Daily British Whig (1850), 25 May 1918, p. 14

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' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SAT URDAY, MAY 25, 1918. * PAGEFOURTEEN WARNING 1! To our' customers ! | Bring your Panama in NOW, walt until. you ready to wear it. Our business has increased so rapidly this season that we will have to dis- appoint those who wait until the rush is on. Experienced "help in this business is not to he found in this part of the country, so if you want to have yours deme right, brieg it in now. Call for it at your leis. ure. Get the namber right, Kingston Hat Cleaners. Princess street. Phone 1488.) Man't'rs ol Pan-a-lac--Iit wa- terproofs and does not rot your Panamas. ht be troubled with - a habitual con- NEW 1 LAWN MOWERS ~ ARE COSTLY. = Ail Get your old one sharpened, re- paired or refitted at moderate costy Farts sapplied for ail standard machines, John M. Patrick 149 Sydenham Street, "Phone 22885. A sn Lift Corns Out With Fingers Don't Hurt a Bit--Magic! Few drops stop soreness, then the corn or eal- lus lifts off. No humbug! This tiny bottle holds the: hurt one particle. You feel no wonder of wonders, It contains! pain when applying freezone an almost magical drug ealled i or afterwards. It doesn't éven fréezone. Tt is & compound] irritate the skin. iif made from ether. Just ask in any drug store Apply a few drops of this for a small bottle of freezome, freezone upon a tender, aching | This will cost but a few cents corn or & hardened callus. In-| but will positively rid your stantly the soreness disappears | post, suffering feet of every and shortly you will find the! hard corn, soft corn, or corn corn or eallus so shriveled amd | between the toes, or calluses loose that you just lift it off | on bottom of feet. Just think! with the fingers. It doesn't| Corns fail offf Don't are : ; iE 1g we may be attacked at Toxic poisons pile up after a hard winter, we feel ' tired out, bine and dis- couraged. This is the time $0 put our House in or leanse the system and put fresh blood into our arteries. You can obtain an alterative extract from Blood root, Golden Seal, Stone and Queen's root, Cherry bark, rolled inte 8 sugar-coated tablet and sold ny most druggists, in fifty -cent wigls, as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This blood tonic, in tablet or liquid form, is just what you need for * Spring Fever," for that lack of ambition. If will 811 you full of vim, vigor and vitality. LiNDsay, ONTARIO." When my little daughter was five years old her liver was so sluggish that 1 feared 163 "3 reat deal about ctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and decided to it with her {ving her small oses. I found that it not only helped her liver but it also proved to be » spldndid tonic, as well. If was such a splendid medicine that I would never hesitate to give it to her agaln if she needed it, and 1 take pleasure in recommending it to other mothers whose little ones seem to need a liver regulator and blood maker.,"--Mgs. Lovisa Brac, 113s, ! a Loh os LETTERS TO THEEDITOR ? i Plea For Mowat Hospital Men. Kingston, May 23.---i{To the Edi tor--Will you kindly aNow nie space in your valuable paper to put bélore the citizens of Kingston, few facts pertaining to the attitude of the public towards the patients of the Mowat sanitorium at Ports mouth Ninety per cent. of these men have been "over there," and have done their. bit in the defence of the Em- pire, and, through no fault of their own, they have been returned to Canada and placed in a sanitoriam, to take further treatment for tuber culosis, Have the citizens of Kingston con sidered that these men are worse off than a man who has been wounded? After gerving for months jn she trenches, in all sorts of weather, and doing - their share along with the others, it is found on examiasation, that their lungs are slightly affected They are immediately classed as a I'B. suspect, and returned to Eng land for observation. On arrival in England they are treated just the given entertainments of every kind, the same as the other boys But when they return to Canada for further treatment, how are they received? They are placed in a sanitorium, where they receive the best of treatment and considleration from those in authority, which is only right, for ia my estimation, they are entitled to much more than they receive. No fault can be found with the officers and nursing sisters of the Mowat sanitorium, for I have 15 vet not heard one complaint in this Fespect. But when the boys wish to 0 to town for an hour or so it fis lifferent Pegple of Kingston, I ap neal to you not to treat these boys a though they were lepers from a leper *olony. Don't imagine for one mor {ment that. because they come from the "Mowat" that they aré fo be shiinned as some unclean thing. The metlical officer at the "Mowat" will not allow one patient a pages if he imagines that his presence ab tic would be detrimental to ' the