SUFFERED TERRIBLY WITH HER HEART WOULD wake vp SMOTHERING The terrible smothering ing up sensations and 8 the feelings of dizzine ness that come over lieart and nerves are de the greatest distress and body. ng spells, faint- whose ged causes b mind and i and wih of Milburn's Heart and Nerve give prompt relief and effect a com- plete cure in cases of such severity, Mrs. A. M. Powell, Norval Station, Ont., writes: *'I cannot speak too highly of Milhurn's Feast and Nerve Pills. 1 suffered five years with my heart and nerves, but the last two years | have suffered terribly i} went to bed | would wake up as if I were smothering. [ did not get one night's sleep out of seven. | EOt so Pills very weak that the doctor was called | in, and he said it was my heart, and that I must take great care of my- self. 1 saw your advertisement in your almanac for Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and sald I would try them. I have only taken two boxes of them and I feel a new woman, | will recommend them to anyone af- flicted with heart trouble." Milburn's Heart 'and Nerve Pills are L0c a box at all dealers, or mail- od direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. GD the rg Se SPR Groceries and Meats Our store In stocked with the very best of everything In our Mnes. If you want the best let us supply sou. Speclnl value in ten und coffee for Tuesday, C. H. Pickering, Grocer and Meat Dealer 400 and 492 Princess St. : Phone 530. Preserver Simple, Effective, cal Will keep eggs fresh and in the best of condition for one year. 20 CENTS Best's Popular Drug Store, Phone 59. Branch 2018 | | Canada, {for Inserting an engagement, { rlage or reception announcement.) » - > : Johns Richardson, i ed Mrs street, on Saturday H.E entertal afternoon in hon Mrs, Hamilton Mackerras, Madre, Cal. The tea table, wis most artistically arranged with | hae marigolds and lighted by un- shaded candles in brass sticks, was! in charge of Mrs. A. P. Christmas Juss Mrs, Arthur Craig, who were ierre whic ul Miss Aijleen and Miss May Rogers, Miss Veta and Miss | Marjorie Minnes, Miss Eva, Miss Ruth ahd Miss Nora Martin, Miss Jean Craig and Miss Mary Strange. » ew assisted Dy The members of the "Game of Love Company," Brockville, intend enter- taining the members of the Kingston | "Love and Friendship" Company to a4 social dance in Victoria Hall on Wednesday night following the pers formance at the New Theatre, A - Principal and Mrs. Bruce Taylor webte At Home on Monday afternoon, when their guests included the pro- fessors of Queen's University, their and the Collegiate Institute * » Mrs. N. C. Polson, Jr., was hostess (Notice---Herearter, the Whig, in| common with other papers all over| will make a charge of 50c¢| mar | | on | at the tea hour] Johnson street. ri of i [ h at the Bridge Club this week, and next Monday the meeting will be at the home of Mrs. 8, M. Robertson, Sydenham street. a : The Saturday afternoon teas at the Country Club will ¢émmence on Sat- urday next, ud will be held every week during the month of June. » - Miss Suel Woodward was the guest of honor at a delightful dinner at the Country Club on Friday even ing, » A very jolly surprise party. was held on Friday evening at the home of Capt. and Mrs, Jack Langley, » » * Dr. Hamilton 'Mackerras (a spend- ing a few days in Hamilton. Mrs, J. Shipman, Brockville, spent 'uesday with friends in town. Mrs. Cooke and the Misses Cooke, Montreal, who are coming for the dance at the Royal Military College, will be the guests of Mrs. Jo N.S, Leslie, Emily street. Mrs. Robért Fraser left to-day for California. Dr, Harold Bowie, Ilssex, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowie, Rarl street, Miss Ross, Woodstock, is the guest OI MT2. J. W. Rowland, University avenue, * | 1 Mrs. (Capt.) M. Olsen and young son, Jack. who have heen visiting her husband, Capt. Olsen, in New York, lave left there for Montreal, where 8he will be the guest of hep dister, A rm, cocci tr The Great English fiemadn, 'Tones and invigorates the whole DErvons system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despon- deney, Y.osa of Energy, Palpilation of the Heart, Failing Memory, Price $1 per be Xx, SIX for§s. Oue will please, wx will ctr, Hold by ell druggists or mailed in plain phy, on yeecirt of ice. New pomph let mailed free. THE woen