r-- PAGE SIX _ ER RE TE SE | News From Eastern Gotan NEWS FROM THE DISTRIGH Fs dl six months |. Mrs. Jolin Ferrier, CLIFPED FROM 1 THE WHIG'S Tuesday, aged seven MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, had been ill but days pneumonia and complications. in Brief Porm the Events In The | demise was very sudden : Country About Kingston Are Told The death is reported at Belvidere, ' wFull of Interest to Many. N.J., on April 19h of Rev J. B. Ed-~ montison, once pastor of St. John's i > } Almonte. He Hard coal coming by rail is being Presbyterian Church, x sold and delivered at Iroquois for wos aged seventy-six Years, $9.75 un ton. Enos Seper, #Frankville, One of Frankville's oldest and] Seturday from paralysis. : most respecied citizens, Enos Soper, seventy-seven years of age. died at, his home on Saturday, kev. H. G. Kingston, B.A. LA.B., ow and four children survive. was a Liberal and a Methodist, rector or St, Jawes' Chureh Fenelon Falls, has resigned owing to flinéss. Martin Woito, Petawawa Town- | ship was fined $50 iy Pembroke J. L. B. Spencer, Picton, len for, Court for harboring his son, who Toronto 5 Monday, where he has ac-| had failed to comply with the pro- cepted a position with a wholesale) visions: of the Military Service Act. firm. Pte. Reginald George Fenwick St. John's Manse, Almonte, was died in Halifax Military Hospital on sold by action to Bert Knight for| Monday last following an illness isis. Te presbytery must gatify | from pneumonia. His home was in Perth. He was aged twenty-four Ea. S. 8. Buell has taken chuirge | years, of the Holiness Movement, = Roblin, and will preside at the services in the future, John Head has sold the house on Main street west, Picton, recently oc- cupied by the late Mrs. Clow, to J. D. Pearsall Mr. Plewes, manager of the Lynd- hurst branch of the Bank of Taronto for four years, has been transferred to Oil Springs, Ont. Belleville, died on Sa Francisco where he w » died on She with + Her 'erin, seve died on He was A wid He STELL A RED, CROSS, Sends Bag of Clothing to Relgians, Costing $107. Stella ; April 30.--The 3tella Bramch of the Amherst Red Cross Society packed a box ¢f good clothing for the Belgians, The people hrought in money to the amout of 526.25 as follows: Mr. and Mrs. R. MeCor- An esteemed resident of Prescott mae and children, $1.50; Mrs. Dixon, passed away on Saturday in the per-| $1.50; Mrs. N. Inetant (Emerald), son of Mis." (Rev.) Stewart. * She| $2; Mrs. F. Henderson, $2; Mrs, Jas was advanced in years. Bell, 50¢; Mrs, Neilson, 50¢; Mrs. J. Jackson Willows passed away at| Millar, 50c; 'Mrs. Sandwith, $1.50; his home in Carleton Place on Tues-| Mrs. James Kilpatrick, $1.50: Mrs day, aged sixty-five years. He: had |J. Beaubien, $1; Mrs. C Ratios [(Gib- been a sufferer from asthma. son, $1; Mrs. R. Kilpatrick, $2; Miss The fair grounds at Eganville,| 5, Caughey, 50c: Miss A. Neilson, owned by a company, have been sold | 25¢; The Litule Allies, $2; Mrs. H. to FP. Keenan who will convert it in-| Sanders, $1; Mrs. Harris Beauhien, fo & farm and erect a house ofi 'the MoMullin, $1; Mrs. $1.50; Mrs. J. grounds. Charles McMullin, $1; Miss Retta On Thursday last George Plumb, | McMullin, $1; Mrs, Williaa Coch- © Prescott, succumbed after a long ill-{ rane, $1; Mrs. S, L. Pringle, $1.50; Mess. He was the son of the late W. | Mrs. William Hamilton, sh: Mrs. LL Plumb. He was an architect by |Sam Miller, $1: Mrs. S. K. Tugwell, profession. $1; Mrs. John Tugwell, $1; Mr. Andrew Hossie is having the! Moutray, Sie; Mr. L. R. Neilson, 81: gen's hotel property at Pert) Mrs. MH. Willard, $1: Mrs. J. (len, nged into two stares, and work-|$1; Mrs. R. £. McMaster, $1; Mrs, meén commenced this week on tha! Herbert Brown, $1. : alterations, With part of this money a web . On Thursday last Mrs. William | each of shaker flannel and factory