WATER GLASS Preserver Simple, Effective, Economical Will keep eggs fresh and in the best of condition for one year. 20 CENTS Best's Popular Drug Store. Phone 59, Branch 2018 Canadian Casualties. Wounded---Lieut. J. R. McDonald, Alexandria; M. J. Sutton, Brack- ville; Joseph Bond, [Hull, Que: George Smiter, Kingston, kin at Me- thuen, Mass. Rev, Francis French, senior Ro- mun Catholic chaplain at the front, and formerly of Hénfrew, las been awarded the D.S.0. Pt ion rr A AAR A CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 20 Years Always bears the Signature of con A CONFERENCE HELD IN DUBLIN Lord French's Recruiting Proclamation Does: Not Mean No Conscription. | LORD MAYOR OF DUBLIN TO GO TO U, 8. IF ATTEMPT TO CONSCRIPT RENEWED. Conference Condemned ment of Sinn Feiners Trial And Denounced Military Admjnistration. Imprison- Without the Trish Canadian Press Deghateh) { Dublin, June -A%warning Ifeland that Lord French's recruiting proclamation does not mean the withdrawal of conseription was made in a statement issued last night by an anti-eonscription conference after a four-hour at Mansion House.. The Lord Mayor of Dublin presided at the meeting and John Dillon, Joseph Devlin and other Na- tionalist dealers, as well sentatives of Labor and Fein were present The Lord Mayor of Dublin, it was announced, will proceed to phe Unis ted States when the Attempt to con- seript Is renewed. The imprison- ment of Sinn Feiners with trial is condemned and the Irish military administration denounced. The statement says nothing of the atti- tude of the conference towards re-| eruiting 7: to session as the réepre- Sinn THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1918. ALL PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS Where Food is Served ar Under Order. Unaer Jew regulations, "Put ic Eating Places" is defined asg cluding hotel, restaurant, cafeteria club, or club room, private family ping 'boarders, boarding dining car, steamship, or any ratsoever where meals or re- freshments are regularly. served or to others than members of the family or household of the proprie- Lor or coterer, In addition to public « ating places the regulations apply te all publie entertainments, lawn socials, and tea meetings, public luncheons, dinners and pienies, fairs and ex- hibitions, lodge, club and fraternal societies' meetings, und all such places of a like op similar character, They also apply to private and semi- private luncheons, dinners, parties and picnics, where food or refrestis ment is served to fifteen or more persons, other than members of the family or household of the proprie- tor, Teaderloins, spare-ribs as cut by packers, and sweet-breads, in addi tion to other parts of the Careass mentioned, are not included in the term "pork," for purposes of the regulations Sausages are also de- finitely ineluded in the list of excep- tions to the restrictions on beef and veal. A meal is defined as all the food a person consumes during any of thel periods for serving the same, as lim- ited by the regulations. The hours for morning and mid-day meals re- spectively are unchanged, but under the term "evening meal" is included any meal served between 5.90 p.m and 8.30 p.m., instead of between 6 pm. and 9 p.m. ; At the mid-day meal no sand whe h- This applies to ® Brought the house ol yok, es shall be served. railway lunch counters At the mid-day meal no bread ana bread rolls containing more than Seventy-five per cent. of standard wheat flour shall be used. and not Rev. Matthew Kelly, of Saskatch i ewan, as elected chairman of the Congregational Union. Sir Robert Borden and party have! arrived safely in England. | a in | | VY ~ b b sidered dh dh 2 4 A AA AA PNY YY ry reading lamps. range of colors, brown, sky, old rose, pink, and gold. plete stock just arvived from one of New York's leading decorating houses, tions. ete. today Promptly done, Victrolas and Victor T. F. HARRISON CO., LTD | = Phone 90. Ahaha did de { wv Vv lh od | | EVERYTHING TO FRESHEN AND BRIGHTEN YOUR | HOME { i ! i | Attractive designs in piano and | We have a full | blue, { A come { ' Floor coverings of all descrip. Rags, lingleums, ollcloths, at less than wholesale cost | Repairing ; and upholstoring i | i Records and White Sewing Machines : | <<! mr. AT DAVIES = ° | Specials for | eek End Oleomargarine (Majestic Brand), - cheaper than butter, pure and Finest (Whey) Butter (Stella Bran i i i d), 42¢ 36¢c Green Breakfast Bacon, sliced .. . . . "Sweet Pickled Shoulders .. .. .. .. 