REDICING C0. TORONTO, ONY, Camere Boo A AIAN tral \ HI iA shh A Ah dd a 4 2 a a reading lamps. We have a fall range of colors, old rose, pink, plete stock just arrived f of New York's houses. tions. ete, at less t t Promptly done, Victrolas and Victor _T. F. HARRISON CO., LTD Phone 90. Ye TTY ay WR EVERYTHING TO FRESHEN AND BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME Attractive designs in piano and brown, sky, blue, and goll. A com. rom one leading decorating Floor coverings of all descrip. Rugs, linoleums, olleloths, han wholesale cost ye Repairing and ¢ pholstering Records and White Sewing Machines «| al aes, without bei, resching liberty THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1918. 8. (Capt.) A. Barrett, for a few fore returning to Kingston, Miss Edna McCartney has return- to' Hartington to resume her hing. ith her parents. Mr and Mrs ey, University avenue, Mra, W. J. Simpson Lacombe, Alta, are and the a ter, bell, Queen street. Dr former Kingstonian and of Queen's. Andrew Shaw, an ¢ld King but now of Ottawa, is renewing qualntances in the city, and is guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Shaw, Simpson is a a graduate the Mrs Birdsall, Birdsall, Ont., has been spending a few days in town with her son, Col. ¥. E. Birdsall. Mr, and Mrs. James Magpariand ave returned from California. Mrs. Kenny and her children, who were with them, stopped off at Calgary and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Macparland, Miss Saunders, Earl street, has been the guest of her sister, ) Kennedy Maclllwaith, in Teronto, returned home on Tuesday. : Miss Nancy Thackeray and Miss Margaret Southam, Ottawa, will be the guests of Miss Sybil Kirkpatriek for the R.M.C. dance. Miss 'Andrey Macleod, John, N.B., who has been atending IHavar- gal College, Toronto, is the guest of Miss Edith Carruthers, - - St. Miss Harriet Gardiner is home from Havergal College, Toronto, for the RM.C. dance and has as her guest Miss Bernice Skelton, Mont- real, another Havergal girl. Andrew Foreman, Montreal, spent the week-end with Mrs. 'Foreman, who is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Johnson street. Mrs, G. H. Marshall, Syracuse, N.Y. is visiting J. A. B. Smith Alfred street. Mr, and Mrs, I. W, returned, after spending the week- end in Montreal, Mrs, Henry Joseph, Montreal, who has been the guest of Miss Carrie Waldron, Barrie street, left on Mon- day for Toronty, Miss Mowat, Johnson street, re- turned from Toronto on Saturday . - . Uglow, Miss Alice a few Miss Marjorie street, left to-day to visit Reynolds in Brockville for days. Mrs, BE. L. MacDownll, Gore street, left on Monday foi Toronto, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Macfarlane, and Miss Elda MacDowall is the guest of Mrs. Robertson, in Belleville, Miss Jean Wismer, Barrie, is the guest of her sister, Mrs, Horace Law- son, at the Royal Military College. Sergt. Alan Campbell, Montreal, R. spent the week-end with Mrs, H. | Duff, Princess street. Mrs, Watson and Miss Edith Wat- son, Toronto, are in town for the R.M.C. dance to-morrow night, - * . Miss: Julia Parker, . Miss' Edith Fraser and Miss Betty will be among the Ottawa guests at the dance to-morrow night. Miss Polly MeMeachan, Halifax, is the guest of Commander and Mrs, Nixon, at Barriefield. Mrs. Johnston, Jamalca, is spend- ing a few days with her son, F. 8. 8. Johnston, King street. Judge Macdonald is in town from Brockville for a few days, * - * Mr, and Mrs. John McKay and Miss Doris McKay, Sydenham street, left this week for a motor trip through the Adriondaeks, Mrs. Dennis Jordan and her little Son returned to Toronto to-day. Miss Dorothy Burton is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Livingston, in Toronto, Mrs. Bweezy, Quebec, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs R. O. Sweezy, Union street west. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. John Qorrie have re- turned from Ottawa, Mrs, Sanford Calvin is spending a few days 'in Toronto. . - Mrs. C. H. PicKering and Mr, and Richard Pickering have returned to the city after a motor trip to Brock- ville. Miss Joan Mackenzie, New York, staying with Mrs, J. K. Figken, To- ronto, has como to Kingston for the R.M.C. dance, Several members of the Toronto young set are coming down to Kings- ton for the little dance at the Royal Military College on Thursday. Miss Ethel Birch who has spent the past two months with her parents at Brewer's Mills, has returned to To- ronto, Mrs. J. D. Ellis and Miss Majorie Ellis, Colborne street, intend leaving about June 15th for California and Towa, They will return by way of Vancouver, % Capt. and Mrs. A 0: rrousdale, who | have been In Trenton for the past few days, have returned to Kingston. Mrs. Albert Lytle and Miss Iva Jenkinson, Brockville, spent the week-end with friends in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Davis, accom- panied by Mrs, J. D. Ellis left to-day to motor to Ottawa. Harold dnd 'Willis Hooper, Kings. ton, will leave on Tharsday for their home in Brownsburg, Quebec, by mo- T, Mr. and Mrs Heliwell, Toronto, ve been visiting thelr son, Cadet 3. C. Tleliwell at the Royal Military College. (Continued on Page 10.) DESERTERS IN HIDING. | shots Fail to Hit One, Who Escapes Officer. From y ; Lindsay, May 29.---Military police- men, Sergts, Bethune and Colquhon, have had thrilling experiences look. to walk down being fled. Gutside he niade a dash fi and, Jalig to halt when after spendilig the week- 8 of Dr. aud Mrs. J. W, Camp- | Murphy have! Barrie! MacLachlan! requested to be queste 3 omer WAS ON VERGE OF | GING 0 is JoB {Health Broken When He Be-! { gan Taking Tanlac--Now i Works Every Day. { health was so-Hroken { vas just on the point of givi my job wien I got hold of Taulae and it fixed me up ail right jeverything else had failed to do me ia good," said Malcolm W. Yeo, of} Logan avenue, Toronto the other! Mr Yeo formerly lived] Hamilton where he is welll {keown, but is now employed by | {the William Davies Company at To-| | ronto . { "About five years ago," he contin- {ued "my stomach got all out of order] and 1/ began to" suffer terribly with { indigestion. My appetite failed, and lt never enjoyed a thing I would eat, ¥ 1 forced down soured on jmy stomach, and filled me up with | gas till I could hardly breathe. 1 sufs fered from awful griping pains in my stomach ,and a sour bitterish water | would rise up in my mouth and al- {most sicken me. Any kind of rich | food like pork or pastry, would sim- {ply tear me all to pieces and I just { had to stop eating anything of the kind... My food gave me no nourish- ment at all and I fell off in weight, and became so weak and miserable that I could hardly keep up with my { work and saw that if I didn't get re- eaded for a break- 20 j day. fat {lief soon I was h tdown. "All these thing after find somett {but without ting worse | When people vears | was trying one inother in my efforts to g that would help me, uccess, for 1 kept get- in spite of everything. began talking so much |abour Tanlac 1 decided to t it, and positively, I never have found thing to do me so much good. I have {taken about five bottles now and 1 jean eat most anything I want, fresh {pork and pastry of all kinds, and [nothing gives me a bif of trouble. | That awful pain id my stomach is jall gone, and I never have sourness jor gas trouble any more My food {1s nourishing me now. and am | Stronger und better in every way "than I have been in years. That tired worn out feeling has pas jaway and I haven't lost a single ds i from work since I started on Tanla | Anybody who has suffered like have knows how to appreciate a {medicine that does the work like {Tanlse und I am glad to give it my endorsement." | 'Panlac is sold in Kipgston by A. P. Chown, in Plevna by Gilbert Ost- ler, in Battersea by C. § Clark, in { Fernleigh by Ervin Martin, in Ar- {doch by M. J. Scullion, in Sharbot Lake hy W. Y. Cannon. | --ADVT, | ------ | any- I o I * I | Montreal Hera, | in England, where the telephone | system is owned by the Government 4nd operated under (ae direction of | the Post Office Department, some re- | ulations are in force which to Can- |adians sound extraordinary. | example, we read in the latest issue jof a Government telephone directory (provincial edition) : { Payment of Subscriptions-- "The subscription becomes due on the date jof completion of the installation and {1s payable annually in advance." { Long Distance Calls--"As soon jas there is a reply from the distant subscriber's telephone the call is {timed to commence. When a period jof three minutes has expired the | telephonist (operator) will enter the