Daily British Whig (1850), 18 May 1918, p. 7

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Head Office Capital, $35,000,000 WwW. €, GOODERHAM, President. WILLIAM STONE, JOHN LT.-COL. A B. GOODERHAM, WM. I GEAR, PAUL J. THOS. ¥. HOW, General Manager, D. C. GRAN Business men are offered In' NEW YORK tional Bank. LONDON, George -B. McKay BANK or TORONTO DIRECTORS: , Chief napector. his Bank the satisfactor~ banking ser- Viee provided by our compiéte facilities and extensive connections. BANKERS: Vatienal Bank of Commerce. ENG ~=London City & Midiand Bank, Limited. INCORPORATED i 835 TORONTO. Reserved Funds, 96,355,809 HENDERSON, Vice-President, JOHN B. LAMB, Asst. Gen. Mgr. CHICAGO-First Nn. Manager. FOR SALE A pair of solid brick houses; hot air furnace, first class plumbing, electric lights, gas for cooking. Lot 66 x 132. Exceptionally good value. Price $5500. The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. Phones: Office G8; residence 874, Open Every Saturday Evening. AUCTION SALE HovsEnoLn FusNIM RE, 182 Rideau Se, Tuesday, May 2st, 1.30 p.m, Phish parlor suite, handsome oak bookease and secretary combined, Cen. tre tables; Moms chairs and rockers: vak extension table, dining chairs, iron beds, springs. mattresses, fine lot of quilts and pillows; kitchen table, Stairs and utensils; new stove pipes, ete. { ALLEN, The Auctioneer, Telephone 252. CUSTOMS AuctionSale Unclaimed Goods Examining Warehouse Wednesday, May 22nd on, Fresh Cut Flowers PATS: Wekdhakt Daamets mage to wrdor F. J: JOHNSON, Florist 115 Broek St. ane 239, KINGSTON - CAPE VINCENT FERRY Change of Time Effective May 15th, Lv. Kingston, 7.00 am. snd 1.15 p.m. Lv, Cape Vincent, 9.40 mm, and 4.90 p.m. Two round trips daily, Sunday Included, TER PRODUCTON | requires greater effort on your part, so that you may produce your share toward feeding our brave boys in the trenches. We can supply you with the neces SEEDS Will you put forth the neces- sary effort? HOAG'S Drug Store Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont. Farm Stock and Implements, one: half mile west of Wesibrooke, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22ND, 1 pm. FT milch cows and § horses, and atl fain lamleents, Reason for selling, ower going tounerr, STRAND Mon., Tues., Wednesday FEATURES ALICE BRADY in "Bought and Paid For" Alsa EMMY WEHLEN "The Shell Game" COMEDY REELS LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP RINGHTOY PROPLE 125 MR. HIRD, Director. Henefit Anuthdale Chapter, LODE. GRAND OPERA HOUSE 5 w= PERFORMANCES «= § Thursday, Friday, Saturday, MAY 23rd, 24th, 25th Matinees Friday and Satarday. 3 w= Pig Spectacular Specialties o 3 Prices, 20e, Me, Tie. Sent Sale Opeus Wednenday, 18 som, In east are: Migs Phyllis Deviin, Miss Ethel Kent, Miss Helena Welr, Mra, Frank Ryan, Prof. Noel Gill, Sergt.- Major Havie, Mr, H. W. Shaw, Mr. Courtland Elllott, Me, J. N. Alexander, Mr. ore HM. Bird, Soloists nanist- ing: Mrs. G. Pragar, Miss Phyllis Dev lin, Miss Anita Sutherland, Miss Ethel Kent, Mrs. T. Morris, Mrs. BR, Andrews, Mr, W. MH, Spencer, Sergeant Spargo, Mes. Wo J, Kelly. Dancers: Miss Me~ Gowan and Mr. McGowan, Planist: Miss Frances Devin, With over one hundred In chorus, Don't forget the dates -- May 28rd, 24th, 25th. moni "ANOTHER CAR OF THAT WONDERFUL ¢ 'EGG-O" 'BAKING POWDER JUST UNLOADED, FOR W. G. CRAIG & CO., Limited. Distributors ) "THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anything done In the envpe 1 Estimates given afl as 3 alse hard. wood of sll Kinds. Al orfers wil} receive prompt atiention. op 0 Queen street. CourtofRevision _. Township of Oso NOTICE is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Township of Oso. will be held in the Township Clerk's Of- fice, Sharbot Lake, on Saturday, May 25th, 1918, at the hour of ten o'clock a.m.. All persons having business to do at the said court will please gov- érn themselves accordingly. 