Daily British Whig (1850), 2 May 1918, p. 2

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Save Worry. We guarantee you against loss by & ¥ Fire, I Phong 489. Our Fur Van will call. John McKay y, 149 to 157 Brock Street. TR een and Moth SN aS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 2 1918. ---- ----g CITIZENS PAY {RIBUTE, TO THE WORTH OF THE LATE| ROBERT MEEK. All Classes of the People Greatly | Moved by His Death--~The Funeral Arrangements for Friday After-| noon. Mayor Hughes was deeply affected by the news of the death of Robert Meck, "His dea ath will be a the city," said the Mayor "He, was 4 hard worker for the interests of Knigston, always doing all he could to help the city he loved so well, and his death will be keeniy felt." Whig reporters heard many tributes paid to the deceased while on their rounds. Owing to the fact that Mr. Meek was identified with so many or- ganizations, he was widely known, and in this way came in contact with many people. or 3 William Cook, president of the Board of Trade, also paid a warm trbiute to the deceased, as did also R. J. Radger, president of the Retail Merchants' Association, and J. M. Farrell, chairman of the Board of Education, " Reeve James Halliday, of Ports- mouth, said that Mr. Meek worked just as hard for the interests' of the county as the city, and that he was always willing and reddy to pat his shoulder to the wheel to help out on anything. that would be of benefit to the people, Reeve Halliday made great loss to Lor us lemonataate to you the latest Cadidlac: Electric ) with Automatic re. dust brush, for catch- and hairs. It is a wonderful cleaner, time and labor saver. Telephone 819. J.R. C. Dobbs & Co. "ING SUPPLIES We have everything you need to help yon clean house. We 4 a A35 is. » - . C. H. Pickering, Grocer and Mest Dealer 400 and 402 Princess ft. 'Phone 530 " '| Bvaporat [Bwepe Cac Apricots ... .. Perfect Eyesight is your best friend. Treat it right. Abuse it and it will forsake you. YOUR EYES may need the aid and com- fort glasses will give. CONSULT US You owe them that much. Consultation free, yJ.S.Asselstine D.0.S stored tometrist, Reg £7 "St. The aor {Optical Store, i dc gi do J 4 yy | GOOD SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO Central Garage High-class workmanship snd "§ Tist-class material used. a elve Ron pe in CENTRAL AL GARAGE Ed Walsh, Proprietor. 235 King St. ord FPP VP TI OON arash At the und sections, 25 cents each. | fornia Prunes, nice and. vio 10¢, 1235 ¢, 18c Ib. ed Peaches, 2 lbs for 25c¢ . 18¢ Ib. In one Fresh >a Cider ,....5.. .., 40g gal IW. R. McRae&Co afi: nue on Irish point, i scrim, wmar- Venise point, feeling reference to Mr. Meek's last public utterance, when he addressed the County Council on behalf of tie campaign of the Military Y. M. C. A. Ald. D. J. Millan also had warm words of praise for. Mr. Meek, who, he stated, had worked hard for the in- terests of thé city. Bishop Bidwell: "I have known the late Robert Meck for the nine years have lived in Kingston, and have on several occasions come nito contact with him in philanthropic 'and reli- gious work in the citys. His zeal and devotion to the public service deeply impressed me, as did his practical re- Igilon. He will be a great loss 16 the community in many ways, and I join with my fellow=-citizens in regretting his sudden removal from 'our midst, and at the same time offer my sincere sympath¥ to his bereaved family." Judge H. A. Lavell: "I have known Mr. Meek all' my life, and have been especially impressed by his unselfish devotion to what he considered his duty. He was. I think, onc of 'the most publicsspifited mén 1 have ever { known, and' [do not know presently in the city of Kingston of any man who 'can take his place in that respect. His whole life was #n inspiration to those 'who came in contact with him." R. F. Elliott: "Mr. Méck was an ex- traordinarily good citizen, and he will be sadly missed. He was active in every department of public life, and leaves a vacancy that it is difficult to All. . He was a good, loyal Kingsto- wign. and a Christian gentleman, | deeply deplore his death." M. Sullivan: "The death of Robert Meek 14 a shook, and the '¢ity has suf- fered a great Mss. Mr. Meek pos- sessed great ability, and he was un- tiring in: his efforts to promote the pubic good in all of the many activi- ties in which he engaged. He was a loyal citizen, fearless, honest and kindly, J M. Farrell: "I cannot think of any citizen whose loss would be more gen- erally felt than that of Mr. Meek. He had a high sense of public duty, and gave of his very best without stint in promoting any cause, religious, chari-4 tablé, social or: commercial. for the betterment of the city. He never asked others to do what he would not 1do himself, and by his enthusiasm and autiring effort inspired those co-opet- ating with him in any cause to greater effort. He was thorough in his work. I feel his loss a persona a one" QO. V. Bartels, City Treasurer! "A faithful and esteemed friend" never' too busy for a cheery greeting and ai ways ready to give his advice and as- sistance in the improvement of munis [Stet and public affairs." J. 