JHE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1918. | Frontenac GLENDOWER. July 9--The hay is nearly ready to be cut. A number {rom here weit to the camp meeting at Godfrey. The late rains have made the lowlands very wet, ames Coulter is visiting at Sanford Leeman's. He had his leg. broken, and was in the hospital all winter, . ZWALAND. July 9 The weather has been showery. . Everything Is growing fine. Stuart Witten, of Ottawa, is spending his holidays on Silver Lake the guest of F. Giddings. The Misses Mabel and" Bessie Garrett Have arrived home from Branksome Hall, Toronto. Donald Garrett, who has spent theé- last two years in Sas- katchewan, hag arrived home for a short time beforevhe dons the khaki. Mr. Giddings will officiate at Zeal- and Methodist chuich on Sunday. John Kirkham continues very low. Mrs. H. Sargeant and daughter, Lyma, are visiting Mrs. Thomas Kirkham. Visitors: F. Giddings, S. Whitten, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mec- Charles and daughter, Mahalia, Otto Sargeant, William | Munroe, Evelyn McCharles, at Thomas Gar- rett's. SANGSTHER, July 9.~Joseph Quinn has a gang of men, with théir teams, doing work on the road through here, which will be of a great benefit to all. Mrs. M. J. Cochrane is visiting her mother at Oates; John Madden is renewing acquaintances here after a Your of five years in the west. James Kiley caught a fine, large pike weighing fif- teen pounds tn Thirty Island Lake on Friday. 'Bert Blanchard, Michl- gan, visited at M. J. Cochrane's. Miss Anna O'Connor and Minnie Young visited at Glendower recehtly, Peter Dailey and Edward O'Connor have returned after a trip through the north country. John O'Connor, White Lake, at James Murphy's; Mr. and Mrs. J, Goodhart, at Leo Murphy's; L. Clowe and J. Keeley, at P. 0'Con- hor's; T, Cotter and Miss Nellie Bar- rett, at T. Barrett's; T. P, Young, at Patrick Hickey's, White Lake; P. O'Connor, at J. Babcock's, Glendow- er; John Murphy, at Timothy Bab- _cock's, ¥ PORTLAND, July 9.---The funeral of the late Florence Sihgleton, who died on the 6th, 'was held-+to~the Methodist church here. 'The body was placed in the cemetery here. Miss Bell Mor- ris and motlier and Mrs. and Mrs, H. Henderson are visiting friends in Chesterville, Miss Hattie Donevan is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Tattimore, Smith's Falls. Mrs, W. Ready, who has been very ill for the past three weeks, is lmproving. Russell Dow- sett, Rat Portage, is here on a visit, He came to see his sister, Mrs. Ready, who was critically 11l. 'W, J. Tinker- ton and wife and Mr, Tinel and wife spent the week-end visiting friends in Ogdensburg. Mr. Heath, Ogdens- burg, is visiting friends liere for a couple of days, : "OUTLET. . July 8.--8ome of our farmers are cutting their meadows and report a fairly good crop. 4 great number are searching for berries; some who kpmow where they grow are success- ful, but the others return with empty pails. Huckleberries are being sold for the modest sum of §2 'per elght-quart pail. Mrs. William Cook, Jr. continues very ill. There is no hope of her recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Slack and little daughter spent Sunday with Mr. Slack's parents, Mr. and JH, Black. Mrs. G. A. Bradley, Athens, returned home on Sunday after a 'week spent with friends in this vicinity. Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Vanderburg motored to Charleston on Sunday. Masters Eber and Hubert Reed have gone to spend a week of their holidays with friends in Athens. Miss rfaggie Fdgley is visiting friends at Charleston. Mr. and Mrs, John Crozier and children, Sand Bay, spent Sunday with Mr, Crozier's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Crozier. George Potter, Lans downe, brought a party out from the river on Friday for a day's sport on this lake and the Furnace water Quite a numbér from this loality mo- tored to Athens on Sunday to attend the revival service being held there Robrt Watson, Sand Bay, crossed the -laks on Saturday evening to spend a few days at Charleston and Athens. Willard Warren, Wateraown, N.Y., is visiting friends and relatives here, and will visit friends at Seeley's Bay and Brockville, Mr. and Mrs George Reed were among the numbe; who motored to Athens on Sunday 8. W. Kelsey, Charleston, called on friends here on Saturday evening. ELGIN. July 8.