Peterson, a well-known and esteemed resident of Prescott, answered the cotton were bought and put in the box. The entire box was valued at final summons. She was thirty-five $107. The remainder of the money of age, will be sent to the Belgian Relief On Sunday, Frank Elvins, Belle-| society. * ville, died after an illness of some months. He was fifty-nine years. of age, He was popular and prominent' in the city's life, ~The Imperial Munitions Bodrd has taken over the Provincial Steel plant, Hot the Cobourg Steel plant, as sta- ted. They a will use it for storage is sald, Russell Edward Wallace, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, James Wallace, Picton Trade Board, Picton, May 1---At the adjonrned annual meeting of the Pleton Board of Trade the following pffigers were elected: President, ex-Mayor Fred Newman; vice-president, ex-Mayur €. B. Allison; secretary-treasirer, A. B, ©afnan. Council--J. ¥. Frases, Robert Davison and G. Mi Parring- ton. Are sist on getting | Seaman Kent Co, 's Lumber Yard and food to lodlcat." In- r Brand, made by the _THE DAr~ =~ =RITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 2% 1918. "Taken Captive by Bull' Moose," ~~ OMING dawn the Canadian Pa Algoms Central last cific and £0! trom ranger for the paper company, point ae a an tae i »! Mongoose Lake final setting to a most thrilling en counter a "tem * hed with a bull moose, Here ii i5 a8 tid to me by a man with bull moose longs-- you can separate the gold from the dross Rt your leisure: lth a the 1 4 a Well, a of swells " = ie end, for he nad . Numa Mr. se was going to make & "horrible we ne ¥ A MeGeein-Amiel Wedding. A quiet wedding took place in the Church of the Good Thiet, Ports- mouth; 'when Rev. Wather MacDon- ald united in marriage Katharine | Ileene, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard 'Arniel, Clergy street, city, to 'Richard Francis, second son of M¥, and Mre Richard McGeein, Portsmouth. Phe ride, who was ven away by her father, wore 4 eaytiful suit of Sand-colored .gar- bardine, with hat to mabeh, and car- Or from Chicago bung out there last fall for quite a spell--came up to shoot partridge and calculated to stick around until the moose season - Was su--well, by gosh, the moose season opened ahead of time with one gent, and he told me afterward that he was "fed up" on micase for the rest of his patural life. Seems he was out for partridge and had sat down to feed his face and take a draw at his dope stick when he got the surprise of his life for a bigbull moose came crash: jag through "the under! h and Janded 30 feet away pawing up the dirt as scon as he spled the gent-- the fellow told me he had nething but = & shot gua but determined to make | it interesting for Mr. Moose, so he hanled off Balen St was simply an intredudtion (in his harem o to what happened for Mr, Moose he sald he co come on bard stem sbead and the stamping the took to a tree mearby--he had afraid IR for ont made the first Hmb when Mr ward dip vould started to rake it fore aad att him ina both 3 Mongo with his 42 inch spread--result was Lake--just ¢ o ott 4 Sr down came the 1[mb and his nibs and terra firma er i as. he fOIl the seat of his pants got fronted With a vi J. ma caught on & preag of that moese's had evidently J _. spread--Mr, Moose with a mighty garden" during the Rarisg oo snort made off with him to the lake bess of the barem-the {we ried to aud preceeded to itramsport his over paw up he arth ar ang i 8 wild t(@ hat island 1 showed you. The redir® ind. ben gon: told me We thought he could see 'other with as bonged. don Bis checkered career coming to a cyssion threw Mr, Man flty feet into | BA AP NNN SN I PN ENN NIN \EAEN - oO a bh ON WAY TO KINGSTON l a ------ - Men From This District Who Have A Censorship ] i Been Overseas, : bento d @! It has been' announced that the That Failed : following men from this district left » Halifax on Tuesday night for Kings-| SMd00Sstdinbinibdadfaininfelnb dni on 4 Bi a A O ng who lived in Constanth K ingston~~Lieut.