yyy Ladies' Oxfords Goodyear Welt Make | Tan Calf, Dull Kid Calf, Dongola Kid, reg. $3.50, $5 and $6 line. Sale price "81.98 Get a Bottle of Our POLAR WHITE POLISH For cleaning your white kid boots -- This preparation will cleanse and fmpart to all smooth white leathers a dainty white polish, The Model Shoe Store H. ROTGAUZE, Prop. ! #4 Princess Street. Ahad 4h 4 yyy yyy -- Maple Leaf Grocery Cooked Meats of All Kinds Baked Meat Loaf with Cheeses Pork Sausage; Cooked Shoulder; Hendecheese; Empire Frankforts; Jellled 4 Cooked Hum Hum Bologna: Jellled Hook, Freak sasortment always on hand, Alex P y f Rideau St Phone NIG THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1918. ~ PAGE FIVE | GOTWETFEET Took AWFUL COLD COULD NOT SLEFP FOR COUGH. I A bad cold accompaniad by a dis 'tressing cough that keeps you awake fat night is most aggravating, and | unless it is attended to at once may develop into something very serfous Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is the remedy you should take. It {heals the mucous surfaces, relieves { oppression and tightness of the chest, | removes the accumulation of phlegm, jauiets the most obstinate and dis: {tressing coughs, and secures rest and sleep at night, not only to the suffer- jer, but to others whose rest would ! he otherwise. broken. Mrs. Ezekiel Acker, Lake Pleas- ant, N.8., writes: "I got wet feet and took an awful cold; could not sleep at night, and would do moth- ing but cough. My husband got me 3 4 bottle of medicine, but it was not worth bringing home. [1 was going to call the doctor in when a friend ssked me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. 1 told her I had little faith in it, but she urged me to get a bottle. I did, and I must say that of all the medicine I ever took, it is the best, and relieved me the quick- est of anything I ever saw." "Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; price 26¢c and 50c; manufac- tured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. - fe oma Co) "Wilhelmina" | 242 Mountain St., Montreal, Warm, comfortable rooms, rea sonubie rates. A home for tras. slents. Tel. Uptown 5346. "Ranks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE fresw Office, Royal Insurance A MONTREAL me PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Teronte W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. & SIGHT ! @ It's at night time that most people find. their eyesight failing. ¥f your eyes do not give you comfort for night reading it is , We are equipped to give you satisfaction. need our help and J. J; STEWART; Opt.D. a sign you OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST Opposite Post Office, Kingston. v CVV Rg Protect Your Furs Through the Surhmer Months Moth Bags, Camphor Balls, Cedar and Lavender Camphor, Keep out the Moths. YY YW YY YR NURSES GIVEN DIPLOMAS COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OF GENERAL HOSPITAL SOHOOL A Most Interesting And Charming Event al Sydenham Street Church on Friday Night---Twenty-five Members in the Gradusting Class This Year, : ! : Sydenham Street Methodist church was the scene Friday night of a most) interesting and charming event, the occasion. being the thirtieth annual commencement exercises in' connec- tion with the Kingston General Hos. pital Training School for Nurses Twenty-five young women, who have completed their strenuous course of training, were awarded their diplo- mas. The church was filled to the doors, many having to stand during the ceremonies, and this in itself, demonstrated the keen interest that is manifested in the work of the nurses. The members of the gradu- ating class occupied seats on the plat- form ereated, for the occasion, while the other nurses In training oecupied the seats in the choir. Demure in their trim uniforms, the girl gradu- ates presented a most attractive pic- ture." Each graduate carried a beau- tiful cluster of flowers, and a most interesting event during the proceed- ings was that of the presentation of flowers, in some cases baskets of flowers, the graduation day tributes of relatives and friends. The platformwas truly transformed into a bower of beauty. - The nurses were accompanied by Miss Claudia Boskill, Superintendent of Nurses, and Col. R. E. Kent, chair- man of the Board of Governors of the General Hospital, who presided. The programme opened with the march Solennelle, played by Ernest Medrand, and during the rendition of this selection, the nurses marched in- to the church. Then followed the singing of the National Anthem and prayer offered by Rev. W. T. G. Brown. Col. Kent spoke briefly, re- ferring to the large class of graduates and then introduced the various numbers on the programme. The nurses led by Miss Boskill, recited the Florence Nightingale Pledge. F. G. Lockett, vice-chairman of the Board of Governors of the General Hospital, gave an interesting history of the training school for nurses, and Rev. Douglas Laing presented the diplomas. The presentation of hospital em- blem pins to the graduates was made by Mrs, W. F, Nickld, President of the Woman's Aid Society, and Mrs. George Nicol, president of the Nurses' Alumnae, . 