THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, sary restraint. Théte wend be vio Captain Stephens wiped the moisture A lence, perhaps mutiny. frow his brow angrily, . - i The fear of the sickness was noth "My carelessness! Curse you-you 1 E Don't you realize that I Ing to Dextm nd Glenister, but of say it well! thieir mine thought with terror, } am erfminally Hable if I don't take ! ° ; | What would happen fa their absence, { every precaution?" He paused for & where conditions were as pnsettled as moment, considering. "I'll band hes 5 & In this new laud, where titles were held | over to the ship's doctor." - only by physical possession of the USep here, now," Glenister urged She Tool: FRUITA- TIVES instead, premises? During the loug winter of "We'll be in Nome in a week--before si ® their absence : had held their treas- the young lady would have time te By REX E. BEACH. ure inviclate, Lut With the warming show symptoms of 'he disegse, ever ---- -- summer the jewel they had fought for | it she were going to bave it-and » fo wearily would lie naked aad ex thousand to one she hasn't been ex- "= Copyright, 1005, by Rex E. Beach. «= posed to the first comer. The Midas posed and will never show a trace of lay in the valley of the richest creek, | it, Nobody knows she's aboard but we where men had schemed and fought | three. Nobody wilt see her get off. a and slain for the right to inches. It | She'll stay in this cabin, which will be ! Is the jaGy we brought aboard last {was the fruit of cheerless, barron years Just as effectual as though you Isolated ! | night--that's all." of toil, and if they could not guard it | her in any other part of the boat. It CHAPTER IL "Who gave you permission 7" : they knew the result. will avoid a panle--you'll save your HE awoke to the throb of the "Nobody. There wasn't time" he girl interrupted their distressing ship and your company--uobody will © engines and, gazing cautiously "There wasn't time, eh? Which one 'reflectious. be the wiser--then if the girl comes through her stateroom window, | 0f' You conceived the novel scheme of "Don't blame these men, sir" she | down with smalipox after she gets Saw a glassy, level sea, with | Stowing away ladies io your cabin? begged the captiin. =f am the only | ashore she can £0 to the pesthouse und the sun brightly agleam on it. Whose is she? Quick! Answer me." one at fault. Ob, I had to get away! | not jeopardize the health of ail the Bo this was Bering? She ha clothed | Indignation was vibrant In his voice. I have papers here that must be deliv. people aboard this ship. You go up It always with the mystery of her "Oh!" the girl cried, her eyes widen- feied quickly Bbe laid a hand upon | forrad to your bridge, sir, and forget a ih : school days, thinking of It as a weep- | lug darkly. She Stood slim and pale [her bosom. "They colldn't be trusted | that you stepped in to see old Bill MME. F. GAREAU Ing, fog bound stretch of gray waters. | and slightly trembling. to the unsettled mall service, It's al- | Dextry this morning. We'll take care 153 Papineau Ave., Montreal, Instead she saw a flat, sunlit main, His words had cut her bitterly, |mosat life and death. And I assure | of this matter all right It means us "For three years, I suffered great with occasional sea parrots flapping | though through it all he had SCrupu- [you there is no need of putting me in { mich to us as it does to you, We've o . their fat bodies out of the ship's course. | lously avoided addressing ber, quarantine. 