_PAGE TWO Store Your Furs Save Worry. We gudfantee you against loss by Fire, Theft and Moth Phone 489. Our Fur Van will call. John McKay, 149 to 157 Brock Street. es Monument Workmanshly Guaranteed, J. E. MULLEN 158 Frontenne St, Phone 141 HOUSE CLEAN- ING SUPPLIES We have everything you need to help yon clean house. We can also supply you with all kinds of cooked and canned meats and fish to save your time, C. H. Pickering, Grocer and Meat Dealer 490 and 492 Princess St, Phone 530. Detached 'Brick Johnson Street. 7 rooms, furnace, electricity, gas, sleep- ing porch, hardwood floors. $3,000. Frame, 6 room dwelling; stone foun- dation; cellar, lot 180 foot frontage; good garden, mostly plant- ed; stable. orts- mouth. -$ ! 550. McCann's Real Estate 86 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621. -- When the man takes office he is fworn in; but be has to do the swear- ing himself when Perfect Eyesight is your best friend. Treat it right." Abuse it and it will forsake you. YOUR EYES may need the aid and com- fort glasses will give. CONSULT US You owe them that much. Consultation free. &J.5. Asselstine D.0.S | Registered Optometrist. 842 King St. Fhe Busy Optical Store. NNN NOTICE TO OUR { PATRONS Owing to the searcity of Delp wo have heen handicapped in our repair department, and have been unable to get the work out as SO0OR as wo e xpeeted. We now have a full staff of re- pair men and assure prompt service in the future. Central Garage Ed Walsh, Prop. 385 King St rani dhuidh dhdhah c At the . Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy ... Evaporated Evaporated Apricots .., ... Sweet Cider ..... viv vo Ww. R MeRae&Co of your honk i furnished with:our beauti- ful rugs and dr: the time to buy, This season we have raperies. n exceptionally fine display, and now is before the spring rush. some extremely hand- Axminster Ruge 1 in four izes, priced m $30.00 to $45.00. pro i vio 100, 12%¢, 15c Ih. Peaches, 2 Ibs for 85¢ th Ib. 8 vorts ot THE DAILY 'BRI T ISii WHIG, TUESDAY, NOST SOD.LAND P PLOUGHED THOSE UNABLE TO PAY ARE ro BE HELPED. | Ss | Greater Production Committee Has | 150 Vacant Lots For Cultivation-- | Asks Civic Finance Committee For | Additional Grant, The tee met oe Greater Production Commit-| Monday aftermoon.. The sub-commitiee in charge of the) ploughing operations reported that RBearly all of the sod land was) ploughed. The question of plough-; ing lots Broken last year was taken up, but owing to the reduction of the sum appropriated for the work and tiie difficulty of discriminating be- tween applicants, it was thought that the balance of the time should be spent in carrying out the original policy of giving aid to thos& who were in need and unable to pay for the work. Alds. J.W. Smith and Arm- strong were instructed io see that those in 'need of help should have their plots ploughed for them. The secretary reported that very in securing vacant lots, 'and cants were at hand to cultivate them. The number now totalled 150, i City Park are beginning satisfactory progress had been made | appli-| It was decided to ask the civic finance committee to donate a small amount of money to see the work through, and it was stated that all planting should be completed within ten days at the latest, Those present were Mayor J. M. Hughes, Alds. J. W. Smith and R. G. Armstrong, Misg Wilhemina Gordon, Miss Foster, R. F. Greenlees, M. R. Patterson and R. J, Rodger. Red Triangle Fund Still Open. Kingston, tor): As chairman of the canvassing committee of the Red Triangle Fund, I want to thank the men who su ably assisted in 'this work and gave their services and money to help our soldiers "'over there." To set av rest any doubt I may say that all cf those canvassers (about ninety) re- ceived absolutely ne renumeration and gave diberally as well. The citizens as a whole contributed gene- may, but not all generously; ana the house to house canvass was ad- opted to place the respomsibility where # belonged, and not cn the stores that are already overworked. The oniginal plan to publish all the names and amounts we had to abandon owing to scarcity of space, and only amounts of $5 and upwards wera given. We are having a lisu made of every donor, and this can be seen it the city treasurer's office. The canvass is not over yet. The books: are still © open. While the three days' effort was to raise the bulk of $15,000, we are stilt taking subscriptions, and anyone who has been overlooked jor out when: the canvassers cited can still help bring the ifumd up to the idesired amount [by sending their subscriptions to the ronorary treasurer; W.-H. Macned. $ ~GPE. E. SMITH. BANANAS MAY BE SOLD BY THE POUND High Prices Mdy Force Local Dealers to Follow Other Cities. n---- One of the largest Italian whole- sale fruit dealers gtated on Tuesday that unless the price of bananas fs lowered in the nedr future he will be forced to sell thém by the pound instead of by the bunch. In Toronto and Winnipeg this step | hag been taken, and they are selling] at seven cents a pound. At the pre sent time it costs the wholesaler about six cents a pound. to have the bananas laid down in his place of business, and the retail price will be above this. Consumers have recognized in L {other cities that this is the fairest way to sell bananas when the price is so high.. The sizes of the various grades of the fruit makes it impera- 'tive "that the old method of selling them by the dozen be eliminated. It ig expected that other commodi- ties may. soon be sold by the pound it the prices continue high. Already Sir George Poster has brought. up the matter of selling eggs by the