Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1918, p. 7

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¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1918. 5 Head Office Onpital, §5,000,000 W. €, GOODERHAM, President WILGIAM STONE; LT.-COL. AE, GOODERHAM, PAUL J. M WM. 1. GEAR, THOS, ¥. HOW, General Manager, tional Bank, LON George B. McKay < BANK or TORONTO DIRKECTONS: JOHN MAC D. C, GRANT, Chlef nspeotor, Rusinesy men are offered in this Bank the snilsfactory banking ser- vice provided by our complete facilities and extensive connections. x BANKERS: NEW YORK-- Naflonal Bank of Commerce, IN, ENG=London City & Midland Bank, Limited, _. OPERA HOUSF TJ/GRAND S35: { ud ) pom, DAILY Performance | INCORPORATED 1855 POLITE VAUDEVILLE {A Scven-Heel Brady-Made Photoplay Montagu Love, in 1 | "The Cross er' | LONESOME LUKE (X MEDY - TORONTO. The Pathe News and Other Films Mon., Tuesday & Wed. | Polite Vaudeville - A Five Aet Vitagraph Feature | HARRY MOREY, in | "The Desired Woman" A BIG "V" COMEDY The Pathe News and Other Reels | Matinee 10¢ Evening 10c; Any Seat : Reserved, Sc Extra STRAN Thurs., Fri., Saturday 2--FEATURES--2 Heserved Funds, $6,555,308 J. HENDERSON, Vice-President, DONALD, J. L. ENGLEHART, BRIG-GEN, F. 8. MEIGHEN, YLER, A. H CAMPBELL, JOHN R. LAMB, Asst. Gen. Mgr. CHICAGO-=First Na. Manager. For Sale or To Completely furnished Park, five miles from city. For further particulars. The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. Taylor Holmes, in "Fools for Luck" CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "Behind the Screen" Strand Screen Telegram. GRIFFIN'S Let bungalow at East View Open very Saturday Evening, Phones: OMice 65; residence 874, Sonn, 3 YY YY | GREATER PRODUCTON requires greater effort on your part, so that you may produce © your share toward fi our brave boys in the trenches, We can supply you with the neces. "SEEDS Will you put forth the neces sary effort? HOAG'S Drug Store Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont. Book your order for Toma toes, Cabbage and Celery Plants, Friendships Aadaiarhhak ( : tf Better and Cheaper Than Lard. Order at United Grocery. Fresh Lettaice, Onions, Radish, Strawberries, Rbubarb, Pineupples and To- matoes. For This Week. Cornstarch, 2 pkgs. for 25¢. UNITED GROCERY 188 Princess St. mon Prices Reduced On All Kinds. Eat Fish and Save Bacon. Bon Marche 'Cor. King and Earl Sts. Phone 1844, Pm Thurs., Fri., Saturday WM. S. HART "The Tiger-Man" ALSO James Morrison, in 'Two Men and a Woman' AND "The Eagle's Eye" a CARD OF THANKS Purcell, ' Bay street, wish thank th many friends for thelr dness during their recent bereavement OO First Aid Classes Commencing at New Medical Build ing Queen's, on, Thursday, June 20th, at 8 pm... Fees of $1.00 include book and bandage. Fresh Cut Flowers Ferns, palms, funeral designs, flors) sprays, wedding bouguefs mage to order EF. J. JOHNSON, Florist 115 Brock St. Phone 239, Arma _ KINGSTON - CAPE VINCENT FERRY Ohange of Time Effective' May 15th. Lv. Kingston, 7.00 am, apd L15 p.m, Lv, Cape Vincent, 9.40 a.m. nnd 4.90 p.m, Two reund trips daily, Sunday in iunded, Watts, "ge, 178 Wellington St. Freak cut flowers daily; funeral Qeaigny an ddi b to order. ut special attention. ne of town orders given NEW LAWN MOWERS ARE COSTLY. Get your old one sharpened, re- paired or refitted at moderate cost. Parts supplied for all standard machines. John M. Patrick 149 Sydenham Strect, "Phone 2283, A GOOD SALMON At 25¢ Per Tin. "RAINBOW" Ask For It. 7 The Fruit & Candy Store Fruits and Candy When you want choice, sea- sonnbie frults, or fresh h made candy, call in and see us, for we always keep the very choicest in stock. Prompt de. Hvery to all parts of the wity, NOTICE C. Lyons, of Patrick Lyons & Son, dealers in wool, hides, skins, ete, wishes to announce that the business will be care ried on as usual under the Same name. The firm will continue to buy the above lines and will pay highest market prices. 8 Market Street Only Single Ton Orders Taken for Coal Until er July 15 | CHADWICK & SON . Office and Place &' Phones 65 and 67. 68 Princess St. Phone 273. Near King Street. ) Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A , reliable reguiatis i. Tab in_three a oe of strength--No. 1, 81; 0. 