Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jun 1918, p. 4

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¢ p b r pr b b b hb b b h . , 4 ience. p Keeley Jr., MOD. NEW HARNESS STORE We are now open for busi. ness, carrying a choice stock of Harness, Trunks, Valises, Brushes, Blankets, Whips, Ete. Also Automobile Tires. Repair work promptly attended to. Your patronage solicited, H. Swaffield 76 Brock Street. A A i A inating Prescription Service At Best's storeg is second ro none. That it {8 appreciated is amply proven by the number of doctors who send their prescrip- tions Bere and by the hundreds of satisfied customers, Both at the main store and at the Branch a o .allf od drug- gist Is always on the job, wait- Ing "to compound medicine which may mean life or death, This service means long, weary hours and careful, try- ing watchfulness, and it is really up to youn to take advan- tage of it and take all your doe- » 'tors' orders to "Best's." The "Best" Stores Open Sundays, 124 Princess St. "Branch: 414 Princess St. Keeley Jr. M.0.D.0. Those people (and they are many) who dread the ordeal of an eye examin- ation are agreeably aston- ished to find that, as made us, it causes no pain; discomfort, or inconven- a / And We Use No | Drugs. Fi 226 Princess Street Aiur hd Aa 4 oa 2 atheists ll Oueen's Hi tional medical 4 i" | hi home is ont of {130 ARE TAKING VOCATIONAL TRAINING IN KINGSTON. | Usually Last Six Menths--Given | Vocational Pay and Allowances. { To Voc nal Branch is 1 of "the 'most important Hactors of the Department of Ke-establishment. Re-educa {diers tion courses for 3861 soldiers, so the rk of the dis- fabled by war mjury as to be unable to resume théir previous {tlons, have been approved by {partment of Soldiers' Civil ab shunent. This statement represents 1¢ status of the work on April 30t In that date there were 1,956 re-édun In addi civil ecciipa he De te-est [cation courses proceeding Bition 1.668 men were attending voca-| convile tional training classes as : 1 vet dis. cent soldiers who were not ll bcharged, thronghout the hospitals and Wil sanatoria of the Dominion, The following classes are offered Ji Civil service, commercial, cabinet- | making, draughting, electrical engi- neering. farm tractors, general educa- ition, higher actounting, motor me- Ichanies, 'machine shop, pattern mak- ing, stationary engineering, shoe-rhak- ting, telegraphy and X-ray training At present there are 150 returned soldiers taking vocational training at Military Convalescent Hos- pital. . {During convalescence, every soldier iin hospital returned from overseas is eligible to take anv of these classes After discharge any soldier who has heen-incapacitated so that he. cannot li recume his former occupation is eli- 9 arrived voca A. he 1s s decision having heen » is then éxamined by the officer, Captain who certifies whether physically ineapacitated so that he is) unable to return to his former oceu- pation, and also that this incapacity will. not prevent lum from successful lv. engaging in the new occupation chosen, The Disabled Soldiers' Triin- ing Board, which consists of the dis- j trict vo atiomal officer, the vocational | medical officer; and the member of the lacal advisory board, Hugh C. Nickle, [ then examine the papers and decide i (ad) Whether the man is eligible, (bh) [the course to he followed .the length {of this, and where it is to be taken This recommendation is then for- | warded to the Department at Ottawa tfor final concurrence soon a | this conenrrence Is received hy the | district office, the man is notified. If f town a free tranc- f anrtation warrant is forwarded for him to come to Kingston'to begin his j course | While taking this course, which usually lasts for six months, the stu. dent is in receipt of vocational pay and allowances, which