PAGE SIX -------- A hofe, reliable regwlating | in thre w de painphict. THE COOK MEDICINE CO, | TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windsor.) ni "KINGSTON - CAPE VINCENT FERRY Change of Time Effective May 15th. | LY, Kingston, 7.00 a.m. and LIS p.m. Lv, Cape Vincent, 5.40 am, and 4.30 pan. Two round trips dally, Seadey Included. THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting suything gone {a the rarpen. tery Hine, Estimates given on nll Kinds of repnirs nnd mew work) siso hard | wood Soors of all kinds, All orders will reccive prompt sttention, Shop "0 Queen street, ARI eg JN NN, NN GA IN TTY Plants ! Rook your order for toes, Cabbage and Plants, Friendshi 0's Ahh dhhedhahaaais Toma= Celery > ator COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. 0h 0 0 0 Lake Ontario Trout | and Whitefish, Fresh | Sea Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut and Cod . GANANOQUE 'esnundent, y rge Hinckley al» for the ling Com- é iriends asgem- Miss 'A. Mande on 7 Thursday cellanéous shower Grace Kennedy, of the prospective married here, of the Convales- Kingston, is mm' town with with one of Ins dwelling of the siding ately thq wheels step projepting aut which dea hitip Con- rly in St Brock- where rat an early some club bag Toronto, is spending re with his mother. Mrs Stone, street south } anager of ts Company, $A: Watt, 8 «Ontario Steel Pro a a Sah NY h 3 = DODD'S ry Ss T'S el pag J lit 6. SS SlageTes P Dominion Fish Co. hath hia addi dh dd A 4 . b b b p b hb bp b b b b ; ® | x " Better and Cheaper Than Lard. Order at United Grocery. Fresh Lettud, Onions, Radish, Asparagus; Strawberries, Rhubarb, Pineapples and To- matoes. ; For This: Week. Cornstarch, 2 pkgs. for 25¢. UNITED GROCERY A88 Princess Bt. BEN LEE, Mgr. Washing Won't Rid Head of Dandruff The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, them you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon: apply 'it at night when retir- ing: use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. Do this tonight and by morning most if not all; of your dandruff will be gone, and three or [ur more ap- pleations will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dan- druff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be flulty, lus- troug, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get ligfid wrvon at any drug store. . It 18 inexpensive and ¥ Summer never falls to do the work. Yd arf THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1918. New York on {own BASEBALL R EX 'ORD, FRIDAY. National League, vicago (rain) Brooklyn Pittsburgh New York St. Louis .. Boston .. 4. 6 Cincinnati, . | -- American League, Cleveland .. 3 New York .. St. Louis Boston . . Detroit . . 9 . .5b Chicago .. 2 Washington International League, Binghamton ,. .7 Syracuse .. Toronto . .6 Jersey City .. Toronto .8 Jersey City .. Buffalo .. ... ..5 Newark .. Baltimore .. . .6 Rochester .. Police Court Brevities. man who gave his name pr came on the holiday as J. under the Magistrate Farrell im- posed a fine of $10 and costs. William Carey, a boy in trousers, who came over on the same boat, fared much worse. He had a bottle of whiskey in his possession, a most se us violation of the On- tario Tenfperance Act. The penalty was $200 and costs or three months in jail. the police. Supervised Playgroynds. The special comr ee of Board, of Education has authorized the opening of a supervised i ground at Macdonald School f and Aug The sand piles, swi slides, e will- be ordered at onc sre will also be ry-telling, folk songs and dances and many instruc: tive games and pastimes for the little children It will be a unique experiment but successful in many other places. A supervisor will be at once. eng Portsmouth Council. The members of the Portsmouth Council met on Thursday night for the purpose of making an inspection of the village to see what repairs are necessary to roads and walks. The matier will be further dealt with at the next regular meeting. the 1 Important. : All accounts against "Love and Friendship Ce." 