<> I ------------------ Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts nad Vig. age Remodelling Bulidings of all ndn, ESTIMATES 32 EXPERIENCE \ Address, 272 Uslversity Ave. tt tt st i st eA st = 4 4 4 4 4 4 : 4 4 4 4 4 Ry LOT FOR SALE 40 ft. x 120 {t. Enough stone on it fo build a house. Snap for $150 W. H. Godwin & Son Insurance and Real Estate. Brock Bt. Phone 424 v edad dh dd a a YY yy Adhd da BE CAREFUL in your choice of an ointment. 'An inferior ointment is: 'wosse than none at all, because it irritates and inflames, « and sometimes even soothe and heal. In using Zam Buk You take no risk, as its sooth ing, healing properties have been proved by thousands of users, and its purity is vouched for by the Lascelles Scott, who says: SL Have made "an exBaustive analytical examination of Zam Buk, and find it exclusively of vegetable origin, with nove of 'the impure and freitating mineral drugs and animal fats found in ordifiary oint ments, The germ-destroying powers of Zam-Buk exceed those of carbiolic acid, yet it doss not ip- flame even the most sensitive skin. I have no hesitation in certifying AAAI Atte Cimmmn COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. the purity of Zam-Buk and is value for skin disesses apd v injuries" 1 Zam-Buk 1s best for eczema. ulcers, running sores, old wounds. abscesses, blood-poizoning. boils, pimples, piles. cuts, burns, sealds and all skin injuries. Be. box 3 for $1.25, all druguists or Zam-Buk Co. Toronto. Send lo..stamp for , spostoge on free trial" % NS re Can'tsleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! A One or two doses RMY & NAVY DYSPEPSIA TABLETS wilt make you feel fen years younger. Best known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach an, 25 cents a package at all Dru sent to any dress. postp. sia. ists, or , by the U.S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET C0: 260 West Broadway, NY. * | How Shall I Montguat Stock Bxcksnge: Owing to war conditions. many lasues now percent onthe investment. Invest? That is the question almost every fnvestor is qf Tati - You can invest to best advantage by dividing wp your surplus in different Statistical Dep will be pleased to classes of a grad insues listed on the fous = poisons the place it is intended to | famous 'Engleli Chemist, Mr. W, mj terasting pe: Tie Mrs. Ei is, ) THEDAILY BRITISHWHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1018. aa Re "FUNELLE DAY" An Open Soret That ft Wil Be Next | ™ SHOUD NOT HESITATE TO MAKE A BURNT OFFERING OF JOSEPH. ~ reer He Is An Added Burden to the Goy- ernment Because He Has Succeed . ¢d in Getting in Wrong With Everybody. Ottawa, May 3.--1t is an open 'ses cret that there will be a "Flavetie day" in the House of Commons soma time next week when the activities of this great and geod man with the beatific smile and the cash register mind will be thoroughly aired. 1t seems that Joseph takes a lot of dis- covering by his brethren. It was generally conceded betore the election that Bir Joseph was the Eveatest load that Uplon Government had to carry, and it is just as gens erally eopceded that he isn't a pound lighter right now. On the contrary he is an added burden because he has sucqgeded in getting » with everybody. The wonder grows why a Govern. ment which is not primarily reéspon- sible for Sir Joseph should hesitate to make a burnt offering of him 'to public opinion, raped as it is By the Winnipeg chicken fneldent. A word from Union Government to the Im: perial authorities would not only re- move "the baronet from his post as Chafrman of the Munitions Board, but would relieve Sir Joseph of those reproaclies and misunderstanding which cause hihi €0 much pain, Somehow or other dle people' have got it into thoir Heads that fo em. ploy a rich porkpacker as ( ha irmean of the Munitions Board at a shlary of nothing id find 'yourself leaving him free to make His profit out of bacon and other side Fines. is like marrying a widow with a million dol- lars and the cocaine habit. Sooner or later the party of thé second part is sure to get the worst of it. Sir Joseph Wak pretty well spread over' the fle of gndeavor before the election and he 18 still posted at most of the strategie spots where information ean he headed off. if any of the ¢ommissians