Great Railroader Passed Away : PEOGOVPIVVPOIDPEPIPOOPOP0D | NE of the greatest figures in the Canadian railway world passed away on March 28th, | at the age of eighty-seven, in the person of Sir Collingwood Schreiber. The death look place at his bome;"Elmsleigh," in the city of Ottawa, whefe he had been ailing for some tionths, 3 For sixty years the late mn.» Col lingwood bad been actively asso- cluted in the bullding and develop- ment of both publicly and privately owned railways in Canada. He had a tremendous share in the laying of transportation systems both east and west, and In the latter part of his | career as Deputy Minister of Rail- ways and Canals he helped to wisely administer lines directly under the Government, and subsequently super- intended the construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific. For his splen~ did work in connection with the building of Government lines he was knighted in 1915, Deceased was the son of Rev. | Thomas and Mrs, Sarah Schreiber of Bradwell Lodge, Essex, England, where he was borm Dec. 14, 1831, and wag educated in England, where he was apprenticed to a surveyor, and learned the rudiments of the science of which he later became so leading an exponent in Canada. He married Cacoline, daughter of tne late Lt.-Col. A. H. MacLean of his Majesty's Forty-First Regiment, and his second wife was Julia Maude, daughter of the Hon, Mr. Justice Gwypne of the Supreme Court of Canada, whom be married in 1898. When comparatively a young man, the late Bir Collingwood Schraiber came to Canada in the year 1853. At that time the railroads of the country were yet in their chrysalis, and thero was only 2003 wiles in operation, 'He first secured a posi- tion on the engineering staff of the Toronto and Hamilton Railway, As a builder of rallroads he made good in this comparative small under taking, and it proved a worthy start for the great railroad career that was his in later years. He stayed with this road until 1856. By that time he had become known as an efficient and capable engineer. He wag taken into partnership in the engineering firm of Fleming, Ridout & Schreiber of Toronto, becoming associated with Sir Sandford Flem- ing, another great name to conjure with by his history of railroad de- - Yelopment in Canada. He remained in practice until 1860, when he superintended the construction of the Northern Railway--now a part of the northern division of the Grand Trunk---until 1863. Then he was in- vited by the Nova Scotia Government to assist in the development of rail- ways in the beautiful province of the cast, where steam transportation was yet in its infancy. For our years he was engaged in the construction of the Pictou Railway, which way taken over by the Dominion Government after Confederation. - He remained there until the work was completed in 1567, and then assisted in laying out the Temiscouats section of the Intercolonial Railway. He built and became supeyintend- Ing engineer of the Eastern Exten- sion Line, now pant of the Inter- colonial, and having played such a. great part in- the development of Government railways, he was ap- poluted chief engineer and general manager of all Government railways in operation in 1873. His wonderful ability attracted the attention of those in charge of building the C.F K., and seven years later Sir Col- lingwood Schreiber succeeded his old partner, Sir Sandford Fleming, as chief engineer of the great transcon- tinental line. He retained his posi- tion on the Government railways and on the C.P.R. up until 1892, when he was appointed chief engineer of the Denartment § of Railways and Canals, and later became puty nis- ter of this Department, and for thir- teen years administered the railway and canal policy of the country as permanent head of the service. dn 1905 he became general con- Dizzy § es: don Napanee Man Could Scareely Walk At Times, He Was 80 Dizzy Indigestion and Kidney Trouble Overcome By This Treats ment. Napanee, Ont, June §. --- The | experience of Mr. Nolan of this town "will interest all who suffer from in- digestion and accompanying = de- _ FrAngements of the liver, kidneys and' bowel fon is sich a common le that many suffer for years ut knowing how readily they in relief by using Dr, 1 ney-Liver Pills to arouse the action of the liver, kidneys and bowels, and thereby remove (he canse of much discomfort and suf- fering. 