'must be mailed to Mrs. J. B. Carruthers,' Sydenhain and Barl streets, before Wednesday, May 29th. All personal bills to Theodore Bird, Frontenac Hotel Trip to Stella. The steamer Wolfe Islander leaves ferry wharf, foot of Broek street, Monday, May 27th, at 2.30 p.m, fOr Amherst Island, returning to the city at 6.30. Fare for round trip, 50¢. Canadian Casualties, Wounded--C. H. Austin, Kin- mount; R. E. Twiddy, Belleville; G, A. Brown, Colborne; Capt. J. H. Walmsley, Milford, Mr, and Mrs, John Meagher and Allen Meagher, Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Hadley and two sons motored to the eity to spend a few days with fidends, Thirty young women have {inished a special course to-day at the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph in avery kind of farming and have al- out the province. The King's Plate race at Toronto on Friday was won by George Hend~ rie's "Springgide." The Irish anti-conscription fund amounts to more than a million dol- lars, G YOU 'Come in Today and See Our § Offering of Eve ; Apparel FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN ' Summer Dresses, Fancy Wash Skirts, White and Patterned; Ponges and Cool-off Suits; Beautiful Blouses; Panamas and Milan Hats, Children's Barnes, this week 1 relatives. i Joseph, of to former's .2 Philadelphia . . Philadelphia . .: :r from Cape Vincent influence of liquor and fell into the hands of long ready been placed on farms through SOLE Dr.. Alexander Kennedy Dead. The death occurr Amherst Is« land on May 17 . Alexander Kennedy, after a De- ed was sixty-fou , and born. at Bath He resided' at Stella. He was a sop of the late Dr. Roderick Kennedy. Two sons sure vive, Rev, Howard Kennedy, of Pon- tac, Mich., and Roderick Kennedy, in France, Interment took place ar Glenwood cemetery. Rev. +}. C: Pixon, of St. Alban's Church, offici- ated, The Late Richard J. Genge. R: E. Genge, of the local Post Of- fice staff, received the sad tidings on Thursday that his brother, Richard J. Genge, assessment commissioner of South Bend, Indiana; had died sud: denly of heart trouble,. Deceased was a former emplovee of the Worm- with Piano Company, and left here thirty-two years ago, settling in South Bend. He was a prominent Free Mason, and was secretary of the order in that city. Deceased is sur- vivde by his three sons, all of whom have enlisted in the United States army, His mother, four i and three brothers also survive him. Mrs. John Davidson, Ports. mouth, 15 a sister. he funeral took on Bhirsday at South Bend. a---- tou place Late Charles L. Ball, On Friday the death occurred of Charles L. Ball, Montreal street. The deceased had been troubled with heart disease for some time, but dur- ing the past two weeks it became s0 acute that recovery was impossible. The late Mr. Ball was born in Hinch- inbrooke forty-six years agp, and for the past five years he has been track fecreman of the Kingston, Portsmouth and Cataraqul Electric Railway Co. leaving their employ only 'three weeks ago. Deceased was a Methodist in re- ligion, and is survived by his widow. The funeral wil] be held on Aonday by C.N.R. to Olden, where interment will take place. Late James A. Sherwood, The remains of the late James Arlington Sherwood, who passed away in Lethbridge after a long ill- ness, were brought to the city on Friday. They were transferred to Latimer by the undertaking firm of R. J. Reid, where service was con- ducted in the afternoon by the Rev. A. BE. Oliver, of Inverary Methodist church. FRONTENAC RURAL DEANERY Meetings Held at Sharbot Lake Mon- day and Tuesday. The annual meeting of the Rural Deanery of Frontenac was held at Sharhot Lake, May 20th and 21st, Rev. J. ©. Crisp; "M.A., Rural Dean, presiding, Following the husiness sessioft Monday afternoon, an inter- esting apd help Tul paper on social ser- vice was read by' Rev. Thomas Leech, M.A., Rectar of Walfe Island. At the evening.-meeting inspiring missionary addresses were given by Rey, ©. Cooke, Barrieficld, and Archdeacon O. G..Dobhs. Tuesday morning there was a cele- bration of the Holy Communion. the celebrant heing Rev. Rural Dean Crisp, assisted by the incumbert, Rev. Herbert Pringle. 5.Th. followed by a "Quiet Hour," with devotional ad- dresses. The meetings concluded with even. tig prayer and sermon, the preacher being Canon T. Austin Smith, Cata- raqui, an esteemed former incumbert of the parish. A feature of this ser- vice was the beautiful rendition of a solo. "The Promise of Life." by Mrs. F. Taylor, Winnipeg. Both evening meetings were open to the public, anil were well attended. TO PAY $10,800,000 For 6,000 Shares of Common Stock of C.N.R. (Canpdian ress Despatoeh) Toronto, May 25. --Ten million Bleizht hundred thousand dollars is the amount the Dominion of Canada | will pay for the six hundred thou- 'sand shaves of eommon stock of the Canadian Northern Railroad which is being taken over by the country to be operated as a publicly owned enterprise. 