2 Rev, Dr. Bruce Taylor, principal of Queen's University, delivered the ad- dress to the graduates, in which he referred to the status of the profes- sion, and paid a warm tribute to the work of the Canadian nurses. He also referred to the noble work the nurses are carrying on overseas and on behalf of all present warmly con- gratulated the members of the gradu- ating class, and wished them every success, The various prizes were pre- sen. ed as follows: Gold medal, given by W. F. Nickle, M.P., and: won by Miss Daisy MeNa- mee, presented by Mayor J. M. Hughes; silver medal, given by Col. A. E. Ross, M.P.P., and won by Miss Blanche Wesley, presented by Col. R. J. Gardiner; materia medica prize, won by Miss Daisy MeNamee, given and presented by Dr. H. A. Boyce; pediatrics (diseases of children), won by Miss Grace Assel- stine, given and presented by Dr. H. E. Day;; minor surgery, won by Miss Lilla Wilson, given by Dr. 8. |. er," by Capt. Harold Angrove; vocal solo, "The Lord fs My Light," by J. D. Bankief. Miss M. Shaw was the accompanist of the evening, Following i2 » list of the graduat- ing class Alice Leonore Fisher, Pottemonth: Mildred May Heasler, Bessie B. Maitland, Trenton; Cather ine A. Rotters, Lansdowne; Eliza 1. MaeNaughton, Finch; Ohristina May McElroy, Ottawa; Lila Evelyn Riley, Trenton; Daisy Wilhelmine MacNa- mee, Kingston; Helen MacDougall, Gananoque; | Port Elgin; Margaret Ethel Moon, Godfrey; Doro Isabelle McKendry, Gananoque; Blanche Wesley, Maber- ly; Bessie Alp, Granton; Clara Vin- cent, Woodstock; Isabelle Dunlop, Kingston; Mary E. Scholes, Kings- ton; Margaret M. Brown, Pembroke; Nettie Blanches McCall, Wooler; Ella Bertha Shillington, Odessa; Dorothy Nicol, Cataraqui; Mazel IL. Kinstiry, Brockville; Olive Mildred Richards, Trenton; Hannah Greaves, Peter- boro; Grace A.B. Asselstine, Odessa. COLLEGIATE CADETS CORPS OVER TWO HUNDRED BOYS EN. ROLLED IN EFFICIENT UNIT The Corps Is Instructed in Military Training by J. W. Kelly--The List of Officers. Not only on the field of battle have the pupils and ex-pupils of the Col- legiate Institute been bringing glory to their school, but in the school it- self during the winter 221 boys have been assiduously learning the ele- ments of military training. Under the instruétion of J. W. Kelly the boys have become remark- ably efficient in cadet drill and in shooting. The discipline in the corps is commendable and a splendid spirit has developed, Parades after school hours have been frequent during the winter, and shooting ' competitions hive been held. During the next few weeks two teams; will/ compete | for the Imperial Challenge Shield which has been donated during the past few years to the school reaching the highest mark in thé British Em- pire. A 'competition is also planned for the school gold medal. Bradford, Ont.; Caroline May Mills, | | Es J ------ ------ ---- The officers of the eorps are: Battalion commander--Harold Searle. Adjutant-- Wilfred Lockett, Quartermaster--B, Harpell, Sergeant-Major--C. Devlin, Bugler--H. Dean. A. Company officers---Jack McKel- vey, Donald McPehrson, Samuel Van- | aletyne, A. Company section commanders-- B. Pickford, J. Reginald Sawyer, Viv- ian Sills, Malcolm Maegillivray. B. Company officers--A. - Turner, W. Germaine, Miller Donnelly. B. Company section commanders-- V. Stephen, Grant Minnes, C. Daykin, | V. Johnson. { .C. Company officers--0. Vokes, Douglas Gimblett, George Carson, John Findlay. C. Company seetion commanders M. Franées, (I. Turner, W. 'Wright, J. A. G. Hudon, Babv's Own Tablets Always Kept on Hand Mrs. Ernest E. Adkins, Brotton, Sask., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets with great success for four vears and always keep a box en hand." Thousands of other mothers say the same thing---once they have used the Tablets for their little ones, they will use nothing else. Experi- ence shows them that the Tablets are E.| | | { # STYLISH HATS The greatest assortment we have ever shown of class and smartness in the latest models for stylish men. We are shaw- ing many néw and distinctive shades. See our display of -- b Ladies' Panama Hats. Children's Hats. New Caps in Tweed and Silk, Umbrellas. Drop in and let us show you some of the new things we are now showing. tapestries, roomy arm chair and comfortable rocker to fit every curve of your body. = 3 ------ 4 HEnmsEEEEAAR EE Tasasamrt "The Highest Boot in Town" Ladies' black vici kid laced boot, 12 inch top. Extra fine quality; a dainty and dressy boot. = $9.00 t - Special . . Aa 4d , + Abernethy' Shoe Store 5 fe | JT High-grade Living Room Furniture High grade does not necessarily mean' high riced. . . Reid furniture is built to last a life-time, ut the prices are very reasonable. Three-piece living room suites in best English consisting of 'full size Chesterfield, The Busy Store with the Large Stock. «Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. tor Funeral Car in Connection. CAMPBELL BROS. Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers Wash That Itch Away| There is absolutely no sufferer from eczema who ever used the simi] 'National Breweries Manufacturers of the Famous Dow's and Dawes £ ple wash D.D.D. and did not feel im- mediately that wonderfully calm, cool sensation that comes when the itch is taken away. This soothing wasl penetrates the pores, gives ins stant relief from the most distressing' diseases. Mabood's Drug Store, Kingston. i the ideal medicine. They are a mild laxative, thorough in action, and never fail to relieve the minor ail- ments of little ones. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Keyes and presented by A Shaw; in- termediate prize from Board of Gov- ernors, won by Miss Carlotta Brouse, presented by N. C. Polson, jr., honor- ary secretary; junior prize, from the medical staff, won by Miss Luella Hutoh , presented by Dr. Wright, medical superintendent. 3 SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Montreal Sts. Telephone 41. . Ahaha dh de A AA LIGHT ALE & ~ PORTER aided did ld dd AA A a aad additiathediedidhd h a a a Ahad dd ¥ St r. Britannic FOR GANANOQUE, BROCKVILLE, CORNWALL Send Your Freight ' Foot of Brock Street tr AND INTERMEDIA PORTS ) x to the Ferry Wharf, Telephone 2195. * e Sugar, 'This Biscuit is most palatable, During the evening an excellent programme of music was rendered, jeomplicated Which included the following num- bers: Violin solo, "Meditation," by Arthur Locke; vocal solo, "One Fleet- ing Hour," with violin obligato (by Arthur Locke), Sergt. W. Harrison; vocal solo, "Love That Is Strong to Abide," by Miss Foster: vocal solo, "0 Day Divine," by Mrs. J. C. R. Mac- Pherson; vocal solo, "The Trympet- Noises In Ears, ~~ * Twitching Nerves Told of the Exhausted Condition of . the Nerves tion and Weak ndiges Heart Action Were Other Symptoms, Kingston, Ont., May 1I.--There are few people in this city who are not acquainted with the exceptional restorative power of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Reports have come from almost every street of the Linse- stone City telling of cures effected by this treatment, {have been surprised at the enormous Semang for this great nerve restora- ed in this letter. very nourishing | This is not be wondered at when ere 15 aiacted on mamiered at when [be cases ag.the one describ-| ot | tax _ STANDS IN FOREFRONT. In Securing Young Men For Military And Farm Service. = tary forces and for the productive forces is the outstanding task of the leaders of Canada at the nresent| time. In both fields the Collegiate Institute has been in the forefront. A tablet with the names of one hundred 'and ten men in the service of the King was unveiled with fitting ceremony at the institute on Friday afternoon; and 'twice that number were in the school cadet corps which was on parade at the event. During the month of April Princi- pal 'B, 0, Blitgqr presented sixty-four medals to pupils in the institute who had worked as soldiers of the soil in the farm service corps last summer. The record will probably be sur- ready sixty pupils have annouheced their intention of doing farm ser- vice. 1 f these have secured their departmental and ma- trieulation standing as a result, and Shirty-two have been promoted lo a higher Jo a: s notable also that a number of girls have intimated their desire to enga; in farm work and will In rural districts. te Institute takes se- eond place to no similar institution in the country, : 3 Kingston's Popular Game. ment would Riate u 'on: oard as it The securing of men for the mili-| © 'Carpenter and Builder Specialising Store Fronts and tings. Remodelling Buildings ESTIMATES W. R. BILLENNESS © Re maa passed in the coming summer, and al- «© THOMAS COPLEY Bt would || Kinen ||| WALL PAPER i re nso! t of me nahi =. | tatah Datmenis Shik & Jot --l | hanglug. All work 2 D. FR. Order a Case from The Thompson Bot: tling Co. Sole Agents In remusnts of hail For Kingston Distriet. : p> : Tel. 304. 202 Princess S¢ inin; nth and paper 5 . Also kaise =, pain ng : 3 i COAL, PP POSTAL INSURANCE This is important to and - red mails w Can nln ~the United States snd New- founding, ~ % Fire aug Theft, I'T 1S CHEAP, Let us start Sou with a book of 100 Conpons. It eonts only 2/1 RD, SUTHERLAND Corner and Brock Sts, Oftice 77, Residence ce 1848, 3 ; = is oc 5 it one to ad quote you on it.