1 haven't the smallpox. | got to be om Auvil creek before the pain in the lower part of my body bi 3 : : , with swelling or bi th i 3 1A glistening head popped up from the The captain turned to Glenister, who [I wasn't even exposed to it" ground thaws or we'll lose the Midas. | Swelling: oating, I saw a waters abreast, and she heard the cry | had entered and closed the door. "There's nothing else to do." satd | If you make a fuss you'll ruin us all" specialist, who carefully examined |of "Seal!" "Is this your work? Is she yours? Stephens. "I'll isolate you In the deck For some mowents they watched me and gave me several tonics to Dressing, the gir! noted minutely the "No," he answered Quietly, while |siwoking cabin. God Knows what these | him breathlessly as he frowned ia in- take, which did not help me, Then |personai articles seattered gabout the |Dextry chimed in: maduien on board will do when they | decision, then: he told me I must undergo an oper |cabin, striving to derive therefrom "Better hear detalls, captain, before bear about It, though. They're apt to "You'll have to Jdok out for the ation, This, I refused to permit, Some fresh hint of the characteristics | YOU make breaks like that. We helped {tear you to shreds. They're crazy! steward," he said, afd the girl sank to I heard about "Fruitu.tives and [Of the owners. First, there was an [the lady side step some sallors last Glenlster bad been thinking rapidly, | 8 stool while twe great tears rolled the wonderful results it was giving |°laborate copper backed tollet set, all | DIB. and we most got left doing it. § "If you do that. you'll have mutiny |d0wn ber cheeks, The captain's eyes because this medicine ds made from richly ornamented and leather bound. | It Was up to her to make a quick get- | on an hour. This Isn't the crowd to | softened, and his voice was gentle as ts : The metal was magnificently hand | #W2Y, 30 we helped her aboard" stand that sort of thing." be lald his hand on her head, Sra jui ¢5, 80 dweided to try it, marked and bore Glenister's initial, 1t "A poor story! What was she run- "Bal! Let 'em try it. Pll put 'em "Don't feel burt over what I said, PT The first box gave great relief ; and ke el rot a 8 'nitial, a | Ding away from?' He still addressed Jown," The officer's square jaws | miss. You see, appearances don't tell In order to have the cacao I continued the treatment, taking Spoke ar oo agshce alg the men, ignoring her completely till, licked. 2 much hereabouts--most of the pretty six boxes more. Now, my health is ria with hoarse voice, she broke in: {| "Maybe so: but what then? We |Oues are no good. They've fooled me d excellent ~~ I am free of pain and er aivipaent. 4 dia also 4 small "You mustn't talk about me that ~epeh Nome and the health inspector | any a time, aod i made 2 mistage. products most useful an to mr wa aka, | SF | Neat se pied ping re |, 88 nv oe shit 3 of sh evn en | Bo eh wi lp x rng have the protein best appro- my warmest thanks". " ' It's true--I ran away. 1 had to. The Rs my Warmest th Seas," marked liberally, and felt that sallors came after me and fought with 8. quardutined for thirty days; MOO make your sweetheurt marry you the Mug. F. GAREAU, |she had struck a scent. The roughness ores Sf piu nf 1s. We'll lie at Egg island all sum : ' . k 80¢. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 250, | nd brutality of the poems had always diene mo aa fo get sway Suickly. Mir while your company pays five Sag you lana You. are two far porth priated, you must not take At all dealers or sent by Frulf-a-tiveg | chilled ber, though she had felt vague only gehitiemanty he xe thonisand a day for this ship. That's He stepped out into the passage and 3 Liniited, Gttawa, ly their splendid pulse and swing. This they 2 Ie ata} , 88 {hot all. The firm is lluble in damages {ooo door carefully out too much fat H rn : was the girl's first venture from a shel- @y Baw me unprotected. They are for , vur carelessness in letting disease : . od ence, in -- . tered life. She had not rubbed elbows | Still protecting me, I can't explain aboard." : CHAPTER 111 . \ a with the world enough to find that Mow important it is for me to reach | .