Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jun 1918, p. 3

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PAGE THREE os : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1918. ---- . le -. water cass JOCKS GAME T0 acco is soe TOID In JIE he Twilight ; sessnssssssussnssssasesnsssssnnunEns ENE nsnEnENEN SAVE RESERVES ~~ Eos : --~ faa T0-NIGHT AT STEACY'S London, June I.--Much indigna-|sessetittdssttttsdstsssssss Se -- ' { tion is expressed by certain newspa- " i eakAd | pers and a section of the public that (Notice--Hereartor, the Whig, in il | Must Avoid Diverting Them to Ong SC6I0 | the british Governmens weeded. to] common with other papers ail over i { Others | the request of the Cardinal of Co-| Canada, will make a charge of 50c | a Expense ¢ A 5 | logne, transmitted by the Pope, pro-| for inserting an engagement, mar y i -- | i 1 on German cities not in th inity It would be hard indeed to ade- -- a » Simple, Effective, FOLLOWING THIS STRATEGY! the battle front during viciaity quately describe the scene which the rr Ec 5 v | the fe + Chri Ie ral Military College gymnasium y onomical i the feast of Corpus 'Christi. Dafly | Royal r ' ; * Hl |. SENEL . SR » Express, recalling that German shells presented on Thursday evening when STORE OPEN UNTIL 10 0 CLOCK i Will keep eggs fresh WiLL, GIVE PRE ALLIES ULTIM-| were flung into Paris on Good Fri-|ihe Cotman dius, stad a seatle nd i h f ATE NUMERICAL SUPERIORITY.| day, wounding 165 persons worship-| men cadets were hosts at a most er --CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY. and in the best o mar ping in a church, and that on Whit-|Joyable dance. The guests were wel- condition for one [jj (Gen. Maurice Looks For Further De-| sunday night German aviators Bomb. | comed by Colonel and Mrs. Perreau, sa --_----_w | sglopments Iino Enemy's Plans As| ©d London, killing and wounding armful of crimson and white roses, Hun has gent out murder expeditions | the gift of the cadets, London, June 1.--The special cor-| and has scattered ruin and dealt in| The decorations were well thought st 8 have had the cool effrontery to ask |®eroplane which hung in the cen- Popular Drug Store. it | mediate result of the battle hinges. the Pope to obtain from id Britisn| tre of the Eymbasinm, and slic a 50. Branch 2018 Wl ir they can be brought up in suffi- Government a whole day's immunity | Most realistic tank which was sta- IOV 4 fragrant cedar houghs, fori aie] : Government should have consented |P2ng With ® up before it has any more serious io the request, Corpus Christi pro-| With here and therg @ Shaded light, effect than the loss of a substantial | cessions will be held with perfect which gave a most artistic effect. The i i sired, with those of the French men ana|P® desire . "Fhe problem of the re. crves isl w 3 § shi Te n After the fourteenth dance supper ¢ women, killed by his shell while they was sorved in the mess room, where . outer face of a vast salient whic provent the German armies at the 3 : from Arras to Reis Tory. i Jrom kitine Englishmen, Scatelimen, a the large number of 4 Avie simen, Frenchmen guests were many from out of town, LJ - » Probs: Sunday, thunder storms, cooler by night. mising that so far as it was concerned | r1age or reception announcement.) WOMEN'S SILK STOCKINGS 196 pair black and white silk hose, with deep garter welt, double toe and high garter welt, double toe and high spliced heel of lisle. Perfect fitting and excellent wearing stockings; worth 75¢ a pair. Tonight 59¢ WOMEN'S COLORED SILK HOSE 300 pair of our famous "Radium" silk hose, in colors black, white, clay, sand, tan, putty, grey, suede, gold, bisque and navy, in all sizes. Tonight, 85¢ a pair "It is ofi the reserves that the im- | pidity the advance should be YY Yr YA communication. | 240 pair Crown Brand fine imported silk hose -- they fit like a glove -- to be had in colors black, white, pearl, smoke, French grey, tan, nigger brown, sand, beige, Russian and navy. Tonight $1.00 pair the latter wearing a handsome gown ear. . i a won| 228, 88YS: "Sunday after Sunday, | of black lace, and carrying a huge y 20 CENTS f Pow Of His Reserves Have Been | joliday after holiday, the ruthless 5 i Sed. i ) ; : i a 8 it t and cleverly arranged. More respondent of the Daily News writes: | Peaceful Allied towns and cities. To- | oY ; ; 3 