ia PAGE TWELVE LL THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1918, -- [ In The World Of Spor NTIER EASLY ANOTHER PHENOM (PROS. AND AMATEURS BEAT THE AMERICAN), = th Orifpled MAY PLAY LACROSSE ® Throwing Arm. ' . x . tchin ' A Great Crowd Watched 8ol=| 11 sase in the Winnipeg city Am-| The Ontario Association Is In e ou "diers In Exhibition Bout ateur Baseball League of a Dditcher Favor of the Factions in France. owith a crippled arm, has a parallel in Mingling. local baseball circles. Manager Daw- : h 3 es Carpentier, the|Son. of the Ottawa East Baseball hose in charge of the O.ALA. y the Big 1% That Georges Pp Club, of the Interprovincial League, | yiq year are in re of having the » *h heavyweight, has not lost his} 8 pyiuets + Frans ' lays claim to the original "'phenonm™ |, otassionals: and amateurs play to | CARPE "hing or boxing skill as a result A of his three years' service in the army [Of amateur baseball in First Baseman |potner in the senior series with the Or are you let- Roger Smith. This player. a return. S000, 1 [06 Sonor series with the A | onclusively demonstrated re- ¥ : cortly at the expense of an American |d veterdn of the first Soniimgenty ak en over to patriotic purposes. Just ting the other fel- boxer who took ring liberties with [though badly wounded in fie Tight iwhat will come of the idea remains to A the French pugilist. It was Sergt. [2% $ considered the best first base-}p, seep, but the Q.A.L.A. executive lows have them Ray William of the American army fan that amateur baseball has he | Placed themselves on record when all? who tried to rough it with Carpentier | for Some years, and, although heline. assed a resolution that for the ; a : .| throws with his crippled arm, it is a g in the first round of a boxing exhibi matter of record: that. no advances duration of the war professionals and at St, Aignan, Loire-et-Cher. As amateurs be allowed to play together na t William was knocked out in{have been made against him by 0D-fi, the senior series, with the proceeds : a resul X ' posing players. While a member of | tor patriotic . We have the [fie ont muni uns ie momar orf pores Razer, Mate member 515 gp Tor" wiite pac. Th a tan ow, fo at right swing to the chin will lin- I Tackle, stee 1 Tat Et Silliam's memory for|!and, during his convalescence, heli, to-day and the matter will be left twenty-one foremen and Inspectors are was unable to use his right arm toe," poi consideration. If they are held responsible for perfect stemming of |) \ rods, reels, lines, years to come, any great extemt, resulting in his 3 ! . crowd of more than 10,000 wit: ' x agreeable to this latest war measure s hooks bait of all dod the athletic sports at St. Alg- developing his left to such an extent fqyo oA 7 A will willingly look after : Periect Sumatra WrppiSes, perfect maturing ' that 'he can now use it with the same, gorails, but should the amateur of perfect Havana fillers, perfect shape, 1 nan. Gen, Cottez of the French army : f kinds. presided, with Brig.-Generals Alex- dexterity, i body Frown on the suggestion and re. perfect weight and size, fect color, and er and Volruth of the American , OA use to give permission nothing w : a ange ti Alloy Arla LALONDE FOR COAST py an ey perfect maturing in the wood. I eer rn ee Infinite Care is the price of Perfection. or ® won the 100 yards in 0.12, the 220 9 : in 0.28, and Steel had broken the tape | I'rospects for Lacrosse in Fast Are dives As tins in 5.34, a four- . s As Base s a . e u mn ey Te a what was to have| Professional lacrosse in Montreal{ Though it is believed that the draft 8S. DAV1S o SONS. Limited, a £0 ' seems to be on a par with the game |ruling concerning men engaged in MONTREAL. » - boxing exhibition been a four-round boxing in Toronto. The National Union was [lines of endeavor which are regarded ' 1 » 3 was put on, with the Freneh champ to have held a meeting in Montreal, [8s unessential to the welfare of a Hi ion, Georges Carpentier and Sergt. $ : Ray William as the contestants, but the only ones who attended were {Nation at war will not be interpreted f y to include baseball ushers, it is cer- 3 . o the|"N pr 18860 'n, Cheered by his friends among the|"Newsy" Lalonde and Desse Brown tain that ushers employed at ball » - 4 A pleasant smile with every glass. [Ci le spectators, William started in with althe latter being the secretary of the rush that nearly took the French|league. Ottawa