Daily British Whig (1850), 30 May 1918, p. 6

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RUPTURE SPECIALIST HERE New Invention Retains : ro Without Knife, Danger or in. Old-fashioned galling, sli trusses and fore mail Stas me -- ate df Wi n vention h alist who has devoted ¥. The marvelous pew Ean gives Instant reten others have failed. PAGE SIX ' = News From East Emmure FitzGerald stated that eighty per ieent of the Church of England people SESSION "win Ireland, and the same per cent. MADE LIVELY" rae had taken up arms. "I care not whether they be Libe- 1.) THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1918. BODY OF Found IN moeau SHOD Wrapped in Newspaper and, Tied in Bag Weighted With | Stones. BER VCLANT ARMEN LOCATED TROOP EMPLACEMEITS ral or Conservative," added the|BEVORE BIG ATTACK LAUNCHRL ['speaker, referring to 'the Govern- ment, "it is good so long as it is as at present expressed, a union Gov- Mrs. Mills states that Bishop Mills ernment, to interpret the loyal feel- had in view the taking of action in ings of the people." the matter. ! Dean Starr reminded the members close to the bank 'he saw the body | The members of synod expressed of synod of the War Lecture Bureau of an infant lying on the river bot- deep appreciation of Mrs. Mills kind- formed in Kingston, and said that tom in two or three feet of water. | BESS. | the Bureau would be glad to give Without touching ft, he says, he : x [out information to the various mem- hurried away to his hoarding house State of the Church, bers." He explained that the object and told his friends. Two or three A very interesting report was pre- of the Bureau was to prevent the of them 'went back With him and ]sented hy Rev. J. H. H. Coleman, of spreading of exaggerated reports on found the body as he had said. They | Napanee, on the state of the church. the war in an attempt to conserve took it from the water, laid it on the The report showed an increase the energy of the people. . hank and motified Chie! Phillips, |over the previous year of 1568 famil- | Synod passed a resolution pre- The body was that cf a well formed | 16s, an Increase of 604 in church senteil by Rev. T. W. Savary, to female child apparently three or |population; an increase of 321 com- "petition the Governor-General in four weeks old. It was wrapped "in | municants; an increase of 361 in Council to set apart a day for humi- a Montreal Star dated May 3rd, | Eastertide communicants; an in- Mation, prayer and fasting, to be ob- 1918, so that whatever the tragedy |crease of 109 scholars i#% Sunday. served by the people of Canada to connected with the ending of the | School. "Almighty God for the safety and voung life it must have taken place | Stipends have been increased by welfare of our cause and the hasten- since that date. After being wrap-| $2,800, and the givings to other ob- ing of the day when righteousness ped in the newspaper the body was | jects by $5,126, ' shall prevail. nk put dn a small cotton sugar bag and Tire number of services were de- A motion of Rev. Thomas Leech, with it in the bag there were a |Creased owing to fuel shortage and {of Wolfe Island, who is one of the couple of fair sized stones. The in-| bad condition of the roads. | foremost workers in the diocese in ference is that the child was. alive omedor {social and moral reform, was also when thrown into the water and the Election Results. | passed, He asked that a special stones were put in the bag to help The secretary of the diocese an- | Speaker be secured to address the carry it to the bottom of the river. |nounced the results of the elections synod annually jn this department, One little foot was projecting | for the general synod and exeoutive, | 4l8o that this department of the ser- through a hole in the bag and the | and Bishop Bidwell also announced vice be specially represented onthe man who found the body savs it was |his appointments Other 'appoint- executive committee of the diocese. this that attracted his attention. The | ments were also made. The list fol-! On motion of Dean Starr, second- body was taken to Marsh's under- | lows: ed by the Chancellor, the synod ten y dered a voté of thanks to the fol- a ---- Ground Yielded in Retirement From Craonne Region Literally Covered With German Dead. Paris, May 30.