day, Corpus Christ], the Germans|Particularly might be mentioned the : i +3 : t one end of the hall. The cient number and with sufficient ra-] from raids for Rhine cities. But it is tioned 3 held much more amazing that the British | Walls of the sitting but rooms were p 2 : heh : : y . ¥ Keeley Jr M.0.D 0 streteh of territory and at least one safety in Cologne and Dusseldorf. Spacious loos Jom 18 perfect Sout). oy aX eV's 3 lextremely valuable line of lateral] The German will smile as he thinks ' at o . of his favored position as compared buckle's orchestra was all that could b far from simple] On the allied side| were saying their pray HOC b ying prayers on Good p " a mtots bles re bright and prett troops have to be moved round the| Friday, Corpus Christi Day will not ne Ee of ring flowers ana] most in a semi-circle, and the en:| and Americans. If the German Gov- p i = . emy, secing through the eyes of hig| ernment desired the day to be pro- Dean Starr, Wellington street. en- aviators most of whit goes be-| Perly observed they would have ask- aff » dele. Ss r b ' . 068 on be-| © % ans J tertained the delegates, who were in are many) who dread the hind the allied' lines, tan: visy" iis ed for a truce at the front as well asl, oo for the syhod at luncheon at the t ordeal of an eye examin- ae : on the Rhine. The whole thing goes Frontenac club Wednesday and b ation are agreeably aston- moves perhaps three times as quickly | to the heart of the whole reprisal a eR. om Deka : . as his opponent, question. The moment we hit the . & » ished to find that, as made "General Fach's strategy must| ePeMy hard we give him Immunit. Those people (and they Children's white summer Hose In fine ribbed cotton and lisle, priced from 35¢ to 55¢. Infants' Socks In black, white and colors: priced at 25¢ and 30c pair. discomfort, or inconven- sible an y sale oa 3 Ta. og . day afternoon, fence. EE wholesale RIL on his re Gore allowed itself to be 'spoofed' by | My. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle, JMiss 2 Must avoid at all costs) German slimness, | Lassie and Master Gordon Nickle, | Bar street, moved out to-day to their summer home, "The Shieling.' Miss Dorothy Davies, Miss Jessie Well and Strong Massey, and Miss Lilian Wright, who anderin.ohist" os alotal that | were in town for 'the dance at the Dr ugs, mander-in-chief can maintain 18%} you Can Improve Your Physical Con. | Royal Military College, have returi- strategy at no higher cost than the dition by Keeping the Blood led to Toronto, loss of territory that is not vital, Pure. | Miss Eleanor Fisken, who has been the 'ultimate numerical superiority People with strong constitutions |the guest of Mrs. K. L. Jones, King escape most of the minor ills that |Street, returned to Toronto to-day. Keele Jr M 0 D 0 Sf the allies fs a certain guaranten of make life miserable for others. Don't| Mr. and Mrs. L.'W. Murphy, Syden- y " eVelFe We victory, You envy the friend who does not| 8m street, have returned from know what a headache is, whose di-| Montreal, where they spent a few General Maurice's View, gestion is perfect, and who sleeps | 48YS. Goneral Maurjee points out in the [soundly at night? How far do you) Mrs; Moore, Teronto, is the guest Chronicle that Germany's initial on-{gome from this description? Have | of her sister, Mrs, R. V, Rogers, Bar- slanght Monday did not necessitato|you 'ever made an earnest effort to |'1® street. ; Sotver ot drain on Germany's ro-|strengthen your constitution, to. Miss Ruth Anglin, Barl street, is serves available between Rheims and|huiid up your system, to ward oft |1°aving on Tuesday for Toronto, the sea., It employed only about six- discomfort and disease? Uflless you! Where she will visit Mrs. B. Chown. teen divisions out of perhaps sev- have an organic disease it is gener- Miss Fannie Owen, who was if enty, ally possible to so improve your phy. | town for the R-M.C. dance, returned "'Therofore, even if the enemy has sical condition th rfee Ba i to Ottawa on Friday, Watch For Our Week reinforced since the beginning of the : I eel Bealth] nt as WT Simpson mo- will be yours. The first thing to hb y End Specials battle, it is doubtful whether more done is to build up your NE as | tored from Napanee on Thursday to than one-third of his total battle poor blood is the source of physical | 58€ their son, who