vary in amohnt according to his pension, and whether {he is married. Upon the completion {of his course, if his attendance aml | conduct have been satisfactory, he i granted an extra month's pay and al !lowance, i | ---------- a | Eminent Coiffure Specialist Coming, | Dorenwend's of Toronto, the emin- 'ent hair-specialists, will be at the {Hotel Randolph, on Tuesday, July 2nd, 1918, with a grand display of {the latest creations in: halr-goods, In- eluding - ladies' transformations, {gwitched, pompadours, waves, etc, {and tounpees and wigs for men who lare bald, All those afflicted with loss lof hair are Invited to this dipplay when a free demonstration will be given, ah a ap ha |G. W. V. A, Dominion Day - 200 Sammies | Will Take Part in the Big Parade, July 1st. G. W. V. A TTY No nn, YY YY YY YY TY YT YY | - We will be pleased to give free in- = i White struction to any VY 2 indhadaiiedidhdhd hh a 2 2 2 a a « thi adhd ahhh a Ch owner of eT Those Eligible for the Classes, Which | . | conunon mE I v0 PEPPY REEDIGHTEN OF SOLDERS j=" 3. Twilight bee Hereafter, the Whig, in with other papers all over | Canada, wil! make a charge 50¢ for Inseifting an engagement, mar- riage or reception announcement. ) * * | odd {Notice- of * * * Among the guests at the Yaeht [Chub dance on (Wednesday evening were Mr. and Mrs: George 'McKay, Major and Mrs. Southey, Mr. and Mrs. 'Neil Polson, Mr, and Mrs. Gar- { net Lockett, Mr. and Mrs. Jack {Corrie, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rob- | ertson, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cays, Capt. land Mrs. Jack Fraser, Capt. and [Mrs: Frank Ryan, Misses Benjamin | (Yarker), Miss 'Olive Chown and | Miss Dorothy Caldwell (Montreal), Miss Rose (Rogers, Misses Mary and Helen Strange, Misses Margaret and Elizabeth Cunningham, Miss ar- garet Hemming, Miss Ethel Kent, | Misses Gwendolyn and Doris Folger, Miss Jean Duff; Miss Wdith Street (Ottawa), Miss Sally . Quirk (New York), Miss [Norah Macnee, Miss Marjorie and Miss Catharine Minnes, Miss Nora Martin, Miss Marjorie Williams, Miss [Eleanor 'Phelan, Miss Doris McKay, and Colonel Birdsall, Major 'Porter, Major rant and {Captains Jack Williams, Scott, W Macnee, Vernon iCrothers, Huycke, and Lieut. Plunkett, Lieut. Kenneth Taylor, and Victor Minnes, Jack Smythe, 'Douglas Chown, Henry Hill, Jack Richardson, Erie Stew- art, Hew Duff and Donald Robert J son. { 2 . The first Yacht iICluh tea of the season was held on Wednesday af- | ternoon and !'wag 'very much enjoyed | by an unusually large number of | guests. The tea table, which was jarranged with ponies, was in {eharge of Mrs. dockett and Mrs | Neil Polson Among the guests were. Mrs, J. M. (Campbell, Mrs. R 8S. Waldron, Mrs. D. G. Laidlaw, Mrs i Ashby, Mrs. G. Emery, Mrs. R. D, { Sutherland, Mrs. Herbert Robin- | son, Mrs. Gamsby, Mrs. Macfarlans | (Toronto), Mra. Phelan, 'Mra. Gorrie, jMrs. 'Cays, Mrs. Jack Fraser, Mrs | Stewart Robertson, Mrs H. A Mrs. Ryan, Miss | tog- | Betts, Mrs. Wood, Margaret Hemming, 'Miss Rose fers, Miss Gwendolyn and Miss Doria Folger, Miss Helen Strange, Miss Mary Strange, Miss Mildred Lamb, Edith i { } * | { Migs Eleanor Phelan, Miss i Street, of Ottawa. . » * { George Waod came up from Mont- real to-day to 'spend the week-end with. Mrs. (Wood;, who is with mother, Mrs. E. Claxton, Miss Mildred Lamb left to-day to { spend the holiday at her home in { Ottawa. ' Dr. and Mrs. Leopard Jones and | their gon, 'Master Nathan Jones, who {ave been with Mrs. K. L. Jones, | King street, are returning to Ro chester, N.Y,, ion Mouday | Mrs. Edward Moore is expected {from Winnipeg early in July to be | the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. (Waldron, (Barrie street. IMPs. 