E | | t Just ARRIVED! THE WELL KNOWN Gendron Bicycle AND FOR SALE NOW BY ~ E. Lawrenson, 387 PRINCESS STREEY. © CLEVELAND onomize Ride a Cleveland BD Goon. BYE TO TROUBLE "Traffi¢'blocks" and "strap hanging" 3 kes when you ride" a Cleveland oY onl get through the day's s Joties easily, by. 'conserving your time' and preserving your "io the man or woman of today the: Cleveland bicycle is a nerve' tonic and it egos! he mind and body alert "a gn dy : Bicycle go> re dale i a Cleveland 'Bicy ycle Fi Rance ro $380010 365.0, BICYCLE WEEK | ~~ MAY 4TH TO 11TH ---- This is Bicyole Week. Throughout Canada this week . bi- cycle manufacturers and bicycle deal- ers are making special efforts to di- rect public attention to the value of the bicycle as a business and a plea- sure proposilion, and it is safe to say that by Saturday night thousands of people will know a great deal more about the "bike" than they do to-day. This will do good, because anything that contributes to thé comiort, health, happiness amd efficiency of the people is along the right line, and bicycling admittedly does all this. about the: progress made in bicycle construction, visit one of the places where bicycles are being exhibded and have it- fully explained to you. There. are nite chances in ten that you will be pleasantly entertained and will learn much that will interest you, for the hicycle has developed in recent years until now it does all but run it- self. Lt is passing strange that while the bicycle lost its hold on public appre- ciation in Canada for some years, it never once lost favor in Great Britain or on the European continent. It may be that the beautiful roads of England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Belgium, Italy, and the comparatively small limitations of these countries, have kept the bicycle in the forefront as a necessity, but whatever the rea- son the fact remains phat it is as popu- lar a means of locomotion throughout Europe now as it ever was. Now, however, there. is«a revival of the old-time interest in the two-wheel ed friend of mankind, and 'more bi- cycles will shortly be seen on the streets than has been the case for years. ,No man or woman can long retain good looks or good bealth or main- tain the pace these strenuous days in the secial and business worlds with- out autdoor exercise--and did yoy ever 'lear "of more pleasant or more genuinely attractive exercise (exer- csie, mark you), than pedaling an easy-rumiing bicycle over, the city's gmaoth pavements or along well- kept country roads leading out of the city! eET THE OLD BIKE ouT; wi I MEANS HEALTH By Martin A. Delaney, Editor of : Keon Fit" Department of - ". the'® icago 4 American. Do yout Few that "bike" riding is a good cure for insomnia? Do you [| walking. J) ret 'show. [their substitutes. When women get their rights they present | will send their husbands to war know that thin and frail persons 'can i Ridea Bicycle Therefore, if you want to learn all = A machine that enables one to walk with a twenty-foot stride -- the weight of the body being ta- ken off the. Pot, descent of one foot lifting the other, and the 'momentum of each step being car- ried on to those that follow; 'can never be superceded for busi- ness or pleasure, ex- cept by a self-propel- led flying machine. 3 sport. Why shouldn't you revive bi- cycle riding? It is. a sport which gets you out in the fresh gir and sun- shine, It gives you an appetite, and thén again it is a great exercise for the practice of deep breathing ---------------------- WILL HAVE RACES. The Soldiers Are to Celebrate Bicycle Week. Nationa] Bicycle Week, May 4th to 11th, will probably he celebrated at a number of military camps as well as in more than 1,000 cities and towns in Canada and the United States. ¥ An effort is being Wade by the United Cycle Trade Directorate, un- der the auspices of which bicycle week is being held, to obtajn permission for the soldiers in training at the various camps to hold bicycle races during the week. Since the '"Hicycle- -racing © séason opened -in Newark, NiJ.i it "has been discovered that many of the crack rid- ers who competed last year have heen called to serve in the army, and they are distributed throughout the camps. It-is likely they ean be utilized as' offi- cials of the military bicycle races, as it would not he fair to the' soldiers to permit expert racing imen to com- pete: get real and lasting benefits from rid- mg a bicycle? Health, strength andested in locating'good-wheelmen. The military authorities are inter- The' weight will follow "consistent riding, «bicycle hds proved invaluable 'in. the The muscles. will - harden; color will | came. into your cheeks,' and it is just {in great demand in 'Europe. the rights sort of exercise to: develop' 1 Corps are used for I mean just what I say sand at the' head 2 ansappetite shot insomnia, and n- my "opinion | no hetter cure than a ten the a Siders wete out in full Yesterday. ere you one of them? If you belong to the army of stay-at-homes, those Who refuse to go ont because they don't care to hike and do not happen to own an auto- 'mobile--~take my advice and get the "hike" riding habit. 