~C. F. Kerr is having his store and dwelling clapboarded and painted, Miss Elsie Kerr has return- ed from visiting at Greenbush. Dr. F, McAmmond and Mrs. McAmmond, Scottsville, N.Y., spent the week with relatives. H. Howard and Warner Phelps, Delta, attended Masonic ser- vice in the village Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, D. M. Kilborn, Plum Hollow, were recent guests of relatives, Mr, and Mrs, John Dancy are guests of relatives at Peterboro. Miss Lucy Coon, nurse-ig-training, at Toronto, is the guest of' her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Simmons, Chaffey"s Locks, were in the village Sunday, Mrs. W, A. Coon is a patient at Kipgston Gen- eral Eospital. Miss L. Allyn, R.N., Edmonton, spent the past week with relatives. Miss Jean 'R. Dargavel, of St. Agnes College, Belleville, is hcene for the holiday season, Mrs. A. Mor- gan has 'returned from. Ogdensburg Hospital very, little improved, Mrs. R. G. Halladay, Portland, is attend- ing Mrs. Clarriga Mustard, who is low with pneumonia, Miss Knapp, Newboro, is clerking in C. J. Pen- nock's grocery. Miss Dancy, Guelph, is the guest of relatives, Mrs, W.\H. Péarson is able to be out on fhe verandah, Pte. Mach. George How- ard, Toronto, Royal Air Force, who spent the week with his parents, has returned to Toronto. Dr. Preston, W. G. Dargavel, George Leggett and R. 0. Leggett, Newboro, attended di vine service in the village Sunday af- ternoon. Miss Coon and Miss Carly attended musical examinations at Kingston last week. Rev. Mr. Still- well conducted service in the Meth- odist church Sunday afternoon, when the Masonic order attended in a body, Delta and Newhoro lodges be- ing present. Mrs. Harold S. Knapp, Pembroke, is guest of her parents. Miss Murphy, Perth, spent the past week with relatives, JUNETOWN, July 9.--Miss Merle Mulvaugh, Lansdowne, was a recent guest of her, cousin, Miss Orma Mulvaugh, Malcolm Hal has purchased a Che- vrolet car from W. H. Percival, Mal- ens, Mrs. Charles Truesdall, Mal- lorytown, is'spending a few days here at James 8. Purvis'. Pte. Vernie Morrow, Kingston, is spending a few weeks at Jacob Warren's, Mrs. Fred McKague, Greenbank, and son, Franklin, are visiting at W.H. Frank- lin's. 'Mrs. Jacob Herbisor and chil- dren, of Regina, are visiting at her brother's, Eli Tennant"s, Mrs: Me- Crea, Montreal, spent a few days last week at Rev. W, W. Purvis', visiting her sister, Mrs. BE. McCrimmon. Miss Agnes Price will visit friends at Trenton on the way to spend her holidays at Mountain Grove. James Tinsley, Toronto, is spending a few days with Ross Purvis. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Scott and sons, also W. H. Franklin, motored to Kingston on 'Friday and spent the day with Pte. Newton Scott, before he left on Sat- urday for overseas. Mr. and Mrs. George Warren and Miss Vera, Win- nipeg. are enjoying a two-weeks' vis- it with. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Warren. Among those attend- ing the county Sunday school con- vention in Brockville last Friday were Mrs. W. J. Purvis, Miss Cassie Tennant and Mr. and, Mrs, W. H. Franklin. Mrs. Jacob Warren was @ recent guest of her son, Leland' Warren, at Smith's Falls, Mis, Mary Summers, Lansdowne, and Mrs. O. Hargraves, Fine View, are spending a few weeks with friends here. Miss Orma Mulvaugh, milliner at Lans- downe, is home for the summer. Ernest Blancher has purchased =a THE SEVENTH DAY AT SEA AND STILL GO Ford car. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Gra- ham, -and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blancher, motored to Kingston on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bum- mers and Mr. and Mrs. J.-A. Herbi- son spent a few days in Ottawa last week. : | Lennox and Addington TAMWORTH. July 9.--Mr. Varty, wife and fam- ily, of 'Bogart, visited her sister, Mrs. James Wheeler," last week. Mrs. George Hinch, of Camden Hast, was here last week and galled on friends. W. D. Mace and wife, of Winnipeg, visited C. R. Irner last week. Miss Postelwright visited her brother, Hix Lockerage, Mr. Wagar, of Mani- toba, Js visiting his brother, Titus Wagar, pathmaster, is making big improvements in the streets. Mr. Kouber, Napanee, called on friends here. * ------ ENTERPRISE EAST. July 6.