5 J. E. ERWIN. Township Clerk, Dated at" Sharbot ' Lake," May 15th, 18 4 The Black THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1918. OPERA GR A N HOUSF TO-NIGHT The Big Military Comedy Drama Aa SYN 10 Stupendous Scenes 10 200 Thrills and Laughs A love story filled with romance and adventure. A Magnificent Production, now play ing in its second year at the Lyceum Theatre, London, Eng. This is not a moving picture. Special prices for Kingston: 25¢, 50c¢, 75¢, $1.00. Seats Now On Sale. Wed. May 22nd Matinee and y £ Boston English Opera Company Proclaimed by Press and Public the Finest Singing Organization on Tour, Presenting in the Knglish Language, on Wednesday Afternoon at 2.30, Flowtow's Romantic Opera CONDENSED ADVERTISIN G RATES First ton. to Were. adh Sle secutive insertion tacreafter, half. cemt a Wo mimuse charge for one Inse: § ory tances Insertions, SOc; six $1; one moazs, $2. HELP WANTED DINING ROOM GIRLS, APPLY TO Box 014, Whig Office, AT SIMMONS BROS, PLUMBERS AP- prentices and helpers. CARTERS WITH THEIR OWN OUT- tits. James Swift & Co. lad. MAIDS WANTED, | APPLY THE MA- tron, Kingston Cenéral Hospital ONCE, A GOOD BAKER, APPLY New England Bakery, Collingwood Street. STENOGRAPHER WANTED, APPLY, stating experience. Box 516, Whig ce, HOUSEMAID, REFERENCE REQUIR- ed. Apply to Mrs. Howard Folger, 1 Emily street. LABORERS, STEADY EMPLOYMENT uatil November Ist. Apply Street Rudlway Oifice, AT MOTORMEN RETURNED SOLDIERS Fith necessary qualifications will fven preference. Apply Street LH way Office. GIRLS WANTED FOR LIGHT, PLEAS. ant work. Highest wages paid. Apply N. C. Polson Co, 265 On- tario St, city, BARN State Wart. A CARPENTER TO FRAME and stable; also a laborer wages. Apply to Sherman _ man, Portsmouth, Ont. EXPERIENCE AND Apply: after to Mrs. FF. H. West. COOR-GENERAL, references necessary. 7.30 in the evemng Macnee, 142 King st. BOY WANTED: FIFTEEN TO SIX- teen years of age, for counter and general store Work, Apply to Hen- derson's Grocery, Brock street, A COOK GENERAL, WITH GOOD RE- ferences; one WHiHng . to go. to and for the summer. Ap- "Martha" 5 Acts -- 5 Scenes Wednesday Evening at 8.15, Balfe's Beautiful Comic Opera "Bohemian Girl' In 5 Acts and 6 Scenes | | | Brilliant Cast, Selected Chorus, Special Orchestra Carried. Beautiful Costumes and Scenery. Reduced Prices for Kingston: Prices--Mat. 25¢, 50¢, 7T5¢, $1.00. Evening -- 23¢, 50c¢, 75¢, $1, $1.50. Seats on Sale Monday. Monday, Tuesday May 20th, 21st. At 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Folite Vaudeville A Seven-Rgél Brady-Made Photoplay oe Oo Lonesome Luke Comedy The Pathe News and Topical Reels. Matines ivening 10e; Sent] 10c Reserved, Se Extra GRIFFIN'S Thurs. Fri, Saturday Elsie Ferguson Wolfe is ply Mrs, Tandy, 141 King street IMMEDIATELY, GENERAL SERVANT, high wages for sultable person; must' have references. Apply In the evenings after seven, to irs. A. P. Knight, Alige street. ' MACHINISTS, FITTERS, METAL PAT. handymen and labor. wages, steady work, Westinghouse Company, Hamilton, Ontario, TO 45, EXPERIENCE Travel; make secret investigations, reports. Salaries; expenses, American Foreign De- tective Agency, 740 St. Louls, Mo, WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG. We write moxie and guarantee publisher's acceptance, Submit poems on war, love or any subject, Chester Music Co, 538 So, Dear. born, Suite 1713, Chicago, 8 ALES ADIES WANTED, WITH three or four years' experience in general store. Salary $12.00 per week to stam. Apply, stating re- ferences and experince te J. Rub- enstein & Co, Perth, Ont, LADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN AND light sewing at home, whole or spare time. Good pay: work sent any distance: charges prepaid! send stamp for panticulars, National Manufacturing Qempany, Montreal. MAN TO WORK THIS OITY REFIN. jehing chandeliers, brass 'beds, Butomabiles, by new method. $10 dafly withou capital or experi cnee: 'Wirlte anmetal Co, 173 Elm, Decatur, 111 Pbpb Pb db bE PrP bE IOP Pb bE bee GIRLS WANTED Two smart givis to learn paper box making. Good