F te Nothing But Running Sores FROM ECZEMA No rest day or night for those af- flieted with that terrible skin disease, eczema, or, as it is often called, salt rheum, With its unbearable burning, itoh- ing, torturing day and night, relief is gladly welcomed. There is no remedy like Burdock Blo, Bitters for giving rellef to such sufferers; done, or can do so much for those Who are almost driven to distraction with the terrible torture. Apply it externally and it takes out the sting- ing, itching and burning, and pro- motes a healthy healing. Take it internally and it gets at the source of the disease fin the blood, and completely and perman- ently drives it out. of the system. Miss Mary V. Chambers, Anagance Ridge, N.B., writes, "I used Burdock Blood Bitters fot eczema. 1 had it when an infant, but ft left me. Two years ago it came back. 1 used doc- tors' medicine, but it did good only while I used it. At last my face was sothing but a running sore. I saw in the paper what B.B.B, did for peo- ple. I took it, and today | am free from that terrible disease. Manufactured only by The T. Mil- burn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Ont. SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES AND DARKENS HAIR Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens So Na- turally that Nobody Can Tell. You can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dark and lustrous almost aver night if you'll get a bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- pound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, are sold annu- ally, says - a well-known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications, the gray hair van- ishes and your locks hecome luxuri- antly dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth. haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Compound tonight and you'll be delighted with your dark, hapdsome hair and your Youthful appearance within a few days. This preparation is a toilet reguis- ite anid is not Intenided for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Gray- Fresh daily to your home, for 10 cents a gallon, limited number of new OE be taken on at present, and more added as soon as suitable conveyances are completed to deliver. This water has been ex» 5 Fined at Queen's College and found absolutely pure. Don't neglect, but phone at oned and make alrangeinonts for prompt delivery. Phone 59 or 1056 Sir John Aird, Cada Bank of Comimeres, just aited at an At- Minti: pool from = Sou America, says Brazil will soon enter act y into' the the ir against Germany. ORATOR 'Made from the Big Rich Oats. you tried it yet? We are sure you will bes, 8 ted . ts solve the. 'economy Ey ppbiem, the Program: nell tu e time, from afi fairs, to help' in Her waystht mfort the sufferers in Europe; "TFODRD ONCSTON HUMMING BELLEVILLE VISITOR SAW NOTH- ING BUT PROSPERITY, Plot at Railway Station Pretty | Did Not See A Drunken Man. | J. J. B. Flint, Belleville, writes to the Belleville Intelligencer regardir A recent visit to Kingston. He sé 1 hdd an opportunity to visit King tog this week and I found the Limbo- stone City humming. It is said the rej are about three thousand soldiers there. The strees are full of them. no other remedy has; Every train brings a number of fine! lads, with thelr fathers and mothers. The Board of Leave of Absence is de- capitated. Qeneral Hemming is. in supreme control. 1 visited =~ Major Cooke's office in the city hall. Fifty clerks were there, all . very busy. Major McManus is a gentleman of charming courtesy, and he ,as an as- sistant to General Hemming, gladly imports all desired information, The question of faking the young lads from the farms is of vast importance. General Hemming is doing vis best to meet the stern demands for men and at the same time prevent hardship and great financial loss of the farm- ers, The presence of so many soldiers is filling the coffers of merchants and grocers, Prosperity everywhere! "The boys spent theip money lavishly on the girls, and young recruits are having the time of their lives, You see many anxious faces among the fathers and mothers who throng the streets. It ig a great pity that our business men are not receiving any benefits at present from the war. I was struck with the pretty little park at the C. N. R. depot. In the interior of the depot there are about forty pots of geraniums stained glass windows, most comforable retiring rooms. Hotel property, since the advent of prohibition, has shrunk enormously in value. I did not see a drunken man, and only two policemen, The scene around the docks is in- spiring. There are many factories at work and everything seems moving rapidly. REICHSTAG WEDDED TO U-BOAT WAR Agreed That the Campaign hould be Unrestricted--To Push Construction. Amsterdam, May 14.