\iy cnrelessuess'™ The old map BLL, be® us me sa Clea my View, Baker S Cocoa (from HELLO, How about truth may be rough, unshaven and , Nome a0 the Hest Bout, Because it ory ground lis teeth. ni tir ht the ki h . 3 garbed in homespun. The book con- | My secret. Was important enoug "Yes: that's what It amounts to. o 1 tying the new gar- firmed her analysis of the junior part- B® make me leave my unely at Beuttie You'll ruin your owners, all right Dowels, df anvil seek ay whic only the €xcess of oil 18 I ner. at an hour's notice when we found fy. tie up your ship and lose your . : * age of Robinson and Pendent from & hook was a worn | there Was no one else who could go. | jy. tn, rs Pou ally get the fresh grub habit fastened extracted) is an ideal food. Wiltshire. and blackened holster from which | That's all I can say. I took my maid with AAA nmin mn rns: | OD US DOD, You see, the gamblers : Nhe me, but the sailors caught her just as downtown cop out the few aigs an All kinds of ears repaired Peeped the butt of a. large Colt's re- he was followi: lown the ship' One More ed green vegetables that stray off the Promptly, vuleanising, eave wasn, volver, showing evidence of many | She was following me down the ship's "ag fi lis Use Saves Other Foods ed. We sell gunoline, oils, tires, years' service. fispoke mutely of the | ladder. She had my bag of clothes To The Great Army ships, so they never get out as far as : oni and aceeasorien. Second-hand shite haired Destry, who, befors hor | When they seized her. I cast off the the creek none, except maybe In the nie inspection wus over, knocked at the | ope and rowed ashore as fast as I [WHO ARE SHOUTING THE PRAIS. | $hape of anecdotes. . for : 239% Ba ot Str t door, and, when she admitted hu, ad. | ould, but they lowered another boat ES OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. "We don't get intimate with no uu- TRADE-MARK ON EVERY PACKAGE ag 243, ee and followed me." rns triments except hog boesum an' brown Book of Choice Recipes ent Free. ", REG sTaReD ThADEM sax A leading authority on cocoa says: dressed her cautiously: ru "The boy's down forrad, teasin' grul, | The captain eyed: her sharply, and |Sackatchewan Man's Kidney Trouble | Deans, of which luxuries We have yo. out of a flunky. He'll be up in a win- | Bis grim lines softened a bit, for she Developed Into Diabetes--Story of | Stinted measure, an', beln' as t 3 "ute. How'd ye sleep?" was clean cut and womanly and utter His Complete Cure, our third year in the country, we hau- WALTER B . - 3 : "Very well, thank you," she led, | ly out of place. He took her in shrewd: . : x ui ker for bony fido grab somethin' scan- 3 AKER 0. Limited our ver "but I've been thinking that I ought to | 1, detall by detail, then spoke directly | Strong Pine, Sasi. June 7. |'lous; Yes, ma'am, three years with- : ' ; : : explain myself to you." c to her: (Special. ) Sore back, which devel {outa taste of fresh fruit nor meat or Established 1780 has important work to do. Un- "Now, see here." the old man titer. "My dear young lady, the other ships. [OPed into diabetes, has made life puthin' except pork ar' beans. Why, DORCHESTER, MASS. MONTREAL, iy der favorable conditions it does jected, "there ain't no explanations | will get there just as quickly as ours, 2 burden to Maxim ¥ Capusten, | I've et bacon till my immortal soul has it well. I sluggish, relieve it with | needed till voi feel tile givin' them | maybe more quickly. Tomorrow we [farmer of this place, Dodd's Kidne: | growed a rind, i ; 8 up. You was fn. trouble-that's un- | strike the jee pack, and then It is all Tis tured him, 254 le ds added io "When it comes time to close down fortunate, We help you--tliat's natu | a matter of Juck" a art tellin Ys Ag Alans thay | the clam, the boy is sick with the fe- ral. No. questions asked = that's "Yes, but the ship I left won't get a Kida Pil a ty otic SLE ver, an' the