[How EWS. ST Eastern REE EARANOQUE (From Our Own Correspondent.) July 11.---At the sossion the Ganandque Board of Joation un Tuesday _ evenifg an Tinereass was made In the gal arigs of all teachers who had not yet attained the 0 per annum, and together with that a honus of seven and & hall per cent. will be given to each and every teacher from highest to lowest grade who completes the year beginning Sept 1st, 1918. The bonus is to be granted at the end of the year. gy Edu- No, 2 Company (Grace church) Girl Guides left yesterday to enjoy the next two weeks under. canvas al the summer home of Mr, and Mrs. William Edwards, jr. near what fs known as McNinch's Point on the shore of the North Channel, "No. 2 Company (Grace Church) 'Boy Scouts to the number of about twenty, In charge of their Scoutmas- ter Rev. W. 8. Lennon, left yester- day to go into eamp for the noxt two weeks at Heau Rivage Island a few miles to the west of the town, Belleville Aviator willed. 'Belleville, July 11.--Flight Lieut. Leonard Frederick, son of Byron Frederick, was instantly. killed in an airplane accident at Montrose, Scot land. A cablegram.conveyed the in- telligence but gave no particulars The victim enlisted with a unit at Swift Current, but upon arrival over- se#s transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. He succeeded in finishing his training as an aviator, graduating with honors and special proficiency as a fier at high altitude. He was twenty-four years of age and unmar- ried. BeHeville Auto Stolen. Belleville, July 11.---An auto, HR MeLaughlin Special B- 15, was stolen in this city and no trace of it can be found. It was owned by Frank Evens and had been left stand- v ATES FF AMILY of | & Ontario = md HEID REUNION. Oui | south Rednersville. | Bellevi July 11 About seven- ty ive members of the Bates family i {Gathered at the Homestead of the MecFaul farm, south of Redners one of those ever inter- a family reunion. The > old Bates home Halgs rated Of | ettle i 18 2, haying eng ¢ ! a from : + Mass of » onl; i holas of 'Stoo kdala ranged the reunion place on Dominion Day. the connect'Gnsg of y, several old neigh rg Mr. and Mrs. Walt- Mr. and Mrs Jolin and came to spend day, recalling old renewing "acquaint- which In add | the 'Bat ple asant mentories 'and ahces. LIEUT. BURTT COMES HOME and His Brothers lave Served With Distinction. Trenton, July 10 Lieut Bd. Burtt, who was attending the high school, where he was Captain of the Cadet Corps when war broke out in 1914, is home from overseas, where he was seriously wounded on active gervice. He is one of three brothers who donned the khaki. On Mar" 4th, when in the act of repelling .a German raiding and bombing party, # shell burst at his feet and so in- jured his left foot that he is unfit for further active duty. He was aw- arded the Military Cross and his bro- ther, Ross, is the possessor of the Military Medal. The othes brother diec gloriously for his-country. He A quiet wedding was solemnized in Brockville on Tuesday between Miss Hazel Victoria qacohs. only daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Jacobs, and William Harcourt il sen of Mr. and Mrs, F. C. Ball, South Wales, England, Miss Sarah (Catherine Sills, Hunt- ingdon Township, passed away in Bellevilla won Monday, aged sixteen Ing on a &lde street. years. A At A EN EN i THERE ARE WO WAYS OF ADVE RTISING one is ancient and dead, the other is alive 'with magnetism and human interest. The former i is mostly wast- ed. The latter is a force which draws the attitude of the buyer in favor of your merchandise. We can help you out of the rut of this ancient form. Phone 292, will be at your and a representative service to talk this advertizing proposition over ~--JOB DEPARTMENT BRITISH WHIG P UBLISHING CO. KINGSTON in your ad i and your ad NOTE: White space + allow for this, valuable. Write your copy to ill have more prominence. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1918. OLERGYMAN MEETS ACC DENT Thrown From Carriage While Driv- ing to Chyprch. uly 8.--Rev. Mr met with an acc terneon while tment tened dams M up a Delta horse ran n nd E. Chapman and family, ity, are occupying D. H cottage: for the summer 't Addison and little r are the guests of Miss Johnston. 