it not only softens i, water but doubles the cleans- ing power of soap, and makes everything sanitary and wholesome. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. fil ell Presentation Of Membership, At a meeting of the Charity Cir cle of the King's Daughters, held on Monday morning at the residence of the president, Miss Strange, a life membership in the Red Cross Socle. ty was presented to Mrs. Campbell Strange, who has been for many years a member and office bearer in the Churity Circle. Since the begin- ning of the war, Mrs. Campbell Strange has also been upon the ex- ecutive of the Kingston branch of the Red Cross Society, and merits to an exceptional degree the honor which her fellow-workers had such great pleasure in conferring upon her in the presentation of the life member- ship in the society, Cheese Sales. Belleville, 550 at 22 7-16¢ 8t. Hyacinthe, Que., 250 at Watertown, N.Y., 4,200 at 29 14 ¢ 0%. 201% a WARNING ! To our customers ! Bring your Panama in NOW, Don't wait untii yom are ready to wear it. Our business has increased so rapidly this season that we will have to dis- appoint those who wait until the rush is on. Experienced help in this business is not to be found in this part of the country, so if you want to have yours done vight, bring it in now, « Call for it at your leis. are. Get the umber right, 163 Kingston Hat Cleaners. Princess street. Phone 1488, Man'f'rs of Pan-a-Lac--it wa terproofs and does not rot your Panamas. THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting sanyihing gene In the carpen. tery line, Estimates given on all kinds of repairs nad mew work; alse hard wood floors of ull Kinds, All orden will receive prompt attention. Shop "Ww Q street, a A A A Ee aon RSS SPECIAL Ripe Tomatoes, 25¢ pound; Large Pineapples, 25¢, 80c edch; Bananas, 30c, 40¢ dozen; Choice Eating Apples, 80¢c, 40c and Ble dozen; Best Grape Fruit, Se, 10¢ each, 4 for 25¢, 3 for 25¢. Oranges, a Jeiesn and eucumbers, at California Fruit Store " Prompt Delivery. Phone 2168. NIGHT SIGHT ! @ It's &t night time that most people find their eyesight failing. give you comfort for night reading it your eyes do not in it is a sign you need our help and glasses.-- We are equipped to give you satisfaction. J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. TY TTR TTY Protect Your Furs Lig nk Bie vender Camphor, Keep out the Moths. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE and Montreal Sts. - Corner Adhd dh hhh haa BER Adhd OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST Opposite Past Office, Kingston, hh de ed 41. FPP POUT PP PPI ITIPrPOT. hhh dh dh dh | Str. Britannic FOR GANANOQUE, BROCKVILLE, CORNWALL AND INTERMEDIA IATE PORTS Send Your Freight to the Ferry Wharf, oot of Brock Street Helene; 2195. OF .1those who are more familiar with the J c \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1918 RECOMMENDS WEST SIDE MACDONALD | PARK FOR THE BATHING HOUSE Best Spot---Gives Reasons Holding To This View, The following 1s the report of Thomas Adams, town planning ad- viser to the Canadian Conservation' Commissioner, with regard to the Richardson bathing house in Mae- donald park, made to Mayor Hughes: At the request of a few citizens of Kingston I paid a visit to the city on 10th of May and looked over the For erect a new bathing house on the lake front in Macdonald park after consultation with your Worship and some members of the Board of Trade, I have decided to send yon this letter on the subject and to 'deal briefly with the pros and cons of the dierent sites which seems to he available in the park and its neighborhood. 1 do 80 with deference to the opinions of local conditions or better able to judge of the desires of the donors and other parties interested in the eree- tion of the new building. Among other things 1 realize that there must be a matter of sentiment attached to the proposal to erect a memorial to one who has been a cit- zen of Kingston and who has fallen in defence of his country. It would be unfortunate, however, if that senti- ment was to be exploited entirely on behalf of those who may have one particular view regarding the loca- tion of the bathing house. One may judge that the desire of the testa- tor would be to have the monument placed where it would be of most value to the greatest number of citi- zens and do least injury to the amenities of the city; and, moreover, that he would not wish and sudden conclusion to be arrived at without careful consideration of alternatives, We may also be sure that he would have regretted that any large section of the citizens of Kingston would find themselves in the position of hav- ing to nurse suppressed antagonism to tiie memogial building for the rea- gon that, whilé they did not wish to say anything that would be otherwise than expressive of gratitude and hon- or for his memory, they were unable to look wpon the site chosen as an appropriate one, With these reflections in mind one might, for instance, object to the site which has already been chosen, with] no other degire than that there should! be no feeling of soreness attached to