THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY MAY 6, 1918. PAGE FIVE x | "Out of the High Rent District." OConnor's Ladies" Exclusive New Silk Suits The Latest New York Novelty Styles in all the fashionable shades of taffetas and silk poplins -- individual models, at moderate prices. See our special numbers in . New York Coats Get our prices. We save you money. Arm ny T.J.O'Connor Higher up. street but lower in price always. 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 re YY A For the Boys at the Front CHOCOLATTA "The Ready-to-use Ohocola nising the Lhucolnte, Milk and ugar Prepaied ihatanly by Adding Boiling Water Oaly, Ne Cooking or Milk Required. For Sale By D. Couper Phone 76 841-3 Privcess St. dhs adh wy Fresh Haddock and Cod, Whiting, Tom Cods, Smelts, Oysters. Dominion Fish Co. "radmin didn niin 4 4 4 R 4 4 4 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Andhra A Arak DEPOT BATTALION IN Cane TR, tr NA PAN A ltr, 4 wv NN NN NINN ppg Drink Charm Tea To Reduce the High Cost of Living try a package of Charm New Japan Tea at the low price of 23c a half pound package. Airs Vy 4 adhd nrnihaaiehuiah A Ahaha daha arhahhuk wd : Government Standard Flour | Kingston Milling Co. Limited Is Eminently Satistactory To All Users. BUNGARIAN-For Bre or Be Hl and Oake. Ro Wheat Pastry. For Sale by All Dealers. ------ YY YY YY YY YY Protect Your Furs Md Through the Sumines Months , Bags, Campho , Cedar an Lavender Camphor, Foor -- the Moths. _ SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Montreal Sts. _, Telephone 41. i b Aah deh hh ha ahah ahabadak hs Jl is LS NIGHT SIGHT ! 5 7 It's at night ent people find their : . We © are equipped to give you .OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST Oppoatie Post Mee, Kingston, pod soil Diguliny go Bog ME satisfaction, IT is LIEUT.. | COL. | There Ave Tour Other Detachments | Also at Barriefield--Col. Smart Pleased at the Quality of the Re- cruits, The Eastern Ontario Depot Battal- lion moved into camp at Barriefield on Saturday. The building formerly occupied by the camp paymaster has been taken over by Lieut.-Col. Smart, camp commandant, as his ad- ministration building. The men are quartered in eighty-six tents and four marquees, Before noon the yquartermaster"s department and the| {eanteen were in running order; and the whole work of moving from the city and the reception and equip- ment of 150 draftees was accomplish- ed without a hiteh, This speaks well SMAR ¥. staff. The engineers, too, did their work well, as the water system was in perfect order and the electric lights ready for use. An inspection of the camp and ground revealed serupulous cleanliness and order. Indeed the ground and grass plots ahout the ad- ministration building were very pre- sentable despite the fact that re- pairs to the building had just been made, The weather was most favor- able to Col. Smart and the condition of the ground was ideal. The other units in the camp are the Army Medical Corps, the Army Dental Corps, Army Service Corps detachment and Ordnance Corps de- tachment. About 150 draftees had heen noti- fied to report at the Toye building, but an escort was left there to direct them to the camp, where they were received at the Records Office. From there they were sent before the Medical Board and after examina- tion, turned over to the paymaster, who sent them to the quartermaster, who furnished the uniform and kit. Thence they passed into the base com- pany for distribution into the battal- lion. These detail were all carried out simultaneously with the opera- tion of moving into camp, and be- speaks the effie fency of the various departments, Camp Fuel Provided, for the efficiency of the O.C. and his| HOW WOULD FIREMEN TAKE TO KNITTING? It Has Been Qiven to Ottawa Firefighters As Pas- time. How would Fire Chief Armstrong's laddies like to knit for the *'soldier boys?" Dow, n Ottawa it is stated that knittifig has got to be a popular pas- time with the boys of the fire de- partment, and that they take to the art, as a child does to candy. Daugh-| ters of the Empire are holding knpit- ting classes in the firemen's gymna- sium, and this has afforded the fire-} fighters a splendid opportunity of learning the art. The Ottawa firemen are making a good showing, and it is stated that the only time they drop a stitch is! when the gong rings for a fire. Some! of these days Chief