'This is the announce- ment made to-day by Sir Willlam Meredith, chairman of the Arbitra- tion Board which has been consider- ing for some months the price to be paid for the stock. Shifted Sunken Cruiser. (Canadian Press Despatch) Lendon, May 35 ~The Germans { have succeeded in shifting the "con- crete laden cruiser Viudietive, sunk in the harbor of Ostend on May 10th by the. British raiding forces. The Vindictive. according to thé Tinies, is now lying close alongside the B| eastern pier, leaving a passage about tthirty feet wide. Ullsirctessful at- ave heen made by the Cer- i mans to dredge a passage Way be- tween the twp old cruisers sunk in | the harbor of Zeebrigse. : ¥ pain col di .1hody. Tortured For . Nearly Two Years MRS. PLANTE FOUND RELIEF IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS She Tells How They Helped Her Kid- ney Disease and Made a New Woman of Her. Que., May St. Florgnce, (special) ET Boxes of Kidney Pills made a new person of me." Plante, of this place, and her numer- ous friends here fully -verify her statement. : "For nearly two years," Mrs. Plante continues, "kidney disease tortured me. 1 heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills and made up my mind to try them, and to m prise they did mie good almost once, Two boxes cured me compigtely. 1 re- commend them to all dy friends." Mrs, Plante is only one of many who have had a similar experience. They were weak and run-down, and sick all overs Dodd's Kidney Pills helped them. How? Simply by cur- ing the kidneys. The diseased kid- neys were the cause of all the trou- ble. They were failing to strain the impurities out of the bloed, and the result was disease all over the body. Dodd's Kidney Pills helped the kid- news, the impurities were striined out of the blood. The result was pure blood and good health all over the The cause of the disease had been removed. IN MARINE CIRCLES. The Movements of Vessels Reported Along the Harbor. The steamer Jex cleared on Satur- day for Oswego. The steamer Jeska arrived from Ot- tawa with a carga of slabs for Robert Crawford, : The steamer Warren and barge ar- rived from Lake Erie with coal for Queen's University. The steamer Waffle arrived from Oswego with coal for James Swift: M. T. Cos Bulletin: The tug Thomson cleared with two gran barges for Montreal, and returned to Kingston with two light barges; the tug Laura Grace arrrved hight from Oswego, and cleared with the barge Lapwing for Fairhaven. The steamer City of Hamilton pass- ed down from Toronto and Hamilton to Montreal at 11.20 am, on Thurs. day. The . steamer Haddington passed down from Lake Erie to Montreal with coal at 1.40 a.m. on Friday. The Canadian Government steamer Loretta was in port on Sgturday morning with A, G. Phillips, superin- tendent of the Rideau canal PRESENTATION AT SUNBURY. Young Men Were Presented With Wrist Watches by Villagers. On _ Friday evening in Sunbury Sr E township 11 the young men of the district wholhave been called upon to peport on june 1st were presented with wrist watches by the residents of the neighborhood. Rev. J. T. Caswell occupied the chair, and (C. Holder, of Battersea, delivered a splendid patriotic address After Rev. Mr. Caswell had read fhe presentation address, William Moreland strapped the watches upon the wrists of the young men. Those who received the gifts were Harold Haffner, Ross Dixon, Ross Smith, John Campbell, Daniel Conville, Her- bert Conville, Ross Dobbs, Norman Shannon, Lerne -Campbell, and John Fowler. After the presentation refreshments were served, and dancing was indulg- .d in until a late hour, Salisbury's srchestra provided the music, ~ SECTION MAN INJURED. 24. When Hand Car Jumped the Track Near the Round House. Michael Duffey, a section man em- sloyed by the Canadian Pacific Rail- nay, was seriously hurt on Friday, when a hand car which he was oper. ating jumped the track and turned turtle at the foot of North street, near the round house. Two ather men were on the car at the time, but they were not injured. Duffey suffered a fractured leg ahd ather injuries, Dr. W. A. Mckar. thy, surgeon for the C, P. R., was called, The patient, who George street, was 'given X-ray sreatment at the General Hospital, and then removed fo his home in Cor- hett's ambulance. resides at 33 K. F, MATHER RESIGNS. Se Queen's Professor Will Go to Dennis i on University in Ohio. Prof Kirtley P. Mather has Hand- ed in bis resignation as assistant professor of