MORE SLAY ERY. Belgian Women Forced (0 Labor 5) Conquerors, The correspondent of the London Times at Amsterdam writes: "At Blankenberghe, ibe Germans forced a great naumber of servants to leane their situations. and tried io ebmpel them to take up the work af unloading, docking, and transporta- tion for the army. The young girls refused and were sbut up in the {8 Hotel Belvedere, which serves as afi prison. Most of them persisted in} their refusal and were liberated; i they were requisitioned again a sent 10 different places, even to the jE wall of the port of Zeehrugge in or- der to work there for the Germans. {iil BPaughters of farmers and the bour-§i geoisie from the surrounding country 3 have alsp heen requisitioned. "The 'military authorities do notf spare even the disabled and ill. The Telegaal correspondent on the fron- ler reports that a disabled man who happened to remark that he had only J] one leg was told that thoie was work that he could do with his hands, A one-armed man was told: 'We will [5 give you a one-armed comrade and [SS the two of you can do ore man's work.' oh "The communal school at Dudazeale | ! all of us Kaiow. 1 leaves us more than ISH Peon FTG. PL CR home ride, disastrous ly linked "to- | gether by the British Government, WELL ON BRITISH [cannot be achieved 'without bluod- shed and lasting hate.' that the Gov- | crument must 'set ap immediately a y New York | Fesponsible Govermment in Ireland,' Kuistio Yin al Attituge--Tye when the bill is passed, to an Irish "Jexecutive of representative and re- United States Cannot Understani/ sponsible men should be given the it. | task of selling wp a parliament as New York. quickly as possible, promoting vol- York Thnes. {untary recruiting. The Irish people, "Wrongs and | given their own instrument of gov- editorially: efnment, would quickly show the "In Dublin to-day (Sunday) world their real attitude in this war. collection for the anmti-conseription | 'After four years, their own paro- fuiid resulted in a payment of first! chial concerns attended to. 'the installments averaging £300 to a (Irish people will go condescend to parish.----Associated Press despatch.' |take notice of 'the wrongs of 'civili- "Jreland runs over with prosper | zation. 'Give us Home Rule, and we tty. Her fanmers; fattened by Bri- | will or may, enlist." What sacro- tish legislation, have been rushing |sanct dignity of an Irishman of fre-| about in automobiles to Sinn Fein (land shelters Mm from gonscrip-| meetings, Some of them refused ito | Hen? Whyds he se sweh better and sell food to British and American | Wore priviieged than 'a common, sailors. There is money enough for | Ordinary' Amferiean or Canadian. Sir luxuries, for abundant races. Irish-| Horace speaks of the jEnglish 'in- men eat of the fat and drink of the | #bility to: understand ue That in- sweet, while England lives nargpw- | ability applies to the Unitéd States ly and is partly rationed. The Sinn [&lso. Feiners have long Lad time and money enough to make all the trouble for England, to give all the AND LIVING GENEROSITY. By May The New| under the eaption Wrongheads," says 9 It Made Her Strong and Well "1 was in a weak, ic .condi- she Rarneveld, hood's Prag Store, Kingston, Also at the best druggist in all On- Jarl towns, help to Germany that they can. "Now Nationalist and Sinn Feiner are united to oppose conscription; and as a testimony to 'the wrongs of Ireland' Dublin is able to subscribe largely to a fund whose object, how- ever dldguised, is aid to Germany. Such must be the direet result of the anti-conscription movement in fre- hop | land, no matter what wrong-headed Fresh daily to your home, for 10 cents a gallon, A limited. of mew Soon as suitable conveyances are completed to deliver, This water has heen ex- amined at Queen's College and but phone at ! ements for prompt Phone 59 or 1056 livery, Keely k, H0DO. ay Those people (and they are many) who dread the ordeal of an eve examin- alion are agreeably aston- ished to find that, as made a it causes no pain, omfort, or inconven- le WV apy And We Use No Drugs. Keeley Jr., MOD. DT TYTN aaa dh ji tion, dhe wro Ah dh il land.' doyalists are joined with Sipn Fein rebels or revolutionists, would be founders of an Irish republic. "The world has heard somewhat too much about 'The wrongs of lve Long*ontinued and black as 'e, they are of the past. For they w a Seneratifn the English democracy has souglft to confer "benefits upon dreland, to redress old injuries. Jf the Irish of Ireland haven't had be- stowed upon them everything they want in the way of sell-government, whose fault 1s it but their own? 1s England to blame for the quarrel of MILITARY NEWS | (Continued from Page 8.) $+ The artillery will leave for Peta- wawa (Camp about May 28th. The officer commanding this year will 'be Lieut.