it and, therefore, that the building should give fullest expressions to the object for which it is being erected as a memorial. Macdonald Park the Place, In looking at the different sites I came to the conclusion that the prop- er thing for me to do was to limit my consideration of the matter to the frontage of Macdonald park. Having regard to what has already been done in preparing a site and in perfecting negotiations 'between 'the different parties interested, ineluding the City Couneil and the Department of Mili- tia, 1 do mot think it would now be desirable to propose that the build- ing be erected further afield or in a more inacessible position than is now proposed. Unfortunately there is not much choice in regard to the selec- tion of sites for a bathing house in Kingston. The frontage of the 'city to the east of the waterworks is crowded with industrial buildings and and is usefully occupled to its full extent. To the west of the water- works the great beauty of what is the most valuable asset to Kingston as a residential town is very largely de- stroyed by a few scattered industrial plants surrounded by disorderly wooden buildings and yards. No one can have any objection to useful in- dustrial development, but in the case of the waterfront betyeen the water- works and the old distillery we find that the use of a few hundred feet completely destroys the amenity of a long stretch of the front. In the in- terests of the future of Kingston it is of vital importance that the matter of the future development of this stretch of land should receive vigilgat attention by the citizens and the city Couneil. From the point of view of the bathing there is also the difficulty that no part of the stretch to which I refer is free of contamination from sewage. Whatever may be said in favor or against one site or another appears to be of little moment on this account. There is camparative- ly little choice and no escape from some contamination. From the data which was sh to me by the city engineer, I a think that the frontage of Maedon-| | ald Park is as free iis any other part of the frontage from pollution and a-- Town Planning Expert Thinks It the! sitdation in regard to the proposal to tively free of any such pollution i might be Fegardal as dangerous, think, however, there is no doubt that the western side of Macdonald Park is just as good as the eastern | side in this respect. West Side Best Spot. i Taking everything into considera-' { tion and ignoring all factors eonnect- ed with the diistory of the movement to erect a bathing house in the pres- ent position, I have come to the con- clusion that the best situation for the bathing house is as shown on the ac- companying plan, namély, on the western side of the park, approxi-! mately at a point marked B. The ahove spot is adjacent to a small bay | with a ledge which is well adapted | for bathing purposes. In some' re-! spects the bed of the lake at this point seems to be an improvement on what is it suggested at A, on the! eastern side of Martello tower. As| the tendency of the in-shore current | at this point is towards the west, the existence of the sewer beyond the end of O'Kill street is no disadvan- tage ou the site at B compared to tae] site at A, Moreover, the distance of 600 feet betwean the two sites makes it of little difference in regard to the matter of sewage pollution, I understand that the really seri- ous objection to this site is the pos- stbility of an ice jam taking place over the point a little further to the west, thereby making it somewhat risky to erect a building in that posi- tion. 1 should have thought it would be possible, without much expense, to have protected the building from any danger of this kind, but I eon- fess it is the only real objection to the change of site and one whieh should be considered fron an engi- neering point of view. The Most Adaptable. From all other points of view the western site is the most adaptable, it} will cause least injury to property | and will in effect appreciate its sur- | roundings instead of depreciating] them, The building will form a pleas- ing terminus to the two streets which | would converge upon it. It would not | seriously affect the views of the] houses facing onto the park anal would make the western side of the ! park of much greater use to the pub-| lic. During bathing hours the bath- | ers would have much more freedom: than if they were on the other side! of the tower, which is largely used by the public for rest and enjoyment | of music. Without this freedom | bathing would not be so attractive and much of the advantage of the erection of the building would he lost. With regard to the erection of the | building on the site at A on the plan, ! I can realize its serioushess to the property owners. in the adjacent | houses, but I imagine this would not be regarded as a sufficient objection ! if it were in the pulflic interest to put the building as proposed. The pub- lic interest, however, is one in com- mon with the property interests in this case. Whatever injuries the one | will injure the ather, a a if the