Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jun 1918, p. 11

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THE DAILY ERITISH WHIG, ; THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1918. a ; SYDENHAM NOTES. Many Visitors Spending Holidays in the Busy Place. Sydenh June H.-A number of ¢ local farmers have recently pur- chased new cars." The revent rains SE the crops ie 5k favorable, a ul : , t seceding 1s over, and pla Jatuable. horse last wee Miss E ances here. Mrs, Rosevear, g y potatos the order of the day. | inklate in $ visiting at Ross Wartman's A } i Brothers shipped EE Frontenac ay Tor 4 fe ¥ are. | Hegg ny has returned to his home at $3.75 per ewt. Two has returne i home to Kingston after } p \ OE Ping a dew gars carloads, were shipped; Legrge Free- : v spending a couple of weeks with her aan Form vicinien ro DWYER fman sold a team of horses fast week § a coup y ier | returned from visiting friends in {while in the city. Thomas Trous- GLENDOWER. other. Bhe was accompanied back | Sydenham H. Buck and wife and dale has 'received another c rioad of June 11-=The farmers have about by her little sister, Olive Smith. Mrs. | on Bruce, visited friends in New- furs e coal. Many of th : farmers} completed their plaiting. ' Some of | F- Best and Miss Mabel Darling | 1,04 recently : are § ttn their ly . Jaren the members of T. Babéock's fas spent A couple of days in Kingstc { re este rv Mr. Read a Ye tur ed home are sick with the measles. A pn last week. IE. [Alexander pent last | from Conference, which a held of ek " : g ft for | Sunday at R. Smith's. Mrs. J. Link- | ber of Toeal young men have left f hr is Ottawa, and is expected to remain ra % visited a | Bg Bee Kingston to don the khaki. Mr. arc Miss misitad ea rag Yace "1 with us another year . Mrs, Henry Mry, Peter Sowards are ¥isiti "| Darling and family motored to Elgin | Lanark McMillan bas returned -home_ after latter 8 sisters here, Mrs. Peter last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl spending the winter in Wisconsin with ards and Mrs. Allan Si der were visi- Teepell have gone to Vannachar to . her son. Dr. McMillan. 1). W. Lake tors at Sanford Leeman's, visit the latter's home. attended the Methodist Conference in 3 mee 4 FERGUSON'S FALLS. Ottawa as representative for Syden- ARDEN, June 10.--The frequent showers {ham circuit. Mrs. Louis Clow spent June 10.---A goodly number at- KEPLER TIDINGS are welcomed by all as they are the weekend with friends in Kings- tended the Holy Communion service Kepler, June 11.--Crops are loo making the meadows ang grain ton : es in St. Paul's church on Sunday fine after. recent showers 1e | Brow. Gardens are looking fine. A Mr. and Mrs. William Kennedy and morning. Mrs. Genevieve Detlor has members of the Red Croés Society at. | RUmber of young people from Of- IM: and Mrs Robert Orr motored to | been engaged as teacher at Borden- tended the meeting of the Red Cross | tAWa Spent the week-end on Pine Deseronto and spent a couple of days, | . | wood school and will begin her duties in: Sydent fast week The W. M. | Hill here. Mrs. Brooks and child- Miss Kemp, of Maple Grove spent] I 1 4 y ) " J * on June 11th. Miss Susie Cox is home | c 7 . rén, of Toronto risiting : : pis » . met t rat. Mrs A a ; s are visiting at M. : week-end wit s Ma . - L SR again after spending some weeks tors ih Town: Lp Cron Tae pes ang at M. ihe Week cud Bb Miss Manic Coch. A with friends at Fernleigh. Miss wrote on their part I. entrance'ex- turned home after spending the win- 4 ) oP > BAN Lela and Donald Kirk, Kingston, are 7 home for the holidays. A large risa ce Bllagt. A number from here attended |. a Iw At . 