-Col. H. G. COarscallen, D8.0., of Hamilton, who has held the rank of major in the 4th Battery since September, 1909. He has overseas experience. The Military Service Cotineil con- firms the report that registrars have received jnstructiong to cangel ail exemptions granted to men between the wages of 20 and 22 who have hitherto been exempted from com- batant service on account of having been .disfranchised. = Such men are now ordered te report. It is point- ed out, however, that the act only Irishmen? "Has Ireland forgotten the foul wrongs done by Germany te civiliza- | of Belgium, Serbia, Armenia, the anurder of not-comba- tants on sea .and land, the German parodies of sacred Catholic ceremon- les, the slaying of priests, the pro- fanation and destruction. of churches and cathedral, the reintroduction of slavery, robberies, deportation, al- most four years of incredible cruel ties and bestialities. It seems so. To their kinsmen here, to their old friends in America, the absention of so. many Irishmen. of Ireland from the war, their dally with Ger- many, is unintelligible, suonstrous. "Even Sir Horace Plunkett, Whose fruitful work for Ireland and general moderation of whose vie : Red - blooded men of courage are on the fixing line and there wre many anemic, weak, discouraged men and women left at home. pAb this time of the year most people suffer from & condition often called Spring Fever, They eel tized, worn out, before the day is balf:thru. They may base [frequent headaches and sometimes " pimply" or pale skip. Bloodless peaple, thin, anemic people, those with pale cheeks and lips, who have a poor sppetite and feel that tived, worn or feverish condition in the springtime of the year, should try the relreshing tonic powers of a good Re op en Sear en ne root, Queen's root an G A00t, made with chemically are Th Without 'the use 0 fist vials, Mle R form i Bet vd exempts these classes from combat- ant service. They are now being or- dered to report for non-combatant | service. Lieut. Leslie ¥. Brinkman, only son of Ald. and Mrs. Frank Brink- man, St. Thomas, is with the Royal Canadian Engineers at St. John's, Que. Lieut. Brinkman was in the service stationed at Kingston. He was recently given his commissions His wife and. twin babes are stop- ping with relatives in Kingston. N. Stewart, who served with the 16th Bat- "Columbia . and R. two! Years overseas talion ¥rom 'British was wounded, appointed secretary-treasurer of the Great War Veterans' Association of Can- ada, Dominion Board. He was mar- {| nied jon New Year's Day last to Miss Mr. Stews Knight' Morton, an Ottawa girl. art 'has been assisting Mr. for the last six anonths. ing main- Ss, has been pet Bat- rk, Ottawa. A new gompany, c ly of Ottawa 'College recently added to the talion at Lansdowne- No more men can join the 74th Depot Battery at Lansdowne Park, Ottawa, at present. it 4s wp strength. bp pe Pte. Joha C. Beer, a son of Mrs. A. B. Forey, Ottawa, who was in- walided home after having served in the 38th Battalion for more than 3 years, has entered Queen's Miki- tary Hospital where an effort willy be made to restore the sight of hi left eye, which = was blinded Ne mustard gas burns during the Sate of Passchendaele. ed No man called up for service avith the Depot Battalions in Min! tary Jistrict No. 3 will be allowed a secoid medical board in future, ac- cording to a new order 'from head- quarters here. The order will afiect chiefly those men whe have ungder-| gone examinations and bave been allowed exemption for a limited time. hese. men- will not now, be given a second examination. Th inet ahi t of ba tes has e shipmen 0 neon eh by fhe, Continental {there 1 has been transformed into a penal golony. : The building is surrounded with barbed wire, camp, The chatcan near Bruges Is also employed as a 1 colony." The Rheinische Westialische Zel- change of Cologne, which part: difficulties that can he remedied only mits. foreign artisans should be called on for aid. i able do replace entirely the German | workmen, to say pothing of their de- very often iu inverse ratio to their capacities. Experience, moreover, has still to teach us whether the occupied the munition industries. The demand for women workers in the metallur- gle industry, as well as in ehemlieal and explosive (ndustries, is great. and the supply, aceording to the figures, is still diminished, The Joy of the Trail. of the trafl? Sup .and wind and rain and winding spaces of earth and sky, days that {rip off like a gypsy tune and ever the magical road, mvsater- iously beckoning on and on! Some- times the vagabond in. Mongolia |3sq walls in the makes of the earts, Or the carts rumble on while he stoops to 4 misiature goldenrad or a | splendid larkspur, The plain is stud- ded with flowers sw.gentian, bury bells, thornless thistle, a tall, delicately 'ringed daisy, a scented pink morning-glory, an imal moon-flower and a ae] others. But most vivid. of all, the. eleetric- blue larkspur. Sometimes the vaga- bond rides by theuside of the sleepy | Chinese carter, ready .to recall him when ithe donkey, seeking a nip of short grass, Strays too far fram the road; somatimes he sits silently rant to | in the mystery of the 'horizon, Some- || times--a true vagabond---he lies on his back. in the cart, only dreamily