A be Daily British Whig | SECOND SECTION ------ COMMANDING OFFICERS AND SHIPS IN ALLIED RAID AGAINST ZEEBRUGGE AND OSTEND. 2 dh KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1918 ° § ETE = t 7 : oh : AM ee fgers off, playing 'hind the counter of a modern music 42 MUSIC-HUNGRY. "Havanola" through once, while the store {incognito of course) to collect ; fellows sitting around looked into the [such a wealth of; lucries as the follow- ! i 1 + " i * 1 1 i 4 «i ire and dreamed. ing which he r¢€ords as being continy- Any, A Pha. hire an . \ few mights ago .after 1 got off jousty hurled af the music editor: nograph with Broken Spring Kept guard at 8 | was escorted to a little! 'Going with One Finger. shop, back of which was a real piano |The reason fo his happy smile Extracts from dreeenit letters re-}--mnuch the worse for wear and tear, {1s that the phon igs all the while-- ceived fom u.oplee man who has | but that made little difference to us. [And breaking up his perfect ease heen 4 ages" £wounded) in "Sitting down ,I started to play a jLome carnest questions such as these: is ambukince for the past year, give ln ose8ly French song which ap- lu ic Noll: atta an an inkling as to the large part music pia, to be on the Pine arnt then ey id is Nellie Melba new: is playing in making the perilous rou- discovered | was playing '1 Wonder Wh De rs 'Shay ie dO] i tine of the ambwlaoce drivers' lives, } Who's Kissing Her Now. with fp © re Bn a rr. a endurable : i French ghords (In Paris ie heard; weigh?" at ve i my first Land since Irving Berlin's songs played at the i. hat Seas: 3 . a 4 coming te S4OwWh, for & regiment of | Follies.) We certainly had a great et what key is the A flat march hs poilus Sutlavediere march for 'exer. ! inusical evening, and the boys sat] * Starch ins sat more Jat than cise every other day, headed by a}down on the concrete floor of the lif- | « Mise ae ie Rate 3 wonderful big band," Can't begin to tle room while | sang 'Just a Weary- Do, foncerts nay. Baraboo? tell you what a treat it. was to us all. |in® for You, 'Pack Up Your Troubles fF hon a eore, Wo 15 who? re LR : I EH Baek a : i beg 'where does Belle Canto live? We alsohave for estertainthent 3 in Y our Old Kit Bag." and all the oth | And does she still instruction give " Poke 7. a small pue which | er old favorites." [Will you please fell me where to try some Aesled soul wound too tight ------ ["A GallisCurci seat to buy?" and broke the SPrifig, so now it will Are Bustles Worn at Concerts? "What was the first tone ever heard?" only "work by pushing the turn-table | One of our popular novelists put in ("1s 'Gotterdammerung' a bad word?" around with the tip -theinger... Of. some time behind the connter as<an! "Will Waguer's operas come back course 'that makes the pitch YAIY aC J ordinary salesman in order to secure soon?" . r} £ : . viel yw cog with which we certain buman-interest material for his | "What kitid of beast is a bassoon?" y . w 3 i 5 , v whirl the le. book. : The editor of the Musical {*"Are bustles worn at concerts much?" v ] pe ~ \ uel and entrances 10 the two points, "After supper last sight, 1 nearly Courier really must have served be- | "What pianist has the cutest touch?" The famous raid of the British vig ! In addition to bluejackets and ma - SO A Na {Is potpourri edoked in a pot?" against the German submarine bases 1 CEH : Ee rines picked from volunteers there ------ fate t hoppin s German, is he not?" ul Zeebrugge and Ostend, In which : : 3 os were light covering forces belonging -------- LINDSAY'S ; [The ie bs mets aud voice ar least six obsolete cruisers filled OE) hi to-the Doves command and Harwich } {How much does Muratore get?" With concrete for use in blocking the 3 ol TREE od forces under Admiral Tyrwhitt, cove | Has Muzio sung Turiddu yet " channels were 'run aground and fil ; ; , a : cring the operation in the north. A {"Fritz Kreisler's in an awful fix." Llown up was one of the most gal- ! , E force of monitors, together with 8 | \¥ho pom Thais in 962" on int and hazardous undertakings of i oy ; E \ iarge number of very small motor ou dal on ts oh Mir lie wae Jews: the war. The raid was undertaken = oe | ERS 4 boats, took part In the operation, Len a a Jew: vider command of Vice Admiral . : . wud ! H which was particularly intricate and "The moths are in our piano case." i { "Could you tell me if Pm a bass?" Reger Keyes, commandiug at Dover, -- , hud to be worked to a timetible and Statement Made b labo you think. Heifetz is so great Freeh destroyers co-operated with juvelved delicate vavigution on { Don't I sing as well as Teyte?" x o Tha ak; pa : ARrpl : a a tostlle coast 'without. fights and : y . {Oh, Bauer is my piano per" the British forces. 'The vessels tak {eiry boats, carried storming and | parties and was armed specially fo g 9 i "1s Gounod writing music yet?" fag part were the Brilliant. (he, dewolition parties to storm the head the purpose with flame 'throwers, lorgely under unkvown uavigution ye | . §ive * } pains? ] i ie shoals of sen 3: nat : 3 ni . ng the shoals of ser Me shave'de great Enric' Carus?" fashionable 'clegrent, too, is necessary Music in the church is never to be b A ---- A " . drains?" C the Theis and the Viodictive, Zeebrugge. The Vindictive savas spe- tbing. The other five were filled with the added danger of mine | "What gives Amfortas those queer Wx Vindictive. working with twa | cially fitted for landing storiving | with concrete and sunk In the chan: | fields. straight vourse towards success, avoid-| You tink maybe cet ees disgrace, Make the galleries cheap, the stalls | strong but not a degenerate rhythmi- i, sational and "Fake Me big-a-maii; ah! what de use? moderate, the boxes expensive--as the | cal basis. "What's in the cup that Tristan Sirius the Iphigenia, the Jutrepid, of the mole which runs out from | Stokes mortars and that sort of | vonditions developed since the war, D URING forty years this firm has steered "Four paper no want print my face Sade advertising. ' . ! ¢ to make opera generally popular--and | regarded as an end in itself, Music I' What better assurance could be given attesting the Looking Back. before all things, is. Mme, Cisneros' { which is not an aid to worship shodld truth of every statement made in Lindsay advertise- Do you know that the song "Angie [Parting injunction, make the perform- be'avoided. Too frequently, the mu- ments? When Lindsay's sell a piano it's a good one, of Laurie, supposed by many to be an ances good. sic used for our church hymns is best Lindsay's wouldn't sell it. Where else will you find a | 20¢ient folk song. is just eighty yeurs Te ------ known by its association with words comparative display of quality instruments? Peles. Tt was written by Lady John Church Music. that do not inspire to worship. When i : {Douglas Scott (Alice Ann Spottis- Religion without music is unthink- | such is the case, the music becomes a Wormwith, Weber and wood), to whom "The Banks of Loch ahle. The quality of the. music [hindrance to worship. Oestonne---Sonorasy kui the!" ne" ur ashio. ot [hanits with Quay of he'wi | Lhe mis! programmes ol \ a 2 a : on, but tusic inl some form is the : Ta ' fom house, i Shaing jo Italy during Hhevitable expression of the religious | tention. . 3 Tp SARLY past of the last century as a hife. The noblest music has been in- the average church receive too little at-| iy T ¥, - " . ge a - 1 3 " - ; Sv A Sood athentes' 4 On this. rounds by, spied. by the Christian religion, and Foundation 6f Musieal Community. o 4 i : n » : Bice 1a a tat the peasants. thought finic'i. adi ought to he. The Chri-1 hore are few ways of gaining in- 1 | ; One Price Only--Cash or Terms AL he out fiddles. He would, |i, religion is ipre-eminertly a refi- formation that are any improvement y ; : 3 accin-iike, give in exchange, bright gion of joy; and joy must find expres- on simply asking questions, A group vew fiddles, and take the old ones to | 5 ins 4 Fis rs 2 38k 3 ston in. song. > In fact, joy "is soul ladies recently enquired of John 11 IT 18 NOP CONVEN You Paris and London and sell them for music, | Every period of | religions of dies 1s re dary of the' 'ts Py ) y ND HEAR fabulous: prices. He died in miser- Se denni need 3 io ' ' THE INSTRUMENT ia WHICH YOU ably furnished quarters ee duickening has issucd in a reyival of bon Alliance of the United States---- ARE INTERESTED, WHITE FOR 1L- ing his' relatives a_fottune of 300000 |;°08: Yet within the music inspired | fyenat can we.do to enable us to give ti : LUSTRAT CATALOGUE, * 4 : - by the experience of the Christian re- ssistanc ur' local Sym- : £ : i Bp cA : francs. made entirely $rom the sale of ligion there have been: marked differ- | SLater mace fo I ; d a: fare violins. Nowadays, so = many dials : phony orchestra, which is struggling a SL WwW LINDSA mited fraudulent Stradivarius labels ! are jooces of Quality, from the stately 'and along with an increasing deficit?" J i 2 od ¢ ® 2 2 ¢ nag music of the masters to Mr. Freund's answer will evoke at found in worthless violins that thoyu- ili f the cake w: CANADA'S PREMIER PIANO HOUSE. sands are deceived into imagining that boli Ko a eof he uke "Fhe Jeuat 0 om a Ment hearheaTs Miough- . they have discovered a fortue when latter has been the out o : . ; growth of re-|, RY ; 121 Princess St., Kingston. hey turn 4p a three dollar fiddle. 