or the new Knights parks are not, included within the champion off his feet. He planted|of Columbus aggregations did not cope of the rule, and President 5 some heavy blows to the head andlsend any delegates, while Lalonde larry N. Hempstead i§ now making And fill yourself pe body, and Carpentier was surprised; |4iq4 not know whom he was repre- plans io engage young women to sup- he had expected a mere sparring ex- senting, but just called around to see pan i e male ushers at present. em. 1 h i -- / hibition. William had the better off ob or, piospects were. It is more] Fo od, at the . New ' York Polo up wit ozone, { . X the first round, and was loudly ap-[; = likely that "Newsy" will hike to grounds, Most of the male ushers J / iii | plauded as ho went to his corner. Pi addi join | the Harlem Stadium engaged in e coast one of these days to join {that work merely as a side issue to 3 // Sy as plain to all that Carpentier 3 and come home : i ae TALIA oa 4 tg out{Con Jones' Vancouver aggregation,|their regular employment as this lL > gO . He feinted Wil-{28 prospects are not bright in the|work occupies only two or three and fill yourself rc ie | Po asocond round, He feluteq wi. Jast. hours of their time in the afternoon. up with fish and (# oN fy oa) RJ in the stomach with his left, which me -------------- It is planned to recruit the "'usher- . ies AEN caused the American to lower his Cobb Too Heavy. ettes' from the ranks of those young you will be sav- ¥ 0 i Na / guard, and crossed his right to the| Perhaps Ty Cobb's failure to date [Women who are engaged in a similar - . chin, and . William /went down and {to "show" in upper batting circles [capacity by local amusement houses, ing meat and - 4 of out, The round had lasted 0.10. may be ascribed 'to the fact that the|AS B® majority of ticket-sellers and J other attendants at theatres are over * , RE After William came to, he shook |wonderful Detroiter is carrying a wheat and doing y J Rd hands with Carpentierand. sald: "Iyittle surplus weight. According Ad]ihe drait age, they Tl aah 01 course, your bit. Regis : got mine. ' I am satisfied." Later|s Chicago writer Cobb is growing Be he explained to a friend that he un- corpulent. His girth no longer is 32 Sr SRN Ring Phone 645 for a case. A. TYO, Agent, 473 Princess Street. HATER derstood now why they spelled itl poo Fig chest protrudes from an s y "ey "woe . 8, trange Wager On Boxing Bout. Heorgas. There are so many ofl, ndance of fat and his limbs fill One of the most pein wagers a . ® ; him," he said. . f S ecial Silk Line ee ~ hey asd tn doren years ago. he | by so: wit atm cmeyore e ' John Ross Robertson no longer dashes eagerly about the Jwoen Johnny Ertle and Pal Moore e, The Toronto Globe says: Sports-|{ball field as if he played the game which was won by for mere love of the sport. Rather |Moore on points at the end of fifteen - . ' } > 5 ¥ Expert st in 50c¢ poo. men throughout the Dominion of pa : ilk I e, at . as l. She's a Canada dot eh the death of John {lie assumes a laggard air as if con- rounds. E 3 * ) daisy; four different colors. Ross Robertson. = The noted publish- {serving his strength, His @évery| The bettor is a racetrack man at minen y uita e 3. -| Washington, D.C., and he wanted to er-sportsman-philanthropist was an {movement shrieks aloud that he him- |W , : E . self realizes the erstwhile super-|Wager $1,000 to $900 that Moore hd . ardent admirer and supporter of ama- F J Steel rods are double the price they were teur sport and the principlés for [Supple muscles will not respond as|Would win, but he insisted on a pro- or une Xl es 5 vision that in case of a knockout the which it stands. He gave lavishly |they did in youth. It was a distinct bet was off, In other words he want.' last year, but we have a few left at $2.50. Wah x hock--this looking at an athlete of : ; . € s time and his money for the |shoc 8 wating at an athlete of |; 14 pet that Er) . oas Gril and Boudoir You better get one quick. furtherance of clean, manly sperts|his worth now in the fading. Yet, Soint Moore baring ould nat wl Electric Iron, T ter, I, PIT hue ! , Lamps. Come in and examine them. - 1 and pastimes, and for the benefit of (he is going the way. of Lajoie, | noekout. 