Phillie shorts] game 5 0ih the 1, , : ; ign- : ally. it 1s trae th h OFS over there, i the old style Labatt's Ale, Canads's | jstop and Federal Leaguer, has sign: Occasionally, it is true there comes ¥nder Supervision of Dr. Boorse made e y S-- fteher who stands » onscher kreuger amd. Outtieider | vistors hac move than that. He-has] Included in the list are found such Old London Brew, the new brew which Labatt's ig club, have quit the club to gecept That is just what Urban Shocker,|basebail player 4 i ' } ; 3 . ith th | i i 3 j positions in a shipbuilding yard out- seasons ago with Toronto, has; [Member of the New Work Ameri-| || ' with the same ingredients, with the same care a § If he is going overseas or staying at home. {side of Boston, where they will play| WO seasons ago with Tor baseball | cans. ol Hi skill and by the same processes as the ale you I Most suitable gift -- Free for one week's {on the shipyard baseball elub. | men to wonder what it is, Shoeker's / have known and used for so many years. curve is looked upon as an "gp C : = Giants for a time last spring, is play- Talking of Shocker, Fielder Jones] William i. Robertson, known gj | . jing with the Louisville club of the said that the youngster had 4m hisjthe Old Sparrow, and America's one. 4 all the brains and cunning, the gé Sarin some Ji ate & hinki 8 ine of physical en- . ) . t ; eralship and quick thinking of the d€aYOr, are at this ime preparing to = the body, the tonic quality which has ed with the Brooklyn club. Doelan some man so endowed physically that|,. "" y YON igh a folie with the champion ' Jersey for a season or two his speed and * Pisher., director of the Y. M. ¢ | favorite for over eighty years {City team in 1903. curves make him unhittable. But Lor Ar Draft Council, the men, all » on i among the |*"0Ve draft age have been selected. i {Jimmy Hickman of the Brooklyn some ghoot that is an enigma names as Dave Fultz, Brown's 3 will put on the market at Easter time, is made 4 puzzler that causes Joe Wagner who was with the eurve," if there is such a thing, . mer University of Michigan star, American Association. Wagner is box of tricks a bit of legerdemain|time greatest long distance runner, . a clever fielder, but cannot hit hard that was going to cause lots of [has also contributed his services and enough to hold a place in the big trouble in the American League this|{long experience. j { show. season. It's the box wizards with the| Yale is represented by Frank J funny shoots who have made the Quinby, former-baseball coach. | Manager "Chick" Hartman of the game's greatest pitchers, said the Bowdein contribittes jis coach, . s + | Binghamton club of the new Inter. "Original Miracle Man." Jack MeGee, and Platt Adams, | JOHN LABATT, Limited, Brewing Since 1832 | ----- |matiomal 'League. is counting on get Al Orthy the only man with the ex-| jumper of renown, closes a prosper { | ting several players from the St, ception of Shocker, who might belgus business to help over there. i LONDON, Ont., and No. 4 St, Helen St., MONTREAL | Louis Cardipals, Hartman and Mans} cid to have an "up ~arve." used John J Deigan leading .athlets : j ager Jack Hendricks of St. Louis slippery elm, which he applied to the of the A. A, 1.: Tom Kelly, of the . = 3 asta {0 play on the Denver team to- fingers and, throwing underhand, Irish-American A. C.; Fred Jari, KINGSTON ~- Jas, McParland, Fo | Strops itself {Foner EE caused the Pallio Jump upward. They fitsch, former catcher for the Bog. : | used (o say that Op 2% 3 ;|ton and other National League clubs {GOLF CLUBS IN U.S. less wonder, but he had a shoot Shut are only a few of the men promin- : GO RIGHT AHEAD ras as effective a8 a curve, said ent in the world of sport who will devote their time and energy to the gs ' Money back if it don't please. -- gL : i Elmer Stricklett. discovered the ie ha ners The Cessation of Operations on. Smet to cause the sharp down] Velare of the boys in Fragce, SPECIAL OUTFIT FOR OVERSEAS |. Aceatnt of War Meld break. Bd. Walsh, who peffected it, Sanndian Baseball L no Wrong Policy. used slippery elm and , other sub- Canadian saseball League. V y \ i Se stances. He was the greatest of the| Hamilton Spectator: The ques. WITH MIRROR | Ottawa Citizen: Davie * Black, | spina pitchers He was to base-| '!0n as to whether the Canadian ¢ : {president of the Professional