is a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY 13,1918. ~~ PAGE FIFTEEN Making of Aviators | ARTICLE No. Jo © WEN hoa "Contact Patrols," the Alrman's EUns to fight field artiliery, the most | Most Dangerous Work. dangerous being the "box barrages" | The part played by our low flying | that the enemy put around them. To! machines during the great German escape, the machine must go through offensive on the Somme will some day lone of the walls of the "box" which | be fully brought to light These lis pretty risky work. Perhaps the | machines; ariginally organized for |best plan is to spot the, machine gun- attacking purposes, played a heroic |ners and give them a dose of their! part in helping to stem the tide of own medicine, for Fritz has a decided | attacking Germans, both by machine | aversion to being killed from an akro-, gun fire and also by bomb' dropping. | plane. } These machines do. what is known Wihdle such work is naturally dan- | as "contact patrol" work, flying at a] gerous. it has its compensations, for | height of from 100 to 1,000 feet dur-lin no branch of the army has an of- ing the attack, their prime use being | ficer such a chance to make a name | to afford a means of commupication for 'himself, and, more important, to] between the attacking troops, who|conserve the lives of his countrymen, are cut off by the barrage fire always [who are fighting below: on terra! put up behind them, from their sup-| firma. porting troops in the rear. The At various prearranged intervals! planes must consequently fly in the |during the attack the "contact" aero. | wall of fire put up by our own artil-| plane signal® by means of a Klaxon | lery and the Germans, in addition|horn for what are known as "flares." | they are subjected to a terrible rifle | These are little boxes of red fire, and | and machine gun fire from the] when they are lighted alofig the | ground, whole line they give the approximate | I'e attacking troops may run positionrof our most advanced line. | eR 5 BERR WP WT ' Nog) A> Bn RE = REEER * FRET « TERE NIMS TIS | short of bombs or perhaps be held [The observer draws the line in on al up by machine gun fire. If such is special map and files back through the case they signal to the aeroplane |the barrage with it to headquarters. | above by a paneau, which is a little | All this procedure is actually re-| whité" Napping arrangement, or by a|hearsed by the attacking troops and | high power "Aladis" lamp. The | the aeroplane concerned before the first squadron to do contact patrols advance behind the lines, so that | on the Somme was the "writer's, {there may be no hitch in the final | which used the most perfect obser- performance. The barrage fire is 80! vation planes of that period "Mor-|terrible that no runner could get' a ane-Parasols," a French two-seater | message through, but the plane with | capable of nearly 100 milés an hour. pitd speed accomplishés what fs im-° They derive their name of parasols! possible on the ground | from the fact that the wings are During one of the attacks on Bulle about two feet above the body of the feourt by the Australians some of | plane, thereby giving an unobsatruct- ftheir impetuous troops got too far ed view, Their only drawback Isfahead of those supporting them, and | that they are very delicate machines were in great danger of being cut off. | to fiy, They cannot be looped, ow-1In fact they were ahead of their | ing to their copstritction being too |creeping barrage.. Contact patrol ! weak when upside down. aeroplanes informed headquarters of A lecturer at the Toronto School {the fact and the barrage was length-| © of Aerongufies recently made the fened to protect them. Unfortunately | statentent that "the life of a Contact things went ¥adly, for many of them | Patrol airman in Frande in actual war | ran short of bombs and were cut off | fiying time was Somewhat less than | Here again the aeroplsnes took a! seven hours. He was not much infhand, and did their best to retrieve error, as the héight at which they [the situation by firing at their cap- : 2 fly makes them a target for every|tors, who, however, ran in amongst Rice ibe necessary Artificial celluloid and ivory « » cabman invented more th a half tfruit and sorting it into ten grades at type of gun, from rifles and machine' the captured Australians. NEWEST NOTES er ; built near Cape|made by soaking potatoes in wate utury ago still is i is {a rate of more ® han 17,000 fon ' 8 1, ior the produc fand then in sulphuric and s ck | at it never ha Wore hour : an 1/5 an | OF SCIENCE mn n tone of | ine them after drying t : J tur i AONE the new steering wheels HL TRINK RAILWAY HOTEL W ILHELMINA A a Pou o b aunealls , Two British scientists have d Fhe handle of a new sere iver is | for automobiles is one hinged at op- REE ME ARN NE 9 a 242 Mountain St. Sobigh ily pater ied ig 5 : oles af that the sense of smell weaker info so that it can be d at | posite points so that one-half edn be Ny ? h China 'has niofe ducks than all the J H'€€Per 10 have hs head ou f1de of af man than in the lower animals he-|r $ to the sb rive 3 folded down out of the way to ve LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLS MONTREAL rest of the world put together. Window While h 8 