--In a debate in the Reichstag Saturday the se- cond reasling of the naval estimates, as reported in a Berfin despatch, Herr Pflager, Cemjrist, said on be- half of the mai confmitter that even though there were differences of opinion regarding the political significance of tae submarine war- fare, the entire Reldistag was at abe as concemed its ilitary achievenrents. All aed the view that the U-boat campaign should not he given up or restricted in any way, and that the construction of sub- marines should be promoted as far a8 possible. That was the opinion also, he suid, of the highest Govern- ment officials and the army and navy conmunanders. Make Russia Hun Province, Washington, May @ 15.---Germany has delivered to the Russian Soviet an ultimatum, which, if met, will make Russia virtually a Terman province, Swedish press advices re- ceived by the State Department yes- terday said the ultimatum contained demands. for German occupation of Moscow, dissolution of recently form- ed military units, reduction of arma- ment, and exchange of prisoners. General overseas a second ta Mewburn has cabled sion to raise Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Fiian Omics, 4 duvet 1 Insurance Bidg. PERCY J. QUINN, er, Ontario Branch, Torante National F. Have | hbo D THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEL WEDNESDAY, M MAY 15, 1918. MRS. CLARK FEELS ten Cried Over Her Condi- tion, She e Says. ° "Positively, could have kept up if it hadn't been for Tanlac," récently said Mrs. Hen- rietta Clark; of 278 Woburn avenue, Toronto, an old resident and well- | known to many in the Dedford Park district, "Twp years ago," she continued. | "when my health En to fail, I lost| my appetite and didn't relish a thing! I forced down. Shortly after eating! 1 would have a feeling of tightness: that would distress me for hours. My nerves too, were in a dreadful state and my whole system terribly run down, When I went to bed I would! roll and toss half the night unable to sleep, and when I got up in the morn- ing dnd tholight of the work 1 had] to do I would get up so despondent; that I would break down and ery, I was so weak and exhausted that 1] was hardly able to go up and down| stalrs and couldn't walk any dis-| tance without giving out. I felt per- fectly miserable all the time and be- lieve 1 was on Lhe verge of a nervous) breakdown. "I had read so much about Tanlag that I decided to try it. By the time I had finished my first bottle I was! feeling so much better that I told my! son the other day my improvement! was simply dstonishing for I agtually, feel ten years younger. My appetite! is fine, I eat heartily of everything and nothing hurts me at all. Before taking Tanlac 1 most always had to, have someone help me with my housowork, self and ean go up and down stairs as good as anybody.' Tanlac is sold in Kingston rs Al P. Chown, in Plevna by Gilbert Ost- ler, in Battérsea by C. 8. Clark, in! Fernleigh by Ervin Martin, in Ardoch by M. J. Scullion, in Sharbot Lake by| W. Y. Cannon, --ADVT. TRAPPER MURDERED WHILE HE WAS HUNTING Son Fifty Yards Away Said He Heard No Shot Fired. Pembroke, May 15.--Jacko Com- manda, a trapper Indian reserve at Golder murdered on Mhursday cui Munting in company with youthful son, about 28 miles from the reserve, Police of the County of Renfrew are at:present searching for & "lue to the assassin. An inquest 'was held at the reserve yesterday and a verdict returned that Comimanda met f1is death by a bujlet Wired from an unknown source. 'Comm anda fwas 68 years of age. Three years Ao ' another of his sons was killed three miles from the sipot where the falier was shot BY a jpoliceman's rifle as he was ats tempting to escape from a fposse at- tempting to arrest him on a charge of murdering Turnkey Ccxford, of the Peipbroke Jail. Felix (Commanda, aged 17. who was hunting with his father, stated that, although he twas but 50 yards distant "rem the spot where he found the body, he did not bear any shiot, He said that after finding the body he made Immediately for the resenve. The ging of Comunands, the dead man, and that of his son 'have been brougiit to Pembroke for examination, as the doctor who ex- parined. the body is as yet uiable to say what calibre bullet killed, the father. Lake, last w while ; this | U.S. Railway Rates. Washington, May 15.