4 / i Vu number from here attended the dance om y Iy bone | the dance at M, Chambers' last Fri- Bee Joy : a ast fhe village har | ME on PE b RS a name the gum is proud day night. Charles Hollinger is Griffith has been. making some m- | WE bs / to bear. at B, Newton's on Friday night, Mr y thi Mrs. N. Dawson, Trenton, have ay i Re Ls sel- ith gover Ty adios a we RELI] % . and Mr Da enton, have . Montreal ill with a severe cold. he ladies of provements on the house lately pur- ; Be if moved to their cottage here for the e . 13 the (Red Cross intend holding a PR rv " 3 spending a few days with his father, p po i . ._ |chased irom Mrs. Thomas. The Red t A 7A 0% summer, Miss Anna Redmond, Syroousy dance in Junesville Om mext Wednes- 10d 0 CO had nas, fe Red ; . HRN ' ; CALIFORNIA FRUIT-- WirgpreDRa N.Y. is spending her holidays with | "°° ¥ & and tea last Thursday, at which there LAKE OPINICON. her parents Mrs. J. Donnell. Port were eighty p 'nt : | ert ghso 0st a linouth! his heer raiariihe Mt, 1orts. ' LAVANT STATION. : Gd rr Me | dus, Hu Hugh on a month, BEE been renewing acquain June 8. Misses aT Stewart Harley McFarland vas A AA AMA Arte ; I to the General Hospital Jast and Madge Jacob and A: Desjardine . : , sae iv i & > a g ha week for an operation for appendicitis, " Spent. ihe Mreck-end with the'form- | ETE OT 2h OPO very slowly. Miss The kind of gum you - er's parents, (Mr. and Mrs. William tui y se .f Jil The New Edison Amberola Stewart, Ompah. Mrs. George Alberta Styder graduate Bure om ; Br y come back for when | Parry and little son, John, have re- New York, is visiting her sister, Miss Ly y imitati di 3 . | turned to Ottawa after visiting her | Clic Snider . Mrs. James McMa- WES IN {i)lat ena prove cusp. Paul Althouse, the fa- A Facer [hon, 'of Godirey, is visiting her sis- : inti : : | yarents. Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Jacob. [Mon of reys J ting' her sis pointing, mous tenor of-the Metro- | John Thomas and 'Mrs. E. IL .Mc- |ter, Mrs. . P Trousdale. ,, Benson " * Py politan Opera. Company, [Farlane spent the week-end with the | Clark has moved from Kingston to hoa ie iF Such gum as only the will sing for 'you any latter's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. John | Sydenham, and has rented Fred Fok- ge = : dst night without charge, in Paul, Lavant Miss Lottie White, [00s house. He is employed at the| . " / house of ADAMS knows your own home if you Poland, is sewing in this vicinity. The | General Electric mines Adam Da- ) 'how to make, own 2 fm Edivon Dia- jresglar monthly mee.ing of the Wo- Pr Rieranng the stone crusher at J ' : mond Ambersla. ' A pos- men's Institute was held on Satur- er Road. . ries i tal to us wili bring you day, June 8th, {with a good attend- Mrs. Wilmot Guess. of Kingston, y : : Famous for aguality and information how easily ance. [The money ion hand was dis- [Spent a few ys with her two sis- r J flavor that no other ° you can get one. tributed as follows: $50 to 'Canadian [ters. Mrs. Edward Sills, and Mrs | equals, Miss Ba a Red Cross; $20 ito British Red, idan Davey. I'he Loughtero Coun- RR i Miss Edna Bailey, the Cross Society, and $10 "i yo- {cil has issued a by-law that automo- 4 Ro ar well-known society enter- men's College Hospi ps Div: biles running more than ten miles an Fe Everywhere preferred taney ne children's pensary in Teronto. (Mrs. Orville [hour in the town limits are liable to : y y PA peop story teller, has recorded Stewart and son, Wilmer, lef s ja fine, and that notices will be put : : righnal) uTTH "The Three Bears" oa the on Monday to visit her re as soon as sigfis can be painted. | ; ZZ R Mi ADAMS (Ihe orighal) TUTTI FR Gum New Edison Diamond Reston, Man. She was accompanied | Bicycles, tricycles and little waggons Amberola. Bring the here by ther mother, Mrs. James |are to be kept off the sidewalk. St. kiddies