body Snioys the cause of the human practice of kiss<| ditional ir serve as a ham- [access to the seat of a car or ig Rates, $1.00 to $8.00 per day. The world's production of cocoa] Warmth of a room, where he ma¥ g mer. locked to prevent theft, $5.00 up per week. now amounts to' more than 250,000] dress. ; | NAVY CUT : CIGARETTES BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET SMOKING ELL TERE = FETT mn i 2 For card playing and luncheon pur- | A Britis] nti t have TI rail p p on sign \ ari ying i fs pur-f irifish' scientist claims to have 1¢ railroad connecting Chili and a MARCH " Phone Uptown 5346. ." | pounds a year. New Zealan y. industry owes | poses a table has been mvented to | discovered a simple d inexpensive | Bolivia, which crosses the Andes : much of its pre y to the success | which four chairs are 'attached, the! proce co ordinary peat {14,105 feet above sea level, provides whole affair folding flat when not in binto a highly trated fertilizer oxygen chambers in which pdssen- ; -------- a Traine will snd arrive at Oity Natal is building up an industry injmuch y to J Station, Pong of Johnson Street. the manufacture of starch from sweet! of milking machines, of which bhe- : w 8,000 and 10,000 are in use| us \1 i has des a fees can get relief from the raritied. 'Lve. City Arr. Oits potatges, fween ; ) see edB20am 13.87 8m A "A spritig wire clip which holds a there (J A three-wheeled cab that a London I motor driven whine for air of the high altitudes. $10am 3.58 am Ga 5 cup securely on the edge of a plate : a NE---- ~ . A Ae ans ' h bg PASSENGER SERVICE has been patented. : : oo iE RN Ne re a STN TEA LY Between Government geologists have discov : --_-- he WN ha "~~ ) Fo a ered a large deposit of high gfade iron . ? Montreal and Great ore in Queensland, 27 Britain An electric motor has been invented oF ; > aA MAII or winding watches where many are MONEY SENT x AL Oh CAHLE to be wound at a time. . . THE ROBERT REFORD CO. Limited ! I'he greater part of Chilian coal is £ General Agents. so soft that fully 30 per cent, of it is 56 King Street East. Toronto | Wasted at the mines. : A combination of spirit tube and The discovery of a vaccine for cur. , pendulum enables a new level to be ing and preventing Malta fever, pre- | used to measure angles accurately. valent along the Mediterranean, is! Great Britain is raising about 900.- claimed by a French scientist of high (000 acres of potatoes this year, about ¥ iP per cent. more than last year. A sagebrush plow has been invented that is said to be capable of turning! under thickets of brush six feet high. | Electricity obtaned from Swedish | ™ waterfalls provides about one-half the | mechanical power used in that coun-| try. | In a new self-inking rubber stamp | | ® ® : | a 'ratchet wheel moves the ink pad | e 0 " in ario about sq that all of its surface is util- | 3 ized. | i savi Ulig | Including: The islafd-of Mauritius is singular- | ly free irom thunder storms. several | (Muskoka es) ! years sometimes passing bbefore one, RIVER (French and Pickerel Rivers) Fe ! BA {Georgian Bay Resorts) 2 : | The sides of the new suitcase fold | 3 wartha Lakes) out flat with the bottom to enable | 3 (Ri clothing to be packed in it without | of wrinkling, hai | I Madrid proposes to utilize the wa- naw), Etc. : Se] : AL ter brought to the city by an old | ARE CONV IENTLY REACHED By CANADIAN PACIFIC canal to produce about 3.000 electrical | Summer Tou ares In ect. horse-power, By turning a crank at one corner a new kitchen cabinet is raised or low- | J ered to the most convenient hetght | y . - : i ' { ene : ime for Ser. 3 5 " 0% | G ral Change of T s July 14, 1918 i PIE electric currents to the are the crowning climax of a trip that - repute, 5: base of the brain. a Berlin physician has no equal--* Niagara-to- Particulars from F Conway, G.P.A., Oity Ticket Office, | "2: found & way to give sleep 10 the : the moment you & "Canada Cor. Princess and Wellington Phone 1197. . For ailing automobile springs auto- : ' : matically an inventor has patented ga ~-- A nr. {lubricant holding pad to be strapped around thém. er r------------ ------ " a &l ; - Camels imported from Asia have hk » 3 {been tried ir Australia with fair sue- Y ; cess for hauling wagons in regions | cking railroads, Labels have been invented ta 'be @ jattached to bathroom towel racks to gg designate which towels are intended All Styles, Finishes, Best for guests to use. Sb & Pa | An English patent has been grant- iy . the Cit 4 for a fender toe pishended in ptront of an automobile w eel to brus i Selection in the ity ; obstructions away. : ; : g ; An adding machine with seven col vi : : umns of figures that is operated | nls " 5 to.Choose From. . : the point of a pencil instead of hee -- he TTT SS s A : Ras been patented. ; Ey ---- I Fiat cars have been designed for a : 3 : roalroad in Eurove on which ordinary open: cars can be run and dumped bodily to either: side. : . o Apparatus has béen invented by a Michigan a Lis ra Michigan physician for measuring the carbon dicnide in the air exhaled from Reauhed cohol. melted sprite] - Reatitied alco nicthylated spirits, | {ether and a wax are heing made from a sugar mill refuse by a by-products { company in Natal. i ~ More than 25.000,