8S. H. Mott has from Toronto to be with his were at their cgitage fors the u 1 Mr. and MTs. A. Giroux Brockville, are at J. Steven's cot tage on Whiskey Island. Dr. ano Mrs. G. F. Conklin, Chicago, are at 4 cottage, "Pine Lodge." Miss Dallas, Brockville, i8 a guest of and Mrs. Kelly Mrs. "W. H is visiting her sister, Mrs yer, in Montreal. Mrs. J. Bar Winnipeg, is with .her sister, . IM. Godkin, who is seriously iil Mrs.. R. M.'Shaver and family, Broekville, are #isiting her father, L.. iN. Phelps, at his cottage, "Woody Crest Lodge." Mrs. W. Conway and bé&by, London, on are the guests of Mr. and (Mrs. J. Sexton Pte. William McElroy, . (Brockville, is vigiting his home here. Mis: Olive Russell, AIC., Belloaville, is home for her vacation. Capt. Rupert Stevens Kingston, spent Sunday at his home here. C. 1D Chevrolet Dr Ralph has purchased a néw Car. Mrs. E, Ready; Portland, was a visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S ol n, last week. Mr. 'Maley. ey City, N.Y., 45 a guest at the watson House; also 'Mrs Caffpbell, of New York City. F. Kirst and family, Brockville, are at their ¢ot- tage here. Miss Edith Davison, of the Civil Service, Ottawa, was a re cent visitor here. The Epworth League of the thodist chureh are holding a boys' meeting next Friday evening. Rev, Mr, Code conducted his first service in the Anglican church here on Sun- day afternoon. Mr. Code's last cir- cuit was at {North Augusta, and he is succeeding Rural Dean Swayne here, Miss Irene Lillie, Plum Hol- low, is the guest of Miss Florence fiitbert. 8. lH. Mott 'occupied the Methodist pulpit on Sunday even- ing in the absence of 'Mr. Mur The Mission Band of the 3 church (held its annual picn Saturday. Petér MacD. MacTavish, an old resident of Montreal, passed away on Sunday at the age of seventy- nine years. Mr. MacTavish was born at Perth, Ont. AT CHRISTIE'S LAKE. Me ~. on May Bell Marks Arranging For Red Cross Event. Christie's Lake, July 9.--Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Marks (May Bell) are making great preparations for the regatta which will be heid at Red Cedar Villa," their summer home some time ins;August. 'There wil! be sw mming races, diving and yacht racing. In the evening there will be 'dancing and sketches and short plays. The proceeds are to go to the Red Cross. ~. Mr. Werns' private Saturday. Mr. Wern superin tendent of the C.P.R. His wife, | daughter and son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Marks Sunday afternoon. Ernest Marks has made great im- provements at their home, remode!l- ing their kitchen Mr. and Mys. Phillips were guests of Mr. and Mrs Joe Marks Sunday at Ruby Island. Mr. and Mrs. Dyer and family. Westport, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morley White. They motored here, Mrs. Ella. Marks arrived a: Arliedale from London. "Tom' Marks is busy writing plays for next season: Mr. Williams, Mrs. Car- Tuth's brother from California, has left for Kingston. i There-was a dance on "Jim's" platform last Friday. There will be another on Wednesday next for thg campers at the lake. Mrs. Shaw and family have ar- rived. Mrs. J. Ballantyne had a motor party Sunday from Ottawa. Dr. Ballantyne and Dr. . Chandler motored from Christie's to Ottawa on Monday, July 8th. The Misses Stewart are expected at Sunrise shortly. % . The crops lovk fine and every- thing points toward a fine harvest. Mr. and Mrs, Suckling had week- a car arrived is Tend visitors from Montreal. RED CROSS SOCIETY. The People at Charleston Are Aiding x The C } Charleston, Tuly 8. 8. Mrs, Del. Covey is very ill. Mr. Montgomery 'and 'Mr. Harkness, Somerville, N.J., leave for home to-day after a fow pleasant days spent here at the lake, iRuests of R, Foster. A party of five from Somerville, N.J., arrived yes iterday -and are guests at Foster's Hotel. Several carloads of people went to Barriefield on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. LC. T. Ross and Miss Katie Halliday left on Saturday by motor car for Toronto. Pte. Lawrence, Botsford, Barriefield camp, was a visitor at his home here over Sunday. The monthly meeting of the Charle- ator Red Cross Society was held a Mrs. 'W. B. Beale's on Tuesday after- noon. The medting opened as usual [pid the Joe ayer: and Samed Ww! singing the Nationdl Anthem Hi The Singing + Jesse Wehater, read. the minutes of the. previous meeting and wi treasurer, Mrs. | Finley read the jceipts and expen a 42 35. ad ito) hich is to be' held Hoth: mesuns, Joy's on suse lat. Wy Word Va 9g ¥ is 1 apd in tho Sopa i HOW THOSE Military uniforms of many natic hospitals, as well as in the restaurants the Ruptured and Crippled to give an CM Patten, first class gunner's mat crippled. FRANCE BRITAIN AND AMERIC NITED WE STAND of Bloomingdale Brothers, sent his private automobile to the Hospital for soldiers or seamen. And this Is the array of nationalities and uniforms that he got:--Paul Krause, United States Marine Corps, recovering from aw in- Jury suffered on a hike; Lucien Chauv who has a leg that won't walk properly; J. A. Moulton, Royal Newfound land infantry, who was wounded in six places at one time in France, and ALLIES STICK ns are seen nowadays in New York and the streets. Irving