THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1918. . : , TeravE Young INDIAN = . SHEPEEI IIHS I PIII LIPIDS ETHEL CMLL HG BN =e Told In he y t DOMINIO His Father, a Veteran, to Twilight MADE FOR DOMINION DAY. -- : Kingston. : pe ol, Roosevelt And Charlie Chaplin : Decided to Take Tanlac Aftert--i.y Be Here--The Programme fs] A Visitor at the G.W.V.A. club Fri- FEPEREFP IR IRE AES EPR 0 449 What It Did For Husband, Outlined by Lieut. Dyte dey night was sance-Corporal John- (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, In ; . SC auds 3 1 ate s 218 i And Troubles Are Overs A mass meeting was held Friday ston Fase noi, ang. of the 21st common with other papers all over come. evening in the G W.VA, club rooms|ine 21st Battalion in 1914, went to Sauda, wil Wake 4 charge of Ug for the purpose of forming an organ-{ prance and hecame a noted sniper. . 3 reception figage ment.) There was recently printed in this|ization to carry ont the Programme | He served in every action since the: gs or Te D $ a nee y paper a remarkable statement made jat the Dominion Day eelebration, battle of Loos was fought and wears i by Danfel key : sucli elit, Dyte, the president, stated | three. chor g ATSl Miss Jessie Hutton, Albert street, y Da Hickey of 217 Euclid Lieut byte, ne. p ent, three chevrons, denoting three full entertained on Wednesday evening avenue, Toronto, in which he tells|that there will be a parade up Prin- years' service overseas He wasl " R " h 3 > ; ArSeas. 51 + of (Miss Lorrain Allen. how Tanlac relieved him of a long-|cess street, the procession being awarded the Military Medal for bhisi iP honor of Mis * standing case of stomach trouble [formed in the following order: ie condnet at the Battle of Paranhos Mrs. W. R P Bridger was host. ' STORE OPEN UNTIL 9.45. and rheumatism, and his wife of alcorated automobiles in which will be daele when he was wounded severely gia hid : Feldav afta . 3 3 serfous nerious trouble from which [seated Major-General Sir Sami the right knee. but era A Ee Ses hid Beas on Friday after Should prove a most attractive shopping centre as added to our spec eheld ial bargains in Hosiery, Gloves and Ready-to-wear we have the fol- she had suffered for several years, |Hughes, Brig.-Gen, W. 8. Hughes, hospital. He was subsequently in- Mr, Hickey has lived in Toronto all]Gen. Helmer, Gen. Hemming, Gen, valided to Canada being medically Mr H. €. 'Wotherspoon enter + * : fils life, is employed at the Dominion] Ex-President T. Roosevelt will oc- unfit, and reached home two weeks i simally RYShC . lowing splendid values for misses and women. Wheei Works and Both he and higleupy the visitors' car as he has re-lgoq tained informally at the tea hour on : wife are so well known in the com-Jceived an urgent invitation; G:W.V, Mr. 'Paudash is the son of Chief Thursday aft rroga. . munity that his story has been widely | A, band; 1st Contingent; members of Robert Paudas 3 las he here- > , hry k on on, Nowcomes Mrs, Hic-|the 21st Battalion; Vimy Ridge Ty aud ah the i - bl i Mrs. A.W. Brown, Barrie Street, key who; in corroboration of her hus- | veterans: Veterans of '85 and of oth Ha 3 3 He 3 he a Mlspnuga B= will be hostess at'the Bridge Club on band, tells in her own words of the ler wars; R.C.H.A. band; children of Glan He and he 1s Binging is ath. Monday afternoon. » a - Pe ° roterans: ; Scouts and Cadets: Hb ' ny y ; . 