~The heavy raing have im- proved vegetation. School has clos- ed for the summer holidays. The teacher, Miss Milne, has gone to her home: - at Joyceville. Strawberry piéking is the order of the day, and there seems .to be a very good crop. A number from here attended the celebration in Kingston. « Misses 'Bessie and' Julia Frazier, Fulton, N.Y., are visiting friends here." Miss Anna B. Finn is visiting her cousin, Mrs. James Doyle, Camden East. 'Misses Florence and Evelyn Finn are visiting their sisters, Mrs. J. T.. MoAllister,.and -Mrs. J. E. O'Reilly, Wolfe Island. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mawson motored to Trenton on Sat- urday. Miss Cecilia Eves, Kingston, Is the guest of Miss Anmie Kelly. WILTON, July 9.--The continued rain of the past few days will delay the farmers with their haying. Mrs. 'W. Amey was removed to Kingston General Hospital on Monday afternoon. We hope for a speedy recovery. The La- dies' Aid met at the home of Mrs W. Amey on Wednesday afternoon of last week and did a considerable amount of Red Cross sewing, The Women's Missionary Society will Ter, oti Wednesday of this week. Vis- itors: Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Stormes, Kingston, are visifing friends in Wil- ton; Mrs. Conley and 'Mrs. Jones, Hamilton, with Miss Mary Crawford: Mr, and Mrs. John Clow and Miss Efe Clow and Mrs, Ferguson, Har- rowsmith, were callers at the home of James Lewis on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Simmons epent Sunday at E. Day's, Horrowsmith. TIDINGS FROM WELLINGTON. A Building Fitted Up for the Bank of Nova Scotia. Wellington, Juiy 10.--Mrs. (Dr) Watts and daughter, Mrs. Bert Cou- sons, of Detroit, have been spending a few weeks in, town. They visited the Misses iBlakely and also friends in 'Picton and Belleville prior to their departure for Detroit. Mrs. Watts will leave in the autumn for her home in British Columbia. Michael Linahue, after thirty-five years' absence, is visiting here and renewing old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Corman, of Wilson's Corn- ers, spent Sunday the guest of Mrs. David Vandervoort, Mrs. S. Holl- ingsworth and Leslie Reid, of Pie- ton, visited George Webster's, Mrs. Hollingsworth's father; over Sunday. Mrs. Albert (Conley, of Mellville, spent Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mhompson. "Mr. and Mrs, J. Haight, of Mount Pleasant, visit- ed at J. Hutchison's on Sunday last. Clair Platt, of the heavy battery, Kingston, had leave of absence and spent a week under the parental roof. He left on Monday again for the city. Miss Luella Broad, B.A. is spending her holidays at her home here. Mrg Taylor returned to his duties at Oshawa after spending a few days at his home. Mr. Free, of the Standard Bank, Markham, spent over Sunday the guest of Gerald Benson. ' Mrs. Luella Platt, of Rochester, N.Y., who has been visiting at her home here, returned to the city on Saturday. Miss Clela Vanderwood returned home from Stiring on Sat- ING. meet at the home of Mrs. Robert Mil-§ urday. Mr. and Mrs T. Jackson of Bloomfield, visited Mrs. B. Harris on Sunday. Elder Gardner Philips has arrived from a trip-#o Michigan and other western points, H. D. Young, .of = Melville. -and Jeorge H. Young, of Wellington, spent Sunday at the sand . Banks, Mrs. Palmerston is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs, Ross Platt, here. Fred Geddis and 'wife, of Toronto, are the guests of George and 'Mrs. Boyce. Daylon Murphy and D. . 