only ship in port is a Polut Alaska." there reinedy ton all Kidney fils, ; Barrow whaler, 'bound - for Seattle. "Yes, but T know you must think"-- At this the commander started and, "Far nearly. five ours I Suffered After | book our passage I find they "What bothers me." the other con. | darting a great, thick fingeréd hand at from sore hack and headache' Mr. have nothin' aboard to eat except can- tnued Irfelovantly. "is how In blazes | ber, spoke savagely: : Capusten says, in giving his experi. | bed salmon, it bein' the end of a two we're goin' tg keep vou hid. The stew- | "What's that? . What ship? Which ence. I had a bad taste in my mouth | Ye&™' cruise, so when [ land fn the and's got to make up this room, and | one did you come from? Answer me." in the mornings, and 1 was always | States after seventeen days of a fish somebody's bodud to see us packin' "Thé Ohio," she replied, with the tired. My muscles would cramp, diet 1 am what you might call sated grub in." effect of a hand grenade. The master | 1 ooo nervous, and the least ex.j ¥ith canned grub and have added "I don't care who knows If they | &lared at her. ertion would make me perspire free- | *8lmon to the list of things concernin won't send me back. They wouldu't { "The Ohio! Good God! You dare ly. At last diabetes developed. Which I am golu' to economize. do that, would they?' She hung anx- | to stand there and tell me that?' He "I finally came to the conclusion "Boon's ever I get the boy into a lously on his words. turned and poured his rage upon the jthat my kidneys were the cause of | hospital I gallop up to the best resta: "Send you back? Why, don't you | Others. my trouble, and decided to try Dodd's| fawnt In town an' prepare for thé savvy that this boat is bound for | "Shesays the Oblo, d'yehear? You've |Kidney Pills. 1 got half a dozen | buge potlaich. This here, I determine, Nome? There al't no turnin' back {ruled me! I'll put you in irons--all of boxes, and before I had finished tak-| I$ to be a gormandizin' jag which shall on gold stampedes, and this Is the | you. The Ohio! ' ing them I was completely cured. lve In hist'ry an' wharof in later years wildest rush the world ever saw. The | "What dye mean? What's up? { "I advose anyone suffering as 1|the natives of Puget sound shall speak captain wouldn't turn back. He | "What's up! There's smallpox aboard [did to use Dodd's Kidney Pills." with bated breath. couldn't. His cargos too precious, | the Ohio! This girl has broken quar All Mr. Capusten's troubles came| "First I call for $5 worth of pork an' and the company pays $5.000 a day |antine. The health inspectors bottled |frem diseased kidneys. They speed-| beans an' then a full grown platter of 5 / {ily ceased when he commenced to use | canned simon. ' When the waiter lays for this ship. No, we ain't. puttin' 1 back to unload no stowaways at five {the one sure help for diseased kid-|'em out in front of me, I look them thousand per. Besides, we passengers _-- - 1 {neys--Dodd's Kidney Pills. vitties coldly in their disgustin' visages wouldu't let him--time's tov precious." pig \ Sens, an' say in sarcastic accents; They were Interrupted by the rattle of 'Set there, eee you, an' watch me dishes outside, and Dextry was about eat real grub," which I proceed to de, Four Things That Will Win The War to open the door when his hand waver: cleanin' the menu from soda to hock. WHAT ARE THEY ? st Prize Beautiful ed uncertalnly above the knob, for ho When I have done my worst, 1 pile HE 15 'Cities able. sin. ba 3nd Prize $25.08 Cash bones. an' y i a an' olive seeds an' peelin's all | made to spell put the namesof the 6th» 500 : Order a Case from ii | heard the hearty greeting of the ship's El captain, over them articles of nourishment, four chief things that are going to wt Our bright Joyal Canad ia i ' » » win the war, 3 Gi oh [| "Well. well, Glenistor, where's