--Allied aviators have played a very prominent part in resisting the German offensive; Even before the big attack was launched, air pilots had located four enemy troop emplacements and watched all their prepamtions. During the night preceding the as- sault the enemy's rear was heavily bombed by aviators. 'Early in the morning, when the visibility was good, French, British, Italian and American airmen left their airdromes and flying low, fought the enemy troops while other machines follow- ed the advancing enemy infantry and reparted its movements to French headquarters. ? In the Franco-British "retirement} from the Craonpe region the Allied guns made the 'enemy pay an enor- mous rice for every yard gained--- the ground yielded was literally cov- ered with German dead. (Continued Fr Page dates in the. mini m maw santtee - Smith's Falls, May 20.--A Russian named Verbrids made a startling find wh fishing below Nichol's lock. Near ithe end of the 'cut and town for a few aitir days GANANOQUE st tawn | * Mrs. Willam Wooton, N.Y., have arrived in v visit with the latter's William Pratt, King (fom Our Own Correspondent) May 30---The fourth anmual meée ing of the Kingston Presbyterial, W.MS8., opened yesterday afternoon in St. Androw's church with about sixty-five delegates present from various parts of the presbytery. Mrs. T. J. Hall, of Stirling, the president of the soctety, presided at the open- ing meeting, and Mies BE. L. Mowat, of Kingston, recording sccretary of the society, and Miss Edith McCar mon, of this town, the fourth vice- president, were alss in attendance. Mre. Rev. C. E. Kidd delivered an address of welcome to the delegates welooming them to St. Andrew's church, while Mayor Wilson form- ally welcomed them to the town. At the close of the afternoon session the Yadies of St. Andrew's congrega- tion entertained the delegates at tea in the lecture hall of the church. for the young men by W, H, Preston. The billeting committtes have (he W. D. Sanders was the chairman of delegates billeted in various parts of | the evening, Rey. Dr. Porter gave a the town for bed and breakfast and son, wi and W. J. McCormick a "TON AT STELLA. To Three Young Men Going Into Mili- tary Service, Stella, May 2 ~-A joint meeting was held in Victoria Hall on Mon- day evening, May 20th, by the mem- bers of Burleigh Ledge, L.0.L., No. 482, and of Derry Lodge, No, 2, P.A. P.B., for the purpose of presenting wrist watches to three of their mem- bers, Alexander H. Glenn, Hugh J. Instant and William Taylor, who have come under the new draft law and will report at Kingston on June 1st, The address was read by David H. Filson and the presentations made By W. J. Glenn, R. D. Glenn and W. T. J. Hill. A suitable reply was made parents, Ig h ence or loss of time, but just a Delays RS Ye . ow Is to make it fit for your work, Tear off coupon now. e in Cady J. Y. BAAN, SPECIALIST, WILL VISIT the towns | below, Free demonstra tion of samples. ASK &¢ hotel office. for may room. Note dates. ° me Kingston, Randolph Hotel Suturday, Sunday----(all day and night) 2 days only, June 1 and 2. Rev. R. C. Horner, formerly bishop of the Holiness Movement church, is the head of a convention at Chester- ville Camp Grounds. He is gathering together those who were favorable to fim in the Holiness Movement, sixty- five of the pastors being present, and taking them as a nucleus will form a "Ranks with the Strongest™ HUDSON BAY Insurance Company the ladies of the congregation will song, which were both very suitable furnish dinner and 'tea for them to- for the occasion. Short speeches day. Mayor Wilson, with other men | wore delivered by J. W. Brown, W.M. of the congregation, have arranged | of the L..O.L.; Rev. Dr. Porter, Reeve Clerical delegates to (General to entertain the delegatos to a motor { Samuel Miller, ex<Reeve D. Caughey, | W. H, Preston, also the chairman. All i spoke of the deep regret at losing | their 'brethren and extending to | them their best wishes, good luck { and a safe return to their native | township, At the close of the meet- ing all arose and sang 'God Save the King," after which lunch was served. A. Willard, Kingston, spent Sun- {day on the island. W, Patterson, Pittsburg, was over the island last week buying horses. J. Bray made a | trip to the horse races at Picton on Friday in 'his motor boat. Quite a { number went with bim from Stella. Miss A. McDonald and the MMi 3 | Jessie and Nellie MeDonald, Ki {ton spent a few days at W. McDon alas. Miss N. Burleigh, Cressy, at A. Burleigh's. Mrs. N. Alen and {Miss 'Retta Allen, Belleville, are | spending a few de with friends. i boat trip this afternoon among the | Last even- held and islands of this section. ing a public session was was quite largely attende A. OG, MaPhedran, B.A., M.B., delivered an inspiring addréss on the work of the WMS. he having recently retuin- od to Canada from Central India. The ten-year-old sen of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Dorey, first street, came nearly loging his life on Taecs- day afternoon. By some means un- known he got possession of a calibre cartridge and tried to drive it fnto a block of wood. The eart- ridge exploded and tore one of his hands wuite badly while another piece strtick him in the neck, laying bare the jugular vein. Drs. Bird and OlConnor were at once summoned, and the lad is now doing as well as could be expected. Under the auspices of the Cathed- ral Literary and Athletic Club a wol attended and enjoyable dance was held in the 'Assembly 'Hall at the club house of the Gananoque Canoe and Motor Boat Association last evening. The citizens' band or- chestra furnished music, Grace Sunday school orchestra went out to Sand Hill church last evening to assist in an entertain- ment, Pte, Louis Lxlonde, who was ro- ported gome thie ago as wounded in acticn, in a letter to your corres pondent this week states that the iMjury to his ankle from shrapnel has been fixed wp as good as new and that he 18 mow back in the trenches again, Frederick Meggs, recently return- ed from overseas after threo and a half vears at the fromt and who re- celved his discharge on Saturday Inst, left yesterday afternoon for Quehas City to acedrd a situation. On fils 'way down he will pay a short visit In Montreal with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orser, formerly of this town. 'William Chidley, of the Kingston Convalescent Soldiers' Home, is THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wantin, yh | done. the ow Lo Shop w will recelvye prompt attention. S0 Queen atreet. 's Cotton Root Compound. oh 3 0: Ne 3, $5 per 3b Yeo pamphlet. Address: COOK MEDICINE CO. Uadles® Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, 44- | BLOOMFIELD BLOOMING, Promise Well--Corn and . Tomatoes Being Planted. Bloomfield, May A fine rain on Saturday, following the warm weather of the past week, is making grain and grass grow . and spring crops promise well. Apple trees are in full bloom and corn and tomatoes are being planted. A large number of young men go to Kingston this week to enlist. Charles H. Saylor and wife, A. H. Saylor and wife and Mrs. A. Weeks were in Trenton one day last week attending an aunt's funeral. Mr. Hazard, representing the Bri- tish and Foreign Bible Society, spolte in the Methodist church on a recent Sunday. Edward Cannon and family have moved from Belleville to their for- mer home here. The flour mill has been without wheat for a month and supplies are exhausted. The remains of Mrs. Alfred, Coop~ er, of Rochester, N.Y., were brought here and interred in the Universalist cemetery. Robert Rabble has pur- chased a now car, J. M. Branscombe and wife and Caniff Haight and wife were in Toronto last week. Musicale at Verona, Verona, May 24.