'McClelland; City Engineer: et me live in a house by the side of 'the. road and be a friend to man.' This was his life." W. A Newlands, Collector of Taxes: "A man with' clear insight into civic affairs, whose advice thercen was in- valnable and whose relations with the officials was always cxtremely pleas- ant" Prof. A. P. Knight said: "Robert who gave of his sime without sfint to DE ---- = Meek was a big 'man, public- spirited,' " i these toiseck. Thee Do Thy spirit give nd peage will rest me; in Lee my soul doth live. -- Funeral Arrangements, The funeral arrangements are com- plteed Jot oh y afternoon Rev. J D. Ellis, . pastor of Queen Stre ct Met Am a will he in Charge of the services at the house It is texpected that the Oddfellows and oth- er organizations will attend in a body, The bearers will be Mayor Hughes, representing the corporation: William Cook, president of the Board of Trade: LM rrell, chairman of the Board of Education: Judge Lavell, president of the Canadian Clubs. James A Minnes, president of the Oddiellows' Relief Association, and Capt. R Crawford, representing Queen Street Methodist Church. The floral tributes are exceptionally beautiful and come from many organi zations and sympathizing frien Is and relatives; not only from this city but from all parts of Canada and the United States. Scores of telegrams have been received, all bearing testi- mony to the worth of the 4 worth of the dlecesnegl Coats. GF TE DAY LOCAL NOTES 8 AND TFEMS OF GENMRAL INTEREST. LL m-- . r Happenings In the City and Vicinity =<What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Davos to rent, C."'W, Lindsay, tent -Col, Gillespie was in Peter- boro on Wednesday. There was a blank sheet at the police court on fPhdrsday morning. The new taxation means that tHe price of matches will increase at least 100 per cont, W. Swaine, plano tuner, 100 Cler- gy street west, Orders left at Mc- Auley's, or "phone 564, R. A. McLelland, Kingston, was a guest on Wedinesday at the 'Revere House, (Brockville. Now is 'the time to have your piano tuned. We carry {wo expert tuners and will assure enfire satis- faction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. J. Clifford Reymolds, who has bebn in the north-west for the past three weeks, has returned home. * Forty men recruited in Toronto for garrison duty in Halifax were brought to the city to await transpor- tation, Now is the time 'to have your piano tuned. We carry twd expert tuners and will assure entire satis~ faction. .C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Prof. |W. 6. Jordan, of Queen's Univer sity, 'i¢:1o preach ar a speeial service inst. Andrew's church, King street, Toronto, on Sunday evening. The late Robert MééK of the city and the'late 7. J. Shanks, of the Hamilton Spectator, were pressmen who served 'together and 'both were We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al low the six months' rental on pur- chdsé price, and arran easy' tofms' on balance: €. W.' Robert "'W. Longmore. Camden East, ex-reeve of ®rnedttown, was taken suddenly ill while in Kingston' on Wednesday, and 'was taken to the General Hospital. He will be around again ina day or two. We will rent you a piano, dnd at end of six montis if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al low thre six thonths" reatal on pur-' chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. J. 10. Beaudry, formerly of 'Kings- ten, has 'been 'promated to the city editor's desk on the Ottawa Jowrnal- | Press. Mr. Beaudry is making a marked success of mews work. Cooke's Presbyterian ¢hureh ad- journed its regular Wednesday even- ing prayer service to allow the mem- bers to attend the lecture of Caps. Best 4a the City Hall. Prevost, Broek street, 'has auntie ed some exceptional good values in Boys* and Men's 'teidy-iiadé suits] which be will sell at a price, His values in 'the order clothing de- partment cannot be surpasssed. Prof. John MacNaughton, ' McGill University, on the famous sol- dier and writes, Lieut.