all stick toothpicks intp 'em, an', havin' | win the war. girls can help provide at 25 Batra Cash Prizes of $1.00 each The 1 hompson 'Bot- il} the breakfast golug™ x offered 'em what other indignities oc- least one of these things. Every boy ET your pencil and or right now. Try to thin Co : iii "00," whispered the old man, "that's g . Cap' Stephens and girl should know ail of thes, Can Sole Agents "Dextry isn't feeling quite up to 4 Sd a -e WOMEN! IT'S CHEAP! "USE LEMON JUICE TO MAKE BEAUTY LOTION Sid a a re Sided idl ba FETT TeReei dee Pa eur to I leave the place." | . 8 fig t th ds and when Dexty and the ain were leaning des a Sine fous Ee them. Wide them oni armed Sa yo can and over the stern ruil, chatting Jdly in the How to solve ft.~Each cirile rep. ro ae Are ears ad he way 1 ed li] form this morning," replied Glenister darkness. It was the second night out, The Raber ot he wont a fos, pletefilnstented list of rand nize dias you Sah For Kingston Distriet, st. easily. and the ship lay dead iu the ice pack. nent ition of that Jette in the address in the upper right Rides) pone 304. 202 Princess tl "Don't wonder! Why weren't you J i 4 aboard soouer last night? 1 saw. you. 'Most got left. eh? Served you right if | "I'll put you in trons--all of you" Fou had." Then his voice dropped to [up the boat at 6 o'clock last night Bet, For anc: A Er All about there was a fut, five clogged | SLIME Bor stance: "A" would be rip A LT the confidential: "I'd advise you to cut { That's 'why I pulled out of Unaluska out those women. Don't misunder- | ahead of time, to avoid any possibi™ fo sea, leprous and mottied In the deep ug ith the Sit letter of the alpha- because in case of Th fo Rr Sognt. A stand we, boy, but they're a bad lot on delay. Now we'll all be held up when x : b: irl twilight that midnight brought tn this | 3 "would be represented ¢ he Sch ng ad pena acand this boat. I saw you come aboard. | we get to Nome. Great Take my word for It, they're a bad lot. titude. They had threaded futo the nd otter, "C'* would be represen: foe a8 | as the Nght lasted by three dots, "PD" by four dots and so What Others Have Done You Cen Do Cut 'em out. Guess I'll step inside and See what's ug with Dextry.™ ollowing the lanes of blue water tH) in each, circle, gare out the ser HE en we Bane purr» few of the haut dud gine 10 The girl shrank into her corner, gaz: ing apprehensively at the other lis sented by itd position he they closed, then drifting idly till oth- id phen poy oni £} phabet tener. : pot them 0 Proper Yotation to epell {Continued Next Saturday.) "Well-er--he isn't up yet" they | A the bame wanted, It's not an ensy bemrd Glepister stamimer: "Better a ! eM OF OFFENSIVE I$ ON In all weathers the skin and com- Shen Puzle hut # Feu £30 sive ft correctly Fe Nonaorne Nr tlme Ne was dress: vim ap plexion can be kept wondertully| ALL GERMAN NEWSPAPERS ed" TT tor' ioe i ¥ . |clear, soft and white by the use ofl WAVE JOINED IN CAMPAIGN. InAster 8 voice was gruffly ; ; S8H ARTY as [tis inexpensive lemon lotion whick : good natured. "Hello, Dextry! Hey! | The craft, built for 300 passenger amd |20 El] or woman can easily prépare | Quick Dery up for Inspection." fle rattled | carrying triple hdr capucit en § The juice of two fresh lemons 3 ( a duor, Ben were glowed awa cattle. 'oirained into a bottle ; : -- : \ Rd There was nothing to be done. The 7 L dition | of orchard : 4 : was ; post iF einer darted un inquiring ginuce : "~s " : Rh ev ob 4 SSE bt iis ss TITTIES SLBA ESL LS 2420.0 0a reveerede & Bled dd ES 22h a eee them again and again.' So says the Returned Soldier v Hurt, Daily Express, quoting "a prominent Belleville, Junie $.- Sl . eft | terrible manner. - Duby 10 the hospital, where it necessary to a te the above the gnide, wile and family, {wounded while on Prades, Therd's nothing ents' sxcopt methods "truth.