THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, (1) The lengthening of the Brit.' ish front somewhere in France, i(3) Troops moving up to sup. port. i '(8) Handing out gas masks, ~ {(4) COsnadian Red Ores Ambu./ lance car at the front, (6) Glearing the ground for « / howitzer position. /(6) British troops exchanging hooks at the trench library. {(T) Soldiers of an Baglish regi- Janata 4h /in a trench firing he 'Montreal a Busy Port 'Who would think of finding a busy seaport one thousand miles from the sea? Canade, that land of marvel ous development, has one--it is Mont- {real, its metropolis-- Built on the Island of Montreal that lifts Mount Royal where the waters of the great 8t. Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers |mingle, its site is admirable. This Imarks the head of ocean navigation 'and 'here the great ocean-crossing |ships meet the lake and river boats. |The cargoes brought from the west by boat and rail are transferred to 'ocean carriers and start on their way [te faraway ports by an initial veyage /down the mighty St. Lawrence, thirty feet deep at this point. | During 1517 Montreal witnessed ithe sailing away from her wharves of more than sixty-five million bush- als of grain. | Over two-thirds. of his grain into Maentreal by Tall, ohiefly on the twacks of the Canadian Pacific Rallway and {was handled with little or no con- gestion, This was acoomp liahed throygh a co-operative Arrangement, The representatives of all teangpor- dation Mmes met in conference with Montreal's Harbour Commission and after discussion decided that 650 cars of export freight shonid be delivered daily by the lines, the Commissioners undertaking to handle that amount { "without congestion. This they have done sucosssfully, Because of gecrecy entailed by the war dittle has been heard concerning moverhents of vessels and it will sur. price many to learn that 647 oeean veusals une into Montreal harbour during 1817. i aver has be SAY rar Tae war ~ nearly - all iE Ace for the trans- W. These have be Ee a A