geology at Queen's Uni- versity and will accept a position at Dennison University, Grenville, Onlo, as professor of geology. Prof. Math- er is a gradpaté in the faculty of selence and a doetor of philosophy of Chicago University. He has been one of the most popular members of the teaching staff with the students, ' jAlade Fuss at Jail. John Hargreaves, arrested a week ago on a charge of vagrancy, and who is believed to. be of unsound ind, made a big fuss at the jail Friday night. Tearing an iron bar from his table. he commenced to smash up the jehingt in his cell: and a ¢ajl wis sent to the police, but he was finally over- come. Papers in his case have heen Tot by Justice of the "Peace George Himter. and it is prob- able that he will be sent to hospital Dodd's} | The speaker is Madame M. L.} BASEBALL ON FRIDAY. Two City League Games--C. L Defeated Irishmen, Crowds thronged the Cricket Fi Friday to wituess J Lascball of the season. on was Ww Irishmen showed the The favor of the ©. 1. teries were 'Groth and Cont Koen and Cummings. score Victoria Cross for Mother, On Friday evening General Hem- ming presented to Mrs. McAuliffe at Omemee the Victoria Cross awarded to her son, Pte. Harry Brown. = An autograph Jetter from the King ac- companied the award, together with this descriptive narrative from the London Gazette: "It was necessary to get a message delivered to a Gen- eral Officer' in charge of remforee- ments. The messenger had to cross through -a very heavy barrage fire, Volunteers were called for, and Pte, Brown and another responded. The other messenger was killed, but Pte. Brown hed the officer to whom the message was to he delivered, but only after having his arm shattered. He was so exhausted that he fell into a dug-out after he nitered the words 'Important message.' He then lost consciousness, and was removed to hospital, where he died a few hours later." : "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY lasurance Company PIRE INSURANCE yeas Office, Royal Insurance Bldg MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, rio Branch, Toronto 'RUPTURE APPLIANCE SPECIALIST HERE New Invention Retains Rupture Without Knife, Danger or Pain. Old-tashioned galling, sii] trusses and forpign mall aS Inethods I BWA) y with by the 'wonderful invention of 3 Canadian specialist who has devoted years to this one study. The Harvelgus ew Tan - LTRUS" gives instant retention, rest seourity where others hyve falled. It prevents 85101 part to het an » ton as 3 res ever al oon a8 it 19 used, and i shyt ye thrown away, Egan's "Ouratrus" is shor at to assist nature 10 close the opening In est time known without AD Operaiio mall cost. Testimonials men, women hand nuts. Nothing somplicarad, No incor loss of time, but just a natural ve C08! Tear Off COUPOD HOW. LY y s ! the towns below. Free Cnonstiation aod ex ina tion of samples. ASK at hotel office for my room. Note dates. Kingston, Réndolph Hotel Saturday, Sundfy--(all day and wight) 2 days only, June 1 afd 2. CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, N. Morris, 374 King St. Save Your Coal THE SOWARDS COAL CO. Try Us for Anything in the Electrical Line Halliday Electric Co. Phone 1042. Lumber For that bungalow you were going to build, we can supe ply you everything from the foundation to the rool. -Allan's Lumber Yard Yard: Victoria Street. Branch Yard: Place d' Armes. a i A |. HON AR We Remain Open on May 24th. DIAMONDS !! For Fine Quality Gems This Store Has Been Noted for Half a Century R. J. RODGER Man'f'g Opticians and Optometrists. 132 Princess St. Should Buy stores. say's of ¢ . Brambacl Piano or Player-Piano, Fhoear tre dnstrmuent in fi or illustrated catalogue. SE, a C. W. LINDS 121 Princess a | | LINDSAY'S What Your Money Columbia Grafonola, or Estey One Price Only Cash or Terms. 1 It fe vot convenient fer you fe Wfep in to play and ioh you Are 4 --A Piano Plus Life-long Satisfaction Qn ~« all the little things that go to make your nurchose of an instrument a pleasure --- you w' may be sure of getting when you buy a Plano, a Player-Plano or a Phonograph at one of the Lindsay Comrteous treatment, prompt and careful delivery, ad- vice as to the ave to he given to the instrument and points Sm how to get the most out of it, tusing and repairity. at nominal cost, all this goes with every purchase at Linde Steinway Duo-Art, Heintzman & Co., Apollo, Weber, Wormwith, and Lindsay 'Patheph one or an. inderepied, Write AY, Limited CANADA'S PRIOWIER PIANG ROUSR © be