'W. IR. Givens and a party of friends left on #'riday for a motor trip through New York State, | H.C} C. Caswell, Standard Bank, is spending the holiday at his home in Newtonville. ta * . - Mr. and Mrs. Quirk and the Misses Quirk arrived froin New Yo this week to spend the summer Kingston. 44 Harry Taylor and Miss Dorothy Caldwell, nd Yrs. were the guests her in of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor, Johnson streét, for a few days this | week. - Miss Mildred Jones, King street, 14 leaving on Monday for Rochedter, N.Y., where she will be the gu of Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Jones, Misses Benjamin, Yarker, wer the guests of Mrs. Frank Ryan for the Yacht Club dince on Wednes- day. Miss [Effie Ingall, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, Collingwood street, left to- day with Miss Florrie Stewart for New York. * =» Miss Etta Ward, who has been visiting Mrs. E. Steacy, King street, is now the guest of Mrs. B. Noble Steacy, Johnson street. Mrs. Henry Merrick," William street, has returned from Beloeil, where she 'has been visiting her daughter, Mre. Kirkegaarde. Miss Florrie Stewart, who ligs been visiting ier parents, Mr." and Mrs. James Stewart, Jeft for New York to-day. teh Mrs. Macfarlane, Toronto, visiting her mother, Mrs. Macdowall, Gore street. Mrs. Consaulug arrived from New York on Friday te be the guest "6r Mrs. PD. G. Lakllaw, Earl street. Mr. d Mrs. R. J. Careon, "Ro- willy House," who were . visiting Major and Mrs. Hubert Stethem at Niigara, returned home on Wednes- day is J. . -. = Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Craig, Mrs. Robert O'Hara and Miss Jean Craig motored to Oftawa to-day to spend the week-end with Mrs. BE. 1, Adams. Mrs. O'Hara will remain longer, and will be the guest of | Mrs. Walter O'Hara. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Connell return- éd from Toronto on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs; George MoGlynn have returneg from Chicago and are with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. C. Allen, Aberdeen. street. e Misses Olive, Allie, Mary and 'Master Oliver Burton; Toronto, are the guests of their sunt, Mrs. N. Me- Calg, Joh SE ¢ LW. G. Gates, Oswego, N.Y., is the puest of her father and meth- 25, Mri and Mrs, W. J. Gates, A) fred street, for the holiday. Pee Roy, Ottawa, nurdcine the Kingston = General Miss Elizabeth Burich, | Miss Lola trainfug at Birch avenue, left v BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1918. . + family have decided' To remain in Kingston, $ Mrs. -R. B. Smith, who-since her re- turn from England has been visiting , MT E. D Edwards, her mothe James Seymour Kilgannon bride, Kingston, are visiting his sis ter, Mrs. Garnet Moore, Watertown, N.Y Mr. and Mrs. Kilgannon will visit New York for i few days after which they will visit the western stal > Mrs, A. V. Whitham and two little sons left Cornwall on Monday for Kingston, where they will join Mr Whitham in their new home, Mrs, Frank MH. Hunter, Kingston, is spending the weeRk with relatives in Cornwall, Lieul, Hunter has been transferred to Trenton on military duty, where Mrs, Hanter will join him on her return, Miss Ruth Lyons, Kingston, is spending ja few days with Deseronto friends, . - - Prof. Iva Martin was a visitor at the home of his Tathér, George Mar- tin, Picton, this week. Mrs., Sampson Clarke and daugh- ter, Effie, Deseronto, are spending a few days in Kingston, Mrs, C. Ross Wartman and Cor- inne, Sydenham, are spending a couple of weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Bowerman, Bloomfield. Mrs. Arthur Meighen, Ottawa, will spend a few days as the guest of Mrs W. F. Nickle : B. J. Watson. Chicago, is with hia sister, Mrs. R. Davidson, University avenue, for a few days. Dr. -and Mrs. Egerton Cays, Os- wégo, N.Y., who arrived in town on Wednesday, left yesterday' for Ed- to join Mr. and Mrs. A route to the coast a