safety of others. These hoya pay their own fare when they wish te come to town, and if they wish to 'ome on Sundays, they are forced to walk. Could not some arrangement be made whereby the Street Railway Company could issue, if not free tic- kels, at least reduced fares for these hoys, who have given their best so that those here at home may live in peace and comfort. + The citizens of Kingston are, at present, enjoying an over-dose of prosperity, and I take this opportun: ity of asking them, who deservas the 'redit for this prosperity? If it were not for the boys who have been over thd done their bit, would they feel a8 secure, and enjoy the peace and *omfort they are now enjoying? There are more automobiles in ¥¢No Needles to change" YR full enjoyment of any phonograph played with ateel needles is marred by your constant state of watchfulness to change needles? Furtherinére a steel needle with its sharp point digs into the record, wearing both record and needle. A genuine polished sapphire ball glides smoothly into the grooves. It 1s permanent and does not wear the record (a Pathé Record will play at least 1000 times without impair- ment). A steel needle has one point of contact with the record--limited contact, limited sound waves. A sapphire ball touches the record groove at 40 points--and every delicate shading of the original music is faithfully recorded. Hf you are planning to buy a phono- + 2 p es Batinihone, 1 you already have a phonograph, it can be easily equipped to play Pathé Records. : bhonhnie. droid 11C g Kingston than in any other city of its size in Canada, but ] have seen a number of the boys from "Mowat" walking into town, and five autos in 4 row, with no one in them but the driver, pass these men, and not one of them would offer to give the boys & lift. Considering the number of cars in Kingston, would it be ' asking too much if some of the owners of these ears, would place them at the dispos- al of the boys Trom "Mowat" to take them for a little spin, two or three times a week. The boys would an- preciate this, and begin to think that they are not altogéther forgotten. And they want entertatmnen;, The time hangs very heavily / on their hands, and a concert once in a while is highly appreciated by them. The G.W.V.A. and the A. & &. Veterans are doing their utniost to make things as pleasant as possible for the. boys from the "Mowat," but] théy should have the support of the sitizens of Kingston. Come on how, altogether. Let's kei fo Work amd show thesé heroes "{that we have not forgotten what they have done for us, and make up for our neglect in fhe past. Gl . L. J, BYTE. Pres. Kingsion Branch, G.W.V.A. IMITATE CANADIANS Advice to Catholics in J roland. Yiondon, May 25. The Paris Temps, commenting on the Irish question, remarks that the Catholic clergy of Ireland could well imitate the Canadian clergy who, under Ma- thien, successfully worked to re-es- tablish harmony between French and British Canadians. : Should Return the Statute London, May 25.---M. H. Spiel- mann, a noted art. eritie, protests againgt the statute of William TIL resented by the Kaiser to the Bric fish nation eleven years ago, being allowed to remain in front of Ken- sington Palas He suggests that it Paris Temps' same as any other casualty, and are J "i DANGER LURKS In FVERY ONE OF US We Are As Full of Deadly Poisons As A Germ Laboratory. AUTO- INTOXICATION OR SELF- POISONING "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Absolutely Pre. vents This Dangerous Condition. The chief cause of poor health is our neglect of the bowels. Waste matter, instead of. passing from the lower intestine regularly every day, poisotis which are shsorbed by the blood. In other words, a person who is habitually constipated, is poisoning himself. We know now that Auso- intoxication, due to non-aetion of the bowels, is directly responsible for serious Kidney and Bladder Troubles; that it upsets the Stomach, causes Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and Sleeplessness ; that chronic Rheum atism, Gout, Pain In The Back, are relieved as soon as the bowels become regular; and fhat Pimples, Rashes, Eczema and other Skin Affections disappear when "Fruit-a-tives" are taken to correct Constipation. "Fruita lives"? will protect you against Auto-intoxication because this wonderful fruit medicine acts directly on all the eliminating organg, B0¢. a box, G for $2.50, trial size = 4 At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tj s Limited, Ottawa. Sweclalizslug Store Fronts and Fite tings, Remodelling Bulldings of afl nds. ESTIMATES 1 EXPERIENCE Address, 273 University Ave. ~----" $ Girls! Use Lemons! Make a Bleaching, $ Beautifying Cream The ' juice of two fresh lemons strained into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most re- markable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a small jar of the ordinary cold creams, Care should be taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets insthen this lo- tion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blem- ishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifier, Just try it! (et three ounces of orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quartgr pint of this sweet- ly fragrant lemon Jotion and mas- sage it daily into the face, neck, aring and hands. It naturally should help to soften, freshen, bleach and bring out the roses and beauty of any skin It is simply marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands. Men Wanted is allowed to remain thers, generating ° ) 1 his ear s0 that it - UTAEUT. DAVID Roun. A Queen's Graduate; Serving With American Medical Corps. | i { i LIBUT. DAVID ROBB. Lieut. David Robb, a graduate of Queen's University, and a former re- sident of Battersea, joined Uncle Sam's Medical Corps, and left WasH- ington with the American army. He at the present time in charge of an ambulance train in France. Early this spring Lieut. Robb was medical officer on a vessel making a trip to Egypt. PhP RE EPR R PIR RRIF OPES RESP FEAR RHINE CITIES v WILL BE LAID WASTE. With the French Armies in France, May 25.--Capiured Germans testify to the brilliant work of the Entente aviators, who, they say, leave the QGer- mans no peace. Fears are ex- pressed regarding future opera- tions om the Rhine cities, whieh they believe will be land in ruins, The Germans deéclare their anti-aircraft defences are insufficient to prevent the Al lies visiting the Teuton camps, cantonments, depots amd air- dromes, wh « they say, enor- mpus damages already has done. * lb ddb pd lededol db Sh db Sod ddd bd hp STEAL $10,000 WORTH OF CARS EVERY DAY Not in Kingston--Police Re- cords Show These Figures For Chicago. * -* > eT "» Sp phby | automobile thefts could be presented by the exercise of proper ¢aution gn the part of the owners; says the gen- | eral manager of an automobile con- | pany. f "It is estimated that the "cost of | car owners from thefts rons close to | $60,000,000 yearly in the United | States," he adds. "In Philadelphia mere' than 2,000 cars valued at nedrly $2,000,000 were stolen' dur- ing" the first "ten months In T9Y7 Less than half were recovered. In Chicago. police records show that $10,000 worth of ears are stolen nearly every day. "There Is a certain responsibility resting on the manufacturer to equip cannot easily be driven away. Dozens of schemes for hatfline the thief have beon suggests ad, The fomrstumblor cylinder igni- tion leek has been found very of fective, as the engine cannot be started unless the ignition system has been turned on, and it is im- possible to do it without the kay. Some minkers are providing these Tocks-with individual kevs, and omy two keys are made fodeach lock. so 'hat the thief cannot use duplicate keys." Ninety: per cent. of the loss wi | Remaing Coming East, Elgin, May 23.--The ®enth curred at Estevan, Sask. on Frid last, of Nirs, D,_Hall, a former re: dent of Leeds county. She was sev- enty-one years of age. due te a stroke of paralysis. The de- | ceased left 'Elgin last fall to spend | the 'winter with her dauzhter in Caj- gary and in April removed to Estes van. The maiden name of the de: | ceased was Juliet Smith, She was born at Harlem, The body will ar- rive at Elgin on Thursday. Inter. ment will be made in Harlem ceme- tery. The body is accompanied east Prescott Worker Injured, Prescott, May 25.--A serious, if not fatal, accident took place on Wednesday. = While unloading coal from a small steamer at Purkis coi! dock the coal carrier upset from fs elevated track, falling about twenty feet to the dock below, carrying with it Alden Dean, one of the employes. Severe injuries to thé head and shoftlders fesultod. = Sixty<fite Stitches were necessary in dressing his wounds, his ear being complete. ly severed. = His shomlder blade was also broken by the fall, LA | Plenty of Moisture for Alera Crop. Calgary, May 25. ~Rerorts ve ceived from Central and Southern Alberta yesterday show © taM HE distriet Bag 'u 0 tp carry the crop through until July. Chat sdalin yg 18 eighty per cont. com- btetea. Wheat ix well abo PPL P PPE INE by hrgdanghters. | i ci] : hoe J - 3} has been overseas one year, and is | dd B® "Is Itsel¥ a Food" A pure, delicious drink ; should also be considered a valuable adjunct to a meal, as it contains a large amount of nutritive matter in an easily digested form. Its use permits the saving of other and more expensive foods TRADE-MARK ON EVERY PACKAGE Booklet of Choice Recipes sent FREE WALTER BAKER & C0. Limited Established 1780 DORCHES MASS. MONTREAL, CAN. Il Save Coal and Wood Coal oil is the cheapest fuel you can use. Our Perfection and Puritan coal oil stoves are clean, odorless and do not overheat the house in warm weather. Let us show them to you. Lemmon& Sons 187 Princess Street. I | i i war, very few of, On account of the hr : are at Canada. But the fine imported lines

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