--Estimates made by railroad administration of- ficials indicate that aw increase of at least 25 per cent. in freight and passenger rates will be necessary this year to meet the higher costs of fuel, wages, equipment and other operating exponses, now set at be- tween $600,000,000 and $650,000,- 000 more than last year. Exemplifying duty is better than explaining it. ACHING HEAD PAINS IN BACK Heart Action Was Weak and Nerves Greatly Exhausted -- Now in Extra Good Health: TEEN, Ont. May 16, This fag | Cheering 18tter from Mrs. Wagar, be- cause it describes the condition in which: pnd telfs how cure was effected. "the food cure was resorted to On system was gradually and cer- tainly built up and The aif sTHMUmS SisAppenred cause the on for t existenc oyetame." It he well nS to give Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Pra] hoi bush results are ob- rn. HB. Wagdt, Tweed, Ont. writes: "My system as | in a run- 10 YEARS. YOUNGER 1% Which Is Brought By the Seoldiers--| | Before Taking Tan Tanlac She Oof= 5 with al all the work and] | worry 1 Rave had to go through with] ¢ {the last year or two F:don't believe I but now I do it all my-! 'belonging to the | ny women find themselves supper, be -- i | iToldin i Twilight is BIEVER UE 0% J | (Notice--Hereatter, fie Whig, in} {common with other papers all over | Canada, will make a charge of 50c! or inserting an engagement, mar- | riage or reception announcement.) Many informal affairs have given in farewell to Capt. and Mrs, Morton Hall, whe will be very much missed by a large cirele of friends in | Kingston. heen { Miss Kathleen Sungders, Alice j street, entertained at the tea hour | on Tuesday in honor of her guest, Mrs, Relintson, of Hamilton. = 8 Miss Bessie Santen left to-day for Chaffey's Locks, to do voluntary ald duty at "Fettercairn. " Mrs. H. Finkle, Batt street. enter- | tained informally at the tea hour on } Tuesday afternoon. - Mrs. Henry Tosaph. Montreal, will | spend a few days in town this week Miss Hazel Browne arrived from | Ottawa to-day to remain until July. Mrs. E. J. B. Pense and Miss | Marjorie Pense returned home to- | da iY | Miss Edna Booth, New York, will visit her sister, Miss Marion Booth, | early in June, and will later £80 to Tremont Park to spend the summer with Miss Cooley, of New York Col. and Mrs. Nasmith, Toronto, entertained at the tea hour on Fri- day in honor of Miss Phyllis Neilson- Terry. | Mrs. George Graham was. in town from Bellevillle for the week-end. | Col and Mrs. Smart and their fam- ily have taken a cottage at Dead Man's Bay for thé simmer months, and will move shortly, i Mrs, C, L. Parkinson ig expected from Montreal next week to be the guest of Mrs. F. Harold 'Hughes, | | Gore stret. ® ® | Courtland Johnston, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- { liam Bailie, Barrie street Winford VanWinekel and chil- i dren, Toronto, were week-end visit- irs in Kingston, Mr. VanWinckel's former home, Many old friends | were glad to greet him. | Mr. MeKillop, Queen's University, sited frignds at South Augusta. Mrs, Ireland and Mrs. O'Brien, hy ho have been spending the winter 3 | in the south, have returned and are jat thelr home on William street. Miss Jean McLelland, Bar] street, returned from Montreal this week Mrs. Colin Hamilton and Mrs. Crocker motored fo Gananogue this week and were the guests of Mrs. Howard Taylor. . | vi - » Miss Annie Minnes 18 another Kingston girl who will graduate from the Toronto General Hospital, and Mr, and Mrs. James Minfes are Lgoing to Toronto on Friday for the graduating exercises, Mrs. J. 8. Smith, Johnson street, is leaving for Montreal at tlie end of the week to 'be the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. L. Gurd. Mrs. R. Cartwright, University avenue, has been ' spending a few days in Napanee. 'Mrs, C. T. Dickson and Mrs. Hugh C. Nickle are going up to Toronto to-morrow for the graduating exer- cises at the Toronto General Hospital on Friday, when Miss Jessie Dickson will receive her diploma, - . » Mrs. Alexander Laird is leaving for Montreal and Miss Hilda Laird is going to Toronto to be the guest of Mrs. Robert Laird. Miss Aileen Rogers was hostess at ing last meeting Of the Tuesday even- ing Bridge Club this week. Prof. and Mrs. E. A. Stone, Union street, have returned from Ottawa, Capt. and Mrs, Morton Hall ana their two children left to-day for Minneapolis. Later Capt. Hall wil) return fo Kingston before overseas. going a * @» | + The Excellencies the Duke and Duchess of Deyonshire ealled on 81 Wikirid and fady Laurier 'on Mon day moraing to congratulate theni on the fiftieth ny of then Tarsjaife; and presented them with a portrait of themselves mm a hang- some leather frame, with the Caven- dish Crest, in gold on the frame. | cut. atalcolti 3, Gibson, CA M.C. late of Ne. 15 Fie] Ambulance, has returned overseas after fwo unonths' furlough in [Canadia. Mrs. de M. Taschereau, Kingston, and her daughtér, Mrs, 8. W. Camp- belt ,ol Grand Mere, are staying at the RitzCarliton, Montreal. - Mrs. HA. Courtney, Duluth, Minn, arrived yesterday to be the gugst of her