32¢ 0. Davies' Co,, Limited . Phone 597, id j trict have been tr dizzy spells, sometimes. so bad that even color, that more than a total of one ounce of standard wheat flour shall be served to any person, in all products, includ ing bread, buns, biscuits, pastry other like products. Kingston Men Return, SiNy-three returned soldiers, ar rived In the eity Thursday nfternoon, They are all casualties and reported at Queen's Military Hospital, All but two were able to proceed to their homes. The following Kingston men were in the party: Pie Craps, Corpl. Flannagan, Pte. Pratt, Pte. Wainwright, Sapper Benn, Pte. Din- nie, Pte. MeKeown, Pte, Ranger and Pte. Multerns, Sir Wilfrid Laurier leader of the Opposition, will visit Toronto on Mon- ay, PAINS FOLLOWED THE NERVES From the Feet to the Top of the Head--Conld Not Attend to Busi- ness For Five Months--Gaining Strength Hvery Day. w---- Bowmanville, ont., June 7.--A great number of people in this dis- Ying out Dr. Chase's Nerve Food with splendid results, and none are more enthusiastic than Mr. Allen. His nervous system had become so completely run down that he had to give up his usual occupation and he suffered keenly from neuralgic pains which would dart along the nerves, causing keen distress. re But he found a cure and does not hesitate to recommend it to others. This Is his letter, MATTRESSES SAVED " NURSES IN BOMBING {Wounded Canadian @iris Ar- uo «1 rive in London, But Wili Go Back to France. 7.~Four Canadian in the recent air hospitals in Geargina Long, of 1&8, Toronto, a cousin of Brigadie Stewart, of Medicine Hat, declared quietly to the Can- adiap Associafed Press that she. with other wounded nurses, desired to re- nurses, w raids London Joustead on N bazaars|turn to France, despite their terrify- ing experience, y Miss Long was formerly a .e¢hool teacher In her latest experience she saw a girl crouching under the next bed killed, while the roof fell upon herself. She was bespattered with shrapnel, which will canse her to walk on crutches for many days. Miss Wishart, of Winnipeg, and herself were room-mates, and took cover according to orders (being off duty), under their mattresses. "I did not at first know I was wounded," declared Miss Long. "I thought 1 was gassed. A pile of building ma- terial came down on the mattresses and I was nearly smothered but wrig- gled out with great effort. We had a meeting a month earlier, asking for tin hats to be sefved to the nurses, gs word had gone round that Han air- men dropped notes announcing their intention to bomb the hospitals. The authorities were considering the re- quest when the raid happened. "A second bomb came," said Miss Wishart, "when I had a few eplin- ers already from the first, I saw fhis bomb sizzling a few feet away and expected every moment it would burst into big flames. 1 don't know if it did, for I got away, helping at the same time to drag a patient who had shrapnel through the lung." CANADA'S ACHIEVEMENT IN BUILDING SHIPS This Country Is Producing One Quarter of the United Kingdom's Output. second London, Juné '7.-- The return of new auerchant ships completed in May," says the Times, "shows a great advance on the previous month, and this is mot the only proof of the energy now being thrown dnto shipbullding. The counts of new shipyards Lreated where three months ago there was | nothing but open fielus is another piece of evidence. [There has also béen a great deal of enterprise in the extension of existing yards. These achievements afford proof that the industrial energy of the country is not exhausted and has an abundant reserve foree. "Other items of news point to a general increase of activity in ship- building, mot only here, but in the United States and Canada, an acti- vity which will certainly be stimu- lated by ghe new German offensive off the American coast. "According to the chairman = of the Imperial Munitions Board. there is in Canada one-quarter of the total merchant tonnage produced by the United Kingdom in 1917, and four- fifths of it will be completed this year. 4 "That 1s the remarkable achieve- ment for a lountry in 'which ten years ago shipbuilding hardly exisi- od in embryo. AU this enterprise will bear fruit in due course, and be fore this time mext year the ship- ping position Iwill be totally differ ent from that of to-day." TO GUARD SHORES ac Mr. Samuel Allen, Coleman street, Bowmanville, Ont., writes: © © "Last summer I suffered from a Severe attack of nervousness. 