2, $3; No. 3, #5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent repaid on gecoipt of price, Pree pamphlet, A Lo THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT, (Formerly Windear.) COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133, MAY HOLD PUBLIC MEETING. Regarding Military Trouble' at Guelph Jesuit Novitiate. Guelph, June 20. The next Atep of the Guelph Ministerial Assdcin- tion in reference to the recent visit fe the military police to the Jesuit - Special Leather Registration Cases -- 30¢ Each. OPEN BF YENING From 7.80 to 9.30 in order to give the bli. un dpportunity { novitiate here will be decided upon at a meeting of the association this afternoon. A probable public meet- (ing next week to protest against the action or inaction at the ministe OE The Peo HREBEARNREEARRNE RO j= Yay 3 HLA i Say Hit gl HEATER CONDENSED ADVERTISING BATHS insertion, 1¢ 8 Word. Each con. ig Fer ie tnnertion thereafter, half. cent & word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 25¢t saree Insert Bc; six $1; one mena, $2. lous, HELP WANTED KITOHEN WOMAN. APPLY FROX- tenac Hotel - COOK, GOOD WAGES, APPLY YW, CoA, 186 Johnson St GENERAL SERVANT. Hotel. A Whitney AT ONCE, Apply MAIDS WANTED, APPLY THE MA- tron. Kingston General Hospital TWO MEN FOR SATUR- steady. Apply Wm. Davies Princess street, WANTED, days, Co., TINSMITH, GOOD MECHANIC, She PER hour; steady work. Box 385 St Catharines, Ont. GIRLS WANTED FOR LIGHT, PLEAS. ant work. Highest wages paid. Apply N. C, Polson Co, 266 On- tario St, city WOMAN FOR HOUSE. famdly of two, Write Box Whig Office, stating RELIABLE 16, TO WORK IN between & p.m. and Friendship, Market Albert street TWO YOUNG MEN, SINGLE, TO GO to Lindsay, as canvasser aml shop man Cor' particulare apply 252 Alfred street, in the evening. 1 TO Apply John 427 TWO BOYS garden. 8 p.m Gardener, DIPFER WANT- good wages teady position The Star uit and Candy 66 Princ reet, near King GOOD CHOCOLATE od; Apply Store, street, ess st HAND, MAR- Wages $50 per wood; garden suse of cow. Apply J. D Le Moines Point, Ports. Ont Phone 1108, R 1-4 CED FARM July free house; ited Morpis, moth, TEACHERS WANTED. A QUALIFIED TEACHER, PROTEST- ant, for 8, Hinchinbrooke, duties to commen Sept. 2nd. Ap- ply to Geo. A. Smit Parham, stat. ing salary and é€xperience and qualifications, 8. No. 5, EALED TENDBPRS addressed to the i and endorsed "Tender Hospital, King- Ont", will be re- peived at this office until 13 o'clock, noon, on ¥riday, Junk 8th, 1918, for the construction of a Military Isolation Hospital, Kingston (Ongwanada), Ont. Plans and Specifloations ean be seen and forms of tender obtained at the offices of the Chief Architect, Depart- m of Public Works, Ottawa; Power & Son, Architects, Kingston; the Clerk of Works, Postal Station "F", Toronte, and the Overseer of Pominion Builds ings, Central Post Office, Montreal, P.Q. Tenders will not be considered un- less maddie on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. . Bach {ender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p.c. of the amount of the tender. By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary, Works, igned, Isolation under Military (Ongwanada) for ston Department of Puhllie Ottawa, June 18 15,.1 ~~ WANTED GENERAL WANTED TO BUY, SMALL HOUSE, iarge by mail to 168 si'rine Apply street { 1 TO PURCHASE SECOND HAND TYPE-| writer, Underwood preferred. Must | be in good condition. A, Davis &] Som, Lid, Cy. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT FPFIANOS for cash or in part payment of new | pianos and grafonolas, C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. i f i i | | | WANTED, A GOOD SECOND HAND car, with self starter. State pars | ticulars apd bottom price for cash, | to Box 6614, Whig Office. | RENT OR BUY A TRACTION OR portable boiler for steam drilling} Party can be seen John Roberts' store, this week at] Perth Hoad. { | WE WANT 70 BUY ALL KINDS OF) second-hand furniture, stoves, heaters, clothes, ete. We also have everything in the second-hand | line for sale. 8S. Shapiro, 45 Prin- | cess street. Phone 1237. | es en | | OLD FALSE TEETH WANTED; DOES- | n't matter 4f broken. We pay ac-| tual value. We pay cash for old gold. sliver and platinum, Send | to us and receive cash by return mail If price ig not satisfactory | we will return teeth promptly upon request International} Teeth Co., 305 West 42nd St, New| York. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST.| ment Soclety; incorporated 1863.) President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; wee-| president, A. B. Cunningham. | Money issued on oity and | farm properties, municipal and! chased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and inter-| est allowed. R. C, Cartwright, man- | ager, 87 Clarence Bt, Kingston { | LIVERPOOL, LONBON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Available | assets $61,187,215. 'Im addition to] which the policyholders have for | security the unlimited Hability of| city property, insured at owes! | possible rates. Before renewing | old or glving new business get! rates from Strange & Strange, | Agents. Phone 325, ARCHITROT : = POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- | chants Bank Buflding, ocoroer| Weack and Wellington Sts county debentures; mortgages pur | INH --TTTTTT CIETY FOUND REGISTRATION CERTIFICAT belonging to lady residing in , Quebec, Owner may nave same by calling at Whig Office 5 ON MONDAY, ON ONTARIO ST. near Johnson, & roll of hills Owner may have same by prov. ng the same and applying at the Whig Office FOUND ARTIVULES ADYER TISED FREE. Ss Anyone finding anything and wish. ng to reach the owner may @o so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of cha oss not In. be spe PAGE SEVEN I EY e's Forum a io EERE ERROR FOR SALE, THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. Comp ifttle. Once, 26c; three times Sde one week, $1.00, QUIET HORSE, BUGGY AND HAR. ness. Apply. #47 Division street. A T-ROOMED HOUSE ON STUART ST. bath and closet and gas. Apply to J. R, Laidlaw, 248 Division St Nitra ---------- NEW FRAME BUNGALOW, MODERN, large lot. Price $2250. North end of city. Apply Box 86, Whig Of flice. 2 IN KENSINGTON AVE, SOLID PRESS. ed brick residence, lot 30 x 125 feat, 'with garage, 12 ft. x 20 fi. r, Jude fost" dons" onus, 3 clude ORS, cattle, ors ete. These, if lost, may be rv t, ¥y vertised for in the "Lost" column, LOST, A HUB CAP OFF A KELLY SPRING. field truck, between Fort Henry and Miitary Garage. Finder please return same to military Barage, Barrack street. Phone 590, A SILVER MESH PURSE, CONTAINS ing some small change and a door key, on Monday afternoon. Finder Wil please réturn to the Whig office and receive reward. GOLD BOW KNOT Priv WITH pearls, on Sunday on Union, Syden- ham' or. Brock streets. Reward if returned to 139 Union street west, or Whig Office, mT STOLEN, ONTO THE PREMISES op Meeks, lot twenty, tenth township of Portland, one brown mare with white left hind foot, small star in head, wearing halter without lead. Owner ean have Same by proving propérty and pay. Ing expenses. Clair Meeks, R. R. No, 1, Belrock. CLAIR con. of TO LET, ST. STONE HOUSE, Apply 47 Rideau St, URNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR WITH. out board. Apply 204 King St. SIX-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, improvements. Apply 21 street, west. NIOELY FURNISHED FRONT room, bath and electric light, ply 41 Division street. A ---------------------------------------- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN and dry building, Apply E. E. Wathen, 141 Nelson Street, AT EAST VIEW PARK, A COUPLE OF Sumner cottages. Apply to J D, Boyd, R.R. No. 1, Pittsburgh, Ont. MIDEAU rooms. a3 8 ALL Clergy BED- Ap- i DRESSMAKING D> MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, haying resumed business, sollcits orders for fall and winter work. Address 202 Alfred sireet. ATIER, DENTAL A. E. KNAPP. OFFICE, 258 PRINCESS street. Phone 652. Dil, GORDON ©. DEWAR, DENTIST, corner Princess and Wellington streets. Phone 1678. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 1659 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's, Phone 318, LUMGAL A. B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar: ence sireet, pe l of the authorities || in regard to the novitiate will be dis- | Buyers and Sellers Are brought together by the classified ads. The property own- er finds the property-seeker; the business man finds the right worker; the landlord finds the best tenant. The result sou the highest importance and val always trifling. The expense is ght and found is frequently of ue. ---- -- and Save the Meat for the Boys Overseas. ® Coming -- Eat Fish Haddock ... ... . 