2 those who engaged in them. The Chance, the, mighty Hans Wagner, 1t merely bore out the argument | late Mr. Robertson was a particularly [Miller Brown, Christy - Mathewson | that Moore had no punch and simply ¢ keen admirer of hockey, cricket, row-|and a host of others who wore well [relied upon his footwork to keep. him ~ ing, racing and lacresse, but no ama- |but could not last forever. out of danger, admitting at the same ii i.' my 24 a 1 teur sport lacked his support. me that Kewple was dangerous at 1! 1 Ww Ly . ' 0 o ; $8 : 3 sw a K. o. wallop, The 4 AAG Tall 1] \ of The ntario. Hokey elation, Major Rasebalt Clubs Prosper. Washington man did not get any coin . . ' 4g" ! i SPORTING GOODS CO. pride. He was its father and he All of the major baseball clubs down on the conditions named. but p XN . made it recognized as one of the|ll the West are prospering in spite|there was plenty of betting outside of HONE of the war. Larger crowds than us-|that. 4! i NGSTON 4 | 88 : . most powerful and respected ama- ual are attendin os On & the games in Pitts- -- x Princess St. Kingston, t. teur sporting organizations in the burg and Cincinnati. Chicago fans| The endurance of the amateur cor 4" * »" world. [ts three. trophies, one for . are liberally patronizing the Cubs|net artists would bring him fame and The Home of the Brunswick gach of its series. were made to his] 20% [I CSLY_BALRSuIzing ho be ress ig him tame an y TR order of Canadian silver in England. Sox. In St. Louis the Browns and |r ---- Cricket and other trophies were do- Cardinals are Bttracting attention in nated by him, and busy a man as he spite. of the fact that they are not in was, he never failed to take a deep | in the first division. A sudden spurt ih : ¥ mrs fn 23 A and friendly interest in the sporting by either of thes g ARE AA) > &< y " ie teams will boom 3 yi oe A activities of Canadian young man- thelr alii figures. Detroit a Ne Ghz) 4 hood. and Cleveland have made money at ' He was elected President of the IRY Wa O. H. A. for the first time in 1899, [LOW 70 are drawing well on the \ "The National Smoke" 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. and held the office until 1905, when : Athletics are playing to profitable 4 he an Susceudnd by o L. Darroeh{..ouqs on theil own grounds, while : of Collingwood. r. Robertson still Sunday games IN Washington soon § | held office in the association, how- will get the money. The Giants, of §|ever, and in 1906 at the annual con- course, will receive plenty of sup- ile ] § | vention Mr. Robertson was elected |, 'at the Polo grounds, while the Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Clgar. § | (ho fst and only life member of the |pryyes," Robins and Phillies may do § | Association and of the executive.l) iio." t the turnstiles when they 1 From 1899 until he passed away he return from the western trip. Base- was chairman of the sub-committee, ball isn't dead yet. S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. Adhd TE TORT NTR Eel which handled the details of the busi- : g ness of the association for the com- . ~~ mittee, and in that capacity did in. Rudolph. Joins Boston. As good a cigar as can be made by valuable work for the good of the "Dick" Rudolph, formerly with fin s Ha game. Toronto, has at last come to terms hand from the est imported vana with the management of the Boston tobacco by expert workmen i» Nationals. At a conference with A man could learn a great many| Manager Stallings in New York Ru- things if he didn't imagine that he|dolpl, who has been a hold-out over . v . pong se already knew them, the salary question, agreed to rejoin Ree WOISINES ANDREW Wi voli 447 7 Some folks can't divide the dis-|the team. He will don the Braves' tinction between right and wrong. uniform at Brooklyn. ~ BRIGHAM YOUNG HAD NOTHING ON MUTT. i | gro | 2 SS-- - ET Ir I Ea : , . 2 {/ AH, ME very THING. Go iN ] | iB iE No, No! © DONT MIND TE ae Te ---------- PT ---- Boo THERE AND DICTATE Ac i y 3 SAH even arr \ (soot sees, [1 Seva Arocogy wm. AN Hour. wert, = | ll ome LeraT, neaTmicerT | OF ve F you ousity 1. | | © NT Jef, WIFE, MAKE A LEAN GUESS Ue Ans B surrosc we coro THe! | | | BE AsHamen ASHAMED!! a = BREAST OF EVERYTHING : arm a ness is us See WE Oe or oe IT'S TIME You QuiT SOWING; AND. SAY you've REFORMED, | i : "f WAS SOMEONE To Stew y ff cons hemnnble [OPTI § ABOUT (HAVING A LETTER WILD OATS AND wen THEN wens = MR HIM aL oT BR ™ rele ues Aik WRITTEN: WHO'D T WRITE ; BACK To i {1 sewn wr By / #8 : HIM HE was ALL j Ee ramen Ww £0 tear (See) Jerr, vu WRONG. HIS HEART'S : peilveny/. 4 NEVER M(x Re : oor ou