2 ~ Chase's eutting engineer to the Government and chief the western division of ; Transcontinental Railway jtime bis chief work bh been the inspection of the construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific on behalf | of the people of the Dominion, Year Dominion : National Since that i by year since the road was begun he { bas made his annual trips of inspec: j tion; even when he had attained the {age of 79 years hie covered 500 miles on horséback in connection with the {survey of the line, He was a big | man physically and possessed a mag- inificent comstitution. His faculties {remained bright until the end, and he still retained an active interest in | the great railroad policy of the Dominion. Bir Collingwood was a deeply re- ligious man and an earnest member {of the Anglican Church, i THE CITY OF JASSY, . War Has Pnt Life Into Quiet Little . Community, | Few cities in Europe have been i more profoundly affected by the war [than the little city of conquered | Roumania. From a quiet, tranquil | municipality with a population of 175,000, the place has suddenly grown {to such proporti8ns that the Govern { ment authorities have found it dif- leult to provide comfortable living | quarters "for the civil pepulation, which now numbers 300,000. After | the evacuation of Bucharest this mo- | dest little city became almost over- (night the home of the King and Queen and the seat of the entire Gov- ernment. Here also are located the legations of all friendly foreign Gov- ernmentsgnd the headquarters of tae Roumanidn army and of important divisions of the Russian forces. Be- fore the war Jassy was known chief- ly as the ancient capital of the Pro- vince of Moldavia, ard as a city of interesting churches and historic as. soclations, It is now the eentre of all oficial, commercial and military activity in the unoeeupiel territory of Roumania. When Bucharest and the southern portion of the little Latin kingdom were evacuated a large part of the population of thet Section sought refuge here, Schools, colleges, churches, stores, barracks, and indeed any form of structure that afforded shelter hhd to be converted Quickly into living quarters to pro- vide for the great influx of brmeless Deople who fled before the invading Germans. Provision, had alsu to be made for the various departments nf the Government and for the many branches. of the army, Not far from the centre of the city are the residences of the Kinz and Queen, which in times of peace were the quarters of military ccmpanles, In keeping with the tendency of the times, they are severely plain in all their appointments and surroundings, and it is difenlt for the visitor *o realize that within the plain, rude walls are housed. the sovereign heads of a nation. The Queen may be seen almost any day setting out from the royal residence in an automobile, nn- guarded and unattended only by one of the ladies-in-waiting from the court. The King, likewise, is a fa- miliar figure on the streets cf Jassy, He usually travels by motor, accom- panied by one of his generals or mili- tary aldes. The royal family is mucn loved by the people, and both he and the Queen mingle among their sub- Jects with a spirit of democracy and catholieity that is deeply impreesiva to the visitoi from cther countries, While the city has many pictur esque: aspects, it is not without its scenes of sorrow and depression. Making its way slowly along a nar row street is a shabby, dilapidated, box-like vehicle, so small that it re- sembles a top waggon, which the ndtives generrusly call a hearse, and wlilch is bearing to find repose the body of one of the late residents of the city. Drawn by a single horse, pitifully decrepit | and lame, the hearse is followed by a young man on foot. Then, in turn, comes a crude, grey cart, on which is seated a patriarchal figure, bent with the weight of years, The spectator en- quires the details of the sombre | Spectacle and is informed that a young woman bas fallen a victim of typbus----that terrible scourge which hag claimed so many thousands of Roumania's population; that the young man in the rear with the bow- ed head was the young woman's fi- ancee and that the old man on the waggon, who is too feeble to walk, is! the laat of the family of the deceased. Scores of military officers and 80}- diers bare their heads and stand in silent attention while the little pro- cession makes its way to the local cemetery. -------------- Germany at Brest-Litovsk, It is hard to imagine a more hu- miliating or intolerable position than that in which German leadership found ftself at Brest-Litovsk. It was negotiating with anarch., itself the champion of autocracy. It was lis: tening to threats and insults: from the representatives of a mob, not a na- tion. It was compelled solemnly to debate with men who bed no army and no real force behind them and it. was compelled to do ail {his because it had irvolved itself :n & game, designed to strike at allied morale, but, as it turned out, des- tined (o affect the morale of its own populations, 5 Gérman terms at Brest-Litovsk are 1 AILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. JUNE 8 Pa GS J Rb ems SF din bent = LEER & REE FHI eo Til: ¥ Ey na ed CIGARETTES BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET SMOKING Reroof with Brantford Asphalt Roofing Don't let a leaky roof damage the wall paper, ¢arpets or furniture in your home, the crops in your barn or the goods in your store. Tear off the old shingles or other worn out roofing material and put on a lasting roof of Brantford Asphalt Roofing. This roofing is made of a blend -of hard and. soft asphalts on a long-fibred felt base. By blending the asphalts a roofing of remarkable clasticity is seoured-- one that is flexible, durable and capable of resisting all kinds of severe climatic extremes. Brantford Asphalt Roofing is, in addition, surfaced with silicia sand on both sides, which adds to its weight, fire-resistance and durability. You may be offered other sanded roofing, but it will not have the quality of material or weight of saturation af Brantford Asphalt Roofing. Made in three weights :--60 1b., 70 Ib.,. 