of compile: Sloners--of which Ottawa isso rift: fal-<ehould get noisy about the high cost of ving, Bir Joseph would hear ft and at once put a stop 'to it in the interests of peace and quietness. THE people's friend, O'Connor, who had been making loud reports from time to time, vexing fo Siv Josepli's ear, re- of three hundred Kuights which was pues, in the bud Beeanse' the peo- 3 refused to stand for these out his on democracy any longer, 'AH yelle's fault." said Sir Sam, put the general opinion tuto words. erly Sir Joseph got hething but +. Braise, ; ow he gets nothing but TH me. With the wind blowing from the wrong quarter, the best friends of Union i. Suntan are {surprised that Sir Joseph should be a howad 'to' liiger ahd chill gi of this month of May, the lap 1918, which otherwise promises well. Sir_Joseph has sygeeeded in do- ; What some of 'our greatest states- fmbn have Signally falled to do--ihé has united Cal . That is to say, he has united Canada in a common =1 Sutesy of execration against himself 0 tity arising out of t Stroke of Paral Bowe Loft Affectcd--Case Bay NN For hide ¥oars, / "Trenton, Ont., May 3-14 very in. "has been received rinigle in regard to her recovery from partial paralysis. This Was a most extreme case, for doctors had been trying for three ore find something which would rest the depleted nepve fares: EY Food. Queen street, S10 of Dr. Chase's Nerve Mrs. ©. Pringle, eT tect rca "Abou years ago ¥ trons bled with my stomach, there was a sort of paralyzed feeling across it and up my loft side, and haurt sto or, and of a stroke: t Et inboarable would go wild, y 'out of the question. 1 tried different doctors, giving each one a fair trial, and doc torfig nearly three years. My 6 seemed Lo baflls them. {vous breakdown caused ad worry. Du z IN THE COMMONS in wrong! signed the other da¥, dud rightly .orf «f¥rongly Sir Joseph wak Blamed for it] J Similarly he was blanied for the list}! One can scarcely imagine stronger] eyidence of the restorative influence * eri ting. e thought] the bacon ecnjuiry has hardly had time to seitle bofare another smell that reaches to h¥sh Heaven. The sgricultupsl west does not like Sir staller, reaping gains where he has not sewed, and. the manufacturing exat doesnt Tike diem Seley ea. & doesn't want anybody take pros oh but himself, gf Sir Joseph ores nges at the newspapers he wo ing no douht that he fs the best hated man in Cansda. The press is absolutely freckled with cartoons that would "be libelous If applied to any- body but Sir Jose; Sir Joseph, one assungies, 'possess fhe average deli- cacy, so ft must be his copsciousness of right which drms iim against these slings and 4rrows of outrageous cri- ticks, - Otherwise he wo throw up his job without heipg asked. But Sir Joseph's clutch on affairs is slipping, as events go'to show. He worked for'a baronetcy which 'would give him the privilege of stamping his crest on every rasher of bacom, and now that baronetey is to expire when Sir Joseph does, The Flavelle title He had a a string of sa bacon contract with Ei nd but he hasn't had if sine England hedrd about the post-cure. He bought Am- erican hogs and sold them as Can- adlan bacon but he ¢gf't do that any more beeguse Uncle Sam is wise to him. 'He ls still Chairman of the Intperial Munitions Board has been fiuaneeds hy Capadian money for the last eighteen months and people are asking why the Canadian Auditor Geperal shouldn't take a peek. Joseph has even lost his hold on Sir Thomas White, who openly quarrel: ed with™ his maker, telling Sir Joseph in the presence of a number of steel men that his position was absolutely untenable and thet if Sir Joseph did n't remody the grievance the Govern- ment would go over his head to the Imperial authorities. What do you know about that? , In the lust sevén years Sir Jospeh has had quite & few cans tied to his tail bat the est can of all is the trend of infermational policy which has given Canada practically every- thing Sir Joseph fought against in 1911, @ir. Josejih Was one of the noble e'ghteen Who helped to defeat reciprocitysiis idea being to prevent the United 'States packer giving more money hogs and taking less money from the Canadigp covsumer for bacon, In short Bir Joseph didn't want his Can- adian prederve 'poached