in-----they'll enjoy Rankin and brother, Mervyn, who | Paul's Church expects to give a lawn it. spent 'the day with Mr. and Mrs. | social on June 26th, Thomas. Lee. mmm iae------ GIFTS FOR THE BOYS. J. M. Gr eene Music Co., Ltd. 1 Prince Edward hig ed aml Frit 1g people ' held . a st Wednesday { amination $I ark Frida renovating | ations ai Lanai on riday yer in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Stew- a gum that ADAMSiis proud to sponsor, -------- Cor, Princess and Sydenham Streets Kingston, Ontario, i HED. FasL Lome vi \ y Hillier by the death of her sister. PIOTON. Herman Coon has erected a new gar- - v, ET 3a June 8.--The J's have instituted [age. Teams are busy gravelling the DrJ Collis Browne's v + A the sHver thimble 'and trinket fund. |road that leads into the village. a - , g » YJ Its. purposg is to help : furnish the | School Inspéctor MoGuire wisited in boys at the ' fromt with hot drinks. | this Ficinity ithe 'past week. Mrs. Wil- 3 I re i The oollection of gold silver, prass|lam Pearson thas returfied from Pure Chéwing Gum --s : THEY - cw J 04 3 a : Why 4 4 f : and rubber were displayed in some | Kingston General Hospital. Rev, . 5 3 F Ba ; 4 , ' y i of the merchants windows as h re<|R. Stillwell attended conlterence at dq / J / 4 minder of the boys nobly fighting, | Ottawa. ~ Pte. Gerald Brown, who | . Several contributions of money were | Was wounded overseas, arrived Jame! vi also received. Some of the young la- | the first of the month and is receiv- ' \ dies from town motoréd to Trenton |ins Ichi glad handshake 'of his many | for the King's birthday, the chief at-| friends. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. traction being the formal opening of Pee. George Howard, Royal Py a 2 : the Trent Valley Canal.' Mrs. John-| ing Corps, oronto, is spending a | . Acts like a Charm m ston of Consecon is visiting at Mrs. | Month with this parents. Two far-| : i RHOE Killip's. A. Vangesen, 'commercial | PIanes passed over last week from Y 4 J i / NOW ; A and is the oaly Student at the Collegiate, is spend-{ Déseronto to' Montreal. Mrs. A. ~ Ing the week-end at" "Glenbrook." Morgan has gone to Brockville for ' C Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Fox are on a|medical treatment. Mrs. Clenden- | Specific in HOLERA and visit to their daughter, Mrs. C. .|Bing, Saskatchewan, and Miss Al-| Wannamaker, Salem, iH. Horsey, ford, who accompanied the remains | DYSENTERY and Miss Horsey are on a visit to|Of their mother, purpose taking up | . . Ottawa. The Greenbursh Red Cross ei I the Tage. apes al Nujol soon relieves onstipati ki { met at 8. McCoy's h ; he : v8 | Checks and EVER SRoSS sfisn, fata diseases-- evening, The reas few idays with his father. J. B. constipation, ma ing small ' y . Main street brick churc . Pinkerton has gone to spend a few 8 3 . . The best Remedy kaowa for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Sunday for the last time ue a Separate [months in the Canadian west. Miss doses generally sufficient to maintain regular Effectually cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. congregation Mary 'Halladay and Mrs. Perryman | . . ibe oaly palliative ia NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE ' are assisting at {F. IC. DeWells® gale | bowel-habits, as in the case of Mr. Dickie, who 4 is a li id taken in drops, graduated according to dhe majads. BLOOMFIELD. at Lhantsy, auld Tale has grade | f I ¢ ' impariably velicves pain of whatever ind: creates a calm refreshing sleep; June 10.--Rev. 'Mr. 1 ated from Brockville [Business Col- : . A % h 10. . 'Mr. Limbert and ratefu w ie Dd fects anh sam 04 Taken, whem; sehr mean ee pees Alonzo Meeks are attending the Bay |198¢ and accepted eituation in the g y writes as follows: INSIST ON HAVING © Se CONVINCING of Quinte conferemce at Lindsay. ows. DA Coon ahd taniily, Kings i Several t Ci p = ble fh » . 