30 henefite LO. i. a a3 k ominion Day celebration. Chief! Napanee, left on Wednesday to I was practically a confirmed in- Jautomobiles. The parade will end Paudash wears the Queen's Maal of spend the summer at their summor valid with nervous trouble for the lat the Fair Grounds where an exhi- 1866-70 His father. Chief . : : v PH % =70, § a, ef M. G.]j at Sydenham. ; last six year," sald Mrs. Hickey the|bition of real trench fighting will bel pn, Co" took part In the battle. of A An ilin. Spent tha other day, "and my system was so shown, the plan of attack being Sie Windmill, near Prescott, in 1837. week-end in Kingston, the guest of u broken down that I had to spend {der the supervision of Captain Ed- His father was chief Kechnebesh and] her parents " : * ; four or five months out of every year | wards. Trophies, and relics will also fought a Ba sk an heat: . : ) Thi bers ra a ght at Bunker's Hill, and Chrys- Mr. and Mrs. Perey 8B. Jayce, fn my bed, and what time | was able |be on exhibition and in a tent will ler's Farm in 1812. The medals] Kingston, spent a few days in Nap. to be up I would be so weak and life-| be shown pictures of German prison war . . : 28. ¥ awarded on these occasions are inlane 8 g 8S parents, Mr. fess that I wasn't fit for a thing, Myjcamps and other war pletures, the possession of the present pli alive oo ing his pureals, Ms snd TREY y be completely | Mines will be set off, as well as fire-|,. We pres t-iT8: She (0 + A OFL0. energy seemed to be completely |} ! 3 Hsplay Ihe great great-grandfather of Cor- Mr. land Mrs. (Edward Hdnter, aispiay pri a Rd Musdown that a lye Bengal Tight and peral Paudash was Chicf Ogemahben- Dexter, N.Y ., are the guests of Mrs. aon Nd ok Soh The sporting events will include] €C® and he fought with Wolfe on the| W. J Franklin, Alfred street. , % I would have a most disagreeable horse races baseball between the Plains st Abraham, whom fo, ad ; Mrs y < Caldwell, Who ha qT he greatest and smartest assortment of all wool sweaters -- at popu- : C ¥ . Fa .jJped alter defeating a hostile band | been residing i awa, has re # . Fa * * » creepy feeling all over my body just | Havana Red Sox and a local team: F Mohawks. that endes rod it ac} ad 1 kK for the s . rd SV e . as if something was crawling under<| foot races, ete. Speeches will be ut dy kas that endeavored ore turned to Lanai k Jor 4 16 sunnier. lar prices in Kingston, awaits your sel ction here tonight. neath my skin, and I was so touchy | given by distinguished visitors. su . NL ray a : 3 : yit 3 : : support, | Miss Eldred Lane was hostess at that the least little thing wonld irri- | Two hundred prizes will be given. ees ahi tint oth Bg. a Mr tate me and put me all out of humor, A number of business men have ° nEutiul op ond Taner of PULLOVER BWEATERS I didn't have a bit of appetite and |made contributions to help cover the Ai oraine Han ! tle. nf 2 x i. laa ol $ * what Iittle I forced down tasted so expenses, but the residents are asked | GREAT OPPORTUNITY Mise Loring Allen, the bride of n plain V neck and collar style s, with combination color trim- FOR ENTENTE ALLIES : med. Priced at $5.00 and $5.75 bad that I couldn't relish it and itfto contribute and if any are not call Miss 'Mildred Horsey 3s in Ottawa aidn't do me any good, My skin}ed upon by the canvassers they might To 8 Diol o from Picton, Ont., visiting her aunt had that pale, sallow, unhealthy look | send their subscription to Sergt. E.|To Start a Di omatic Offen=| iss Horsey, Daly avenue : . ; anal had Jo bland in my gains, Aug Allen, oie Collegiate building op- sive With" Russia and Mrs Georse S. 'Clendinuen, Kings- PLAIN KNIT SW EATERS 3 get so restless at nig hat | posite almers arch i ton, was in Ottawa for the Method- . . I could hardly go to sleep at all. Volunteers are also asked for to Austrian Slavs. ot SonteIonte bn BuRs Of BEET on In all the fashionable shades; buttoned front with sash and white I had taken so many different | form the attacking party at the fair : : i Clendinnen, (266 'First avenue. Je i ; ] 511; aie 11 op ih fre 36 k 42 kinds of medicines, and been treated | ground. 