Armstrong, no) doubt, will introduce knitdMng as a pastime tor the loca] firemen. "THE BRAT" AT THE GRAND. Catchy Comedy Pleased Two Audi. ences on Saturday. Patrons of the Grand were given a real catchy little comedy on Sat- urday, matinee and night, when '""Phe (Brat" 'was |presented by a | most 'capable company.' The play 'nas a heroine of the Peg type, the only difference being that this wait was taken straight from the street instea of being a poor relation. Rea Martin, as the Brat, showed mark-| ed abflity, in fact she fives the part, and did so well that one igs apt to forget that she Js merely acting. Her work all through 'the piece is exceptionally good. The Brat was just herself, altogether pleasing and natural, and she was surrounded by a good company. [The parts of Edna M. Holland, as the artist; Miss Leo- nore Ginto, as the society matron; Arthur PaciesRipple, as the Butler; and Edwin J. (Burke, as the bishop, alt being capably filled. a INTERV IEWED FARMERS, ' To Urge Upon Them the Greater Production. ] On Saturday morning Dr. G. W. Bell, chairman of the agricultural | committee of the Board of Trade, interviewed the farmers on the mar- Need of | A party under Lt. H, T. Hughes of the Army Service Corps is efigaged in sawing wood at the camp. During | the winter a quantity ar wood was cut on the Government 'reserve, It consists of pine, oak, maple, ash and hiekory. There are about thirty J ora of wood for fuel and about 8,000 feet of lumber, Much of the umber will be used in repairs to vehicles. It is estimated that about the same quantity yet remains to be hauled to the camp, | When interviewed, Col. Smart was very pleased over the day's work, He spoke highly of the quality of the re- cruits he is making into soldiers. They are enthusiastic over their work and adapt themselves to the new conditions very readily. From! present. indications they will uphold | the best traditions of the battalions now at the front. The manner in which the minor duties of camp life] ate performed is of great importance and is an indication of the proficiency of the future soldier. The Y.MC.A. has been alloted {| suitable quarters and is engaged in making arrangements for the enter- tainment of the men throughout the summer, Major Stary is to be camp chaplain and divine service will be held on the grounds each Sunday morning. At the Baptist manse, Smith's Falls, Ross 8S. Kilborn. Frankville, | and Miss Ovida L. Dunham, Toledo, | were united in marriage on Wednes- day. Face Covered With PIMPLES ASHAMED TO GO OUT. Many an otherwise beautiful and attractive face is sadly marred by un- sightly pimples, blotches, flesh worms and various other blood dis- eases, . Their presence is a source of em- barrassment to those afflicted as well 'as piin and regret to their friends. Many a cheek and brow cast in tne mould of beauty have been sadly defaced, AQeir attractiveness lost and their possessor rendered unhappy for years, Why, than, consent to rest under this cloud of embarrassment? j Rood There is an effectual remedy for all these defects, It is Burdock Blood Bitters. This! remedy will drive out all the im- purities from the blood and leave the complexion healthy and clear. Mrs. Katherine Henry, Port Syd- ney, Ont., writes: "Two years ago my I face was so covered with pimples Sas Sshamped to So Oni at ail 1 Hi several remed bred they were of no use. At last a friend advised me to try Burdock Blood Bitters. I got a bottle, and by the time it was used I could see a difference. 1 then | got two more, and when I had used the pimples were completely A can Bighty recommend aye I, Mil. {ties one of the ¢leverest and clean- jest characters in Canada. {dertook received the attention of a Ket square in order to direct their | attention to the Food Board's re- | quest 'for greater (production. He | thanded to every one three pamph- lets issued: by the Department of | Agriculture calculated to help all} engaged in the work of raising foi | stuffs. There appeared to be a num- ber of cases of wardship-as the re- sult of the amendment to the Mili- tary Service Act, but these will un- doubtedly be dealt with satisfactor- ily later on when representations are made in the proper quarter. There was not a large number of farmers on Saturday, as. most of 'them aré now out on the land look- ing after their seeding operations, NEW TAX ON AUTOS. Does Naot Apply to