Dn. for monton, Cays, en month Mrs. W. W. Gibson, Union street, has returned from Syracuse and Os N.Y Wego, Miss Mary Nesbitt, Kingston was a visitor at Mrs, Corkill's, Napanee The marriage Is announced at Montreal of Willlam J, Wiggins, Nap- anee, to Miss Dell MaeKinnon. Miss Agnes Mandeville, nurse, Kingston, is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Mandeville, Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. R. McCann and little grandson, Kingston, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs, David Gillies, Clareton Place Mrs. (Rev.f E, Shorey and Miss Shorey, Napanee, are vigiting at the home of L. B. Shorey, Action, Ont, Mrs, M., @. Muchmore and Mrs. (Capt.) A. Rochefort are t guests of the latter's son, William J, Roche- fort, Montreal, A. H. Atkinson, ex-reeve of Percy] township, was in the city on Friday and Saturday seeing some. 'of the Percy boys. a 5 * * LJ - On April 11th, #5 Holy Trinity, St. Marylebone, Lond6n, Fng., Major Al- bert Peter Miller, DS.O., M.C., 21st Canadian Infantry, eldest son of Mr and Mrs. Peter Miller, Glen Miller, Ont, and Ellen Mande, only daughter of the late Dr. Waddington, Manches- ter, Eng., were united in marriage. --- ae . * . 'Burton; 72 announce daughter, Ks Mr. and Mrs. J. J Shannon street, Toronto, the marriage of their Lovina: Emily, tp Lieut. Henry Eilers, Sandy Hook, N.Y. (Continued on Page 10.) N dani A Good Appetite A Great Blessing The Occasional Use of a Tonic Will Ensure a Good Appetite and Good Health. Loss of appetite during the sum- mer months is a common trouble, and indicates that the digestive sys- tem 1s out of order. Lacking a healthy appetite many people espec- fally women--go too long without food, or eat sparingly becaure food seems to distress them, and it is no they coniplain-of being con- ired unable to stand the r. All this simply means estive system is not do- uld come from the distributed to the varidus organs of the body. In other words the blood is growing thin and watery. In such cases what is need- ed is a summer tonic, and among all medicines there is no tonic can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Take a short treatment' with thede pills and notice how promptly your appetite re- turns and your power to digest food improves. Your food will then do you good, your strength will regurn and you will no longer complain that the hot weather tires you out. Mrs. M. Kelly, Windsor; Ont,, says: sy suffered from indigestion for sev- eral years, and although T was con- stantly taking doctors' prescriptions they did not cure me, and the result was that 1 was greatly run down, and always feeling poorly. Finally | was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and as I soon found they were helping me I continued their use un- til 1 was fully cured, and am now able to properly digest any food I take. As a 'tonic and blood-builder I. know of nb medicine to equal Dr, Williams' Pink Pills; and 1 recom- mend them te all in need of a medi- cine." wo The best time to begin taking Dr. Willian®®" Pink Pills is the mom nt you feel the least bit out of sorts, The soorier you do so the sooner you will regain your old time energy. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cénts a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. Buffers Serious Burns. Chesley, June 29 rs, William MacDonald, witaa#f~the M.P.P. (of North Bruce, wisi badly burned on the right side, right arm and hands when her clothing caught fire while she was easing a dress with gove- dine. Mrs. Md nald was alone in the house at the time, and, with t prefence of mind. put the aft by wrapping a rug around her body Her medical at- tendants are hopeful of saving Mrs. MacDonald's Mle, yd To ented 10 k ih ~~ Are requested to take part in the on "Over. and Ny ety PAGE THREE _ Probs: Sunday, fair, cool north-west winds. band, Major Sanh, in Kisgson, | A EEE ANNE RR ERE NEE SNR STORE CLOSED MONDAY--DOMINION DAY { TO-NIGHT A S This store will abound with bargains aplent ones for holiday wear. SHETLAND WOOL SWEATERS TEACY'S Store Open Until 10 O'clock. ye » especially timely < 196 smart new Shetland wool sweaters, with sashes and 'belts, in all the season' night. .