circuit and 'Your tinie is up; will i You have another three minutes?' Ir a reply in the affirmative is given the connections will be maintained {for a second period of three mins { utes, at the end of which-----no fur- {ther extension of time being permit- | ted under the regulations without "booking another call--the telephon~ ist (operator) will say 'Your six minutes is up. Shall I book you an- other call?' " Deposit for Trank and Postal Fa- {cllities--"A subseriber desiring to | make regular use of the trunk (tele- { phone) telegram or express Jeiter i services is required to deposit sueh sum of money as will cover the maxi- mum credit given." Fire Insurance of Instruments "Subscribers are responsible for the | Value of any instrument destroyed by wire, and they are therefore res commended to cover their Habllity by insuring each instrument for a1 least five pounds. The sum men- tioned does not include the cost of any switchboard whieh may . have been installed on the subscriber's premises, but.particulars of such cost can be obtained on application." Special Surcharges--"In case of hew exchange lines, external exten- sion lines or private wires, a special surcharge is payable before the work is put in hand. The minimum sur- charge ig £4 and it is payable in re- spect of the first year only." The standard charge for moy telephone to a building in an block is 40 shillings. ---------------- Her Family. The vicar visited a parishioner. a widow 73 years of age, who children, all of whom, cept one davghter. had married and left her. Now this daughter also was abowt to be married. The old. lady would then be left quite alove, and the cles. gyman endeavored to sympathize with her. : "Well, Mrs. Higgins," hessaid, must feel lopely now. after had so large a family" "Yes, sir" she said, "1 do feel it lonesome. I've brough i and bere 1 am = © = ing a other "you having up adong i iting alone. if ra ment of Paris ain early 'on Wesndais | PAGE THREE ha 5 Probs: Thursday, fair, stationary temperature. ---_ att yin 0 ~ Steacy's Greatest il-Order Comparison Sale The most sensational selling event of the early summer season with its host of wonderful bargain opportunities, Starts Tomorrow, Thursday at 9 0'clock ay. Don't miss it -- every article is ex- re never misrepresents; what you see We meet or beat all cata- Continuing Friday and Saturd actly as represented. This sto in our "ads," you will find in our store. logue prices! New Ready-to-wear Specially Priced White Wash Skirts 25 doz. plain tailored Poriet Twill Cotton wash skirts with gathered backs in sizes 24 to 29. Reg. $1.75. Sale price $1.19 with novelty pocket and lue at $2.00 each. Sale price $1.29 "LA PARISIENNE" CORSETS 60 pair which we guarantee are at wholesale cost. 240 pairs of our famous Muriel corsets, in all sizes; wholesale cost $9 a doz. * Sale price 75¢ 18 doz. white sports skirts, ¢ button trimmed; very special va NEW "JACK TAR" MIDDIES 18 doz. fine white satin drill middies, plain and self trim, for misses and children. Reg. $1.50. Sale price $1.19 360 pair French model coutil corsets with aluminum steels and four strong garters; all sizes ex- cept 25; wholesale cost is $12.50 a dozen. Sale price $1.00 15 doz. plain and coat style middies, the famous 'Admiral' brand, for misses and women. Reg. $2.00 values, . Sale price $1.48 7 A Waist Sale of Importance 600 New York voile and silk waists at prove most attractive. 120 white voile waists in plain and embroidered effects: worth $1.50. Sale price 98c¢. 180 silk and voile waists, plain white with colored trims: very dainty and the season's latest novelties; worth up to $2.25 each. Sale price $1.50 300 crepe de chene, georgette and taffeta waists, in plain and novelty colored combinations; reg. $4.25 to $6.00; as an extra at- traction. Sale price $2.98 Xx mm -------------- Millinery at Clear- Away-Prices y summer colored shapes and trimmed trims and shapes for your choosing. Sale price, Less 50% prices that should 110 late spring and earl hats in a broad variety of colors, All marked in plain figures from $2.50 to $15. ie 60 smart new genuine Panama hats in blocks; splendid for sports and outing w r? also for military nurses' = regulation summer wear; worth $2.50 each. . J Sale price $1.48 and with its host of gains should merit woman | i jhe season's most wanted ~