SFA TRUNK REAL LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLES IN EFFECT MARCH 81ST. Eening will leave and srsive nt Btation, Foot of Johnson Street, Golng West. oe City Arr, City se om ve12.20 mm, 8 Express , .. 3 No. 13 No. Neo, - re he DIRE a © Dube nd 2 voRen q BEEER No.is Many , ., . No. 16 Express , .. 3.10 a.m. x & MM . 12.20 p.m, 1.20 p.m, mE. «. .. 6.43pm, . Nos. 1, 13, 14, 18, 18, 19 run da ly, Other 'trains daily except Sunday: Ringer Folie to Toronto, Peterbore. Hamilton, 'Bafralo, London, Detroit Chicago, Bay City, Baginaw, Montreal, Ottawa," Quebec, Portland, St John Halifax, Boston and New York Pullman fRccommodation, ¢ all other information, apply to J. P Hanley, Agent. Agency for all ocean deamatie Mes, Oger any aha sight Cunard PASSENGER SERVICE tween Montreal and Great Britain MONEY SENT BY MAIL OR CABLE Apply to Local Ageuts or THE ROBERT REFORD CO. Limited General Agents, BO. King Street East. -- The Telgmann School of . Music Piano, violin and other stringed Instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ae- cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1610. Tobe os re 0s phn a Fryren vope BEEgR Toronto a a ec BP RAILWAY § ¥ Zam-Buk ends the pain, and stops bleed. ing. Tryit! Al dealers, 50¢. Box, A New, Harmless Way to Banish Hairy Growths { Beauty Topics) ly following this suggestion any Woman ean, in the privacy of her own home, remove ey of hair or fuzz from her face V powdered delatone and water mix enough paste to cover the not want- ed hairs; apply and in 2 or 3 minutes rub off and wash the skin. This me- thod is unfailing, harmless and quick in results, bat should be em- ployed to get the genuine delatone. \naansesaseeenananana iH Feed Your Poultry Parina Baby Chick Feed. Purina Chicken Chowder Purina Scratch Feed, care More Eggs and Sturdy Chicks. For Sale By D. Couper 341-8 Princess Street. Phone 76. Ahead de dha Auk The woman of the } Who promises to be ready in cond : A defective stomach People awake than a gu science a se more con- keeps ify tion which renders the stick extinguished Cheapest, sized box than in any other box The SAFEST MATCHES in the WORLD Also the Cheapest! -- are EDDY'S "SILENT 500'S" Safest because they are impregnated with a "dead" tmmediately the match is because there are more perfect matches to the War time economy and your own good sense, will urge the necessity of buying none but EDDY'S MATCHES. chemical solu- on the market. ME EE Str cc A St, Garden Tools if you are in need of any of Spading Forks, Hoes, Spades, Lawn Rakes, Lawn Hose We have a complete stock and our prices are right. Lemmon& Sons 187 Princess Street. the following, give us a cali: IP y » p BABY CARRIAGES & Best Line in the City to Choose From. All the latest designs and finishes. Prices the R. | REID Princess St, Phone 57 577 SULKIES A he pr THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1918. NYY ys FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE WR VV Wy 4 4 4 4 4 4 Frontenac Stengn PERTH ROAD. ~The township stone crush- uy Messrs. Davey and Blaks- Sydenbam, is doing good work. parts of the road throughout hborhood have been repaired ! umon service in the Methodist Church Sunday aiternoon was well attonded Rev. Mr. Caswell gave an mieresting sermon. Mr and Mrs. Robert Rousehorne and mother and Miss Balls, Pine Grove, were recent ts William Walace's. Miss ie Guthrie has returned home from Kingston. Cecil Raymond, who has been ill of grippe, hgs returned to Sydenham High School. Mrs, J. Raymond is convalescent. ------------ | Leeds Srp Tr CAINTOWN. June 3.--There were no services in the Methodist church here on Sunday on account of Rev Mr. Bradford attending conference. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Graham, of Guelph, are guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Nancy Tennant. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hayes and Miss Madelyne, of Yonge's Mills, spent Sunday at Wil son Morrow's Blaine Dickey, of Yonge's Mills, enjoyed a day i Caintown recently. Miss Beatr Dickey, school teacher at Brewer's spent. a few days last week her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T Dickey. Levi Wilson, of Athens, is drilling a well for W. J. Graham. Miss Hattie Hawkins spent the week-end with friends in Athens. Wilfred : Dickey spent Sunday in Athens. Wesley Hodge, of Rock- field, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodge, on Sunday last Thomas Hodge has purchased a fine carriage horse fram Pte, Harold Andress. - Nelson Cain has gone west for the summer season wi w. ¥ - | Prince Edward | SALEM. June 7.