21st Battalion Yeterans are| » Longer ndian Press Destats intents Mri. Carlps Kirkegaarde left (hls Jaeger wool collar; all sizes from 30 to = too, by specialists, without getting| preferred, but others will be accepts ATL i $ APRN $ . ah ia : Fi aA le § . : 3 Allies have a great opportunity for | week fer her 'home in Belolel, PQ, any better, that both my husband and | ed. o [a combined diplomatic offensive | accompanied by Lier imolier, Mes. riced at $5.95 and $6.95 eh greatly Sisfoutaged. But Pong the Jitters ge Hat aay with a view to explaining to Russia | Henry Merrick, avho 'will be her on 5 Yheén he started on Tanlac and saw|w e Lance Corpora aundaash, M. $ Aust ris Slavs ait 2 A vest it was helping him he wanted me to| M., and his aged father, Chie Robert | ind He du iriau Slavs alan ak i * 'ww BRUSHED WOOL SWEATERS try it too, Well, 1 have taken four | Paudash, last hereditary chief of the ine opinion of the Daily Express, Miss Mildred Jones, King street, A broad assortment of new styles m all the wanted shades. These or five bottles. My nervousness is| Mississauga tribe who is a lineal fp) Naw SDADE . i is leaving Monday . - . o . "Yh taf . an} 8 newspaper calls upon the Allies jis leaving on Monday to do volun p, - . completely gone and I never have descendant of Chief Ogenahbenece,!' 1... 1ote vague references to sell- [tary aid duty at *'Fettereairn" = foi values are based on 19] 7 prices, Specially priced at $6.95, that disagreeable, creepy feeling any | who fought with General Wolfe at determination. into concrete. terms] two weeks 7 more, 'My appetite Is just fine and 1 the battle of the Plains of Abraham. | and to let their pronouncement ap- Miss Edith Pense, West street, $ S50 and $8.75. sleep ike a child al Met a am so an oltre ie haing ads to have' pear above-the signature of the Un- | returned from Brockville on Friday. much stronger and better in every] "Charlie" Chaplin present, | ited States as wel the Buropea (Capt. and Mrs. Currie have taken ' way that my husband tells me I look tra ------------ {eg S 18s furopean Mrs. Cogswell"s\honge on Albert NOVELTY SPORT SWEATERS » : { like a different person, and I sure do i a ---------- street for the summer, A h f N Y k 1 : 1 . : * feel like one. From the way Tanlac A Horrible Noise, | GANANOQUE'S CHIEF Mr. and Mrs. William Berming- ost 0 Ew lor sty €8 In woo and silk sweaters in a variety has fixed me up, both my husband | Cornwall Freeholder : ha : ham and their family have rented of the season's best stvl d 1 . iced f 9.75 and I think ft is about the finest! Old timers along the Cornwall | FOUND DEAD IN BED \culierwood" for. the summer 4 yles and colors; priced from $9. on up. medicine there 18 and we are more| canal thought the ghost of the tug dt months. than glad to recommend it." MoArthur had risen when they Head of Police Department! Miss Giadys Carroll. is spending See These Tonight -- On Special Display . Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A |bheard a long drawn out shriek, or a i 3 'week-end i er | @ Gan- Pi Chown. In Plavas byt Gilhert Oat 1 sefies of 'them the other evening, Dies Suddenty.~Chief For Ite wos k-end at her home in Gan ler. In Battersea by C. 8. Clark.