on by the smart fellows trom the United States, | He waa the Napoleon Bolognaparte of | the gntireciprocity miovement. - So! keen was he on his views that hae bought a Toronto newspaper and lost $600,000 in it before he was convin- ced that the'pig the sword. " The 'stern logic of avents has stiltified nearly all Sir Joseph's opin- ions in regard ' to the home market which i8 so saered 40 him that he ® = wme-- deed, Sir Joseph combines religion apd business én a remavkable degrae, His 'motto is-that God' belps those who help themselves has helped hitsult grally. & the least part of i ora Si ae Je is 50 dis arming. It seen brother," and then anybody can go i through your pockets while you are | looking up. av soue-He Fo GADSRY, a -------------- ACTIVITIES OF THE GUNS. NUM meme Work. of .the, Artillery. Is Strenuous and Varied, There are 5 In the morning they may have a job cutting wire for the infantry, who are Soins over for a rgid or aw atfack. ey may alled 'upon to retaliate on certaln Deion positions of the enemy fu reply to a strafe which he is giving aur iafantry, If a barrage, | or curtain of five, is being kept up on | the ensmy's back roads, to Prevent the bringing Wp of supplies or am- munition, one battery may 'take on' the job at scheduled time, 'to be re- lieved again by another battery later on. This continual keeping up of a barrage around a certain place effec- tually Shui that Place off from all outside eontmunication. In fhe town -6f Combles Tast: fall we found the i 0 dedth in the streets, heen able to pene- r days. Cand. activity or tos tense excitemant 'and actly t the pune. A 45 Newitzer battery. to which I was attached in thé Ypres aglient in 1916, fired three thousand rounds between 7 a.m. and the 'fol. Sing '1.30 a.m. This wag at the time that the Canadians oa Sane uary Wood, which they hafl lost a yma ba' dre. The 'major was ds i 1 aly shock al "uel i m ove MRR Be 8ir Joseph z= e1 Sir 2 ma i Joseph because fe is a food fore == iil ve will not go on forever and ever like|== to the Canadian farmer tor | =5 pen is mightier than would rather talk about religion. Tn- |p seems' to say 'Look up, [== ie Wir | a At the Front 55 4 many different tasks as- == igned to the guns in the day's work, |= Not so difficult if you know where and how to buy, If you have never bought a Suit or Overcoat here will you please give us an op- portunity to show you what we can do for you. "--y ~rY Ne wor " MEN'S WORKING SUITS | "In plain 'grey and brown tweed, medium weight for spring and summer. Regular $16.50 and $18.00. Saturday for... .. .......... 83495 Sr rr, BOYS' SUITS Boys' 'navy blue serge and tend suits, in" pinch' back 'and trench styles; sizes from 24 to 35. Prices from $4.78 to $10.00 Better still in blue serge and tweed; regular $20 to $25. Sat: urday for . . ...... 318.00 A A eA dA A APA MEN * If you are looking for a boot that will give 'vou good wear, an honest'and solid leather boot, try our special boot at .. $6.00 Fagen - hoe fhe thet, it be ee a ECA Aeron AAA tl NNN A CLEARANCE OF THE, BETTER GRADE SUITS FOR WOMEN Linies worth $30'/$40 and $50, Saturday 'at $18 and $20. These are the very latest creations in style and friniming. The materi- als of serge, gabardine and tri- cotine. Colors, sand, black and navy. : ©" Also 'a few sample coats at reduced prices. A A I A rl Ly emt WOMEN'S BOOT. An extraordinary 'offering of high '¢ut boots. These boots are nine inches high in black, brown, grey and fawn. Values $9 and $12. Saturday from $6 to $9. el We Can Save You Money on Your Pur- chases at This Store § p'Town Clothier. iH Etats of 1 Toad ~EALIZE your ambition this year. Equip your car with "NOBBY TREADS", and enjoy the luxurious comfort, 'the sound economy of these aristocrats of the Road. When you ride on "NOBBY TREADS" You are practically immune from road- culling and blow-outs, and have tires that are as nearly pumcturc-proof as rubber tires can be. i ~ BURL a os Their gconomy is proverbial. While their first cost may be more, ; ; et \ rat ileage, their freedom from ordinary tire troubles, make yet their supreme durability, their greater the cost the lowest ify the final analysis Take them all is all, "NOBBY TREADS" the best within your reach. 5 3 I» fi 5 eon Bb give a service in piensa und eco §