wages, short hours. Apply Kingston Paper Box Co. ternmakers, ers. Good Canadian Limited, MEN, AGE 17 UNNCCeSSAry. bh GUARANTERD: 200% profit; a permanent repeat busi. ness of your very own: hundreds of agenes inh Canada enjoy freedom from money Worries, thtough sell- ng Kallomite. Washes clothes snow white Without rubbing: alsa oftin enfov his same Feaad =n, Fquitable Corporation, 311 Ohle St. Chicago, HL SALES ARB FLOM OU CAN MAKE I'M IN YOUR county with our "7 in 1" Combina- tion Cooker. One salesman banks $388.55 the first month. Ansther agent sells 17 in the first two hours, Others cleaning up $10 dally. No capital necessary. Goods supplied to reliable men on time. Answer quick toe secure territory. Come Sustion Products Co, Foster, ue CTT e Th Li Also Carlyle Blackwell and June Elvidge i "The Beautiful Mrs. Reynolds" And Our Great Serial "The Eagle's Eye" DR. HOWARD §1AS oie Wen 817 a iversity nls," a eal HELP WANTED EE -. e People's Forum id EN NNASRENENNEREREERENNNNE RN NNNENNEERRNEE eat | mA = ----et-------- WANTED GENERAL T OLD WALNUT OR MAHOG ANY FUR. uiture, by privite Goyer. Bux C, Whig, |» ANTED, LOAN OF $300 (WILL GLV Ey properly as secbiliy Apply tw Box 188, care of Whig Office FOR CARTING, MOVING, OR GARDEN - plosghing, call on Jobh Boswick, 1 Lower Charles St, city. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new pianos and grafonolas. C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. FURNISHED, FRONT ROOM, WELL business ail for gentieftian out day: good loeadity; no boarding hotige; pevmanent; tépms. Apply Box 17A, Whig Office. a3 Wi WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture, stoves, heaters, clothes, etc. We alsg have everything in the second-hand line for sale. 8. Shapiro, 45 _Prin- cess street. Phone 1237. FOR SALE. THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. Cosy ittle. Once, 26¢; three times 60c one woek, $1.00, INION EXPRESS MONEY SEND A DO) "ive dollars costs three Order. cents ALSO SOME other articles. City. A SMALL GARAGE; chicken wire and Apply 10 Gore street, LARGE NEW OAK SIDEBOARD; ALSO three all walnut chairs, Apply 123 Union street, between 9 and 11, or 4 and 6 TOURING running order. and 6 or 7 and 9% pan. + sity avenue, ROYAL RANGE, NO, », reasonable prige Judge, Cat- CAR, 8250; GOOD Apply between 4 218 Univer- FORD COOK STOVE, in wood condition; Inquire or address P. aragqul, Ont, GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEM selections; your own cholce, $30.66 Terms: $5 cash, $1 per week. C. W Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St LARGE STOCK OF PERFECT, ATH. lete and Princeton Bicycles on eas: terms; also bicycle accessories George Muller, Bicycle Store and Livery, 371 and 373 King St SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, WITH BSWRN and drive shed: Tot 33 feet x 132 feet: good garden and plum trees, reasenable for cash, Apply $8 Wil. lam St, city. TEN TON MOROR BOAT, commodate 30 to 490; wash 100m: mighogany sleeping bunks; draws 3 Apply 102 Raglan Road. WE HAVE GOOD SRECOND-HANI furniture, buffets, chairs ahd ta bles: will buy all kinds of furnl. ture and stoves. J. Thompson, 353 Princess street. Phone 1600. WILL AC toilet and cabin; four feet Af FINE MOTOR 1ACNCH FOR SALE. Twenty horse-power engine] ma- hogany fin'sh: splendid condition; ear ry twenty people. - A bargain. . F, McKim, Smith's Falls, SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. ers "today sometimes use & little ad like this. A phone call or ¢ . postal will being. you full par ticulars abou nls departiuent British Whig 'publishing Co. INDIAN TWIN CYLINDER MOTOR. ¢yele, with side car, power plus mo- tor; completély electrically equip ped, in good condition, Apply tvhe Marrison Studio, 92 Princess street. DESIRABLE 2Z8.FT, MOTOR BOAT, newly painted and varnished, 20- Wp. Trebert engine, Bosch mag: Nebo; ~ reverse Rear. Speed 15 miles, . A snap to quick buyer. Ap- ply UJ. H. Cullen, cor. Alfred and 'rincess street, SAXONSSIY, Five PASSENGER touritig, condition first class, tires almost new: McLaughlin one-ton truck, 4 new tires; E. M. F. §- passenger car, condition good, 4 new. tires. Apply Davis Dry Deck Company. - FARM--S3 ACRES, 60 ACRES OF which dre omder cultivation, ane the balance is pasture land, Fram house with seven rooms. Barn, 3 x 48 feet, Stalls for 12 head o cattle, Stable for five horses ana other outbuildings. An orchard and a drilled well, 65 feet deep About nine miles from the city Price $5600.00, Should more land be required we can soll you two fatmyg adjoling each other. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 68 Broek Bt Phone 68. AURES, CLOSE T0 VILLAGE, schol, etc. about 68 acres of good clay loam hgve been under cultiva- ion; alae pasture and, wood; the wood estimaied to be about 100 cords; also serie good building tim- ber: 30 apple trees: § miles to mar. ket; hay selling at $23.00 per ton and milk $850 per 190 1bsf a good two-storey frame dwelling, barn 40 Xx 60 feet; drive house, horse barn, iggery; hon-house r, BFMORIY, Price 2.000; $500 cash, See photo. % Lockhart, Real WA and Insur- ance, Ringston, Ont. TS G---- ee, House, barn and deep lot, on Main ~ street, Newburgh: very cheap for cash. Must be sold at once... Apply to H. R. Hetionll, burgis New PRIVATE "| FRONTENAC ~~ FOUND GOLD CUFF LINK ON MARKET on Saturday, Owner may have same by calling at Whig Offive, WILL THE OWNER OF THE trunk contafving letters ad- dressed to A, Ferguson, notify Lieut Legott, 1831 Brock street. EXPRESS ORDER ON BAY ST. Owner may fave same by call. ing at 9 John street. Fulan All LLMs ADVER Anyone finding ything and 'wishin 2 Jeach Tr owner MAY do so The | British Whi Ti tisement will Eas ¢ printed in this column free of chal "Founda aruclen | may vertised for in the "Lost" column. LOST. GREY SPRING COAT, ON CRICKET field, Saturday, May ith Pinder kindlyx return to 99 Upper William street, Reward, TO LET. NEAR UNIVER. A: Bateman. GARAGE, sity avenue. GO FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD, AP- , or Phone 1871, LIGHT, William ply 212 King 8 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, FOR housekeeping. Apply 202 street SUMMER COTTAGE, Dead Man's Bay. Wiig Office, ----------------------------" FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD. Apply Mrs. A. Tierney, 151 Earl St or Phone 2242, OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST, CHAM. bers. Apply te A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street, FURNISHED ROOMS AND ALSO rooms for light house-keeping. Ap- ply 396 Pringess street. Al 118 FURNISHED, Apply Bux 1IRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, al improvements; centrally locat- ede Apply 243. Brock Street AT EAST VIEW PARK, A COUPLE or Apply to J. summer cottages. Kingston. Boyd, 106 Pine street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN a Real Estate MeCann's Phone 326 86 Brock St RENT OR WOULD LEASE SMALL front Jot, suitable for garage; west end. Apply to. Box CM, Whig Office. WITH EVER) ght housekeep- University Ave, T FURNISHED ROOMS, convenience for 1 ing. Apply 263 city, FURNISHED ROOMS, LARGE oR small, with laundry Aceommoda- tion, Apply 32 Ontario street, or Phone 1903, A FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT, FUR. nighed for: Hght house-keeping, gas for cooking and light, with use of phone; no children. 226 Barrie St STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and kkey! 'Frost's City Storage, 299% Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989, rus DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from any one thinking classified advertisin Write or Phone us about it. may be able to help you. British Whig Pub, Co. THE ADVERTISER HAS GROUND floor space on water front, 28 x 40 or more, and would rent as stor- age, or could acommodate auto. mobiles, earrfages, boats, ete. Box 56, Whig Office. © FINANCIAL LOAN AND INVEST. incorpdrated 1583. Nickle, K.C.; vice- B. Cunningham jssued on city and properties, municipal and enunty debentures: mortgages pur- chased; {nvestment onds for sale' deposits received and inter. est allowed, R. €. Cartwright, man- ager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston Society; W. F. A. ment President, president, Money farm LIVERIrOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurdnce Company, Available assets $81,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of city property, losured at bawes' possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 325. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED TO SELL Dr. Chase's Receipt Book and old Physician. Large sale of any book except the ible. Food will win the: war and Dr, Chase's Book saves Food as well as lives. 50% commission and a fifty dollar Victory Bond free with sale of 200 books. Fine oppor- tuniiy 4or returned soldiers. 0 experience necessary, for op are Saxlous to get this well-koown hook. Wyre for tering and sxctus. ive territory. Cha: be Lee to, Co. Ltd, Dr. BUSINESS CHANCES, THE SAFE WAY TO SEND BY MALL 4s by Dominion Express Money PAGE SEVEN a .,e®. Wm -- lL ?ll % | 3 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE AT HUTTON'S REAL ESTATE AGENUY $1000 -- 50 FT. LOTS. KENSINGTON Place. $050 TO $730--33 FT. LOTS, VICTORAA $4000 BRICK HOUSE, MODERN, MACK St. EXTRA VALUE FOR QUICK SALE 64 William street. FO RENT -- STORE, PRINCESS 8ST, near Bagot. vicrony AND bought and sold. OTHER HOUSES AND LOTS SELECT, 3% Market St, Kingston. $2650, DOUBLE FRAME, 8 ROOMS, ALI improvements; electrie light, ~ orHER BONDS $2800, DOUBLE FRAME, ALL IM. provements, hot water heating, electric lights, rents for $31.00. BRICK HOUSES, GOOD LOCATIONS $1900 to $9000; lots to select frown. $4200-BRICK VENEER, 12 ROOMS, all modern fmprovements: separate bath; electric Hight, stable; central toeation. Snap for a quick buyer. A. BATEMAN REAL ESTATE AND insurance, 67 Clarencé St, King- ston. LM ST, garden, $1200 BACH---CORRIGAN ST, How G. DWELLING WITH BRICK $3000--1 ARI 'ST., DOUBLE STONE dwellings SI000---GARRETT ST, NEW BRICK bungalow, $2000-CONCESSION 8ST, NEW. DOU. ble brick, * S3300-PRINCESS ST, dwelling. $2350 QUEBEC hot water NEW BRICK N° FRAME heating WITH $320 AGLAN ROA AD, FRAME. $2000--SYDENHAM DOUBLE rough cast S1H00--STEPHEN ST, $2B00-~THOMAS ST. How, VW. DOUBLE FRAME NEW R NGA $4100 WILLIAM ST, BRICK, Jl PLACE YOUR PROPERTY oN oun! selling list, BE, W, MULLIN AND SON, COR, JOSEN- son and Division Sts, Phones (39 and: 1458. NN FOR SALE OR TO LET 247 BROCK STREET, 14 ROOMS, HO? Nate heating. Apply 249 Brock stroet. PERSONAL BUY YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN SUPPLIES with Dominion Express Money Orders. Five dollarg costs three CEPT. hs " wr MADAME MARIE JouNSTON, ave, mind reader; wid be pleased to meet aM old friends sand obliors at their homes on Wednesday and Sat. urduys each weék. Address Catar- aqui HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem-. ishes removed permane Rin Sg out scar; $n Jonry | a peE Elmer J, Lak Be lati No Throat 254 Skin Bagot streat. Gi es MARRY IF LONELY: FOR RESULTS try me; best and most sucgessful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich wish marriage Hoon : strictly oon- fideriial; mest relfable; years ex- perience; descrip ans free. "The Successful Clah.'" Mrs, Purdie, Box 50%, Omkland, Calif. r MARRY AT ONCE 4 Write me and 1 willdsend yoi® hun dreds of descriptighs; congenial people; worth 35000 and wards, seeking marriage. fidential. Ralph Hyde, San Fran: ofsco, Cal MARRY IF LONELY, FOR SPEEDY marriage try my club, very suc cvesgiul: best, Jargest in country, established 12 years: thousands wealthy wishing early marriage; fonfident fal fh Bs free, Old Madthin. SaNnd Cun Suhel, 132 for Ri RL Lt Rt Te cate Be a is Ourtion Street, Torente, 'DENTAL A KN ERASE, A GORDON oo DEWAR, IR, Sorner Princess es a Velinriod DRS, SPARKS AND SPARK fate. 159 Wellington ms, VER 4 sox, ahaa = Ro

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