12%c a ib. Market Cot... ._. 10¢ a Ib. | Steak Cod... 12% to 13¢ 1b. -- Fresh Lake Ontario Finnan Maddie |. . "a Choice Fowl, 30 to LIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, all Improvements: centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN &nd dry, McCann's Real Estate 86 Brock St. Phone 326 FURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR light housekeeping; centrally lo» cated, all] conveniences. Apply Box «86, Whig Office. STORAGR FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and hivy. Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen street. Phone 526; res. 95», THIS DEPARTMENT 18 ALWAYS Elad to hear from any one thinking of using olassified advertising. Write or Phone us about it. We may be able to help you, British le t Whig Pub. Co. PERSONAL tite ps HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishies removed permanently, with. out scar; 30 years' experience. Dr Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, ose: Throat and Skin Specialist Bagot street. » ai eer ts cement DR. REEVE Nerve §i : Yours of faberience Snables me o tres cult cases sucosas- fully, Cail, or state case by lot. er Phone 1551w, a ee FISHING TACKLE THATS FIT Fon fishing, go to Frank W. Cooks, 39 Clarence street, opposite Ameri- can Consulate. INDIAN with side Thomas SPECIAL STROKE Powerplus motorcycle, car, almost new. Apply, Doyle, 445 Johnsen street. 1917 FINE SAILING DINGHY FOR SALE, yacht club model; speedy and safe; ready for the water. Apply H. J. Bongard, Standard Bank, IN OUR PIANO DEPARTMENT, USED pianos and organs of different makes Terms arranged. Rn. x Rodger, Jeweler, Princess Street. GOOD PASTURE, WOOD AND MIN. eral farm; mineral said to be car- borundum, For particulars enquire of 8. Willlams, Verona, Ont. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your own choice, $31.25. Terms, $6 cash, $1 per week, C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. ONE SAXON-SIX FIVE-PASSENGER touring car, § cyl. motor, ig model, in excellent condition, Cheap for quick sale. Apply Davis Dry Dock Company, LARGE STOCK or PERFECT, ATH. lete and Princeton Bicycles on easy terms; also bicycle accessortes. George Muller, Bicycle Stors and Livery, 371 and 373 King St. WE HAVE GOOD SRECOND-HAND furniture, buffets, ohairs and ta- bles: will buy all kinds of furni- ture and stoves, J. Thompson, 338 Princess street. Phone 16 SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. ers today sometimes use a lHtile ad Uke this. A phone call or » hring, you full par. ticulars about this department British Whig Publishing Co. COTTAGE, 7 ROOMS, (6 MILES FROM city) with three acres of good gar- den soll, large barn and stable, ex- cellent well; snap for $1300; worth double the amount. DPdssession im. mediately. Easy terms. Poo, Meagher, 99 Lower Albert 8t, Phone 667J ---- THRESHING OUTFIT 17 HORSE. | power Sawyver-Massey engine; Peers less Separator, latest type; tank; tank pamp, hose and veils, new last season. "For further particu- ars apply to Irwin MW ler. RMD. y dedidessa. Ont, or to Ed. Mil- Owner, Loonst street, Ro- chester, N. 85 HANDSOME CASE OF STUFFED Canadian birds, 2¢ pieces: Owls, hawks, ducks, gulls, herons, loon, bittern, pheasant, ote. Fine piece of furniture for hall, study, office, Case 8% x 3 2; glass front and sides; table and outside case, Bargain for sale, Address Rev. Dr. % Stella, Ont, before 20h inst: value $50. No reasonable offer refused. List of contents at this office. x i stand $2650, DOUBLE FRAME, ¢ ROOMS, ALL improvements; electric Mght. BRICK HOUSES, doOoobD LOCATIONS $1900 to $9000; lots to select from. $4200-ARICK VENEER, 12 ROOMS, all modern improvements; separate bath; electric light, stable; central SI000--FRAME HOUSE, & ROOMS; 8uod lot, » FIBMO-NEW FRAME HOUSE; MIX rooms; nice location. IR Csriton Street, Torente, S G. A. BATEMAN REAL ESTATE AND insurance, 67 Clarence St. King- GIRLS With or without experience, on sewing and knitting machines: light work; highest wages paid while learning. e are now working on war order) and you will be doing your bit while wo with us. Apply ng

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