---On Friday af- ternoon, May 17th, Miss E. York gave a musical recital at her home. About twenty pupils took part. The prize winners were: Maydun Geddes, first; Cameron Craig, soeond: and 'Mildred Baudey and Lila Storm, equal for third prize. After award- ing of the prizes a dainty luncheon was served. | € rops 27g The death of Ernest Franklin Grant, occurred at the homo of his sister, Mrs. G. A. Burgess, Carleton Place, on Sunday. The deceased, born in Gananoque forty-five years 450, was a son of the late John Grant, Carleton. Place. He was a mason by trade and for many yoars was a con- tractor and builder. About two months ago he sustained an. attack of typhoid fever and complications re- sulted. Bold in thres de- % on receipt of price, LOTHING ON EASY et afe. reliable reaviating recs of oll druggists, or sent 7 i 2, OKT. (Fwvmery Winkur) N. Morris, 374 King St. taking parlors and the coroner noti- fied An inquest was opened and | adjourned for a month. | ae | LANSDOWNE NEWS BUDGET METHODIST CONGREGATION | HAVING TWO WEEKS' VACATION | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Latimer Move to Saskatchewan--Mr. Mis, Rogers, Kingston, Move to Lanse and downe, Lausdowne, May 29.--Dr. Camp- bell left on Saturday evening to at- tend a medical eotivention in Hamil ton. 'He is expected home to-day. Mrs. Campbell accompanied him. Mrs. Gordon, London, returned on Saturday from a visit in Syracuse, iN. . 1 Mrs. Robert Donevan, who been quite il, is better. Mrs. liam Cook, jr., who has been a pat ent in' Brockville for nearly nonths, returned home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Warren, Richfield, are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter on May 18th. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Earl and son, of Wel- land, 'were recent visitors of the for- ner's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Earl Dr. Bird, of Gananoque; took charge of Dr. Campbell's patients ducing the latter's absence. Mis. Robert Landin and son, of DBrock- ville, are visit Mrs, E. E. Louden, Fairfax. Mise Mayme Donevan. of Ottawa, spent several days with her mother, returning to her duties on Sunday. Miss Gertrude Hatfer, of Kings'on, spent Tuesday with her parents. 4 Rev. Me. Winter 48 attending aynod in Kingston. Miss. Cecelia Lynch, of Escott, spent Sunday In Kingston. Charles Quinn, of To- ronto, was a 'recent wisitor; also F S. Fredenburg. Miss Myrba Mui- vaugh, who 'has been quite ill, is better. Miss Edna Stevens is suf- fering with measles. * Miss Marjorie Leacock is visiting Miss Ama Latimer, Kingston. Rev. Dr. Cooper left cn Monday to attend conference in Ottawa. Mrs Cooper and Misp Mand Cooper will join him on Thursday and will make a. visit in Kasabasa, Que., before they re- turn. There will ba no services in the Methodist church for two Sundays. Miss Liszbie Ferris returned on Sun- day from Kingston, where she spent several days with her brother, whe is a patient at the Mowat Hespital. Miss Carmen McNeill, Escott, spent the holidays with Mrs, Delbert Hunt, Kingston, returning on Sun- day. 'Mrs. Bolger, Kingston, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. P. Lap- pan. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Kings- ton, have moved to Lansdowne. Robert McCullough spent several days In Kingston recently, the guest of Mr. Thomas Campbell, Princess street. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Latimer and daughter, left on Monday evening for their new Nome in Saskatche- wan. Harry Latimer of Kingston, who has been helping/ Frank Lati- mer on the farm, returned to his home on Tuesday, suffering from. a severe attack of bronchitis. Firman Cross has been ill of pleursy, is able to be around again. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred McConnell on May 18th, 4 son. Miss H. Greene is visiting her nice, Mies Winnie Steacy, Warbur- ton. Miss Irene Haffie of Ogdens- burg, N.