1 was laid up, unable to attend to my business, for five months. I would bs taken with phins which commence ed in my feet, and ran right up to the top of my head. I had frequent I wonld fall over from dizziness. At last 1 commenced a treatment of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food and they proved of such benefit to nie that before long I was able to return to work. I ani still using the Nerve Food and gain. ing strength every day. I can heart- ily recommend them to anyone suffer- ing from nervons trouble of any kind." This letter is Lyle, J.P. DY. Chase's Nerve cents a box, a full 6 boxes for $2.75, at all dealers, or Bdmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, To- ronto. Do not be talked into accept- Ing a substitute. imitations only dis- appoint, DARKEN GRAY HAIR LOOK YOUNC, PRETTY and Sulphur Darkens So That Nobody Can Tell, ------ Halr that loses its color and lus- tre. or when it fades, turns gray, dull and lifelegs, is caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grand- mother made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to' keep her locks dark and beautiful, of women and men endorsed by Mr. John Food, 50 treatment of Sage. Tea Naturally who value that beautiful i of hair which is so attractive, ase only this old-time recipe. - Nowadays we mixture improved other ingredients by aski dark | ed get this famous! by the addition of | m Against Attacks From Alreraft and Subs---%16,000,000 Appropriation. Washington, June 7.--A $16,000,- 000 appropriation for establishing sixteen balloon and seaplane stations, thirteen ' of them on the Atlantic Coast, to guard the United States against submarines and air attucks, Was asked of Congress by the War Depirtment, A Field of Romance, There was a characteristic reason why be did not consider taking her to a restaurant, and 1 wish to give it, since it was characteristic, He bad made a study of foods and their prices--a study as careful as any that he made subsequently into the details of life and local color for his ro- mances of Elizabethan and medieval times, and he understood how grossly the restaurants overcharged. He knew, for example, that rolled oats, in bulk, cost him two and one-half cents a pound; that there were aix teacupfuls in a pound and that half a teacupful made .a portion for one meal, Cornmeal, at two cents a pound, gave only four cupfuls to the pound; oatmeal, at two and a half cents a pound, ran five cupfuls to the pound, and hominy, at five cents a (These, of course, were the prices of 1899.) He paid thirty cents a pound for toffee; there were ninety-six tea of tea, of 128 teaspoonfuls, He nad figured out that granulated sugar i i "iit pound, four cupfuls to the pound. [88 cost him one-eighth of a cent for a If and thousands| po! PAGE THREE ™ | i TProbs: Saturday, fine, moderate winds, warmer NEE EEN ENTE A RN NEE HEBER wm SATURDAY We will hav make this busy - e ready a number of splendid bargains that should shopping centre hum with activity all day tomor- row! New Silk Suits | Reduced Specially for Saturday's Selling. 28 New York Satin, Gros de Londres and Taffeta Silk Suits in black, navy, sand and novelty combination effects, to be sold as follows: : Regular $37.50 to $49.50. Sale Price $29.9 5 Regular $27.50 to $35.00, : Sale Price $23.95 ! All marked in plain figures. No approba- tion, ; NEW WASH SKIRTS The greatest and most fastidi- ¥ o k "BILLIE BURKE" Garden and House Dresses of , Individuality ! "® We have the exclusive right in Kingston of the famous "Billy Burke" dresses -- guaranteed ous showing of new wash skirts awaits your inspection here to- morrow -- in plain white, tailor- ed and sport styles -- also man stunning models in white ih colored stripes and novelty Ha- waiian designs. Specially priced from $1.19 '. on up. full sized in a broad variety of the newest and smartest materi- als -- these dresses are specially adaptable as a house-dréss of the better sort and for gardening and camping wear. Specially priced from $3.50 on up to $5.95. J , or --- § [Sweeping Clearance Sale £ | Untrimmed Millinery | 155 untrimmed colored straw shapes in milan, tagel, lisere and China straw, in black and colors -- a splendid variety of new shapes and colors to choose from. Regularly priced from $2.25 on up to $6.50 each. For a quick clean-up Saturday 98¢. See special window display. ; ; : F x Women's FOR WARM WEATHER WEAR Cotton Lisle Hose Fine Summer Vests Le A large and varied assortment 198 pair black and white fine of the finest cotton and silk cotton lisle stockings, all sizes, lisle vests in short sleeve and ER Soe trie, tric ut Colored Lisle Hose. { 20c336, 40c, 30c and 730 150 pair black and white fine lisle summer weight stock- ings, with re-enforced heel and toe, in all sizes. ibe Combinations : In short sleeve and no sleeve les. Priced at 50c, 60c, 75¢, $1.00 and $1, A complete showing of child- ren's vests and drawers; in all of the wanted sizes. i ~ from 10¢, on up to 35¢. sro ee Children's