erec- tion of the bathing hopses will have | the @ffect of injuring the ant property, that undoubtedly will be to the public detriment. Any disre- | gard te the fact merely on the ground that the adjacent owners were selfish | in their objection would mean that] tlhe citizens would simply be cutting off their nose to spite their face. Kingston has of necessity had to rely upon a considerable proportion of its fevenue on its good class of resi- dential property and no kind of pro- perty pays a larger surplus to the community over what it, itself, con- sumes than this class of property. It is not desirable to injure it if pos- i ) STYLISH HATS The greatest assortment we have ever shown of class and smartness in the latest models for stylish men. We are show- ing many new and distinctive shades. See our display of--- Ladies' Panama Hats. Children's Hats. New Caps in Tweed "and Silk, Umbrellas. Drop in and let us show you some of the new things we are now showing. | CAMPBELL BROS. Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers Applying This Paste Actually Removes Hairs (Beauty Notes) Merely applying an inexpensive sible in the interests of the general taxpayers. 1 think the transference of the site would appreciate property and that if the present site is used it may have the efféct of causing serious depreciation, Objection to [Bast Side. The ciel' danger of building ou the present site is that the only piece of park frontage which the city possesses for quiet and restful en- joyment of its citizens will be de- stroyed for dts present purposes. The bathing house will only occulpy ninety feet and the loss of the view of the lake is not serious, hut the bathing frontage will not be limited to ninety leet or 200 feet, but will extend te whole length between Emily street and the part opposite Martello Tower. Either the freedom of the bathers will have to be seri- ously jcurtailed, or the free use of the park by witizens for enjoyment of music and rest will be impaired. Of course all this is on assumption that the bathing house will be a suc- be of sufficient utility that the currents tend to keep thatiof portion of the waterfront compara- Causes Lots of Trouble When the liver becomes shuren it is an indication th: working paste to a hairy surface; say beauty specialists, will dissolve the hairs. This paste is made by mixing a lit- tle water with some powdered dela- tone; after about 2 minutes it is rub- bed off and the skin washed. This simple method not only removes 8v- ery trace of hair, but leaves the skin free fram blemish, To insure suc- cess with this treatment, be. eareful to get real delatone. Silver Tea Services We have just received a large shipment of English goods, which has Tea Sets, Entree gh Hot Water Jugs, Pearl which are full | lish plate. Ten Services, 4 pices, to $30.00 Yontree Dishes, $8.00 16 $15.00 Pearl Dessert PACE FIVE ™ -. NNN EESENNN ENNNNNNNENAREEEEENEERESZEERSREEEEEEN 'The Highest Boot in Town" Ladies" black vici kid laced boot, 12 inch top. Extra fine quality; a dainty and dressy boot. Special $9.00 Abernethy' s Shoe Store priced. High-grade Living Room Furnil High grade does not necessarily mean high Reid furniture is built to last a life-time, but the prices are very reasonable. Three-piece living room suites in best English tapestries, consisting - of full size Chesterfield, roomy arm chair and comfortable rocker to fit every curve of your body. JAMES REID The Busy Store with the Large Stock. Phone 147 for Motor Ambulan Motor Funeral Car in Connection. ARENA AEA ENAARENENARASENRNNANENARE Ann ure Jr---- Good Seeds ! . BIG CROPS The farmer is the man to end the war. All the world looks to the farmer to increase crops this year. Better seed will pro- duce bigger crops. Every square foot of land should be made produce. - We are ready with our 1918 seed showing in the varieties that are being planted now. Flowers, fruits and vege- tables: Seeds in package and in bulk form. Come and get what you want, The seeds are good growers, proved by test, Prouse's WALL 'PAPER We have a large assortment of mew wall paper. Scotch Oatmesis and a lot of good bargains in remuants of hall and parfor papers. kalsomining, painting and paper Also Banging. AN work done promptly, POSTAL INSURANCE This is important to All Merchants Wholesale or Retail Our Open Policy Covers your merchandise in transit through the unregistered and registered malls within Cun adn, the United States and New. foundland. / Besldes covering yom axningt Fire and Theft, IT IS CHEAP, Let we start you with a hook of 100 Compons, It costs only $2.50. X R. D. SUTHERLAND Corner Bagot and Brock Sts. Phones: Office 77, Residence 134% D. FRASER 78 William Street, hdd bf dd Ahh A hahahah a nahh hh Aha The Telgmunn School of Music. Piano, violin and other stringed - instruments; Elocution and Dra matic Art. Fall pupils, may begin at any date. Terms on sp plicat! 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1610. bh fh Bg YY LOT FOR SALE 40 ft. x 120 t. Enough stone on it to build a house. Snap for $150 W. H. Godwin & Son 89 Brock St. Phone 424 aah ha hhhdd a