Bloomingdale, afternoon's ride to four convalescent et, corporal of wireless, French navy, e, United Sfates Navy, whose e legs are wna BUY TOLL ROAD. Council Votes Brockville Town oF » unds. . of i ] | v Share of Brockville, July Council has voted of 'the corporation of wards the purchase ville and Prescott tol! roposed ito bay for he Ontario 1 rty per cent. t 1 ura and Eliza hto thi i per cent,, and the ville and [Prescott As this road will ultimately of a provincial highw the pur- chase now as. only anticipating the action of the Government and abol- i r the tolls which have been a of complaint from 11 $2.02 hat } 1D- Brock- road wanich it $9,000. Of Go cent, 2 part general . Dush- Bahooe k Nup tials, Yerona, July 11. The ome Harvey J Snider wa he scene & pretty but quiet adits w Rev. J. J. Johnston, Verona, & ed by Rev. A. W. Stewart, Harrow- smith, united in marriage Harriett May, youngest danghter of Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Bajpock, to Daniel Bypsh, son of Mr. and Mrs A. Bush, The bride was dressed «in a satin cham- pagne suit with ehampagne kid shoes, and white hat and veil, ang carried a 'bouquet of bridal roses and carnatiens. Immediately aiter the ceremony the young couple mo- tored to Godfrey, where they took the train for Ottawa. On returning Mrs. Saider, ter of the bride, gave a reception honor of the bride and groom. An enjoyable evening was spent and manpy bedutiful and useful present ere received which | showed p high esteem in which the young couple were held, Mr. | and Mrs. Bush will reside at Rgy- | nokiston, where Mr. Bush is a pro- sperous farmer. of of en in Is Given Fourth Decoration, Carleton Place; + July 10.---Capt, Murray Galbraith,Carleton Place, has been decorated with a see 4 the Distinguished Service Cross, ii at- cording to a lefter-just received from him by his parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Galbraith. + ny "Capt. Galbraith has been ifn the toyal Naval Air Service, now a part of the Royal Air Forces, since 1415, and has been decorated four times, He received the Croix de Guerre from the French Government, and the D8.C., and two bars from the British Government. The last decor- ation was given for his services in the recent raid over England. tg join the' air forges, having attend- od the W ight "lying School, at Day- ton, = his owh expense, He is twenty-t Years of age. spend the fro itn hoi $00 Earl. They were accompanied to Water- town by Mrs, J, BE. McCann and Mas- ter Howard, Mr, and Mrs. RR. 'W. MacDonald and . family speni the Misses EHa and Dora Lindsay, King- ston, spent she week-end with their sister, Mrs. E. A; Gunter. Mrs. Ady White, Toronts, spent the week-end with hci parents, Mary and Mrs. W. J. . Wing, -Nliss Lettie Demat: Ottawa, is visiting friends in WwW, ton ent "sind ae Gun Kings: J Epent' San ly Fredenb holidays nt W wit] ter, Miss Lena Frateanres isehool ddting He was due of the first Canadian®y oon. week-end in Lanark visiting ic | Belleville has in' AGED MEN the Athens District Have cently Passed Away. Athens, July 10 Death 'has re- cently removed 'three men of ad- vanced years, all well and favor- ably known in this vieinity. Thomas Earl passed away June 26th, after a lingering illness, and leaves a widow, three sons and two daugh- ters William Pierce dropped dead suddenly on June 28th, leaving a wife, a son and a- daughter. Wil- liam Watt passed away on the same date after a long period of declining health. [His wife had pre-deceased hima about three years ago and ne family survives, JAll' three funeral services were conducted by Rev, 7. J. Vickery. The personnel of the high school staff for the coming year is ad fol- lows: Messrs. Burchell and Case and the Misses Donnelly, [Ferris and Walla : J.. E. Burchall, THREE of Re- B.A., is taking a course in agriculture at Guelph Miss deita Arnold, B.A. is taking a teachers' summer training course in Toronto. The appearance of an aeroplane passing over the village a few days ago caused a flurry of excitement.' Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Rich- ards, Toronto, are taking up.resid- ence in the Hambli n' House, Main street east. m Gibson is mov- ing to the on, House, Main street west. i Rev. Mr. (Code, the nes w rector of Chr arrived with his and is tak- of th Anglican ree- 3f Main and Elma North Augusta, church, has Athenians motored add attended © the BSehool Association number of Brockviibe County Sunday on June I8th The Methodist Sunday ric was held on paly 1st grounds of Cedar Par Lake. \ i Eight Athenians were in attend- ance at the Point Iroouois summer part of the session + r schnol pie- mn the Charleston last week. George (A. Chambers, Ottawa, is conducting evangelistic services in'a tent fi "William Cross' grove, Athens west, - Rev. R. IC. Horner is conducting a camp meeting at Lake Eloida. Rev. (B.