-Col. arry CGA. Genet, headquarters; F. Ledan, 14 nope Abdul: Humid was a Dufferin street; ©. Lesauvage, 63 mystery, a fear and a con- Quehee street; Mitchell, 311% Up- stant sinister influence," We per William strees. pevkr spoke his name in the street; A. Burchall, Napanee; IH. Demps or pointed 'at' his pulace: 'wa ter, Gananoque; C. Davies, Ompah; Re ! oa ed R is pa ace; ¥ J. Fotbes, Kaladar Station: W: Way, | ReEVver noticed bis ontrages.. It was Conseeon: J. Oghorne, Bannockburn; | best to keep a 'close mouth and eyes B. Yates, oledo; Lieut. L. Blaker, G.| straight ahead tn the yeurs 1 was in Holloway and §V, Miehdud, all" of his city, says Prof. Jenkins, formerly ela of the University of Constantinople, speaking of the death of Abdul-the- Damned. Constantinople was a place of fear whep I lived there, from 1900. te 1968. We were afraid Abdul Hamid and his spies; he was in con stant dread of losing his power and his life, He realized -that progress for Turkey meant his downfall, and he was In perpetual fear of the germ of liberalism entering from Europe, He kept oUt of Turkey all books| He! ried @ «corsage bouquet of lilies of the valley and roses. She also car- ried the groom's gift, an ivory pray- er book, "After the ceremony a bounteous breaklast was served at the bride's home, where the congratulations of a large crowd of friends were re- ceived. The bride received a beauti- ful variety of gifts, testifving 'her popularity. Mr. and "Mrs. MeGeein will reside in Portsmouth. Objects To Statement. Fire Chief Armstrong, who is see- retary of the Dominion Fire Chiefs' Association, on Thursday moriing ii | received a communication from J. W. WK pianos, in the best of condition, $75 and $100. organs. in gany piano "case, at especially Jow We have a sue vorigie: colonial jano in mahogany case, for $35.00 Guaranteed for ten years. ye aes agency for Nordheéimer and Stein Pianos. Terms arranged. isd # R. J. RODGER Jeweler, Princess Street. ago, Graham, Otiawa, past president, ask- ing that the Dominion Association executive deal with the statement made by Provincial Fire Marshal George F. Lewis, that in order to se- cure more efficient fire fighting a central night school should be cstab- lished in Toronto for the training of firemen, and {ts gradnates conid £5 out to cities and towns a8 chiafs and assistants. It is claimed that this suggestion is a reflection on the abil- ity of the fire fighting forces of the country. : Late Harold Glover. The funeral of the late Harold Glovér took place on Thursday af- ternoon from his late home in Gan anogue and was largely attended. The casket was 'banked with 'a beautiful collection of floral offer- ings, including many sent by friends in Kingston. A coincidence is the fact that the faneral took place just a year ito the day that word was re- ceived of Frederick Clover, .a bro: ther of the detéased, being killed In action. ' "Jack" Stansbury Home. "Jack" Stansbury arrived in the city on Wednésday «afternoon from New York. Since last January he has been on ocean on the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterreanean Sea, and was Gn a torpedoed ship not long During thé wrecking of the boat he was injured and as a result] is limping slightly! « Otherwice he is in the best of hedlth and looks well! i after bis long voyages. a Building Permits, Tie city engineer repo-ts that the Bulidi St fan April, 1918. io- that mentioned Turkey 'or Islam: censored all mall, and all parties and gatherings of people. No clubs of meetings were allowed, The news. papers were @& nujlity, all real news being forbidden, and discussions on the weather and reports of people whom his majesty had proscribed, Business was -stifled, Telephones were forbidden bec#use they trans-. mitted messages so rapidly that treason might be hidtt¢hed over them. Typewriters were prohibited because they might write treasonable words. | All the money in the country flowed | into the bottomless pockets of the | palace clique and the Sultan. By! 1807, when Abdul Hamid felt sure that a vevolution was brewing, af Turk was in danger if he were geen talking to a European and the coffee | bouges frequented by foreigners were forbidden to Moslems. If a Turkish! acquaintance walked along the bridge with us we felt nervous fear-: ing he or we might fall under sus. picion. If a Turk were onee suspect. ed, all his friends and acquaintances would shun him as if he were a leper, | There js nothing that we have learn. | ed of gsplonage in these years of the! war that was not outdone in Turkey in 1907, and sil becadse Abdul! Hamid was trying to dam up progress! in the Ottoman empire 4nd keép him- self on his tottering throne, Some of the stories of censorship! at that time were antusing, although we wers always sulfering inconven ience because of it. For instance although the Bible 'was allowed to he published there wag trouble when any spacial reprints were made of © separate parts Al atic lime Some! Ww copies of the Lord's Prayer fell into; the hands of the censors aud were disapproved, "Why should you say, 'Thy King- dom Come'? Inquired' the oficial, "Nobody's kingdom should come but our Lord Sultans." Another time # copy of the Epistle to the Galatians excited suspicion of treason. There js a quarter of Con stantinople called Galata, and thiy epistie on she's i of it was a sedi- tious appeal 10 the people of that quarter. Sir Edwin Pears, the emin- ent English lawyer, was obliged to go jute sant aud cetily_ ur tos authpr of the letter, Tal, pag i pd dead p years Fein ane fo Ficheh ae his repertory he eepsors. "le | gorda to taken sb | Mis. (Reid wergdentértained hy ie and lst blaze with both bar. example" of hit Diack ¥ Be females | said it ibiand--- gave J Abele LE of a yet rt before his fallen fes--that Mas my chance--sald he--so 1 crept Xn behind him with my unshesthed the Buntibe knife and eut his thyoat. . Say, that gent helds the reserd.Lb {skis neck of the woods far free trans. gach | portation, sald Jack, x8 he cut = a fresh chew, V yd A ET ABC. were dark days for us when the new- ly arisep Turkey seemed shaken again: 'But the Young Tlrks gather. ed themselves together, and Abdul Hamid fell, "When he saw that he leonld not save himself he resolved that Turkey should crash. with him and ordered massacres all over the apd. Some were executed; in other cases thé governors refused, Then, Indeed, Abin] Hamid's hour bad stritek. 'Some of the soldiers were loyal and fought for him, but were defeated, Others. esértedis He cow- ered alone in his palace of Yildis, abandoned even b¥ 'm of his wo- men, while in the orud below men-of-war menaced him, He made np siggy, HOw his super 00s, fear- ridden Soul red © days. of suspense | "nb: Know. All Con- stantinople Held its breath, . Then, one day, thé wpell was broken, the cannon began to bool. 168 our roof 'where w&icould see Lhe Bosphorus. below, and' the city be yond, with the palace of Yildiz at the right. More than twenty-one shots were firéd, and we knew then that the Sultan had been deposed. The old fox, whe had Dever ap- peared without a procession and ban- | ners, was ushered out of the city ig~ tngminjously, with no ene 16 speed him om his Way, accompanied only by 4 few women and attendants and even mourning the loss of his fas- jorite cigarettes, which had been for- gotien, Abdul Hamid js still a mystery. ! He possessed cleverness = without greatness, skill without success. He was intellectual, yet childish and superstitious, and until his death the fear of his ploitings bad uever quite left Turkey. FRONTENAC CHEYSE BOARD Matde at 22% Cents Board Thursday. Cheesa "Sold on' the Cheese Baa Thursday for j cents. Thess -- poarded. Ho of white Fhage as follows; Arigan, 20% Clenbuynies 50; Clen-, vale, S03 Reagan's, Too: odel, 90; Railton, '@ + h $9; Collins Bay, '35. At chased 'the offey MF and Railton, ying i4 George ay hang the: Arigan § AR v Collins Sales Frontenac 951 "=a > hoxes fign re, Ret pha A Mr. 8nd _ ; ho will take up ily | Kingst "5 Falls. a it at the 1G% Robe grocery for thd past tieaeare He gos. 2 position in the ead warehous nesten. 