¥., spent a couple of days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. BE. Haffie. Mrs. Frnest Summers and Mrs. Harry Summers of Elgin, are guests of [their parents, Mr. {and Mrs, 8. H. De Wolfe. Mr. 8. B. John- has Wil- fu ston motored to Seeley's Bay recent- lv to see hor daughter, Mrs, William MéPherson. : The Solliers' Relief Society mat on Thursday fast at the home of Mrs, Hannal: Foley Lilley. The members motored out. Mrs, Martha has ro: turned to her home in the village, CE lowing special speakers at the ses- sions of synod: | Rev. Mr. Carlisle, Canon Gould, Rev. Mr. Taylor, Rev. Mr. Coleman, | Rev. Mr. Hiltz and Mr. Tackaberry, and also to the members of the A | Y. P. A, of St. James' church for the excellent supper provided for the missionary gathering on Wedneaday night. : Thef bishop appointed Dean Starr as a representative on the univer- sity council. { The synod finally adjourned at {1.15 p.m., after singing the doxology. {lif | The executive committee was call- |} three o'clock Thurs- to deal with sorhe Starr, Archdeacon Beamish, Canon Bedford-Jones, Archdeacon Dobbs, 'Canon Wood- | cock, Canon FitzGerald. Substitutes, Rev. J. H. H. Coleman, Rev. J. W, Jones, Canon Potter, Rural Dean Swayne, Canon Armstrong, Rev. F. L. Barber. Lay delegates for General Synod Judge Reynolds, /. B. Carroll, K.C.; J. R. Dargavel, : FP Miller, R. J. Carson, John Substitutes, Francis King, Dr. R. | Preston, G. F. Ruttan, K.C.; H. F. Ketcheson, B. 8.-O'Laughlin, Judge Reynolds. Clerical Rev. F. G ford Jones, Dean Starr, Canon Arm- strong, Canon Woodcock, Canon FitzGerald, Rural Dean Code, Rulal Dean Crisp, Canon Patian, Rev, J. H. H. Coleman. Clerical members of executive ap- pointed by the bishdp---Rural Dean Spencer, Swayne and Harris, Reévs. J. de P. Wright, Rev. John Lyons. Lay members of executive com- mittee--Judige Reynolds, "John El- Synod--Dean of members of executive-- ed to meet at Kirkpatrick, Canon Bed- [day afternoon jurgent matters. TIT néw church, David Smythe, was reported last week 1S having been "killed in action' on May 10th, was very highly death is deeply lamented by all wha knew 76th Battery in 1916. FIRE INSURANCE hesu "tick, Soya Insuran ce Bldg. PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Terente W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. snr. Clement B, Stevens, formerly Arnprior, nephew of ¢x-mayor The deceased young man esteemed and his him. He enlisted with the Try Us tor Anything in the Electrical Line Halliday Electric Co. lott, Dr. Preston, iW. B. Carroll, R. G.. Wright, G. P. Ruttan, F. F. Miller, J. R." Dargarvel, 8 0O- Loughlin, J. H. Dawson. "Appointed by the bishop--W. B. Dalton, H. F. Ketgheson, ¥. Welch, T. B. Wallace, B. Lancaster. Representatives in Trinity College --~Canon Bedford-Jones, Rev. F. GQ. Kirkpatrick, the chancellor and W, .B. Carroll. Social Service Committee--Prof, H. Michell, Rev, Thomas Leech, F. I, Miller, Archdeacon Dobbs. Pt ---- eet The Late Mrs, Mary Clark. Mrs. Mary Clark, one of the oldest and most respected citizens, having {lived in this city for about seventy { years, passed away on Tuesday even- ing. She was a faithful member of St. Mary's Cathedral, of gentle, kind- {ly disposition whom to know was to love. Those who survive are Peter | Clark, of this city; Mrs, M. Killeen, | Rochester, N.¥.; Michael Horan, De- |troit; twenty-two grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren.. At the Sunday School Commission--Can- {funeral on Friday the bearers are to on Bedford-Jones, Rural Dean ;be members of her own family, B. Hott, The Late Mrs. James Daley. 5 to put in a nice hardwood floor. ke you can vely on. Allan's Lumber Yard Phone 1042. Yard: Victoria Street; Branch Yard: Place d' Armes. Now is the time Seaman Kent Co.'s ma Swayne, Judge Reynolds, John Ww Board of General Missions--Arch- The remains of the lite Mrs. James dercon Dobbs, Dean Starr, the chan-| Daley, who died in Ottawa on Tues. cellor and F. FP. Miller. day, arrived here Thursday after- - noon, and the funeral took lace from See House Committee. the G.T.R. station to St. Mary's ca- Canon Woodcock moved that al thodral, where a solemn libera was | special see house committee be ap-| chanted by Rev. Father Hanley for|f pointed to act with Bishop' Bidwell | the repose of her soul, after which in making repairs or improvements the funeral proceeded to St, Mary's as may be found necessary