pound in the House of Commons, and s.artling innovations may arise from war time demands. HELD BIG BIG RALLY. Queen Street ethodist Leaguers Ad- | Journ THI Bemteaners A splendid turnout marked the odist Epwaerth - League; closed till September Heli. fasm ran high over the Ye- sults attained, as shown by ue re- work of the last éignt Enthus- amounted th $125, and was disbursed as follows: Foreign Missions, $100: church funds, $6; running expenses, $19. The 'president, €. H. Grisewood, paid a tribute to the late Robert Meek, and also to two members of the League who ha aid be @, also had & neovigin ) a di tinent, Mt was highly | LETTERS T0 HE EDTOR May 14. (To the Edi-| last meeting of Queen Street -Meth-|}] before iti} INCDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. | Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~~What the Merchanty Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Pianos to remt, C. Ltd. The W. Lindsay, in the to bloom W. Swaine, piano tuner, 100 Cler- gy street west. Orders left at Mc- 1 Auley's, or 'phone 564. Now is the time to have your plano tuned. We. carry iwo expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd; The Bishop of Ontario has appoint- ed Rev. W. Hilyard Smith, of Lynd- hurst, to be Rural Déan of Leeds County, Now is the lime to have your piano tuted, We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Apparently the City Council does not want a fuel controller. A motion to appoint one would have been de- feated at. list night's meeting, we will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing Instrument we will ai- low the six months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. H. A. Kirby, Kingston, is on the credentials committee at the first convention of the Army and Navy Veterans in Winnipeg. rrevost, Brook street, has recelv- ed some exceptional good values in Boys' and Men's ready-made suits, which he will sell at a reduced price. His values in the order clothing de- partment cannot be surpasssed. flowers in the beds Mrs. John D. MceVan died sudden- ly of heart failure at her home in Parham Mrs. McoVean had been in rather poor health for some mon- ths. We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing Instrument we will al- low the six months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. At the Methodist parsonaze, Mal- lorytown, May 8th, Hev. W. G. Brad- ford united in marriage George W. Simpson, Pittsburg, and Miss Emma Mallory, Junetown. , "The Hat Store" & vowing will Take Place To- mortow and Follow- ing Days at "The Hat Ne cordially invite all ladies to visit our store to see this The total uty | striking display of newest : MAY 14, 1918 i stories, Life. - Phone 919 Open Nights up. i | LH] | | 1 [ H i H ] | H i i and up. lar priced. hhh Windows Plain and fancy scrims, voiles, marqiis- ettes, in ecru, ivory and white shades. Handsome designs, at 15¢ a yard and Colored Bordered 'Scrims Silk Suits and Dresses Newest creations, dainty shades and popu- abide dd Ahh aaah dh hh Bhd di ah dh hhh a a ade Aarau gh iho, a Ahaha Aaah Aaa A ad a aaa aoa Arhbiaiidaaiiaaiad CITY COUNCIL'S TRIBUTE. To the Memory of the Late Robert Meek, The City Couneil paid tribute Inst "night to the memory of the late Robert Meek by passing this resolu. tion, which was moved by Ald. New- man and seconded by Ald, Couper: . "That the council of the cerpora- tion of Kingston place on record its deep sense of the loss sustained by the city in the death' of Robert Meek, and instructs the city clerk to for- ward a letter expressing sympathy and condolence to Mrs. Meek and family." ' Ald. Newman added that Kingston ~had lost its first citizen by the death of Robert Meek, who was one of the most public spicited of men The city was poorer indeed by the passing away of Mr. Meek. io express the sense of loss Kingston had 1 house tow comfortable home for the aged, and this ipstitution was a ; monument to his memory. ; I ------ IN MARINE AIBCLES, Movements of Vessels in ani About J Kingston Harbor. | The steamer Cadac arrived trout | § leared fox | | Lake Brie at 3 pay. and af Aa) pel - Nonduy. | Ald. Couper said that words failed | poor | pots BUILDERS SUPPLIES weber Silos for Ensilage See us before purchasing. We can furnish all the. ma- terials from foundation to reof, including wood staves, iron hoops, special doors, roof win- dow, ete. Everything ap to date, 5 ANGLIN & 0. Bay & Wetlingion Sion, Office Phone 60. STANDARD PATTERNS -- THE JUNE PATTERNS NOW IN STOCK ---- Standard Patterns are the Standard of America. Free, 1000 Standard Fashion Sheets showing latest summer styles. "NEW MAGAZINES RECEIVED TODAY -- Motion Picture Clas- sic, Pictorial Review, Saucy, Smart Set, Popular Science, Short TO PORTSMOUTH CUSTOMERS ; THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, LADIES' HOME JOUR- NAL and COSMOPOLITAN may now be obtained from Mr. J. D. Bankier's store. The College Book Store Phone 919 No gift could be more ace ceptable to a Mason than a compass and square ring, This may be had in a great vavicty of designs, either in all gold or engraved stone styles, at ' Smith Br 0S. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Phone 700. W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street. S-- Ci ¥ TTY YY YY YY A New Brick Dwel- | Near Albert St, 7 rooms, hot water, heating, electric light, gas, Rardwood floors, at the bargain price of $2050, A'Brick Row On Pine Street; rental; 788 per year; for $4200. A Building Lot pl, Jot we ean Stree: 1 for $800. oot A Double Dwelling . Su C Huthim St, with os 3 fs rents io A $332 per year, for And a hon of Bargains at office.