1 Mrs, Heid has a setiveimtetost In the musical affairs of the Lown and vag one of the Ja valued member of West pter amurch eholr. OnSaturday et AL. and the Ladies" Add ab 5 463 in Aho choc) room of 'the 'church; "when ie choir and thei friends qveredinvited. = Spee 4 b 3 Coal Still Searee The seapeity of €ipping its effect on A the lessened ut or having an ing into Kingktan « Upto. the aretrn time tlie steamer Jex is the Only Soa | 1 | thet has hroaght o the ofits i and the fa § securing coal are We rushed | on the Springs | | Ty Us for Anyi Electrical ing Halliday Electric Co. Viewed From Every Angle-- * Whe Banofa' eabifiets sie'of rary artis¢ Jpduty. The 'charming curved and soft bulges are' patented features of Sgnora cabi from gall sides--the Sonor the finest gram, is an exa "whe wood-worker. As a pet construction. Viewed a, modelled from wood of mple uf the highest art. of piece of furniture, it i3 worthy of the finest surroundings. But the Senora has & Bean mere appearance. Troly a ww ita glowus golden tone wen quality at the Panama Paeifie ty of tone that far surpasses its velation in souna reproduction, tor it highest honors for tons Exposition Phe Sonora plays every dise fecord in the world. 1 woldr bul a Tuabiag 'thine unequalled by any older Ma ib. one windiag IL will san Joke emough to play nearly bigs. W Sve 10ines re0Igs ed is aquipped Ww! the Woler of. Lhe Bat rate 30 Foi he Bonds Wb 15 "he world" ection of 'sll 15% yee and Bear it eh 4d automatic stop. which Malis 4 Lat we 'the Bighent ginge jaition ew C.W. LINDSAY, 121 Princess, Street, Prepare Spcaly fo is Neos Pictorial Review: Fancy Waist of Georgette and Lace. Women who ure dressing well on a war income are Cevoling much at- tention fo separate blouses insteas of cntive costumes. This model fs in georgette, trimmed with charmeuse satin and lace. As a necessity of the smart ward. robe, the fancy separate walst Is ap- parent. Crepe géutgetie is used jor many:of the most successful m the ane pletured hese belong t It is os the fashionable pals yellow, bull: upon a laing into which the yes are set and trimmed with dery and lace. te a re of the blouse, made 4m two pleces, with sash ends at 'inched under the arms and tied at the back. To reproduce the model in medium lus requires 24 yards 36lach with & yard charmeuse Then - cand and shoitlder seams a front to extend gp neriin, armhole Sizes ot of front and 8 i oe pn "a BADLY WOUNDED. . Fn ae Teading Member of Cts tax uy : EE pr oh Basie. "April 30. Private Jdohn Farrell, who left here lending with » Railway a TR sleeve and cufls as notched, leaving cuff 'seams 'free below the notches. ev sleeve 'seam free below the small '0 perforation and finish for slosieg 3 Fasy atts, wi arrange aff D / "lower edges and notches even; i to albeve: as notched. Sew 'sleeve in armhole ss notched with small "9" PA the a Anohides jes os in neps between Sleeve Samara you when basting it in Next, close the underarm and shoulder seams of outer frost snd back as sew to fr roll back i tions and 1 'tach above. ' Turn 'Ton at upper edge of trimming piece, at lett of front girdle section sh gh Toe gi AA NON gl, 1 tl pond Toremry draft, Bus lost bls left I leg above the kuee, and bad bis right ae ain 0. An ded 7. man was ment a and the member Of he DBrockvilly