-Col. John Mec- Crae, B.A., MJD, under the anspieces of thg Women's Canadian Club. Hamilton on Tuesday. "With Mrs. MacNaughton he spent Wednesday in-Kingston, AR RRA ri everything that promoted the welfare of the citizens, morally, socially and educationally." i Robert Crawford: "Robert Meek was a man above the average in men- tal attainments, with an extraordinary special aptitude for organization. He Meld the highest ideals of Christian nity can ill afiord 40 spare. He was esteemed by dll | His fife wad'an ex: emplary one, and he was beloved by! those who tkrew him best. To me. who knew Him i RABBI: the persoimal yi kew Mr. C4 y was a gil rst rate citizen, interested | in all seitl work, aman of sounid Judgment and § possessing. a Filion spirit.' "He was i well-liked by all whe kisew him." i i C fekle a Muck wat u man H who was n Ct respect. I was , Mssaria od with ohn in: ae Fe campaign.' eto of work with Ihe greatest enthy ing to Protte her wel t F3ceudin ly the Tous of Christian zen, a truly citizenship, a 'man whom the commu- If "The Hat Store" w J NEWEST I MI i nr { EVERY-DAY 'ou can see some- | ue best (orgn i eminent Writers. i LOLfa | ally to the boys of the city. only war, genius in years prior help you to gen, Germany. : R-- BR sms in eae The College KiTCHENER'S MOB, by Norman Hall, FIGHTING IN FLANDERS, by E. ma QUEENS AND PAWNS, br Mary Roberts Rinehart. Alexander Powell. Ve Foa a who was the London "Trish. life, SH WAR BOOKS NOW 60c THE GREAT PUSH, by Patrick MacGill. The wonderful story of hie famous charge at Loes, told by vert 'through "the "Aght himself MICHAEL CASSIDY, SERGEANT, by "Sapper." Stories. and sketches of the war as told hy Sergea ant Cassidy, "stopping a bit'ef lead with his foot." THE RED HORIZON, by Patrick MacGill. Patrick MacGill went {o the front with his regiment, but adveniure and humor and the real things ¢f the trenches. naster writer, who actually invalided home after There Seo found not It is the heart narrative of a GERMANY THE NEXT REPUBLIC, by Carl W. Ackbtmaki Ackerman' was the accredited representative of the United Press in Germany for over 0 the breaking of diplomatic relations with the United States. full understanding of why autocratic Germany hates democracy and why Ger- many must be defeated. THE SOUL OF GERMANY, by Thos. F. A. Smith, late English lecturer in the University of Erlan- two This book will Book Store Phone 919 Ry VAY Ay "1.25 adh hh AA ih hd > Sa ain ih "EARN AND GIVE" CAMPAIGN, Boys are Asked to Contribute to the {Military Y.MLO.A The "carn and give" campaign fn connection with she raising of funds for the war work of the red triangle of the military service © department of the YMCA Thursday morning and wil) continue 'Liar one week. The city organizer is Frank L. Newman, and the appeal is eapeel: x thousand boys from coast 10 coast lars each of what they haye earnéd $0 the work. 'It must be a distinct- ly personal contribution, and the boys by giving their pledge will be allowed until Oetobér 1st to make thelr gift. ; " #& Folders are being sent to repre d sentative men in the ity explaining he work of the ¥. MC. A. asd in he forthcoming campaign subscrip- i tions from every jorson in the city 4 5 willvbeimoughts | nesdiy On AWVednesday, May at, in 'the arcinitiops palace, ote of 5- s mest popular young ladies, larion 'A. O'Connor, yo pf 'Capt. as and Mrs. "West street, was Fy mge to Clayton E. ee "21, Queen's University, 1. and Mrs. E. Cobb, of Rich Lastrous Finish, 36 inches wide, qual- ity guaranteed. Worth $2.00 a yard. On sale Friday morning for two hours (or less if sold) from 9to 11 9 'clock, at (No phone orders and limit of 6 yards te to .. each buyer.) THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Aaa dh de Athans groove BUILDERS SUPPLIES » ry commenced on | fare expected to contribute ten dell; ATR dh ge 4 aie oo Adhd oe oa : 4% a dd The fyel,. "par : excellence" for open grates, wk it burns with a bright warm flame and becomes a glowing | coal, which radiates heat for hours. No gift could" be more ac ceptable to a Miéson than a compass and square ring. This may be had in a great | variety of designs, either in all gold or engraved stone styles, at > * #e Ms ig a W g Smith Bros. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. TY VY YY YY A dwelling on Brin.

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