PACE Six rr ------------------ Ee ----. a News From Eastern Ontario a Em ------ GANANOQUE Correspo Young unique Tent.) People 9 {From O : -June 15. Garden Club had a hast evening. mst) - AT COLLINS BAY. En ying a Rest at Pretty Summer Place, Hew Ct they met at six o'clock | and had tea at the lot on River street i Ka which they are cultivating t fon, After tea the crowd got us and hoeh potatoes until the plot was Huished. The firat of the series of open air concerts was rendered by the Citi- zens' baud at the town pri Thursday evening and was largely attended, G. N. Asselstine, who bas been un- dergoing treatment in Kingston Gen- eral Hospital for some time past, has returned home so far improved as to be able to resume his regular duties. | The Catholic Literary and Athletie €lub held another enjoyable dance at the Assembly Hall at the club house of the Gananoque Canoe and Moto: Boat Association on Wednesday even- ing. Miss Edith Loueh, Sydenham street, was taken to Kingston Gen- erdl Hospital for an operation for ap pendicitis the fore part of this week, and reports state that she is making fair progress, Miss Josephine Charbonneau, Gur- den street, was taken to St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, for an operation of appendicitis during the past few deays, She was accompanied My her mother, Mrs. Joseph Charbon- neau, ; Word has been received here that Sergt. William Kaceg, who enlisted and went overseas with the 156th Battalion, and who was recently re- ported as a prisoner-of-war in Ger- many, to the effect that he has ar- rived in Holland, whether he made his escape or was exchanger is not yet known. Mrs. R. T. Kenny and daughter, Mrs, William Smith, of Toronto, ar- rived yesterday for a visit with rela- tives and friends in town and at their Summer cottage at Butternut Bay, near Brockville, Mrs. James H, Moore, of McKellar, Parry Sound district, arrived recently for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Addie Carpenter, Charles street, Er ------------------ Wedded at Odessa, Odessa, June 14-4 quiet wed- ding took place on Wednesday, June 12th at 11 a.m. at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Denyes, Odesss ay Dr Sister A on | Belleville, spent the week- AW ; eng ' 1 . bp 'Pr Elgin, Man ' | irtman's, /, M.P., and for their home last A | f y Ke th. W artm week after visiting his hrother, A i Miss D, Bertram is visit andria Bay. Ellerheck-are very the Finley, friends in friends of Ri sorry to bear of his breaking of his arm. DELEGATES FROM STELLA. accident, Several Attended Missionaary Con- vention and Orange Grand Lodge, Stella, June 11.--Farmers are busi- ly engag Jd plant toes, The rain of very welcome. Fhe s of Bath, toek a number of ¢ from here last week, MM. Willard and V. Howard ran excursions from here in their motor boats to Kingston on June 3rd. ¥. Briceland and J. McGuire were over at the island on Mandav buvine fat stock J. Mc Farlane was also over buying horses, E. Denee was over buying hay. Twi w I came up an the boat for Emerald par D. Caughey, Jr, recently at- tended the missionary convention of the Preshyterian Church held in Gananoque Mrs. C, E. Gihson was a delegate to the Womah's ary he at Brockville last week, J Brown attended the meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge of Eastern On- tario mn Kingston last week, W. J sloop | RENFREW LOSES FACTORY. b. | Allen, have | t me at Mrs. | wife, of | property | THE DAILY se Wake win Be -. OLATED A om SH - JUDGE LAVELL FINED W, F. NICy KLE FOR CUTTING CORNER. { Case Was Threshed Out in the Po-| lice Court on Saturday Morning Three Other Autoists Were Also] Fined--A Drunk Claims He Wass Poisoned. ! Judge Lavell pre court Saturday m v ing in the case mm iM.P., who Was s r {breach of the ity by the corner of Bro: with his aute on : i between 10 {After hearing all Ren- [the argument of th risoner at the! f the | bar," who conducted his own ease. | Bat Honor imposed the usual fine of | and costs, J. L. Whiting, city] licitor, appeared on behalf of the | osecution, | The chdrge was laid hy Conatables ames Downey and Thomas Mullin- | ger, and they told how Mr. Nickle] mplete Allied [came down Broek street with his | short tin auto znd' cut the Bank of Toronto rancis, out hisjeorner. They charged that Mr. Nickle! property kere some four- drove within four feet of the curb, | s ago to T. A, Li a Mr. Nickle, giving evidence on his 1 with own behalf, stated that when he 1 a resi-jeame down Broek street he was on the = other [his way to the 'garage. He came. sed the fir idence and {down the right side of the street of John Allan on Horton |about four OF five feet from the curb. As he approached the Bank of | Commerce crossing he found an auto! ACCIDENT AT YARKER. stopped there. The car was faced to-| § wards the east, and across the cross- 1 King street urday morning and 10.15 o'clock. | » evidence, and € {tmost ¢ 11 sold Street, A.W, [then to the right, with the intention Yarker, June 13.--Mr. Byron Hol-| of complying with the city by-laws, | den has taken all his woodwork ma- | but as he did so, a Waggon came up| chinery out of his shop and made it|from behind, in the middle of the into a garage iroad. He was What may have heen a serious ac-| Within 20 or 25 feet of the curb at' cident happened the other morning the Bank of Toronto If his car when A. W. Benjamin was helping at{could be placed within four feet of | the factory. Some hot metal flew in|the curb he would plead guilty. He his face, hurning him seriously. [turned towards the left, in order to J.B. Sanderson has returned home|avoid an accident. after a business trip to Arden, | Judge Lavelle, in imposing the fine. | Mrs. W. D. Wilson has been at her|held that the acensed was not justi-| pare for some time suffering from/| fied In committing the breach of the quinsey. The Holiness Movement {by-law as he did. It was the duty people are conducting their services|of the accused to have stopped his on the camp ground for a week, Quitejcar. The man driving, coming from a few from here attended the Orange behind would have had to stop, too, meeting held in Kingston. Miss Liz-| However, he did not regard his driv- Hot Metal. (Asquith Says That RITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1918. SAFETY FIRST! IN WAR TO THE END; END OF WAR LORD Nothing Can Weaken People's Steadfast Purpose. London, June 15--""We have reach- ed the stage where more is to be galned than lost by laying before the the actualities," declared Premier, in people dll Herbert Asquith, former zie Brown of Marlbank called on her|ing as reckless, | spes afore > rye ME Mr. Nickle said that after the in. speaking before the Aldwych Club Mrs. Stewart - rthur Smith and Merrill of | cident occurred, he expressed the 2H with Mr. Willlam Smith | Wish that he would be summoned, as ished to have a teat case. | lajor Roy Richardson, John Gib- on, and Peter Granger, paid the sual fine for violations of the rules f the road with their autos. Magistrate Farrell, who sister, Mrs. Odessa Mrs. James Freeman is at her sister's) h Mrs. Dean's, Ivanhoe, Mrs. R. Boul-| ton and children have returned home! from Bannockburn after a short v siti] Mr, and Mrs. Clinton Smith spent thel0 4rd June in Belleville. Rev. Mr. Everson has gone to Lindsay to tend conference. Mr. and Mrs, Wood. | that the pedestrians of Kingston, are visiting at the home| Wav on the roads, ! of J. Y. Main for a few days. Mr | Kenneth Praser admitted being in-' heard yesterday, yet been stemmed, and it would be the issue of this phase it will not weaken our allegiance to the great roses for whi re are fi et at-| these cases, took occasion to remark Purphses Jor ¥iich we are fightir : had the right of in ent period, he said that this afforded opportunities for the "The people are face any situation.' 'The tide of the invasion hae not ready to folly to make any forecast of the im- FOR Benjamin's Face Burned By|ing. Witness turned to the left, and All Canada's Man Power is Required ! Avo t C 8 oly a sure he did not go nt Supplied by Ontario Safety League, NO THOUGHT LITTLE SISTER 1" id Accidents For Batteries, Spark Plugs, Coils, Auto Lamps and Motor Boat Supplies; Spark Coil Repairing, and Everything Electrical, Call At Halliday Electric Co. Phone 94, Cor. Princess and King Sts. rt --eaee pending movements, but whatever Mr, Asquith evoked cheering when speaking of the strain of the press "eruder forms CEDAR SHINGLES Don't let your roof leak; cover it up with New Brunswick Extras. When their youngest daughter, Clva . T May N. iy united in marriage to] Glenn and D. H. Filson leit on Mon Gieorge Sutton Lucas. son of Mr. and | (ay Yo jacad the Grand hodge bi the Mrs, J. H. Lucag of Moscow, former-| > A. I. B. in Hawa te. Hug trom Darriehelc and Mrs. Edgar and family, Kingston, | toxicated, and was fined $10 and x of sensation mongering, which found | Spent the week-end with his parents, |costs. He does not know the name 8 & a ready market among people of low intelligence ang high credulity," » Quality Excellent. Price Right. {of the man who gave him the liquor, is home ly of Odessa. Instant Rev. Mr, Bedford, of i on Odessa Methodist - church officiated. The bride was given away by her father, and wore a gown of blue silk poplin trimmed with Georgette silk crepe and the groom's gift, a pearl necklace, Only immediate relatives of the bride and groom were pres ont. After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served, About 2.30 pau. the happy couple left by anto- mobile for Belleville and Trenton. The high esteem of the bridal couple was shown by the many beautiful and useful gifts received. On their return they wil reside at Moscow, Ont, If you owe him it's the other fel- low's business whether you fool away Your money or not. a month's leave. Presentation at Pittsburg. Pittsburg, June 14.--On Saturday evening, June 8th, about sixty mem- bers and friends of Zion Methodist church, Pittsburg North surprised their pastor and his wife by present- ing themselves at the parsonage about eight o'clock. armed with all the material for a chicken supper. The affair took the form of a fare well for the Rev. and Mrs. C. W Hollingsworth, the former having Just finished a successful pastorate of four years, and during the even ing the friends presented them with an address and a well filled purse as a token of their respect and ap- preciation. The address was read by Mrs. William Gordon, and Mrs. Thomas Hyland made the presenta- tion. Mr. Hollingsworth made & suitable reply, expressing his regret at leaving so kind and loyal a people and where the spirit of good will be- tween pastor and peopls had steadily grown all through. the pastorate Mr. and Mrs. Hollingsworth anil family will leave shortly for thelr new field of labor. Brockville Soldier Honored, Brockville, June 15.--The distin tion 'of being the only man in the ranks of the famous Princess Pat- ricia's Canadian Light Infantry be he mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig's la- test despatch, covering the period from Sept. 26th to Feb, 25th, is en- Joyed by Pte, Frank J. Nichols, for- merly of the 156th Leeds and Gren ville Battalion, whose wife resides here, ops for See Our New Arrivals in Children's Hats New Styles To Suit Every ~~ Ladies' Panamas Replenished Our Stack of P We Have Just | styles and blocks. 0, $3.50 and $4.00 { but said he was very anxious to lo-i Brockville Girl Weds In England. |eate him, as he claimed it was poison! Brockville, June 14--Cable advices! he had been given. The police will record the marriage recently at Lang sist the thirsty soldier in his search ham Place, London, W., of Arthur for the man. Fraser paid $2.50 for Frederick Lawrence Hepton, of Ros-| half a 'bottle of booze. | sett Holt, Harrogate. England. t i ---------- Margaret, second daughter of the late! Sa WE Mr. and Mes. William Fleming, | WON RACE WITH STORM Brockville, © The bride was at one ------ time' a member of the teaching staff | Flyer Overtook find Outdistanced of the Brockville public' schools and| i Thunder Clouds. removed to England some years ago| New York, Juné 156.-~In a vie- with her sister, Mrs. Frank H. Ful-{torious rave with a thunderstorm, ford, j Lieutenant Culver yesterday broke i ---------------- Honored By King, : phia and New York. He left Phila- Pembroke; June 15.- Lieut.-Col. | deiphia at 2.30 and arvived at Bel- Thames parestt son pt Me 3. W.lmont Park 42 minutes later, flying grit, Surrogate court elerk hore. ina mate of 147 miles an hour. At MY ho lost his eyesight us » result! qronton, the flier: overtook a thun- other Pembroke boy honored by the|dorstorm moving in the same diree- king, who has made him an officer wp tion, Passing : through it he beat the new Order of the British Empire, [the rain into Belmont Park half an 4 thour. He flew an airplane equipped At the A. A, Farwell Holstein sale] With a Liberty motor. at Oshawa, on Tuesday, A. C. Hardy, | of Brockville, paid $1,600 for Fuottie! Mechthilda 'Walker, which produced | sixty-one pounds of milk on Monday, | Prof, | the third day of her test. | to American Signal Corps. The gospel of help and love and |. Prof. Arthur L, Clark, professor consideration is all that one needs | of physics at Queen's University, is to live by and die by. ® leaving for Washington, D.C., whers he will be engaged during the sum- mer oh reseach work for the signal corps of the American army. In the autumn he will resume his position at | Queen's University, TO DO RESEARCH WORK A. L. Clarke Will Be Attache Dr, Tremain's Natural Halr Restors- tive, used as directed, is guaranteed to restore gray hair to its natural eolor or money refunded. Positively not a dye and non-injurious. Price $1.00. i McBride-Lake Wedding. A quiet wedding took place . at A New Assortment of HW Face. anamas with some of the , at the very popular prices of $1.49, On snle In Kingston by T. H. Sargent, Denggint, Princess and Montreal Stw, Princess street parsonage on June 11th, when Rev. H. E. [Curry united in matrimony Susan H. Lake and John MdBride, both of Kingston. The bride 'was dressed in a fawn t brown silk suit with hat to mateh. ; She formerly lived at Elginburg. Mr. MdBride was formerly of Kep- ler, [but for the past few years has been 'in the employ of 8. Anglin & Co. The couple were attended bv Mr. and Mrs. B. Gage, [Pine street. { Phe many beautiful and useful pre- sents received marked the high es- far in which the Hride and groom are held, among them being a hand- some set of silver from Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Gage, of Paisley, Ont. Mr. [2nd Mrs. McBride will reside at 219 gm Stuart street, Weather Notes. ! The area of high pressure which was over Lake Superior yesterday | Still covers the Great Lakes. Fine weather now prevalls from Ontario eastward. A shallow. disturbances is centered over porthers Man'toba, hut except for some heavy thunder storms in northern Alberts the Weather in the west has been fair, It Was very warm in Saskatchewan, Flying Exhibition Permitted. Toronto, Juno J5--1Miss Ruth Law, the aviatrix, has been granted permission by the military authori- Lies at Ottawa oy give exhibitions of in Toronto within the next ks, ing i | - B. Harrigan, s , 'to Charles A. O'Con- , Sedetinam, 'the. a § take place June 25th. cos » want to Jt it of wit Bey ons ek stop -- Sir John Gibson is President, i SOM BE MacDonald, Brockville: J. the air post record hetween Philadel donald, Toronto: W. H re re ER IOHILDREN'S AID ANNUAL. Sup- ported by Strong Staff. Torotito, June 15.-The Associa- Allan's Lumber Yard Phone 1042. Yard: Victoria Street. Branch Yard: Place d' Armes. ' tion of Children's IAld Societies held its annual meeting at the Parlia- ment 'Buildings yesterday, when the following officers were elected; Hon. president, Bir John IM. Gibson; hon. vice-president, J. J. Kelso; pre- sident, 'W, 1. Seott: vice-presidents, Sir Louis Davies, Ottawa, Judges K. Mac- Wardrope, MeDermid, MLA. Jelleville; W. K.XC., Whitby; D. H. London; Charles McCrea, Sudbury; 1. Ritchie, Fi -Kernahan;"Toronto: J: FE. Atkin. son, Morente; Sheriff IA. 18. 'Allan, Guelph: Col. Farewell, K.C., 'Whit- by; hon. secretary-treasurer, Rev. W. M. H. Quartermaine, Renfrew; executive committee, Hugh Fergu- son, Stratford; Frank Blain, Fort William; |W. (i. H. Hackney, 'Wind- { sor; A. Tovell, Guelph; J. 1.. Axford, Brantford. Child weHare work veewpied the attention of the 4235 delegates, and the conclusion a resolution was Nr trib im Sa i at passed thanking the honorary seo- retary, Rev. W. [H. M. Quartermaine Poin A Dio Gas Stoves Call and see our. stock of gas stoves. We have a very complete line, : from two- burner hot plates to high oven 'cabinet ranges. Our prices are right. Lemmon& Sons 187 Princess Street. < of Renfrew, for his work in contiec- {ion with the twenty-fifth anniver- sary. DRAFT EVADERS CAUGHT Detroit Police Raided Meeting Mak. ing 210 Arrests, Detroit, Mich, June 15, Two hundred and ten arresis of men of military age and draft evaders were made last night in a police raid upon a meeting at which Jphn Reed, nam- ed by the Bolshevik Government as one of its representatives in the United States, was the speaker, it was announced today. The arrests were made at the close of the meet- ing each man being stopped 'and re- quested to show his draft classifica tion card. Reed declared that recig- nition by the Allies, especially Am- erica, is a military expedient neces. sary fo prevent the Soviet from crumbling. KERENSKY IN NORWAY. Former Russian Minister Says He I= Trying to Reach France, A Pacific Port, June 15.--A. Kono- valoff, former Russian Minister of Commerce, who js here on his way to Washington, London and Paris 4 said that former Premier Alexande- Kerensky is on his way 10 France. Konovaloff served as Minister dur ing Kerensky's administration, and for a time was vice-president of the Cabinet. He was vice-president of the Duma during the Romanoff rule The last 1 heard from Kerensiy was through tn in ; source." he said to-day. "At ing ri he was, in Norway ani was trying to reach France". = brodghs market and there wag 3 teady sale for thelr products; rs Ta ; 3. 4. O'Niell of the Daily Standard, natin to spend a tow days Cavon FitzGerald is still confined at " Whe i y sf afo Bd eel 3 5 OO 1 FrcHghest Clos dhl Mackine ww ni C7 g £ 5 < ES YY know that you have the finest instru. | ments that can be made 'when you buy the Sonora + =marvelous tone, beauti- ful ap ce and matchless perfection of ical features. Hear the Sonora . W. Lindsay,