~ This showing a 600 pair of black and elastic garter ly 60c¢ and 75¢. 120 charming ne elty styles, in size 50 doz. "Jack Ta night . . .. FINE LISLE STOCKINGS : 300 pair black an value. Tonight WHITE VOILE WAISTS s fashionable shades, with collars of white brash wool and plain knit -- the greatest value in the trade. To- .. .. $595 Iso includes at the same price a number of smart pull-over styles with the new Tuxedo collar. SILK BOOT STOCKINGS and white silk-boot hose, with re-enforced foot: top -- in all sizes from 84 to 10; worth regular- Tonight .. . ». .. +. 50¢ and 59¢ } to 10. Areg. 35¢. d white lisle hose. in sizes 8 w styled white voile waists, in plain and nov- 36 to 44. Reg. $1.50. Tonight 98¢c WHITE WASH MIDDIES r" and "Admiral" middies, in plain white or white with colored jean or gingham collars -- all sizes for wo- men, misses and children. SPORT WASH SKIRTS 196 novelty Poriet twill white wash skirts -- splendid values at the regular prices Tonight . . .. 98c to $1.48 and $2.25; all sizes up to 30. Fo- ceo. 311910 $1.48 3 of $1.75 great variety of col | Leters to the Eator | Wearing Polished Brasses. Bexhill-on-Sea, Eng., June 5 --- (To the Editor): I wish to ask what good it doeg to send men to the front to be killed or wounded by the enemy when any sane man, whether he has been in the front line br, mot, knows that {if the brass on our equipment is polished it is hound to attract the attention bf enemy airmen. Yet one sees the battalions going wp the fine with polished brasses. The oificers seem to think that polished brass ig more important than the men's lives. Our artillery 'men, also the airmen, com- plained to the infantry about our shining bass attracting . the en- emy'g- attention, yet no attention was paid to it. It (was in the front line .Jast summer and after two weeks my brass was bright in the sun. All brass would and would be darkened easily by exposing it to the effect of chlorine gas a few min- utes, as I know by experience when getting my gas respirator dested. The buttons came out very- dark. Fritz has more sense than to polish ary mastal. J was at the fourth divi- sional sehool, and only a matter of ten aniles back of the line, and we polished mp every morning. Could not some ne with authority take the matter up and stop the silly practice? There are many things that would be mentioned, t pri- vates do mot dare to report MW they were found out swift punish- ment would be their lot. Ap order making lit a crime to wolish any metal within twenty miles of the front line would be a blessing to the wien und give better satisfaciion all around. Yours resvectfully, . $2 FPRED SCOUTEN. ay Are requested to take part in-the J ocesion Over the Top," 1 p.m. day, July 1st, 1 - 0 -FRmors are in el tion at Amsterdam that an epidemic of typhoid is ng among the Ger- 'man soldiers in Northern France. Thais is held responsible for the delay in resuming the offensive. tl Siberian railways are compjetely tied Top," 1 pum. « mans 10 rush their war prisoners today at 22¢ and 25¢c a yard. Tonight . .* . . em, as | Owing to the recent outbreaks the | ug, preventing the plan of the Qer-| = A ROUSING SALE OF WASH GOODS AT 15¢ 800 yards of pretty new patterned voiles and muslins, in a These are splendid values i. 18e J ors and patterns. Steacy's - Limited ag 7 - . FISH Special For FRIDA - Mackerel The Win. Davies' Co. Princess Street -- Phone 597.

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