-In| and it proved true, for the same old | ry ears. Misses Macpherson, Ottawa, are Fernlélgh by Erol Martin. tn Ar-| whistle has been. resurrected from | op . spending a faw weeks in town. Aoeheiby 'MJ: Beullion. "In Sharhot| the junk pile at Kingston ana fitted | dans Snadian, Press Despaich) . : EE . + hy. ¥. Cannon up on a steam barge, and the cap- = ananoque, June 8. --Chief of Po- ns " 0 {lice Ryan of this town was found -- ndea tain seems to like it, from the fre- I a man has crow's feet about|Quency with which he pulls the dead in bed this morning at his his eyes there must be: some caws, whistle. These sirens are all well homé. He complained of not feel- I ~---- ry enough on the sea coast to warn | INE well last night, but nothing ser-| town from ettercain'! form tow NAP aagn. | SIIDDING from rocky shores, butions Was thought of it, as he has Sage hie Ye, Carter West street, is | mie an x | they have no place on a river eraft, | been in rather poor health for some RAD ve Ree Ladh TBE, ¥ Fort Willam, arrived on Friday to} and should be ruled out. { Hime, although able to attend to the Visiting Mp. and Mps. Arthur Carter spend some time with Mrs, Robert arena ih - { duties of his office, which he had held Hh : Meek, University avenue. Keeley Jr M.0.D.0. Married at Buxton, Major Perci- for thirty years. His widow, two a Mrs. Contles and Miss, Helin lib : " in. Toronto, Russel at|'-OUl ec, 1b awa, dre spending thei * wp... cower (noe Grace Franklin), val K. Menzies, Medicals, to Olive, | Sons, Harold . Wad married, and residing In England been spending a few days in town. Mrs, Felix 8. 8. Johnson, King street, has returned from a visit in Philadelphia and Scranton, Pa, Miss Constance Cooke, Barrie- field, has returned from Hrovkviite™ Miss Agnes Richardson was in daughter Belleville, Ont. bh gh on on 4 ® 8 r Mrs. Arthur Turnerand little Miss Mary Turner, who have been with] Mrs. J. Bo Ahearn; and her little . , |Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slater, Barrie [Jon Vernon, Montreal street, have To thé Ross Club Praising Their street, during Major Turner's ab-|left to spend the summer months Good Work. sence. are leaving for Hamilton on | With relatives in Utica, N.Y. ] The secretary of (he Ross Club ve-| Tuesday. -- Mrs, Paul Powis, a wvigitor at Those people (and they if ceived the following interesting let-| ors. Jack Greer, Wellington, is 'Gladysholm,'" Hamilton, has return- are many) who dread the if ter from Col. Arthur E. Ross, C.B.,| spending a few days in town. ed to Kingston, J ; ordeal of an eye examin- ll dated May bth, 1918: : Prof. and Mrs. K. F. Mather are Miss Faye Me( leary, Norwaod, is . ation are a eeabl i "My Dear Friends: I have just re-| the guests of Prof. and Mrs. J. F. |visiting Miss Trixie Gill, Earl street. i ie agr y asion- ceived your letter and parcel mailed | Macdonald, Stuart street. Sy» shed to find that, as made in March, I feel greatly honored in| (Miss Ethel Armour, who was Miss Dr. George W. Bell announces the b us, il eauses no pain, ] I seeing nry name used by you for such| Beatrice Lambert's guest, returned | @agement of his second daughter, d scomflort, or inconven- f f a good purpose. Any work you canto Perth on Thursday. Maude Elise, to Wiliam Graves ! ' 3 do for the Red Cross does much good. a". Brash, Gananogue. The marriage is ience. Every little piece of work you do} (Mrs. Stuart Bleakney, who has |to take place quietly in June. 8d io 1 Eff . adds to the comfort of some soldier. been spending a few days with her (Continued on Page 10. Simp e, ective, There are some mean-spirited people | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell em : } who say Red Cross supplies wre sold | Stuart, Alfred street, returned tn And We Use No a Economical or misused. Do not believe a word of | her home in Ottawa yesterday. AMERICANS TRAINING Will keep eggs fresh Hl it. We have failed to find any proof] Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Macdonald TO DELIVER KNOCKOUT Drugs. . of it, From front to base hospital|and family, New York, are now at ------ and in the best of your work is freely given, I thank his Suinmer residence, "Blink Bon- System in Home Camps " aa lt you for the homor. 