GUARANTEED GOODS vatis Poultry Bégulator Pratts Anbmid Begulator Pratis Baby Chick Food Pratts Bonn Remedy Prats Cholera Hemedy Pratts Disinfectant CPratts Powder Lice Killer. All guarangeod by the Pratt Foot C JUST ARRIVED -- A LARGE ASSORTMENT . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG,. FRIDAY; MAY 3, gs. Tete. 4 CHAPTER LXIIT. How the days flew. Nearly every one in town called to sce me, and, ;while T was flattered and pleased at {their interest and welcome home, yet i besrdged tite time given them be- cauge it took just so much from the home folks. David and I raced ta, the top of Brundél's hill, asd of "course "he Yoached it first." Then he sat down and waited, laughing because | was "soft" and 'puffed like an old wheezy engine." 1 played backgammon with dasl; and auetion with the oldes boys. Psat for hours talking with mother while she mended linen, or while we both 'dammed socks. 'There are always socks, where one has boys in the family," mother used to say when callers came in while we were busy at the homely my favorite dishes were re- membered. and cooked for me. The church bhad-a social, one night, and Mrs. Brandel---her husband owned the hill--teld mother that the ladies had decided to have it at. that time because I was back home. ss It was all so simple and homely: all so different 'from my life with George. Yet I lowed ewery mindte of it: Perhaps, had } gene back for always) I should have missed many things; the quiet village life might soon have palied. But:it seemed to jamie that I never was so happy---so satisfied--as during that short visit home. a City Ulotlies Are: Admired. My clothes were very much ad- ired---those which had not been jade in Moreland. I had done as IL-planned and brought only two or Cm ~ = A TT By JANE PHELPS East 2 Lass SIMPLE HOME. PLEASURES ALLURE three dresses, but my hats and ceats jsectned as though "I never were 'horrowed and copied by the girls with * hen L had been inti mate before g home. And the @ear old deessmaker who: made my ing while she draped me in her tis- sue. paper. I told t all of my loyely home. describing thing" as Dest | could; of my car, and the servants. "My, Helen, what do you do with five servints¥'Olga Thornton, one of my 'girl friends, asked. "I think they: would be under your feei all the time." o£ : "No ~~ tHESRES Aratnol sorvants, and do their work very quietly. 1jed.' hated it at first; but now | am quite used to it, has been used to living in that way all his lite; and it is a comfort tol go to schoo! again." have the' house go slang go smooth- iv. can see that you 'have improved in I told them of the dinner party 1 gave, and of the other that George and Mrs. Sexton gave. But of Mrs Sexton, herself, 1 said nothing, save only to mother. when she and I were alone, I told her aif about her, ¥ told of how I hated her; how belittled T-felt; how I 'began 'to like het better when George left me alone with her. "I undevstand, dear. But, in a way, 1 think George is right. You ge6, we have always lived so plainly; our home is so simply managed that, always been accustomed to. It was hard for you; but. dear, you should be very willing to. de. what:yeu can all the things the wife of a peor man in return for all he does for you. Not |usaally has to do. have the jrich man deserve thelsame ceusidera- tion? many little country girls Inxuries you have." "I hated them, fdo, At first. It ENN wrong way." clothes copied the dresses, 1 stand-}ss mother looked worried. should jaged. to discriminate; and rather like it. Ny }George. husband is very particular, and he|having Mrs, Sexton. --=in your poise when in company." One rainy morning | claimed, then ears until 1 loathe the very of it." man, naturally, vou were not quite capable {sell a helpmeét to him. of managing a home such as he has |gssary as if you had married a poor would learn to please George. He made me feel so ashamed, so 'small, I tried hard, too. But 1 guess 1 tried" the 1 added with a laugh, Then | told her of my experience with the etiquette books. : Mrs. Milner is Amused. How mother laughed. "¥ou poor child!" she said, finglly, "7 don't wonder yeu were _ discowr- Phose books may ° perhaps help an glder personaviho Wnows how blindly would make a girl very stilt- "Bat 1 wanted 80 to please And I hated the thought of It was just as though I were a child and needed to 'Well that's ail over now; andl many ways. 1 notice it, especially, in the way you greet the neighbors "Don't use that word," I ex- "if there's a word in the entire English language I hate, it is 'poise.' It has been dinned into my sound "But ft is necessary that you ac- quire. it, deari" mother went on, now talking seriously, 'You have married a very rich man, a society It is your duty to make yours Just as nec. Had you, yew would have ex- to do man pected tp go without a maid, Why doesn't a Think it over; dear," tTo be continued) but to follow them(| Every saving is a good thing-- Daylight, Food and Leather, too. That's why you should have the shoeman Put "Cat's Paw" on "Cal's Paw"' Series, No. 6--Waich for Nowsds FRR Use: Benson's for Custards Benson' the De s will give st results. 4 » Nameless brands, éven though lower in price, are more expensive in the end. Always order by name--BENSON'S. WRITE FOR FREE COOK BOOK. 8 THE CANADA STARGHGO LIMITED, MONTREAL. ' dollg Jitneysy from ... . 1.5 " hatin Fo $1.50 to $2.50 & Sewing with yard. measure SAR APad War Garden Bulletin . Curtain Stretchers ... Faia wae es Sea Shooflies . .. » SL and $2.50 Practical Daily Guide For Va- cant Lot and Backyasd Gar. Reclining Chairs with Arm | hs ola se he BTS g Chairs withiarms and leg rest ... i 82.50 Bye Swings. . ir. vel as at 'a motos)' deners Enlisted in Greats White enamel bassonettc . cr. Production Cam. paign. Issued by the Canpda Pood Boarg In collaboration with SXperts White Enamel medicine cabinet : ih At ROBT. J. REID'S Bol Nea ah hse Rominion Streets, » JAndertaker Furniture Dealer Phe Pwtato Patch. . 2% Motor Rmbmiaiee 577. = Gh WHA; MELD UP STATUTES TEAT-- War Minister Owders Ap Inventory of All Germany. Amsterdam, May 8.---The German Minister of War" has ordered an in- ventory of - all - bronze statutes throughout Germany, directing that the list 'indicate thosé which "can best be spared" with a view to their requisition for militury use. He has, also ordered an inventory «of church bells, wich: Werto escapod mills |. tary 'conliscatio Neth onion a When a doctoy loses a patient apd 'He fan' t sure of the cause, he attri- & ita a complication of iy a "GRACE % Craven ndd 6 10 9 charming \ R figure by the SR No. 624 A ADE RO a mide in Saran te } living Congdign models. It has the "'chic" of the best French corsets but sells at half the i D&A to suit every figure. MINION CORSET CO, b's Coruets aad the Every prospective gardeéner must concentrate on potataes this year. The most suitable soll for 'the tubers 'is wirich, deep, friable, warm sandy loam with good natural drainage, a constant 'moderate supply of maistire and an adeguate sup- ply of detayed or decaying vegetable matter. The warm- est and best drained soils that can be obtained should be chos- en of the early potatoes and the 5 should be planted shallow, so that they will get the ad- vantage of the Rest from, the plirface soil May 18th is time enough to i plant your Botatees, by in the : ntime Be preparing your Why Suffer with Rheumatism--Firse's stops the pain! § soil. Get it gs mallow as pos: It is always effective, and acts quickly. Buy a bottle and follow simple i sible. While forking it ovor 5 directions on the circuldr in the » Hirst's Pain Exterminator is add some stable manure. To : the same old family remedy that has stood the test of 40 years. It should abtain 4 ot i teod to produce 5 bh in every household --it relieves lame back, lumbago, neuralgia, sprains twenty or thirty bushels of nad this. -- nt ---- {ame joints and muscles: and sll 'similar troubles. Get it today, tuboys a small patel of ground must take up and evaporate QinsT REMEDY. COMPANY. HAMILTON, CANADA through the leaves a $50 makers of ve (300), and HIRST'S P B tons of water. This ter Sool (Horenguad a ane Use) tor tovhtasa eo H Raids the plant food tn solu on. Once wsed--always bought® BRE. All dealers=or write os] aur ott dome, Job hold water S make it do this. The more like MISS REA MARTIN , Who plays the leading part in "The Brat, au the Grand on: Saturday, mats inee and night. * Existence of [Headahiy depoags on TOG eh erminator what A New Sul Monogr? tor Fable Cloths ad Napkins to Interest Clever Necdleworkers. 8 SPOUEC You can make it the better, providing the water in it does not become stagnant. it you add plant food to'a physically fit or sponge-like soil; good growth is bound to result The value of stable manure is that it- makes: the soll physically fit and sup Ld ; some food §t the 'sime '. " By BATHBRINE MUTTERER. There was never 80 rent » de mand for' mogugrams TOW, he sauce' of "the grow ng sppreciation of 'the, value they' ads vo a apifald und persons linens: "Fho ign show here 1s very Fraceful: amd tends Winton 'tn & tain cloth of fine damask wit kins 1p natch with candfideredd: © Rap 4 (able 48 inches in digmeter, whether dt isc rouod er square, the deth 8 marked: with the monogrand placed hall way he twden the 'venter wid the edge of the table: When the table is 54 inches or more - in diameide, two slonogtats wre used; ons: at ether ond half way 'Bptwoen the canter and odge bfthe iably. © The eval and ob 'tables siso have the monegrams 2 at either end. hoi way he to 3 inches. tween 3 Rt seeding are nag Eto develop the sedis; ge be planed a a oe ane right of the ta if une gram is used, it is placed at ER bi 'on the ug satin st -- and LT ideal shoe for ftefioon aide even- co ned ly shape . RC who has : to Da 'and yles in Patent Leather. Sen Joa: 1s sha mony tyisnp little he dies. vy New heels and beau- &ne Sli; moe on | toes. oerh ar on uh} 1. does Bim litle gond. Nigeatinis. but Help Natyrs it. give. your eyery hance we tise Royal Vitolia