1 ean tell you that correct bicycle riding will cure the ills of the fiesh as much as will Sit in an 'upright position. This {eaves the heart, liver and stomach in a position for Perfect concerted dc- tion. ~ Don't stoop over the handle bars. Just remember that you are not a racer. The stooping position may be necessary for racers, but speed : etrimental to health if kept up 100 ong. You may not he able to run or walk for one mile, hut still you may be able to ride fifteen miles or even more on a bicycle and thoroughly ehjoy the sport. When you walk the entire burden of the body is borne by the In bicycle riding you are in a sittnig position, and therefore you are economizing the expenditure of vital and nervous forces, am in receipt of many letters indi- cating there is a growing revival of ; this fvigorating and teresting | ~ present war, an! txpert wheeliien gre + Bicycle "advance guards shock ciraops. There are also th ads. of, bicycle couriers for despat oh work: 'across country sghere the 'matareycle is nge- fess and 'for the. distribution of mail along the: front. Medical men are tanghit to ride and the first-aid surgeons employ the bi- cycle to great advantage, CATTYing their 'emergency kits Sin special cases fitted to the frame of the wheel. The Italian troops are with ordinaty and also with foldin, bicycles, which are carried when crossing rough country, like a pack on the back. In. many ways the bicycle: has ene tered into the war and for this reason Bigycle Week can- easily be turned to good advantage by men in {raining There will not be any Cwheelless" days because there is probaby not & vehicle of land traansportation which is needed In larger numbers than 'the bicycle, os people know that more than 0,000 new wheels and many thous-fsuch 3 large number of people sim- Son. of used wheels are sold anpually. Last year there were 'more than 4, 000 bicycle riders in the United States alone. In Canada. England, France, Ital and all the older countries the bic yeié is used, in proportion to Population, even mare extensively than in the United States. i : 2 The hicyele is not "coming back™ It is back. It is getting a new lease of life all over the world Bicycle manufacturers report. ine creasing orders and an unusually wide- spread demand this spring. Dealers are selling bicycles not only to young men, but also to middie-aged well. ing~~what is the reason for undoubtedly the two' Dig faGtars in this revival of an old pastime, espe: cially in the cities, are the ecah yin trafisportation and its heal impetus, The average man can effecty 8 of at least $1 a week in street farés by riding a bicycle, dnd; J general rule, it will get him ta § dination quicker, because he 'cin:fa short cuts. [t'gives him new he too, and makes him better acqin ted with his city. In a street car : frequently breathes impure aj} during the rush hours will: be Ste if he does not-Wave to hang strap, The bicycle gets him to where Me is going, wherever it may be. whether on a main street or a Side street, or up some alleyway or lane; he can ride right to the door, wheres as the street car may take him. only part of the way. efficieticy the bicycle will beat out the Strect car nine times in fen. As regards health, one has only to look at the khaki-clad soldiers, as they swing jauntily. by, to_see what effect exercise has on the average man, No tice the bright eye the buoyant step, the clear complexion, the jovial spirits, the bubbling over of 'good health, and' you may realize just what excercise means to the human body. Nowadays the scheme of things tends to spare men and women, boy 8; dud giels, from all kinds -of physical effort, to make life easy, as it were, all of which unquestionably has a deleterious effect on the constitution. few years ago society women of London and Paris, realizing that they were going back physically becauye of the luxuries, the -motor and cabs; trams and undergrounds, of moder life; took up. horseback exercise fo counteract the baneful influence." Horseback riding is far too ¢xpen- sive for the average person, however, and, so the bicycle is "coming back." It fits in exactly to a modern: need. If provides exercise of just the sort need- ed, and in the matter in which it can be of most benefiv. The whole body 1s exercised, and the chanfing: scans, the pure air, the. alert mind, cc ; to make the exercise inspiring, .p ant, and attractive. are finding out that a certain. amos of vigorous exercisé every day foldtely frecessary to the main of good health,.and when busiiles economy can he combined witli; cise the resultis most desirable. it is that for these and other t bicyele-riding is being takefi. ever-increasing numbérs and h to become a craze. f "Pune Dunlop Trophy Race ave' Leonsidered as somewhat of a bare- dk days the starting point was y a place well within the boundaries of to-day. - In 19149" race was run on the DanforthyM ham' Road, but had fb be Jolf-an half miles from the tape "ot 1906. Points outside the city equipped f meter of Toronto's growth, as in the the race, and the phenomenal entry; list of riders making it too colassal 2 proposition to stage where it might Anterefere with traffic in any way. No other sport in the history. of the world took such a large hold on ultaneously as cycling. is a broad statement, but those: lived through the many seasons of sport since '1894; when the Dunlop Trophy Race inaugurated, or who haye kept various sporting time to time, will ovations from and elderly men, and boys and girls as HH They are asking--everybodyi is' ask: Po It would be hard to tell exactly, Put So in the matter of | en and wame 1 ! have to be selected now om ¥imie 'Jof the tremendous interest shown in 0 have close touch with} firm the above declaration, : i & Fred Dowling | Br A Nr or i Pt Ss SO AA Bi Bicycle Repairs ; r Wheels Worth While Ses the | ¥* Following Makes: srfect, Columbia, "Overland Actossanion Of All Kinds Kept Hn Stock' BE To Rent By Day; Week, Month. Iso Wheels. Taken in Exchange, that pre- "Time is money," sald the man taney is: the sugar who paid a jeweler $1, 54 Yor repair. rs toner ing a 88 cent wateh : JEFF, Fs in s ANE AWFUL TIERCE AND tT GOTTA WORK FAST. MERES A DOLLAR. YOU SKIRMISH ARBUND CAND HAVE Sir CHILDREN ny THIS Room WN HALE AN HOUR WHEN The 'Deol HAUL THEM way "PAPA" New Fob HEAVEN'S SARE yi 71 UR, NOT A DRAET DODGER. | 41 HAE Been TERRIBLY WRONGED. SIN CHADREN ARE <r DEPENDENT on ME AND SIX MOUTHS would (Ry FoR £60D iE 1 WER ee 7 STL ey AND EXPLAIN wey you AREN'T ny THE ARMy,