1 praise your | nie,' Gananoque. condition for one zeal and urge you to work, The men| Mr. and Mrs. George Hessler, 0s- | Changed in Preparation for Crushing of Germany. f appreciate and the medical officers Wego, N.Y. are the goests of Mrs. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. ; Abani od Sat Se i 8 year. and nurses are very enthusiastic of | J: F. Sowards, : mn New Summer Furniture 20 CENTS the ald they get from Red Cross--- J. B. McGall, Fred Davey and W. Washington, June 8.---American . 226 Princess Street COL, A, E. ROSS WRITES ghd dh hhh A A YN TY ARN ncerel 3, A. BE, J» Hanson are leaving on Sunday for a | troops in training at home are being . : . 'without Sincerely; yours, A. £. Ross motor trip through northern New especially schooled now in prepara- In wicker and rattan, with and ' B { id Awalt Bank Dividend. York. tion for the forward movement of the cushions. Carpets, Curtains, Victrolas and es Ss Creditors of the Cape Vincent ; . v. Allied armiies expected to follow the . Popular Store. Bank, which failed nearly three Mrs. 8. G. Sutherland 'is expected | ultimate crushing of Germany's of- Victor Records. LO Phone 59. Dn 2018 years ago and was taken over by [from St. Louis next week to he the | tensive power, re the State Banking Department, are |&uest of her sisters, the Misses John-| It was learned to-day that orders T F HARRISON CO 5 TD : ? awgiting a second dividend and |0n, Earl street. have been issued to division com- - . Al oy } | various reports as to its amount ave| Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robertson, | manders to lay greater stress upon Phe 90. i a {in circolation. Around Cape Vin-|Otlawa, are the guests of Mr. and | training for open warfare, and re- cent it is asserted the second divi-|'Mrs. 8, M. 'Robertson, Sydenham |jyee the time devoted to teaching dend will be 25 per cent. and that it | Street. trench specialties. will soon be forthcoming. The bank | - Mr. and Mra. Corneilus Birming-| The men are being hardened 1o ; was a private institution and de- ham have returned trom Oainocu... long marches, given target practice PROVINCE OF g positors brought = several proceed-| Oirs. (Charles McDunnough, Wood- | without end and thoroughly trained . "FAN : B ines te deteymine the amount: of ek ty he Buen Re er, to take care of themselves in the el 0 CR H their claims in Supreme Court. . Wiliam ~ Cov dale o York. give and take of open combat. : 8% Coupon Gold Bonds, Bue 15th May, 1928 Aly Navy Lieutenant Here, © guest G , ister, Mrs, F. Principal and hall-yearly interest Jatable at Toronta, Montreal or New ub Lisatenant a LE mtr Too bor sand oh -- I Cho nil Raia rk Ns spen i days h = (Canadian Press Paton) 0 oka A Rr 5 ending Alex d ifs in he ren, who have been spending sone Otiawa, June 8.--To-day's list of 0 i months' work on the Atlantic, the] Hme with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas [178 Canadian casualties reports 2 Price amd Particulars Upon Application Bl irish Channel and the North Sea, | Bowie, Earl streét, left on Friday | Canadian soldiers killed in action, H where he was in various | for Leamington. 8 died of wounds, 4 died, 1 wounded I Xinds of work, inclading mine ry .ian and missing, 1 accidentally killed, 2 ? hz. He isa Kingston boy who Hh La Mea, Thomas | Bowie and | prisoners Ro war Jepratristed, 3 ok te brane Barbara Bowie, rl street, f wounded, 2 wounded and gassed, 70 18 the naval TAREN OF the mer Lare visiting Dr, and' Mis. James and 4 1, : +2 ngton.. dui A A AA a i H Even with the new Government tax Of ten cents per pound added, "SAlL- vy {ADA i8 still far and away the mont "onontical 'on' sale anywhere -- best -£ are those that have ie