1.5.1 sentiment. and = has lingered a ought they here. Sig the : : : Monreal, Oituwm, brockyiile, Belleville, Cornwall, Quebec torian, Alexander Wheelock Thanes |#hen. the conditions of which it was HF SONI0 pot De manna SOmNE- If he is going overseas or staying at home. : it a rs : less spontaneous expression * » ' (1817-1897). worked fo fiity years col- |p more OF suddenly injecting a sympliony or- Most suitable gift -- Free for one week's lecting material for his at ~ biog- have passed. chestra into it for whieh it may not 21 - . Nor is thie quality, of music unim- . raphy. of Beethoven? The first vol- portant, for music. whatever its qual. | V8 ready, then going around wt the trial. ume of the five volume work was pubs §5 . of lite | ©nd of the season with committees lished in «German in 1866. Do you of it a iratice tlie type of ite of two or three ladies, all dressed in know that the price of sheet music, qualities should mark the music of the | Heir best, and swooping down sud-,| even 'in album form, has gone dows church. Tt should be set to noble | 480ly upon the poor unfortunate enormously during the last fifty years? and simple words: it should be appro. | Pusiness men of the town with care- In 1861 a famious collection bf piano riate I words: it shonld Rope a {fully prepared lists of contributions. - e music published in Paris as the "Pias PA Le wards; it should have a These business men who niny. have Canadas Food Board |: 0. Treasury" and then represented little or no interest in music ean only 3 as the cheapest in existence. sold for Palpitation of the Heart be thanktul that the list comes but five dollars a volume... Similar books , once a year, containing even more thusic, better "Ladies, the only way to begin in printing, can now be bad for one-fifth and Nerve Troubles this lite is to begin in the right way, | that price. Tote < = and that weans beginning at the be- Tel WERE CURED BY ginning, and that means that you y | Local Seasons of Opera. Milburn's Heart have to begin at the public sehools : ok Why couldn't we have pe opera ea amt Nerve Pills. and get the educators » Joalite the Strops Itself in Canada? In Europe Municipal} When the n be: value of music in the world, and con- 4 Dyers is common and it is certain the | regularly or intermittently, Dutstisse foauentiy lat the ehildren Should be peop'c 1u the leading Canadian centres {and throb, sk Sy taught how music can he em pe ' by. are not inferior in their love of music ja rob, § ip Seats. buat het for through life, how it will open doors Money baek if it don't please. "% and the Sra; show $0 Joake a start imost to stop. it causes great anxjety | to thom oat aiherwise hight De * : ' / is outlined by Elenora de. Cisneros and alarm and the least exci closed. Then having started with the : ; J whose ideas were so practicably ex- exertion seems to at Rement of public schools, base on this your SPECIAL OUTFIT F OR OVERSEAS pressed to a committee discussing | Many people are kept in & state of | Societies for community choruses, ways and means in a similar move- morbid fear of death, become weak, | have music municipally supported for ment that she was asked to AheolDg: worn and miserable through this un-| the People in the parks in the suin- {| WIT H MIRROR rate them in in article for the Bill satural action of the heart. mer, in the summer-resort towns, and ¢ d gos : To all sufferers ! in the winter, in the school guditori- : . . "First" said Mme. de Cisneros, "it SARE hers trom heart troubles ums. Build on that again your ora- \ = $ : is Sdsary fo Jind is he 3 Yarigus t Heart and Nery torio societies. your societies for Come in and let us show them to you. cities a number of well-] n people, t ¢ rengthen chamber mu uild on that a * ; : ¢ socially, and intellectually, who would hes ; honing pageants with music and drama; nd : This outfit makes a nice one for travelling, ; support, by their presence and encotir- ove all the , conditions, | so having evoluted a large 'music camping or home use. i | ent. a local sewson of opera. land impart vigor and vitality to the| loving public, have, as the crown and | 3} x a ! ake the local orchestra the musical : ; apex of it all, your symphony vrehes- vot of this season, get a local chorus, | the musical director form a re | ertaire of a stipulated ainb , pea oi Bh