80 1b. Brantford Ruober Roofing is the same quality as Brantford Asphalt, but has a smooth, rubbery surface instead of the sand, Itis particularly suitable fof veranda decks and floor coverings. Three weights: --40 1b., 60 1b., and 60 Ib, per square, Standard Mohawk Roofing consists of the same grade of materials as Brantford Asphalt Roofing but is lighter in weight--a thoroughly reliable roofing at a low price. Tested for years and has given entire satisfaction. Sanded on one side. One weight: --40 Ibs, per square. Mohawk Rubber Roofing The same quality as Standard Mohawk but with a smooth surface. Used for all classes of tem rary work--sheds, bunk- houses, camp sites, even dugouts in the trenches. 35 1b., 45 1b, and 55 Ib. weights. : : ] Leatheroid Roofing Slightly lower quality than Mohawk Rubber. same purposes, 35 Ib., 45 1b, and 55 1b. weights. Samples of any of these roofings and prices will be furnished by either the makers or their agents in this locality. Brantford Roofing Co... Head Office and Factory, Brantford, Canada Branches at Toronto, Montreal, Halifax per square. Used for not interesticg as such. Germany is demanding the "war map" and a-iit- : tie more. She is seeking to erect a Baltic state, under her trol, in' | Which 250.000 Germans: shall rule 5,000,000 Slavs. She is endeavo to construct a new Poland in v | Hapsburg power shall prevail for the | present. She refuses ail until after the war. She insists. Self-determination of politica i the people, ber tions i wha says he wants but Ii here Ww Iy the first to Yi hen he is Informed that no coal W handed over to him, A For Sale by S. Anglin & Co. rion. i { Women! Stop Corn Pain! : Don't hurt a bit! Cin chat nak discavire drug that works miracies~--No humbug? 1] GRAND TRUNK 2% +OCAL BRANCH TIME TABLF IN EFFECT MARCH 31ST. 'raing will leave and arrive at City) Station, Foot of Johnson Street, Golag West. Lve. City Arr. City Mail .. se +1220 am. 12.5 Express . .. 3.10 a.m. Local se. va B45 am, Intern'] Ltd. M; . 1 57am. 1 52 4 ! 2 : 17 1.20 p.m, gl «+s 3.00 p.m, Golng East, Lve. City Ar » 18 Madl . .. ,. 1.40am. 16 Express . .. 3.10 a.m, LS Majl..".. «+x12.30 p.m. No, 14 Intern'] Ltd. 1.20 p.m. No. 28 Local , .. .. 6.48 p.m, Nos. 1, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run daily, Qther trains daily except Sunday. Direct . route to Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Thicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Jtawa, Quebec, Portland, Halifax, Boston and Ne - Bmowr NO OH =" 50 40 p. g BEBEE TRRO wupep oR nan BEEEF vw Pullman accommodation, tickets ll othey information, apply to J, P. Hanley, Agent, Agency for all ocean Steamshin lnes. Open day and night Cunard PASSENGER SERVICE ® Between { Montreal and Great Britain MONEY SENT BY MAIL OR CABLE Apply to Local Agents or Lh VICTORY LOAN Still holds first place as a Patriotic Investment In small or large amounts for shoet or Tong terms. Price 087% % and accrued interest, W. H. Godwin & Son Insurance and Real Estate, 89 Brock St. Phone 424 hau dh hh da YY VAP Feed Your Poultry Purina. Baby Chick Feed. Purina Chicken Chowder Purina Scratch Feed. More Eggs and Sturdy Chicks. For Sale By D. Couper | 341-3 Princess Street, Phone 76, i Anhui dh dh dod A 4 4 2 Akai BABY CARRIAGES & SULKIES Best Line in the City to Choose From. All the latest designs and finishes. Prices the THE ROBERT REFORD CO. Limited General Agents, 30 King Strect East. Toronto A safe, medicine, raed of strength--Nao. 'a. 2, $3; Ni $5 reliable regulating Sold in fares So 1; oy a. 8 r box. all drugnists, or sent on receipt of price. Address; Na. 2, Hold b prepaid ro8 pamphlot. THE COOK MEDICINE CO. TORONTO, ORT. (Formerly Wisdser,) "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company \PIRE INSURANCE Few Drops and Corns Lift Out {| tresw Office. Royal Insurance Ridg MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Torente W. H. GODWIN & SONS . AGENTS. KINGSTON, ONT. s RJ. REID, Princess St., Phone 577 ! Garden Tools If you are in need of any of the Spading Forks, Hoes, Spades, Lawn Rakes, Lawn Hose We have a complete stock and our prices are right, Lemmon& Sons UA ee { : Nd following, give us a call: