Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1918, p. 3

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-------- Suffered Great Agony FROM PAIN IN STOMACH For Over 5 Years. Most of the misery and ill-he lth that humanity is burdened with arise from disorders of the stbmach, liver and bowels. If you are feeling out of sorts, have pains in the stomach, es- pesiaily after eating, bilious spells, eadaches, sour stomach, coated tongue, sallow or muddy complexion, specks floating before the eyes, you should take a few doses of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and note the change. Miss laa Hogan, Dunrobin, Ont. writes: "For over five years I have suffered great agony from pains in the stomach, 1 tried several. reme- dies, but got no relief until a friend advised me to take Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills, 1 started with two vials and before I had ome guite used I found mich relief. I continued un- til I used four vials, and they com- pletely cured me. That was four- teen months ago, and I have not Lad the slightest return since. The best praise | can give them is not enough," Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢ a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct | a on receipt of price by The T. Milburn | from Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. amounts to continue 'w gent high prices of com vail The budget was Councillor Halliday, ¢} finance committee, and follows: #00000 175.00 900.00 300.00 ham High "Sehool aw Costs ©. * inting & Stationery y Office... 5. L. Board COUNTY COUNCIL GET WAS ADOPTEDAAT WEDNESPAY AFTERNOON'S MEETRING, of . 00 00 00 75. 380, 3.000, { 'Milligan Hse Best 'Ap- Discount to the aE LY Mayor Hughes and Capt. pealed for County Grant Red Triangle Fund. A deputation « gz of Mg Hughes, Capt. T. F and Ge Smith waited upon the County Cou cil on Wednesday afternoonl to ash for a grant to the 'y ry Tris fund The mayor referred to criticism of the Military Y," but showed that much of this was un founded. All municipalities had given liberally, and Frontenac was asked 40 Wo Hs share through a grant by its council Capt Jest, who has seen service in France, de- tivered an inspiring address, and de- clared that the Military "Y'" helped in«improving the morale the troops, and this was a big factor in the success of an army. Louncillor Halliday-stated that an amount had been placed in the bud- get for patriotic purposes, and he was sure the council would deal fairly with the Military *'Y."" - On motion of (Councillor Wensley, the council decided to increa the amount to be paid for the mainten- ance of county poor in the Kingston Home for the [Aged from $2.50 to $3 week and the tobacco allowance 35 ito [80 cents g¢ month, these hile the pre- modities pre- HE av upen what ge persca, if called suddenly to explain he understood by the province Cau- easia, might possibly agree with the school girl who described it as the land of beautiful Circassiun women, whose men-folk spent ail their days rescuing them from the eluicl of the hated k. But the C sian, or Adighe, as calls te whom many people ¥aguely attribute their good looks and {i TOS cheeks, as parent of the FE pecn ar Caucasian stock, occupies o the northwestern corner of Cau Te the Russian and the Turk he is Tscherkess, which is merely a polite way of saying "thief" or "bh but this term should be avoided the peaceably disposed stra an unpalatable cognomen provoke unexpected éxplosions. Can- casla, the mountainous neck of land lying between the Black and Caspian geas, is a land of many races and intermingled tribes, with no tater. racial solidarity to speak of Oui few stand out as distinet nat ties. Their chains of Titanic moua- tains are practically unclimable, 2n¢ there are only two passes good for year-round traffic, so that the railway, seeking passage into caucasia and Asiatic Turkey Russia, has to hug the coast when not doubling upon iis reach Kars, which, in the great Ts sian military advance into Armenia was virtually the mest soulnerr jumping-off place for the armies This railway line first ad: through Circassia and crosses th Classic Phasis of the Creeks, now called the River Rion. The Creek merchants who explored that river to its source came back to tell of rivers running gold, and natives lay- 80, 150. 700. 00 00 Si vam 00] Bes "Collegiate In- of Patriotic & Chariiable PRIposes . . .. vii. Grants: Children's Ald Soeiety |. General Hospital, regular General Hospital, special Hotel Dieu, regular Hotel Dieu, special Infants' Home . . Orphans' Home . . Harrowsmith Agricultural Society . . wliiy ati Hinchinbrooke Kennebee .. ,.. ... Kingston Industrial Association Storrington Soclety . . Wolfe Island "Agric ultural Soclety .. . Central Farmers' Institute South Frontenac Farmers' Institute . aie Women's Tnstitute, Weat- brooke . . 00 Women's Institute, Moun- tain Grove .. Hinchinbrooke Institute "einen Salvation Army .. |. Reporters' Grants an Agricultural Branch, A, W. Sirrett .. . North Frontenac Teac he re Sa Institute Estimated Revenue, South Frontenac Administration of Justice. $ er's Institute .. Court House Treasurer's Bond . . Division Court Salaries: Education : Jatler, SE Fines ..... ... " b. First Turnkey Jail in ans ni, ABB Second Turnkey Interest .. ... .. "iva 700.00 Jail Matron .. Licenses .. ' : 60.00] Treasurer Registry Office 756.46 | Clerk Tie .. OU} Caretaker 00 08 00} 00 00 00 5.00 5.00 New York Summer Wearables! We have prepared a most charming showing of dame fashion's latest makes in pretty voile and muslin dresses, wash sport skirts, silk and wool novelty skirts, wool and silk sweaters, garden smocks, Panama and sport hats. ON SPECIAL DISPLAY FRIDAY CHILDREN'S SWEATERS A great array of children's wool sweaters in all shades and sizes, with numerous styles to choose from. $3.50 on up. Wash middies "Admiral" and "Jack Tar," fast colored middies, all white and white with colors $1.19 8s he himself, 00 00 00 1 of iY Fair 00 00 50.00 25.00 25.00 Woman's 'Wood's Phosphodine. 3} The Great English Lemedy. 'Tones and invigorates the whole fy nervous system, makes new Blood n old Veins) ures, Nervous nd rain Ipitatis Pespine h +0. Vs a on 0; e re, Failing Memory, Price $1 per box, si for$s. One will plesse, six will cure. Bold by » 5 sts or WAIL pleat plain pkg, on receins of wWooD New hlet atied free. THE Kieoie INE CO. TOROKT 0, ORT, (Formerly Windsor.) NEW HARNESS STORE We are now open for basi. LINGERIE WAISTS A number of pretty styled em- broidered and tailored white washable voile waists, all sizes. . a 98¢c 10 doz. plain white and white with color combinations, "Vamp" necks. This season's smartest novelties. $1.48 and up cra, JE presented by airman of the adopted as -- Ine Teach- 2,600 2,095 10 22.000 00 00 00 00 00 00 xt ext sgip, 8. Inspector," south ness, carrying a choice stock of Harness, Trunks, Valises, Brushes, Blankets, Whips, Ete, Also Automobile Tires. Repair work promptly attended to. Your patronage solicited. S. Swafheld 76 Brock Street. WATER GLASS Surplus .. A sament, 500 at § mills $6,921, Estimated Expenditure, Administration of Justice § 7.000 Bridges & Roads .. "a 400. Charity ra Sein 4,000. County Council 2.200. Court House 32,000. Division Court 100,00 Debentures & ,145.08 Education 5,000.00 Coal 2,700.00 Grand 75.00 ming 00 00 00 00 00 Intorest Trunk Subway P. 8. Inspector North .. Auditor High Constable & 'Truant Officer x . Miscellaneous Total. . Surplus No grant for the Kaladar road. ed $900 for this new tween Frontenac and was proposed to again expending objection ito ties to conserve. 7,696.92 Vix HE 3.694, will be made this year During past two vearg the eouncil has grant- thighway Addington. make this grant, but Councillor Spankie raised money this read in war time when the Gov- ernment was asking the municipali- The (Kaladar road, 96 the be- It on ing down sheepskins in which to en- mesh the precious metal as it came down stream past the cataracts Thus, the Greek imagination and fe cundity of fancy was led to ereate out of Caucasia an Eldorado or Ul tima Thule of dreams. Up the an. cient Phasis Jason sailed the Argo to gain the Golden Fleece, and ploughed his acres in the Field of Mars of ancient Colehis. Over the endless steppes lo wandered, pester- ed by Juno's gadfly; through the land of gorges and caves, where fire breathing griffins dwelt and one-eyed Arimaspians waged eternal war, Her- cules journeyed to wrest from Queen Hippolyte the girdle which made of the Amazons of modern Daghestan such redoubtable foes; and some- NEERERERNNNEA EEE A ANANENN aR (aumamEREEvERE A AA BR REGISTER -- For the convenjence of our customers we have ar- ranged to have two deputy registrars for the balance of the week. Steacy' s - Limited ENE ENE RR AAA er AAA Rt i -------- NN YY YY YY 3 he sald, wds an automobile road and built for the few. It might be all right in peace time, but the could not vote to expend another $900 on it this year iCouneitlor McGregor stated that the new road was not vet within (four miles of Frontenac. In view of these objections no grant was placed in the budget. The council adjourned until o'clock on Thursday afternoon. On [Friday afternoon 'the coun- eillors will be the guests of Warden Reed on a trip down the river on the steam Mississquol. We are Ready for the Summer Season With a Great Assortment of White Footwear, where to the north, on the foaming | k Terek river, by the eastern face of} § the romantic Kasbek Mountain, Aechylus, the dramatist, chained his Prometheus, who had sought to re- store the sacred fire to man. When one has enumerated the Os- setians, or 'gentlemen pf the moup- tains." the Khevsurs, who wear chain mail and helmets of the Crusader type, the Tchettchetz, 'the Ingouch, who are said to see their gods in the rocks or yerdas, the big, powerfully- built Daghestans, the Karbadans, the Suanetians or Soans of Strabo, whose civilization, has stood still for a thou- sand years, the much-scorned Mingre- lian tribesmen, the Imeretians, the Pshavs, and the semi-Turkish Tar- tars, the light-fingered highwaymen who used to wait for wealthy strang- ers in the great waste places around Tiflis, there Is still left the one great dominant race, or aristocrats of the Caucasus, the Georgians, The Georgians were the real mas- ters of the Caucasus until Peter the Great introduced the Russian, six centuries after thelr Gold Age under the Georgian Elizabeth, Queen Tha- mara. There will, therefore, be no more kings of Georgia, it is pleasant to think that, on his own proud showing the Georgians subjection has not robbed him of the distinction of possessing the bravest men and the most beautiful women in the world. The Russian has generously added his testimony, not without a sub- acid touch of irony, that, no matter what the occupation of the Georgian, he is almost sure to be a prince, The title, indeed, is as amazingly com- mon a3 baron in Germany, and re- H. Rotgauze. calls the judge and colonel of the Georgia of the New World. But be- 184 Princess Street. hind the harmless boast is usually & | Laassanii hoary pedigree and a national pa- triotism which has become a, fetish since the Russian occupation, For the first time these Caucasian peoples are ruled by one power under a viceroy, including almost plus royal que roi. Their country, or countries, including as they do Baku of the oll and cotton fields, the Black and Cas- pian seaports, and the fine city of fils, have a great economic future, It is 'sincerely to be hoped; however, that the JSusetion of self-determina- tion and rights of small nationalities in the Caucasus will not find its way to the coming peace conference, if ever the delegates to that epoch- making assembly are to dispose of thelr Herculean task. It would be nothing less than an intermipable wrangle, and the world might be tempted to wish that the many and various nations of the frosty Cau- casus were back in that condition of which Herodotus speaks when he de- scribes them as "living mostly om the fruits of wild trees' Pliny tells ot 0 distinet langu ancient REGISTRATION In order to help relieve the congestion on Registration Day, June 22nd, and as an accommodation to the public, we are open- ing our store for registration purposes every day this week, commencing Tuesday, June 18th. School Girls' Nerves When an undue amount of nervous energy is con- sumed in the brain there is bound to be failure of the other functions of the body. Digestion is impaired-- the head aches--you cannot sleep---you are easily excited and irritated --feel tired and Jack energy. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is a ereator of rich, red blood and a builder up of the exhausied, nervous system. Preserver| Simple, Effective, Economical Will keep eggs fresh and. in -the - of condition one year. 20 CENTS Best's Pobuiar Brug Stars. 2018 YY Keeley Jr, 0.0. two adiabatic ah hia Zh hu gh dh a aa a for FIRST IN CO-EDUCATION. Tennis Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Also nice assortment of Canvas Pumps and Oxfords Prices from $1.50 and up. Always something on our bar gain tables that may suit you. The Model Shoe Store The Place That Queen's Holds in the 'World. Canadian Coupler, Toronto, Mrs. John A. Cooper, of Toronto, has recently been appointed fo the council of Queen's University, one of tix women 'who with the chancellor, the trustees, members of the senate, and an equal number of members elected by the graduates make mp this important legislative body. It is twenty years since the first wo- man took her place in Queen's Uni- versity council, a fact which in itself marks Queen's as the Canadian pio- neer in co-education. Mrs. 'Cooper was among the earlier, but by ho means the earliest, woman graduates of Queen's, She took the general course in arts, il graduating in 1895. She has always i taken an interest in the work of the Alumnae Association, which includes {| graduates who are now fin all parts of the world and branch assuciations in many centres. It muy not ibe generally Known that Queen's 'was the first Canadian university to throw open its doors to women students. The calendar of 1878-9 anfounced that "all the ad- i vantages of the university course would henceforth be thrown open to i women." In [1884 the first class of five women was graduated, Miss Fitzgerald and Miss Fowler in arts, and Miss MeGHliviay, Miss Beatty and Miss Smith (Mrs. Adam Shortt) in medicine. dn war (work Queen' s Women ave proud to claim as one of their mem- bers Miss Rayside, who fis now in general charge of all nursing in Can- ada and who was decorated with the | Royal Red Cross of the First order for her work overseas. ; Apostolic Delegate Receives Title. Rome, June 20.--The Right Rev. Pietro Di Maria, recently appointed by the Holy See as Apostolic Delegate to Canada and Newfoundland, to suc- ceed Monsignor Pellegrino Stagni, 'has been created Titular Archbishop of leonium. Registration hours, 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. We will be glad to secure the help of Phone 59. volunteer registrars. T. F. HARRISON CO., LTD Phone 90. Andheri hhh ede dh ahh Maple Leaf Grocery Meats of All Those people (and they are many) who dread the ordeal of an eye examin- ation are agreeably aston- ished to find that, as made by us, it causes no pain, discomfort, or inconven- ience. am Hologuny Sentien Hoek, Fresh assortment always on Alex Potter. Phone 752. 12 Rideam St. {ulasing Pi 1} for Women, d at all Drug Stores, Or mailed to any adpess on receipt of price. | Tus Scoserl Deve Co., 84. vatharines, Ontarior, PHOSPHONOL FO! St Sialitys for Rerve and rain increases grey matter'; n Tonle will bul two for 5. at drug stores, of rad Ty Fon recs Si nrice. rr Os Mt Catharines "Sold at Mahood's Drug Store And We Use No Drugs. Mey I, ns, "Ranks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company PIRE INSURANCE | Tosa oes, Rove lose Insurance Bide. | Manaser, Omtarls Se Parente W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. 4 HELLO, How about trying the new gar- of Robinson and Wiltshire. All Winds of ears repaired. promptly, valeanising, ears wash wi. we well gasoline, olla. tives, WR wy Austrians Intern Bishop. ages in New York, June 20.--Bishop En-|Col ls. and it is on reliable record and enrs for ante, diol, of Trent, in the Afstrian Tyrol, [that the Romans had has been interned by the Austrians intefpreters to conduct affairs Lay {in an bboy vear Vienna, according |laetarily.--Christian Selence Monitor, - - . |t0 a cable message' received by the ees More Than Half Have Tuberculosis. director of the Italian Bureau of Inf it in "datering far 10M | Washington, June 26 Hail of the Russian prisencrs of war now return- ing home from Germany have tuber- Nore than 250,000 men may be class 1 available for imme- oulogls, secording to a report to the State Department from Volozda. The Rudsians are sent ont of Germany, military duty as a result of| TTT al-General Crow- Austria's grave food situation, coupled with the apparem failure of the new offensive against Italy is ex- e comment in the! Vienna press. H.| The famous picture of Chief Brant has been puréhased by Lord Beavers urook for the Camadinn War Records | les com of HE ow T. allway system traf- Be fie euin from Juve 8 14th | a a stroke of putas on a wre: eh 93: 18 5 Ha 1348.155; Insrease, | = ihe message said, with only the sean- fiest clothing. araft 'oards. ; 5 il Sehoideinann, fender of the] mente consult w e Dutch Soelaiiat Treelstra; th lender who ix solig. to Fngland end the annual confer. Labor Congress. § THs, Ha

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