fs at Queen's Mili- resorve 'has yet been drawh into the weakness. To build up the blood | ary: Hospital, fighting, and we must look for fur-lps williams: Pink Pill . Cani Arn C--O l By 4 y oh ; 3 s is just the n $ o ther -developments," he says, medicine you need. Every dose Mrs, Bolston Cagr-parris and. her t of IM P. IC. St Ny i lo helps to make. new blood whe | youn son will spend the summer at oh pins Mrs. FP. JC. Stew NN yy rd RT > # : 3 hs Y r ; : REVISE FOOD ORDERS, reaches every nerve and every part|}¢fAWawa while Major Carr-Harris "Miss [Agnes Richardson was in i : is in camp, . > f 3 v, ro Sosa OR " J.D, MeGregor Says New Ovder Sf She bods aging a Rev. J. Conley Dixon, rector of fawn trom pateereajm for a few EVERYTHING TO Awaiting Signature, Hendin, AR ood | Amherst Island, and Rev. J, H. H.|days weok. ; steadiness to the hands, {ov ; are the ] A ardso Winnipeg, June 1.--A complete re- APES a iendia tees a and fe ode, rector of Napanee, were the 5 as aul Hrs. 3 og iohay - FRESHEN AND vision of the regulations governing|ggpas throughout the country whose |8U05t8 of Dean Starr while fn town, | ave taken (Mrs. E. IT. Steacy"s cot- LADIES' UNDERWEAR 600 fine cotton lisle vests in the sleeveless style; worth 20¢ each. Tonight 15¢ this diversion to one sector at the I ME expense of others, where the enemy Making Yourself is still in sufficient strength to strike a decisive blow. If the allied Com- Vay And We Use No hh 300 Swiss Knit short sleeve and no sleeve vests. Special value. Tonight 20¢ Also a complete range of "cumfy cut," hygiene and imported cotton, lisle, porous-knit and silk vests, drawers, and combinations at 226 Princess Street prices that will make instant appeal. i i Attack 4 Some of the senior cadets were y Us, it causes no pain, consist of 'postponing as long as pos- from atta k. The nation will marvel hosts at a delightful picnic 'on Fri- 2 : that the British Government once Phiiudariniaiaiaahitabak I or tr i A A er tg Sig A On Sale for Cash Only on Fri- day and Saturday - Glassco's Pure Scotch Jams, Plum and Black Currant. 80c Large Can. J.R.B. Gage, Montreal St. Phone 549 public eating houses of the Dominion has been made, according to J. D. MeGregor, western representative of the Canada Food Board, who, with his chief of staff, A. (E. Philp, return- od from Ottawa to-day. Mr. McGre- BOY "was not prepared to give out what the ehanges are until the revis ed copy has been signed by the Gov- ern-General. Hmmm condition once made them despair, | Mrs. Herbert McKeon and Miss . Alice McKeon, who have been visiting owe their present good health to this Mrs. E. T.' Steacy, King street, left medicine. If you are one of the weak on Friday for thelr Pri Hi. Mont- and ailing give Dr. Williams' Pink real Pills a fair trial and note the daily Y. 3 gain in new health and abounding Capt. Frank Meonsy lott this Week Jtality A hos %0 kh | for Petawawa, and Mrs. Mooney will yita ty. mong those who have spend the spmmer in Gananoque, proved the truth of these statements H. B. Taylor Montreal, is the is Mrs. Gred Goslin, R. R. No. 2, guest of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Tay- Ruthven, Ont., who says: "A few lor, Johnson street, years ago I underwent an operation Mr. and Mrs. Dalrymple and the for a fibroid tumor. I had been ail- Misses Dalrymple brought A party of ing so long that 1 did not gain as thol. un eopl > Montres doctors said I should. I was in such os bpape 3 from Jontreal fe tage on Wolfe sland for the sum- mer months. "= ou, i Major and Mrs. R. Crocker an family, wiho have heen spending the winter in (Kingston, lleft on Tuesday for Newicastle, N./B. Dr. and Mrs. Doward and Miss Doward are expected in town short- ly to spend the summer and wil ocoupy Major and Mrs. HamdMon's house, 21 Sydenham street. Miss, Harriet Lawrence left on Friday ito spend the holiday in Ot- tawa. } | Mies Mollie and Miss Nan Saund- yy BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME Attractive designs in plano and reading Mmp. oe havo a full range o ors, brown, blue, old rose, pink, and gold. % com. plete stock just arrived from ome of New York's leading decorating Floor coverings of all ete, at less than tions, Rugs, linoleums, oilcloths, wholesale cost . a rundown condition that they said! it would take me a very long time Thursday evening. ors, Alice street, are spending the to. recover. But instead of gaining Miss Betty Hodgins, Miss Maude Week=ond in Namice lie {guests of I was growing weaker, and the doc- Macpherson, Miss Julia Parker, Ot- their aunt, i: Fo ey. tora 1 must go back to the hos-| awa; Mise desie Mackie: an Mic pital. 