--Several from here at: tended the celebration on Monday in Belleville. Miss M. Mitohelson has returned to Belleville after visiting her sister, Mrs. Egerton Wannanuk- er. Mrs. Thomas Price, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. H Murphy, Consecon, for several weeks, is slowly recovering, and was able to return to her home last Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Parliament and daughter, Vivian, also Miss Hardy and Mr. Martin, Oshawa, re- cently took a motor trip | through Prince Edward. On Tuesday after- noon the nelghbors met and prepar- ed a field ready to sow for Claude Wannamaker. Mr. Wannamaker has not been able to work for seve- ral weeks and had only recently re- turned from the Belleville Hospital, and he appreciated very mueh the kindness of his friends. BONGARD'S. June 7.--Mrs. James Storms and son attended the funeral of her bro. ther, Mr, Sager, Napanee. N° Keelar has returned to his farm here. = Mrs. W. L. Minaker has returned to his home at Cherry Valley after a short stay with her brother, J. C. Bongard. Miss G. Vincert was a recent guest of Mrs. Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Lucas, accompanied by Miss Pierce. motored to Belleville on Monday and spent the day. Mrs, Sened, of Kan- sas City, was a recent caller at J. D. Bongard's, Miss E. Dulmage and frien], of Picton, spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dulmage . Mr. and Mrs. L Pierce were guests at D. T. McCormack's on Sunday. Mrs. Shepard and family motored to Bethel on Sunday last. S.A. Tobey, of Picton, was in this vicinity on Wednesday. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Corey on Wed- nesday. Adam Harrison was grant- ed a month's leave of absence to re- turn to the farm. Before leaving he was presente dwit ha wrist watch, safety razor and a purse of money, Ernest and Angus Minaker, E. Mec- Lellan anl R. Van Gesen were also presented with razor and money. Lennox and Addington BATH. June 6.--Rev.. E. O. Seymour left on Monday morning for Lindsay to attend the meeting of the conference iaere. Mrs. Prinyer, of Wolfe [Is- jand, has been visiting friends here for a few days. Her many friends here wll be grieved to hear of the death of Mrs, William Cooper, which Ocemired at her home at Orange, N.J.. on Saturday last. Mr Savage, of Ottawa, spent the wech-end with friends here. : : CENTREVILLE, ' June 7.---Farmers have finished their corn planting and are ready for late potatoes. The weather has been very favorable for their work and the crops look exceedingly well so far. The remains of John Doyle, an and respected resident of Desmond, was buried here i in the Roman Catholic cemetery on Monday. A flayed motored (o Napanee and took the train there for a short honeymoon in Toronto. On their return they will reside' at amden East, where the groom is a prosperous young farmer, Edward James, Robert Moon and ldshy have purchased new DENBIGH. -Ephraim Sailans. our late after years of sarcoma passed on: May 27th. Rev. Plevna. officiated at wis held at the rch and cemetery, and an unusvally large pathizing friends and itense peacefully Mr, Herr the funeral, which Methodist « wa sattended number of "THF FIRST BIG GUN, Was Used by Mahomet il. te Batfer Walls of Constantinople, The firet great gun in history wa: cast for Mahomet II. for use at 'the slege of Constantinople by. Urban. Dane or Hungarian who, haviag been almost starved in the Greek Service, deserted to the Moslems Mabomet, according to Gibbon "studied with peculiar care the recent and stupendous discovery of ihe Lating; and his, artillery surpassed whatever yet had appeared in the world." .He asked Urban if he could construct a cannon large enough to batter the walls of the city, and re ceived a satisfaetory reply. To quote Gibbon: "On this assurance, a foundry was established at Hadrianople; the metal was prepared, and, at the end of three months, Urban produced a Piece of brass ordbance of stupen- dous and almost ineredible magni- tude; a measure of twelve palms is rased was only forty- eiyht ye. I age, but contracted the § disease al I SIX years ago, and far nearly four years was confined to his bed. cere sympathy is extended to his bereaved wife and nephew, who are left to maurn the loss of an affectionate hushand and uncle Messrs, Michael and Andrew Ready neighbors assigned to the bore, and the stone bullet weighed above six hundred pounds. A vacant place before the Dew palace was chosen for the first experiment, but, to prevent the sud- den and mischievous effects of aston- Ishment and fear, a proclamation was issued to the effect that the cannon would be discharged the ensuing day, The explosion was felt or beard in and Joh: 1, Who have been em. ployed in N Ontario, bave arrived home to rage in farming the re- mainder of season. Miss Hazel Stein, «and her cousin, Harry Chatson, Renfrew, are spend- mg a week or so here visiting their numerous relatives, William John left for New Ontario to lgok after the real estate he owns there. On May 30th the spring session of the ninth Division Court for the county of Lennox and Addington was to be 1d Judge Lavell was on at it, but there were omplaints entered for decide On June 1st Court of Revision of the assessment roll was heid. © There was only one appeal, which was disposed of in a few min. The remainder of the day was t transacting general municipal hand no. cases wim to d utes 1€88§ Township Councils 1 WOLFE ISLAND. Municipal Couneil met at Members present: the councillors : McLaren and Minutes of last meeting Steamboat accounts McDonald, $75; John O'Shea, 25 days, mate, $40.32; A. Ryan; fireman, $50; A. Goslon, deckhand, $35; Wm. Arm- strong, deck hand, $35; George Rat- tray, purser and steward, $280; Geo. Rattray, sundry accounts paid, §32.