from! cemetery, where interment took | time to time, and that the expemse place in the family plot. There was of the same be paid by the treasurer | a large number of friends and lead}! and charged to the assessment fund. | ing citizens at the funeral, The motion, which named R. J. | The laté Mrs, Daley is survived by Carson, Francis King and P. D, Ly-| her daughters, Mrs. John _Prinde- man as members of the special com- | ville, OWawa; Misses Lena and Anna, mittee, was adopted, {of Ottawa; Mrs, Edward Doyle, Bd- In regard to an item of $498.58 monton, and three sons, Stanley and standing In the name of St. John's Thomas, of Ottawa; James, Chicago; church, Belleville, the executive ask- and three sisters, Mrs. Thomas Daley, ed that the amount be transferred to Cape Vincent; Miss Mary Collins, of the capital mission fund. Synoq Brockville, and Miss, Sarah Collins, vated no action until the next meet Belleville, Thomas Collins, G.T.R. of synod. | engineer, of Belleville, is a brother Five. of, Michell had a notice of 0f the deceased. motion, advocating the holding of the' The floral and spiritual offerings general synod sessions this year, not- Were numerous and were a fitting re- withstanding the resolution of the cognition of the fond remembrance executive committee advocating the 'and respect held for one who had en- pSstionement of the general synod. deared herself while a resident of Ot+ Bishop Bidwell announced that it!tawa and Kingston, had been decided to hold a meeting of the general synod this year in To- ronto. Bishop 1, appointed Rev. B. F. Byers, of Stirling, as his honorary chaplain, in Tae place of Rev. Dr. Blagrave, who recently took a charze in Toronto. The Bishop also appointed Rev. C. A, French as rural dean of Gren- ville, vice Rev. G. Code, appointed to Athens, Late Miss Dorothy Waterhouse. A very sad death occurred early on Thursday, when Miss Dorothy Was terhouse, Barrie street, passed away, The deceased was seventeen years of age, and had been ill sincellast Sep- tember. Previous to her illness she was a student at the Collegiate Int stitute, - where she had a host of friends, who will grieve at her early death. "The late young lady was of a bright and happy disposition, and throughout her a and trying ill- ness never a murmur of complaint was heard, The late Miss Waterhouse is sur- vived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs G. H. Waterhouse, one sister, Miss Muriel, at Wome, and one brather, every effort im every direviion for | Flight Lieut. Kirby, inthe Royal the suceessiul carrying om 'of the { Naval Air Service in England, war. The synod, moreover, assures |. - the Government of its that Gad may bless eioh effort. pat toe. ward in Capads and throughout the Enipire, and by atl the Allied friends Support the Governmest. With the singing of the National Anthem, the synod passed a resolu- Hon presented by Canon FiisGerald, and second by R. J. Carson. The myciion was to the effect that the synod "assures our Government of its hearty «10 support it in A pretty wedding took place Wed. nesday at St. Michael's cathedral, Toronto, when Rev, Father T ayling united in marriage Robert J. Weli- i bridge, Toronto, and Mary C. Bisson- A. E. Rigacl, Fuster Harbor, i, dead, aged seventy-one. He suffer ly way, oar anty {rea g al ; ren 8 One daughter is o nurs: ton the boarding house of 'en was burned on May i. 1t being a holiday most of. the ors ae hows. and they their ngs. John McQuarrie, Alm | Monday a i the ripe old age © The deceasnd lady ren 'by her Busband by Carision " Place. Curling Club ace Carling Clu rvs in VE Bonds, will Wedgewood Royal Worcester Aynsley Royal Doulton R. J. RODGER 132 Princess St. Jeweler, New Designs in Famous China Suitable for the June Bride. "Sra Moy OU may be able to buy | a piano which, when new, looks and sounds nearly as good as a pinfzman & Gn. Art Hiann Grand or Hpright But--a piano is an instru- ment which should give : poiet askistastion 'for a its tone and appearance to last for only a ew years.

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