0. Spencer keep the community well supplied with whité fish and trout' The Methodist Sunday school will picnic at Consecon Lake on July 11th, Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Reddick and family spent Sunday at Amelias- 'burg with his brother William and family. A large number of people from the surrounding eountry 'on Saturday night attended the play given by Mrs, (Rev.) Boyie and local talent. The performance was highly appreciated, Miss Alice Bell, of | Belleville, has taken K. P. Morden's summer cot- tage on the shore of the old lake. Mrs. Gendon and grandson, who have been visitors at Mr, and Mrs. John Stapleton's have returned to Ross- land, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. M. MeCall land, B.C. Miss M. McCall, of Smith's Falls, was a visitor at L. K. [ Shourd's recently. . Mrs. Wallace Wilder is at Mark- bam visiting her daughter, Mrs. Kate Biatson. Mrs. (Dr.) Ruttan arrived home this week from New York state, She has heen visiting her daughter, Mrs. Empringham. Ww, Fornell has bought Mrs, J, H.Young's place In East Wellington. Mrs. Moyer, of Chicago, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Post here. 'Mr. and Mrs, William Alkens removed from Thomasburg this week, One of the Deseronto air men vis ited Wellington "recently and after circling the town he went out over the lake, and when a bégan to loop-the-loop until within a fow feet of the water. Then waving an adieu he flew westward. The Canadian Canners have pur- chased the WP. Niles, Limited, seed plant and will continue the business. Eugene Taylor has fitted up his Premises for the Bank of Nova Sco- tia, pend : mts GIFTS OF CHURCHES To Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Buckler on' Mountain Grove. Mountain Grove, July 9.--Pro- Séntatians and addresses were ten- dered Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Buckler by. twe of their congregations on their departure from Scugog Island to Mountain Grove. The head chiureh people on Tuesday evening, June ' 25th, filled the parsonage, and af- ter reading an address expressivas of the faithfulness with which their pastor and wife had served their church and community for four years, presented them with a hang- some silver pierced casserole and a teapot with sflver trimmings. Light refreshments were served, and with the clerk of the township, Thomas Graham, in the chair, a deligatly) social and uplifting evening foliow- On the following Sabbath evening, totwithstanding a downpour of rain, the Centre church of Senjoy was well filled and at the close of a farewell sermon Rev, Mr. and Mrs Luckler were presented with an other addfess and a Jardinere pot and a fern dish sei in pierced silysr. Mr. and Mrs. Buckler axprossed their deep gratitude not only for the gifts, but especially for the love that prompted them, stating -it was- their highest delight and aim to lift up Christ to a perishing world. Wedded at Westport. Westport, July 8 --The wedding was solemnized in St. Edward's Church, Westport, of Marie, eldest daughter of Mrs. M. A. Whelan, and P, A. L. Lynch, lieutenant in the C.E EF, Father = O'Rourke officiating. The bride, who was given away by her! brother, wore peach georgette crepe, | trimnted with satin charmeuse, with i hat to match. " Her sister, Miss Fran- ces Whelan, who wag bridesmaid, wore a maize georgetic crepe dress and! Leghorn hat. The groom was as-| sisted by J. E. O'Brien, C.E. C EF, | of Toronto. ~ After the wedding breakfast, the bridal party motored to | Perth, en route to Montreal and oth- } er eastern points, stance up hel A 1 » PAGE ELEVEN Moving Up British Tommies | | Loh ' y Wevnvre " French troops on(the roadside moving up with *. WOO IY COURTESY oF pd A ' On the British Western Front in France -- British Tommies near the line. y . Some shell cases on the roadside in the front area, the contents of whi shed over into the Ge Hn 3, tents of which have been despatched ebm a re PEMA TUR AA CAPTURED PLANE 4 a as this shows.--Bnitish Official Photograph. By BUD FISHER, RAF, men'are wot oll in the air » I'M DOPAG OUT SUBMER INE guile SCHEME T° (CONQUER THE MAKE THE Sub ~20nE AS SAFE AM FoRTY.3econd STREET AMD BR oADWAY. WHY WERENT Yo M Te LIFE-BoAT DRILLT IF we GET HIT BY A TORPEDO You'kt wiSH You'd _ DEEN ony THE Joi! VIN THE WIPE oUT THE Submarine MENACE. THE DAYS oF THE TORPEDO Ake PAST AND The WIN THE WAR. FoRTHeE Auuies. TEACH "THEM To he IT Le You know TRAINED SEALS ARE THE EASIEST ANIMALS INTHE "WORLD To TEACH ANYTHING TO. You can (ann WHEN TodiT BINDS A fa 7 suBMARINE 1 ATRL Come ub \ | HATY J THEN THE DesTROVER J With KNOW WHERE / \ He Sus" 1s VivHy, Tie TeAcH /f A BLOCK OF / TRAINED SEALS 5 0 HATE i [ SUBMARINES, / AND WHEN A kp (DESTROYER EnTERs ™E (WHAT'S THAT | Got To To WITH IT 2