« 60; J. B. Walkem, for John new wharf, $1,600; J. O. Hutton, in- surance on steamer, $262.50; McKel- vey & Birch, $14.69; 8S. Anglin & Co., $4.50; Mac MeDonald, $10.50: Stevenson & Hunter, $64.87: Jack- son Press, $4; Allan MeLaren, work on wharf, $16.50; A. Grant, work on woarf, $11.25; H. B. ard, towing 100 sticks timber, $15; J. B. Wal- kem, regarding "titles and registra- tion, $6.45; R. Crawford, on coal, $409, Tewnship accounts paid: Clerk for posiage and war stamps, $0.79; on *aury, $257. : The tax collector was Instructed to proceed at once with collection of balance of 1917 tax roll. The reeve announced that the waiting room at foot of Brock street would be at our disposal as soon as Mr. Craig could vacate, which would be very soon, This waiting room is included in our lease of wharf. Council adiourned to first Saturday in Julv at 10 am, The 10 s.m. reeve and O'Rieily. confirmed, paid: - Capt. Gray, $75; M QUARTER PEACH CROP. But Other Fruits in Niagara Plenti- ful, Especially Apples. Niagara Falls, June 11.--A canvass made of leading fruit-growers of this section indicates that the peach crop this year will not be over a quarter crop. This is largely owing to the Severe winter, when most of the wood was killed by the frost, and growers declare the trees are full of dead wood, which will have to be cut out. This applies to orch- ards all over the Niagara fruit belt. Other fruits, particularly apples, are a fine crop, Growers say strawber- ries are short hecause so many plants were winter-killed, and in order to obtain a sufficient supply canners of the district are being compelled to import berries from the other side. MAJ. BISHOP AT FRONT. He Has Gone To France in Command of "Circus." 4 Toronto, June 11.-- After supervis- ing aerial gunnery instruction in England for some time, Major Wil- liam A. Bishop, V.C, D.8.0., Can: ada's noted air fighter, has had his wishes granted and has gone to the front in command of a "ciyeus." A cable has been received from Mrs. 'Bishop, formerly Miss Margaret Burden, of this city, fo the effect that "he had gone to France again. He 1s flight commander of a super- Squadron of the finest air fighters of the Royal Air Force. ; "Opportunity Blindness" Is a common form of defective men- tal vision. To test yourself for evi- dence of this defect, reflect ts to how much interest you find in the classi- fied advertisements. Have they always impressed you as merely a waste of small type-- possibly interesting to SOMEBODY, but not to you? If this has been your attitude toward these little opportunity-bringers, you are a victim of oppertunity-blindness, and should correct the defect without de- solel" in your own inter-|, the eircuit of 100 furlongs, the ball, by the force of gun-powder, was driven above a mile, and on the spot where it fell it buried itself a fathom deep in the ground, For the convey- ance of this destructive engine, a frame or carriage of thirty waggons linked together and drawn along hy a team of sixty oxen: two hundred men oh both sides were stationed to poise and support the rolling weight; two hundred and fifty workmen marched before to smooth the way and repair ihe bridges, and near two months were employed in a laborious journey of one hundred and fifty miles. A likely philosopher derides on this occasion the credulity of the Greeks, and observes with much rea- 80n that we should always distrust the exaggerations of a vanquished people. He calculates that & ball, even of one hundred pounds, would require a charge of one hundred and fifty pounds of powder, and that the stroke would be feeble and im- potent, since not a fifteenth part of the mass could be inflamed at the Same woment. A stranger as I am tc the arc of destruction, I can discern that the modern improvements of ar- tillery prefer the number of pleces to the weight of metal, the guickness of fire to the sound, or even the con- Sequences of a single explosion, Yat I dare not reject the positive and unanimous evidence of contemporary writers, nor can it seem improbabie that the first artists, in their rude and ambitious efforts, should have transgressed the standard of moder- ation. A Turkish cannon, more enor- mouse than that of Mah t, still STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO BUSINESS ACCOUNTS All classes of business accounts "receive careful attention. 