Golfers' | a1) what John L. Sullivan was to the} 18ague is to he or not to he will be i! De | Association of Canada, and' protes-| nrize ring. answered this week when Tom: Nel- . {sional to the Rivermead Golf Club, 18] Clark Griffith used to: knock the (Son and Knotty Lee: finish their miss : Come in and let us show them to yk lek In the capital after spending dirs from his spikes Jy striking the Lockport | Pronpehears rn Blectric rates will bo cheaper shortly. Now i the time : 2 {the ' winter in Southern California, | ball against hie shbe Not many | Zoekport. # 8 team in to have your house wired for electrie lights and have all the This outfit makes a nice one for travel ng, | Where he was mistrictor to the mem. know it, but Griffith in the old days Price 81 ome Jo. nat took an advantages. bet us give you prices, , 4s there py 0 sy & ed snags $ 3 .l tu 1 camping or home use. | bers of the Riverside Golf Club. Wad a member of the St. Louis ds in that cite A ng Black states that all the big Am-| Browns. Grift would strike (hs ball] 8POURds in that city. The only dia- - - . available § sity y erican clubs are going ahead with sharply against hig spikes and cut Jong ava the' Bodh ns hr oy rt {their usual plans, despite the war two small abicasions in the hide, grip it was on the understanding that 1%" {and the fact that many of their best|his fingers in them and pitch his it would be for a y . players hav b called famous slow ball He learned the Hou mateur Sport only. j { y Fe {Players have been called to service. nous slaw ball. P | George A. Healey, advertising man. eT] [8 {67 Princes {Tournaments are being held for| #rick from Charlie Radbourn, one of ager of the Nisgara Fails Gazette { pi championships and, patriotic pur. | the greatest of them all, and a former Hamilton boy,' thinks [41 | NG STON Poses and the game is booming as|. One day while trying to wing thel ena professional ball would prove ) enthusiastically as ever. Black dis-| Dall Griffith discovered by accident | prove popular in. the Falls with the cussed the situation with some of the that on Some diamonds the grit from proper men. behind it and he will best-known American golfers and rod gel adhering to the bell made} make a few Suggestions to Lee. Just they appeared to share the opinfon ig Te ack piraligely Ju she ons | What the situation Lockport is that it would be a big mistake tof oo i nga sail all" as long | wij) not be known until Nelson and call off their operations on account at talk abr this ---- ball Jae Took the nd over. ig it is ) Bry ely that if Niagara ' Falls takes of the War. 5 laut Year. It is nothing new, as I, the proposition, Lockport will fali bi RE ave shown you, in line. If St. Catharines 'cannot see WILLARD 18 DUBIOUS do ao. 8 €reat pitcher. bola way clea ig ay There # p >» Which helis chance an mig "ry carried in his hip pocket and hisjcome in, as there are many A 1 "1. a Ge . ea ¥ nier EO revo hough. { Jeans Get a fast bay took thie fost exttucrd inary kane ling therq and it jis figured t "! some of whie loole is] that twilight games would Jess Willard, heavyweight cham« catchers. 9 8 popular, Prove | pion, is skeptical regarding his pro- The custom of sewing hits of sand- posed little bout with Fred Fulton, paper inside the pitching glove, of No Canadian League, - | the Minnesota heavyweight. On his 'wearing them inside the shirt and. of| "Knotty" Lee has abandoned thels . return to Chicago, Willard said: having the first baseman or catcher idea of trying to resorganize thé SPORTING GOODS CO "The difficulty encountered by Col. | use 'the emery or sandpaper are old Canadian League. He says that Nj | === \. ; id Miller in arranging for the bout at | tricks thas erop up every now and agara Falls and Lockport, the New Pe The idea : Minneapolis makes it look as though [ then. > {York State towns. are Hot. prepared . Pl 529 I won't get a chance to fight Fulton Rn he. Dla. days Punep-the pitchers), enter a league. this season. amd = ing wear, = » I shoe for afternoon and even after all." t A permit to stage the fight dwilij dirt these things were easy. At some don hn gerstore._ been his 8 All the new styles in Patent Leather, nted fused afte oint | Parks there was a spot to one side . 3 . & ¥ ge heairanted or refused after a_joint| Darks: D hineg box where the home| (ick. °f Sunday ball in the Bmpicel& Kid, and Grey Buck. New heels and beau-' hearing by the Minnesota Publle ome; \ Safety and Boxing Commissions, at | Pitchers rubbed the ball--and came|>'21¢ are also contributory factors tifully shaped toes. ve " c to the decision not to attempt to | Su St. Paul on May 4th. Up with it "souffed" and winged un! fg : ¥ Hl mo matter how thrown it would |OPerate, Lee says. : ! u or ride the air. "St. Catharines is ready for base-|3 > Evers Not For Skeeters, Sump a {ball and so are London, Hamiilfon = ® Johnny Evers, the peppery Trojan Strong For Bhxing, {and Brantford, and I was in favor | &= and storm centre among the latter- The Athletic Director of the 27th (0! operating a fourclub circuit, bist |S ; : : day ball players, is likely, after many! Division of the United States Na-{could not get the co-operation of |s= years' absence, to return to the Chi-| tional Army says: . some of the other magnates," said cago Cubs, according to authorita- ug. has & strong hold on the| Lee. - J tive: information. Evers has been men, and it is found that every man| "The territory in Ontario is very | = : . roy: s (offered a chance by Fred Mitchell to James hack from the front | and next season there ig -- Orr windows show everything : that 8 rejoin his old club, and there he is emphasis upon two h ain to be an International | = i most likely to land. Furst. that the man who ku "League with four cities in this prov- hewn Ootwear. : If the Trojan goes to Chicago, and bayonet Hghting pene (ad Sage in ince apd four in the old Michigan CN WY AA Ry Py y ) n 0 * " there is little doubt he will, it may does not know Ow; and, second State League, TRY mean the release of Otto Knabe, who a $ that the habit of a Is now acting as coach for Mitchell. formal contests i taki BE dant a oe Soccer Survives War Stress. Evers is hat thely 2° peop she -simplest sort, is 4 most important! The Montreal Herard says: agement Bible a "At "factor in maintaining the content. ball in Montreal has been flattened ] . ment and morale of the soldiers." [to the general outline of a pan-cake: ' . -- lacrosse has been ground almost into i , 5 TR ot a matens Playfrs. . 3 ; dust; Rugby foothall has been nearly in amateur baseball and its thorough | Wi wiped off the map; horse-facing. in|3 organization throughout the province,| | gone from among us---and. yet a it is important for players to remem. thousand athletes play soceér in this ber that by the rulings of the govern- g city every Saturday, if the figures of ing bodies disqualification from re . the ars propaganda depart-|d Hi Hi gin i cognized amateur competition will be] | -- ment are accepted. . rr ---- rine RS URERRORARARRERAN the decision against rn who! i. This looks very mush like an : a, Sam Crawford has mate fa 8oes through what is known as the xp A wer to the ever-recurring question of being wrought in Canadian sport} start with the Los Angeles Club of a "trying-out process" with a profess. vow oT what's going to be Canada's big game | Soccer is # coming game if not. the] the Pacifie Coast League, Hi, "-- : . ) ff p s field - : : ional team. The regulation has been p after the war. The fact that soccer coming game, ing. ing and batting wore feat When Prim Harry won at Havre The Boston Red Sox pitchers, | in effect for some time, but its repe- y can give the number of men it has a rat ures in the first game that he work. de Grace Saturday and paid $293.50 | Yankee catchers and infield and the] tition is timely with the opening of L Vo done to the greater game, and still Cincinnati erities are loud in their} ed. Wor Bie on a $2 ticket, it was the highest | Detroit outfield would make quite &|every season in order that players 4 . leave enough enthusiasts behind to Praise of the playing of "Lena" Black. Nees i og over paid on a winning horse | ball club, good enough for any league, | whn desire to remain amateurs. may SaaS form twelve leagues ghty-five bourne, the former Leaf, at short Took tor Silk Thread on Tip of Each Olgar, ©" TTT dh da a hihi ah a a a . hula a A arash hhh ddd r not forfeit their qualifications, A teams in one district afone is highly stop. i BRINGING UP FATHER a8 Ht no i" ; ; | en "48 ns ._ 1] say. nt) gm WELL WELL GRAZAN. On: This op 3 JERRY he fs vis Jes "or biden Bing AN | DOESNT INTER SROGAN ESE JOB A JANITOR : SB AO AR ou CF PFERE vary ™ME PAYS 1D Like vq A] ANLTHE. Pup, = i ; hy iii LOAF Ip | 5