mother, Mrs. John Eon 495 Jhrinceds stroct. Bi. * ames Whithau, ' the ment. of 'their : acy og) LOL. Tie hortly. Jie ani pe. vt 'a Siattond, = ol Jews, | Graceful lines tha Our high grade qualities of imported corsets stand out pre-emin- ently among the finest models. t follow the curves of the natural figure with-- out rigidity are desired by'all 'Women, Quality 'corsets give guaranteed satisfac- tion, they are shapely, they wear, they mould ° 'evenly to figure lines. Inquire from our expert corsetierre about the qualities of : 'LA REINE, AMERICAN LADY, GOSSARD, KABO, A NOLASET, Priced From $1.50 Up NEMO, All expert fittings free of charge. Steacy's - Limite A pn WARNING To our customers! Bring your Panama in NOW. wait until you are ready to wear it. Ou# business has increased so rapidly this season that we will have to dis- appoint those who wait until the rush is on. Experienced help in this business is not fi be found in this part of the cauntry, so if you want to have yours done right, bring it in now. Call for it at your leis- ure. Get 'the number right, Kingston Hat Cleaners. Princess street. Phone 1488, Man'f'rs oi Pan-a-Lac--It wae terproofs and does not'rot your Panamas. Don't 1G3 vear. There have heen 00 fires of incendiary origin in Detroit since Jamnary 1st, and hundreds of others are under investigation and between 50 and 60 persons are involved al- ready. Evidence obtained by Justice Heston, agent of the department of justice, the city and staje fire mar shal, the city detectives as well as the confessions, show that these fires were the result of an organization carried to such a fine degree that there was no loss of life and in only a few instances was there failure to HAVD & "good Tire," that boing, of course, a fire where insurance was collected and there was no suspicion, A woman whose name is withheld, was responsible for betrayal of the gang, which has operated in in- cipal cities of the country. ee persons have fled the city and are being sought by city, state and gov- ernment officers. Three are under arrest also whose names are with. held, Morris Colman, who lives in an apartment on Brewster stroet, near Rivard, is under arrest, as the chief torch or master mechanfe. © Colman admits having 'contracts' for fires in New York and his ehief regret, when taken into custody, was that he could not be present to set a fire Tues. ddy.: "1 hate to disappoint my good customers in the east," Colman is ale leged to have said. oAneladed in the lst of those for whom warrants have been issued is Ha Cohn, a furniture dealer on Michigan avenue, who is reputed to be worth $200,000. Cohn is accused of having acted as agent in four fires, Nearly, all the persons involved are Forty Per vi Oats In. -- Sask, \ A5--Wheat h NN NN NN NN NINN NNN SINNINNNYY EVERYTHING TO FRESHEN AND BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME Attractive designs in piano and reading lamps. We have a full range of colors, brown, sky, blue, old rose, pink, and gold. A come plote stock just arvived from one of New York's leading decorating houses. Floor coverings of all descrip. tions. Rugs, linoleums, oilcloths, etel, at less than wholesale cost today. Repairing and promptly done. upholstering Victrolas and Victor Records and White Sewing Machines T. F. HARRISON CO., LTD Phone 90. hh hh A hh a A ah a he i NY Syn sag TY addi ddd hf a ht hahahah hhh dh a a (Alkali In Shampoos EGIL B BAR: Bad For the H Hair ---------------------------------- If you want to keep your:hair look- ing its best be careful what you wash it with. Don't use prepared sham- pods or anything else, that contains too much alkali. This . dries the scalp, makes the half brittle, and ruins it. © The best thing for steady use is just ordinary mulsified cocou- nut oil (which 15 purée and grease. less), and is better than anything else you can use. One or two teaspoontfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thorough- mply moisten the Hair with wa- rub it in. It makes din alk rich; ereamy lather, which ily, removin every particle of st. dirt, dandruff and excessive oil he hair driés quick- ly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soit, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, flufly and easy to Week At 60¢ per tin. New Maple Syrup. per Ih. 138 Princess St, CAINS For This GROCERY 300 hm jarmerst butter, at 48¢ 200 i. tcomargarine, at 85¢ Silver Gloss Starch, 5 Ib. tins, Benson's Satin Starch; regu Coffee, fresh ground, B80c, 400 manage. ; You can get mulsified cocoanut ofl at 'any pharmacy. It's very cheap, [mon a few ounces will supply every mber of the family for months. jected the motion for equal sul in the Prussian. franchise gt 230 to 135, The Prusslaa Lower House re Reform.