58T'D 1872 KINGSTON BRANCH, . J. F. ROWLAND, Manager, 57 Collections For Business Houses The satisfactory service which The Merchants Bank renders to Business Houses, in the matter of collecting Notes, Drafts . and other ncial paper, is due to the ~~ numberandstrategic location of its branches throughout Canada, and the efficient system orce, Special attention is given to collections ; returns are promptly made and credited ; losses are often prevented by the care and thoroughness with which we do this part of eat work. THE MERCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864, KINGSTON BRANCH, G. E. HAGUE, . . . - Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. Manager, THE CANADIAN BANK OF CO SIR EDMUND WALKER, ' C.V.Q, LL.D, D.C.L., President SIR JOHN AIRD, General Manager [8 FLV. F. JONES, Aus Gen. Masager -------- SAVINGS BANK BUSINESS ' A Savings account will assist you in the patriotic and personal duty of conserving your finances. This Bank allows interest at Current rates, and welcomes small accounts as well as large ones. Kingston Branch--P. C. STEVENSON, Manager. msn A A guards the entrance to the Darda- nelles, and if the use be inconvenient, it has been found on a late trial that the effect was far from €on- temptible. A stone bullet of eleven hundred pounds weight was once discharged with three hundred and thirty pounds of powder at a distance of three hundred yards; it shivered into three rocky fragments, traversed the strait and, leaving the waters in foam, again rose and hounded against the opposite hill." Students of history will not need to be told that the lively philosopher referred to by Gibbon was Voltaire, RIPE, FRESH STRAW- BERRI S DAILY Ripe bananas, California peaches, large and small pines apples, California apples, grape-feuit, oranges, lemons, tomatoes, and fresh cucumbers; all kinds of fresh home made candy and all kinds of faney chocolate boxes. v California Fruit Store Phone 2168. Prompt Delivery. who said, in his "History of Charles XIL.," "history is a mass of fable previously agreed upon." "+ » The siege of Constantinople began on April 6, 1453, and five days later the bombardment began. Says Gib bons: "The great cannon of Mahomet has been separately noticed; an im- portant and visible object in the his- tory of the times; but that enormous engine was flanked by two fellows of almost equal magnitude, Under a master who counted the moments, the great cannon could be loaded and fired no more than seven times in one day. The heated metal unfortun- ately burst; several workmen were destroyed, and the skill of the artist was adhired who bethought himself | of preventing the jdanger and the accident by pouring ofl after eacn explosion into the moyth of the can- non, A circumstance that distin- guishes the siege of Constantinople is the reunion of ancient and modern artillery. The cannon were inter- mingled with the mechanical engines for casting stones and darts, the bul- let and the battering ram were di- rected against the same walls, nor had the discovery of gunpowder superseded the use of the liquid and inextinguishable fire." -------------------- "Home, Sweet Home." "Home, Sweet Home" is sung in the four corners of the world, wher- ever English is spoken. : The song which the people of the Old Country love best has sprung from the inspir- ation of the two great branches of the Anglo-Saxon race. Its words are those of an Ameriean, Jobn Howard Payne, and its melody is English, the composition of Sir Henry Bishop. How near it iles to the American heart Adelina Patti well knew, as the little note which Motley has left of ber singing in Vienna, years ago, shows. She was the furore at the time, and he says: "She is a dear, wn- sophisticated little thing. She con- siders herself an American, and sang 'Home, Sweet Home,' after dinner the other day, because &he said she Was sure we should lke to bear it, and she sang it most delightfully." The love of that song, by all Anglo- + hows the identity of feeling which springs from an identity of source, | Cigaretio Of the great smokers there is than one in The best ¢ ponds are of dhe fivat ater----by different with niilk. Lie ia a To botiert at 3%c. n, N.Y, 9,000 at 22 | 7 Waltham Watch | in the War: When the United States Government wanted a tireless and accurate timekeeper for its aero- ane service, it chose the Waltham Watch, © you, as a prospective watch buyer, this iece of news is significant. The fact that the altham is selected whenever a Government i scientific body requires an in- fallible time recorder is the best possible indi- cation of the integrity of Waltham workman ship and quality. Your jeweler carries Waltham pov bon at prices to suit all purses. "Ask him to show you." » Waltham Watch Ys Limited, Mon :