11 De. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S El MEDICAL TESTIMONY Ry the Fonacripts who went, u, spent Sundey with friends. A NUJOL LABORATORIES, CHLORODYNE. Bot To WITH EACH leave. A ¢ . reception was tendered the two re- a An ' i oa Bott 1088 BOTTLE. erican sentative A turned soldiers on (Wednesday even- STANDARD OIL CO. (New Jersey), The jnnsuss. wiopste of Po). Sold by all Chemints a location for a milk condensary, | 108, When addresses and a musical BAYONNE, N \ this Remedy Ras given NS was here to find out the quantity of das « NJ. DRODY pa LO pg programme 'were given and (Messrs. to many imitations 1k , G. Brown and J. Kane were pre- os UR. 29, md dvallable. = Several farmers sented with signet rings. i D pi wise Bos g Sonrary jocated there, William ------ I -------- ear, Oirs:-- Stars the | 1. 7. DAVENPORT, risty and wife and Edwin Baxt 3 3 3 JEDE y saSe # " te St ys it h and' wits motored. 16 Pors Pere Aber] . THE LATE JOSEPH LEEDER. | I am pleased to say that your remedy "Nujol tor, Dr. J, 1 od LONDON, urday to visit th Fr % ? a el . ar ad kh : xan ! ed do oy pa Sk parr. An Aged Resident of the Front of for constipation, has helped me greatly. In fact | have improved ' Ela tt, - . . : al Riared Atke at ward. Ar Mallorytown, June 11,~~On Friday so much since | commenced taking it that | need but very emall fore enlisting. Owing to the fre- | evening at 8.30 o'clock there passed quent raing the farms never looked | #Way in Joseph Leeder, one of the more promising. Corn and tomatpes | Pest known and most highly respect- . : have been planted In large quauti- | ©d residents of Front of Yonge. i Yours respectfully, NeXt ewes 1 Lion. X Death was due to diseases incidental Kirby, W . to his advanced years, He was eigh- f Irby. Wyoming, James Dickie. ty-two years of age and had spent all D. 21.1916 y his long and useful life in the town-| ec. £1, a ' 9 ship, where he died. Deceased was = twice married, his first wife being 3 QO y fy ara e i Miss Ellen Kavanaugh, Charleston. 3 Jil * " By their union four children were PHIL > born. They are Moses, Maclntoch June 14 ILAPSYILE, t Mills; Mrs. Frank Slack, Lyn, and Gobes on Saturny. return- { yony and Robert, who died in: early 1 from Qu Oh Saturday with a lo nnood. He then martiad Mise ° ' : 3 1 " Be ft ay Gs | Rishi Joe, citi re 0 Six years, ; fs § : H. . Dawson, Brockville, was a Bennie and Andrew, Ballacanoe: Ed- went to Chesterville to visit a con- doses now. A -------------------- -- YE visitor at the home of her father win, Fairfield; Mrs. Michael Fodey, last week. She returned home on t : fi Saturday. Phflo Haskin was the En, and Stanley and Miss Mame, a 1L.X Nujol relieve you from constipation as it has Mr. Dickie and thousands of others, . ® Ca. 1 chauteur for a load of ladies to |HOME: ; [ir RR who lense endanger health by th us f harm pill and alt. : have had ®u very pleasant trip it the 3 church, Baliycanoe, In poli- Nujol is gentle and natural in action; affects only the source of the real estate under the h wind bh : not Shanged hands So often. oad tics he was a staunch Liberal. The absorbed by the body. Nujol therefore aids the bowels to act for ao en. of Mr, Leeder is deeply mourn- of ts a ahater he he uss : death . \ man who in ite show- | natural way--no physicing: no griping: no dangerous or. di All Makes and All Sizes al d a robust drugless, and pleasant to take. It is a positively safe remedy for Be "regular as clockwork" --use Nujol. : di He stay at {he Barrie: | dos : ree Air Service With Tires. tis 8 turned down. | 0 a a St There ison. mboitans AD CHUTELY.

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