\B. Brown, Montreal, is an- nounced to occupy the Methodist pulpit next Sabbath evening. Plans are in progress to hold the next meeting of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society at jake Eloida on August 1st. "There is to be a basket following which ithe pro- gramme will 'be given. FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD, A Large Offering Disposed of on Thursday at 23 Cents. At the meating of the Frontenac THE WORLD'S NEWS ¥ IN IN BRIEF FORM Tidings From All All Over Told In a Pith yar and Pointed Way. Cheese sold at Woodstock The Canada Food Board dered a number of busin closed for violating regulations. Slightly over sevent ine per cent. of the municipalities of Canada own and operate their own water supply systems, Natural gas was shut eff from some of the industries in aan and a bread famine was nearly caus- e The British captured several pri- soners and madhine.. gun fin the neighborhood of Morris and Festu- bert. ? iN 3 » All the wheat mills in the, minion aré to be closed for' greater part of August, and poss til the new erep comes in 'Semitor Elon R. Brown fur gress to present the Jefferson, and Oswego county ' district latest talk of Watertown, N.Y, ors. The Food Board has promulgated additional 'regulations to conserve wheat, requiring the use of rubhsti- tutes in the manufacture of break- fast foods. Within the last few months the Geneva police by means of an energs- tic crusade have arrested 200, Ger man spies. Geneva had becouse their centre of operations. 3 The death of Mrs. Jane .Owen Cross, widow of: Horace Cross, for many years a resident of Cape Vin- cent, N.Y., occurred in Redlands, Cal, at the aga.of 91 years. About half of the heard from, show that on the 22nd of June 2,349,015 Canadian men afd women fPegistered, the former being slightly fewer than the latter at 2%. has or- places bly Con- Lewis is the elgets 10,000,000 IF NEEDED, ---- United States Will Send Every Man Required, New York, July 11..One million mon -in France and ten million mere if they are needed, and every man up to sixty years of age serving his country--this was the limit set for the war by Secretary of the Navy Daniel in Carnegie Hall in a speech which opened the campaign of the Young Men' Christian Association for one thousand "Y" seerctaries, Discounts Canadian Money: Windsor, July 11.--From one to three per cent. discount on Canadian currency is being charged in Detroit at present, and bankers say the spread will widen, porhaps to five per cent, due to the differduce in the trade balance between the two coun- tries. 3 4 ---------------- Fragments From France, Uglow's. COKE ORDERS ONLY TAKEN The James Sowards Coal Co. Phone 155. no- constituencies "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company PIRE INSURANCE ' Treas Office, % Royal Inturnce Bide. PERCY J. UINN, Manager, Ontario Branch Tefonts W. H. GODWIN 8. SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. Choice Meats Choice Steaks from ¥'35¢ to 40c a 1b. The very hest fresh and cured ments carried In stock, Prompt Delivery Charles Quic k Phone 1192J ° A A A PNP THE COCK MEDICINE CO., TJOROKTD, OKT. (Formerly Winder.) en COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. 3 Phone 1042. Sash and Doors Good Assortment Stock Sizes. Attention Given to Orders for Special Sizes. Allan's Lumber Yard Yard: Victoria Street. ~ Branch Yard: Place d' Armes. Prompt Phone 94. 4 For Batteries, Spark Plugs, Coils, Auto Lamps and Motor Boat Supplies; Spark Coil Repairing, and Everything Electrical, : Call At Halliday Electric Co. Cor. Princess and King Sts. Cheese Board ou "Thursday after- noon, thére was boarded 750 boxes of white cheese, ahd all sold at 22%' cents, The following factories board ed: White--Arigan, 35; Forest. "60; Glenburnie, 65; Glenvale, 70; On-' tario, 63; St. Lawrence; 55: Silver Springs, 100; G jlEtdge, §0; Thou sand Islands, 58 Elginburg, 60; Ve- rona, 75; Wolfe Island, 60. Af 221% cents, John Gibson bonsht tie offering of Arigan, Glenburnie, Verona and Walle Island, FAL 22% cents, George Smith se- evired the offering of Forest, Glen- vale, St. Lawrence and Elginburg, At 22% cents, IL. W. Murphy bought the onenng of Gil Bdge. On tarin. Silver Springs. and housand Islands." BO nt The Dominion Fin Hatvhery ai; at four years ng made up: 1015. 1 500,000; rive 5900.60: 1917, 089 and 1 : the ONE insteaments in which Bi; united fo stgh a retilarka, Piano among the many Canadian - made quality and low prices are ile degree, : One Price Only -- Cash or Terms Rs USTRATED CATAL Hi E FREE I wea Riess Me, Montreal and: Three