1 did not want to do this, and | poy favies, Toronto; Miss Rjta Mae- a Eilat is the Zuait of her baving often heard of Dr. Williams kenzie, the Misses Cain and Miss an Tholida yy Pink Pills as a strength builder, I MacIntosh, Montreal, were out-of- Se ay. Silene. deh bos decided to try them. I was greatly town guests at the R/M.C. ball and Bosh he of Major a -- surprised at the help I received from were at the Belvidere while in town. he : Seuest: Ring ators ols . them. In three months I was able to Robert Rayson, M.A. University Friduy tor Tort ' go about, and our home doctor ex- avenue, left on Wednesday to take a My ate od Miss ' Bdith pressed his astonishment, as he had charge, north of Ottawa. Wat Wi Spent a Sow ave in not expected me to recover, believ- Prof, and Mrs. E. A, Stone and my i EE te > Toron ing pernicious anaemia had set in. Randal Stonc. Union street west, Leo on Friday ' 7 I It took me about a year to recover m¥| ara leaving the first of the week forl" nant W. Kent Macnee was in full strength, but ever since I have Ottawa, own Tor the EAL.0. Ba on Fe. poen doing my own housework, and| iss Mildred Seliory. who has been a hr A have to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills visiting her sister, Ms, Charles Tay- y ee = A. TYO Agent H . ' the praise for my present state of lor, Johnson street, is leaving on Mrs, Spenger, Camden East, spent - 473 Princess Street. good health, Tuesday for Bowmanville, the past few days with friends in = = h 1 h h SS a sind ed AR | Ns CH Beto, Et, 0 re Wi hd Jala 2 ig 3 Dox of or axes Miss . 'Harriet Gardiner and her Montgomery, Ashton, guests of Mrs. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont Bost: elias Bernice Skelton, Mont-{Jamies = Aftken the past few weeks, Dns ' . real, returned on Friday to Havergal have returned to Kingston, Collage, Toronto. : Di. and 'Mrs. Erpest MacCallum, ENEMY SUBMARINES Miss Edith Morrison, who has been | Harrie street, have returned from a visiting her dister, Mrs. E. A. Stone, | ten days' motor trip through West IN SOUTHERN WATERS is leaving early in the week for To- ern Ontario, ------ : ronto, 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seaton and They Are d to Be Lurk- son, Mbonms, Arch street, are visit: ing Off the American Coast. WW Ny ALE AND PORTER 'A pleasant smile with every glass. Ring Phone 645 for a case. and dpholstering Repairing promptly done, Ry Vietrolas and Victor Records and White Sewing Machines T. F. HARRISON CO., LTD dhddhdhiddiidddrdhdddrdriny y 4 ad WY A Mr. and Mrs. Gorton Berming-{ ing Mrs. Seaton's sisters in Water ham, Barrie street, are expected to town, N.Y. : raturh fo Kingston ston Calltornia ee. Ww ; : : w the next few days, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Glen, Ord- ! : : An Atlantic Port, June 1.--Recent| 'Migs Plorence _Eiliott, Barrie] nary street, announce the engage- o Hh that com ere his footwear not Bars Bos MARINE 1 Southern Waters street, wont ta Toronto on Friday to ment of their youngest daughter, Any man comes h for ; 2 sg i vet the hol Edith E., to W. Norman Davy. old- only saves money, but secures comfort and wear, oft the American coast were given ¥, Schuyler, of New York| est son of William R Dave. Nelson : , tah support yesterday with the arrival|yng Who Wont ta Fraowt] car.on of Willis ot ere iar eal See our rubber soled boots in black and tan for i ; oronto, street; the here af a Brasilian steamship. The | with dfise An 0 Road Of | Herter hry Tying : sald th Sat "10F 2 : ft whan, i chip a Charing the | nai Pope hat hb] | (Ooatimed on Fuge 10). ($7.00. They are leaders. Wireless warning Lx rigrida coast. a | charge of Paris Depot, 16 Boutevard| un Bomoved « aa y ge oO or 6 1] % 4 - Ly # iltshire Bacon, sliced . . 48¢ Ib. WAtines Was recatven at, ob i reo i t Pickled Side Bacon, in cut . . 35¢ Ib. Sipiain immediately changed bir ckled Back Bacon, in cut . 42¢ Jb. : \ E: aa coh. vio 32¢ 1b. Judging from what { have heard, 1 should say 1 was on a clothes-line."

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