conscious of the castellated clouds shaping and re-shaping themselves. It seems to him then that he peers into the mystical vislon of life itself, and in these moments he is in some way released from the cell of the in- dividual and mysteriously menged in the universe--in some way linked with the earth and the multitudes of her childzen who have entered again earth's caverns. _ Incognito. "Royalty has sufleged much in the Dresant war, even at the hands of Ms friends. When the recent Jrter- allied Conference .in the interest eof permanently Simabled 8 5 Was concluded dn. Paris, a party of dele- gates journeyed to England to in- Apect the great schools established for the teseducalion of .men maimed . in battle. One of these Schacis in particular excited 'the visi- a prisoner's BS more difficulty in procuring artisans, = in 80 far .as the supply of labor per-Ji The central intelligence office | for manual labor asked at ance that > mands in respect to wages. which are I Is there any joy in life lke the joy through the white dust af the trail. |p i. | tung recently coniained a communi- j cation emanating. from the Labor Ex- |i sald ng territories will be of advantage for ls very |} Make this an opportunity to supply your immediate needs and save 10% on all of your cash purchases through the medium of this great one-day sale. | Shop at Steacy's Tomorrow and Save 10c on Every Dollar DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS 0.5 Jilat Pill Jot Nomen, $6 a box or thase for Blores, oramailed toany , la ad Hd Tix ScosELL (RDG Boar i for Nerve and Brain: in i To jo---will bulla you up. fro for $5. at an stores, or hy SCOBELL Dive, Co., Bt. sald at Mahood's Drug Store." IN MARINE OIRCLES. Movements of Vessels In and About the Kingston Harbor. The steamer Belleville arrived from Toronto at 4 p.Jn. and cleared for Montreal at 5 p.m. on Wednes- day. | : The steamer Cadillac arrived from Montreal at 7 p.m. and cleared for Lake Erie at 8 p.m. on Wednesday. The steamer City of Ottawa arriv- ed from Montreal at 2.20 a.m, and cleared for Toronto at 3.05 a.m, on Thursday. The steamer City of Hamilton ar- rived from Toronto at 8 am. and cleared for Montreal at 8.35 a.m. on Thursday. in port, and cleared for Fairhaven, to load coal for Rideau Canal poris. The schooner Katie Eceles Is at Portsmouth. Capt. Mitchell, in com- mand of this schooner, has moved to Portsmouth from ebovrs, ah brought his household effects to the village in the schooner, He. will be gladly 'welcomed to: the village. The sloop Ariadne is in vert, and is loading a general cargo for West- port. dhe vessel this Seobt is the pilot. Tun Petween Kingston And Vv and will have a busy The. vessel will | Westport The steamer Buena Vista arrived |i and E. Burnside is in cotmand of year, and Wiliam | VT EVERYTHING TO FRESHEN AND Attractive designs in piano and reading lamps. We have a - range of | og) A he bye. ge stock ust of New York's leading dccomitiog houses. Floor coverings of all descrip. tipns, Rugs, linolenms, ofleloths, ete., at less than wholesale cost today. Repairing and promptly done. upholstering Victrolas and Victor NY NY IN NINN ingagiging ania dh hha Ah a a pp AN a i aS SON, M.T. Co's bulletin: The tug Laura) Grace cleared with one coal and he 1] &rain barges and will exchange the tow wigh the tug. Thomson, whieh 4 will tow them to Cornwall; the tug] Laura Grace will then clear for Os-! tors' admiration because .of its mar- xellons equipment and seemingly per- feot management. This was all: "the @ use the dizecior more remarkable of the #chool was a iy Tra or Tad or -- "Dr Plorce's han mpany, Kingston, from: a ha fix, used in paint, is to nufactured here The miperay is opin the farm of J. Long near 226 Princess Street WiINnsoR. Or. Medical Petiote arn a sed aaah hi a BR an aa aa a Adhd nahi dh dh a Ah URE Man. were. the visitors Catharine Mo€ormick, wife ot or | mahalo poral Joseph Emerson, now in} med France with the 8th Canadian Mounted Rifles, died at Brockville on Bunday after an illness of over al, yoar's duration, at the age of Unienty, i seven years, i Stace i hel taken Shela don a above HE 4 ad oes morthy of re aod Lun itions u3 haye teft ma . Plaree's 1am very Sid: ars. tt Wesh Cina Hin Cape Boston. Jlginburg, across which there is thinty-iach vein of conside ~ depth. Ten tons of the material has ed. It is stated that the baryten discovered in' fl tnekr 5 French scientist, "to have been plac- ry fed 80 mush impressed "I that before jeavine they waited upon ihe youthful lor and fairly show- praise. ered bm gt ani eat responsibility igh path i to you, sir," sald kesman, a distinguished t a, age a the Hoad of 80 im- 'wego and return to Kingston with the barges Davie and Selkirk; steamers Avon wand McViitie passed up on thelr way to load coal at Os- wego for Montreal. RESTAURANTS OBEY LAW. Hist, has been made Sf aie tor Sach 1s of hat they will not be the | er ear ramrcs The restaurants Tiave a a ; oifet , AT DA} wn pod mie 'and. thus far not one complaint iff fs hey Jocal Be have mide for : to WF. Nickle