the. Second-hand Cars. p «It is stated that the second<hand automobile acquires a greater vaiue by virtue of the naw 'war tax on cars. The new war taxation on automo- bile purchases does not apply to the : sale of second-hand cars. If John Jones sells his used car to William: Brown for, say, $500, no tax could be collected. The Late Robert Meek. Brockville Recorder and Times, - The passing of Robert Meek, Kingston, removes {row life's activi- He was anany-sided, but everything he un- specialist, for Meek mever could be half-hearted. He worked on the principle that anything worth doing at all was worth doing well. As a journalist, he began at the type case and press, broke into the reporter's column, and refused to be kept out of the editor's chair. As a writer, he was not flowery, but eminently practical, and while not offensive, yet there was always an objective, and the punch required to reach it, He was well known and highly es 'teemed dn church, fraternal and Srunicipal circles, In short Mr. Meek was an all round man, whose life work was 'founded on sterling character, and whose every activity was guided py a belief in its right. eousness and justice. A life actuated by such motives, and lived as iis 'was, largely for the of others, 48 the wealthiest egacy that any man can leave. J Has Joined Lindsay Staff. E. M. Revell, Verona, has joined the sales - staff of C."'W. Lindsay, Limited; = with headquarters here. Mr. Revell formerly conducted an undertaking establishment at Ver- ona and his many friends in the city and vicinity wish him every success in his new line of endeavor. Frank Trousdale, Sydenham, has also joined the staff of C. W. Lindsay Dust is Awful, Residents on Ontario street, be- tween Brock and Queen streets, have registered a complaint about the ust Su the Joadigar 4 A shopkeeper BE at he had been un-| % cart on that when EEEEEEREENX SRRERNNEREEERS ESE TNRRS ERR RARER SREY Ladies' Oxfords We have ust received black vici kid Oxfords with high Cuban and spool heels; also medjum heels,- $6.00 and $7.00. Mahogany calf Oxfords, high heels, $7.00. Mahogany calf Oxfords, Neolin soles, $6.00. We are also showing many styles of pumps. Abernethy' s Shoe Store white OO | CAMPBELL"S | POPULAR HATS Jannty shapes, models that look smart and brisk. All made from materiils that in- sure good wear as wi ell ns gpod looks. We sell makes as such celebrated BORSALINO, CHRISTY, MALLORY, , BUCKLEY, HORTON, Our display this spring es- tablishes a new mark for hat supremacy. $1.25 to $6.00 Campbell Bros. fp Largest Hat Deal- ers. A | DELICIOUS PEANUT BUTTER * 30c Per Lb. This peanut butter is made from carefully selected peanuts, ground to a smooth, creamy paste. It is rich and full in flavor. Henderson's 50-61 Brock St. ~ Phovie 279. A squire housé to deal with. SERN ad New York bewon credtion for the low RA We Furnish The Home & 7 COMFORT FOR EVERYONE ECONOMY FOR ALL Thousands of artistic ° homey" homes have been furnished in the money-saving Reid way, which enables anyone to buy tasteful and artistic furniture at moderate prices. Reid High Quality. -- Reid Low Prices. JAMES REID The Busy Store With Large Stock. Phone 147, Motor Ambulance. | EEA ORO WALL PAPER We have a large assortment of new wall paper, Scotch Ontmenls and a lof of good bargains in remnants of Anil and parlor papers, Aline kalsomining, painting and paper hanging. All work done prompily. D. FRASER 78 William Street. mn mn If You Can Af- ford a Ford, You Can't Afford To be without one of OUR LIBERAL Auto Fire Policies Insures your car wherever you are. Let us talk it over, R..D. SUTHERLAND Corner Bagot and Brock Sts.' Phones: Office 77, Residence 1842. SPECIAL BAR- GAINS For This Week At UNITED GROCERY 800 Ibs. farmers' butter, at 48¢ per Ib. 200 ibs. Oleomargarine, at 85¢ __'per-Ib, Silver Gloss Starch, 5 Ib. 60¢ per tin. Benson's Satin Starch; lar price 15¢; te, New Maple Syrup. Coffee, fresh ground, 35¢, 40¢ per Ib. 138 Princess St, ! Ben Lee, Mgr. tins, regu- reduced to wis Bf "3 ho te he ies of Juche Sn : 3 For soni ps av Se THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT, (Fermady Watt.) 'The Old-time Painter Says:-- A painted barn means a well kept farm. There's certain i 'are not pr. of paint. ELEVATOR PAINT preserves the property that protects his crops. presevaion of barn, sion tock the pratection and oa better appearance it adds tthe, frm il'4 "beter price