12 Pages pt : YEAR 85. XO, 165 CESS - -- SS A Baily B KINGSTON. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17. 1918 ish Whig ¢ * Pages§12 SECOND SECTION STEERER PWOGOS =) Err a All NN Let Cuticura Soothe _Your Itching Skin Nothing purer, sweeter or more effective for rashes, jtchisgs and ir- ritations. The Soap to cleanse and e Ointment to soothe and i #hey prevent skin troubles if for every-day toilet purposes. free samples address: "Cuti- Dept. N, Boston, U. 8. A." Sold by dealersthroughout theworld. LEE A I can do it in spare Sime, n "f is ct ¥ EE SRR Lr saark and matt the » Js fhid out--#t woud INTERNATIONAL COI our PORDENCE. SCHOOLS Dept. N TIONAL CORRESPOVDENDE Scions TRS poaiton, 5 18 hs Subfast; botore wich Tak [J ADVI ING MAN os Wis THE BLATANT PAA GERMAN WIT L DEMAND ENTENTE POSSES- TO SECURE EMPIRE. Squeeze Out Rivals--Would Prevent Contiguous Opponents From Send. ing Men to Europe, London, July 17.--In view of the triumph of the militarists in: Ger- many as evidenced by the fall of von Kuehlmans, the Foreign Secretary, it is interesting to note what their leading newspaper, the Kreuz Zel- tung, has to say about Germany's war aims, After remarking that "only weaklings can believe in the possi- bility of understanding with Eng- land #¢ proceeds: HVietorious Germany will have no Paper agreements, She will simply SIONS I require of England, France, Belgium and Portugal the cession as an in- demnity of such portions of their present possessions as she may need for the establishment of her Central Afpican Empire. Bast Africa, Togo- land, and South-West Africa are to be the corner pillars of this new colonial empire which Germany in- tends to develop into a great mill- tary power with carefully protected Wireless stations, roads, railways, ahoré batteries and depots for raw materials, food and munitions." The Kreuz Zeitung dangles before the eyes of the German public the idea of a great army of natives, re- marking that the Hottentots especi- ally provide excellent material for soldiers. Tt declares that in the military training of colored auxiliary troops Germmny intends to take a great. place among the nations, 08. new' policy "will be, says the Kren AJeitung, to make that com- PEny of German Mittel Africans an armed and strong force of white and colored' protectivéstroops, which will never.permit contiguous opponents to send a single man from African soilto the European seat of war un- less they wish to abandon their own colonies, WEALTH OF SIBERIA. Wall Worthy Attention of Alles, : Says Expert. London, July 16.--The potential wealth of Siberia is almost unlimit- ed and the Allies should give the question of the current of its sup- plies their urgent attention, declar- ed Herbert Woolmer, one of the chief authorities om the economic wealth of the Siberian regions, in an interview with Reuter's, Limited. Siberia, declared Mr. Woolmer, could &xport enormous quantities of cereals, livestock, fish, dairy pro- ducts, precious and common metals, coal, shale, oil, timber, wool, skins, ete. . The population was . growing fast, the emigration into Siberia in the last decade being greater, than Iv tell that to Canada from outside fn the same period. If. Germany obtained control of the trans-Sibe- rian line, he pointed out, it would not be very difficult for her to get food supplies and raw material from this territory--everything she needs, in fact, even to cotton from Tashkent. . lh As all this natural wealth must flow along 'the railway, he 'con- tinued, the Allies should do their utmost to attract it northward to- wards Archangel and eastward to- wards Vladivostok by organizing and assisting the Russians to oper- ate fheir railway, thus preventing the Germans from making use . of these rich sources of revenne and supplies. The Allies, he insisted, should also make every effort to start again thd work of enlargi the - industrial plants of Russia, with a view of balancing the supply and demand in the country itself. The «hlel object to keep in view, he said, was to satisfy the people most "urgent needs and create afresh among them the feeling of independence and the sense that they themselves were reorganizing their own country with tite friesdiy help and assistance of thelr bid Allies. Tel Staff Arvested. San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua, July 17.--Roberto Castro, for more than thirty years director-general of the telegraph lins in Costa Rica, has suddenly discharged all the tele- graph operators at the central of- fice in San Jose, the Costa Rican capital, and has had them arrested. Theé reason for the incarceration of the men is not known here. The sum of $18,693 was collected by the French Flag Day workers in Toronto, : OTTAWA WOMAN SUFFERED 30 YEARS ful Improveinent After Ta king Tanlac. "I never thought I would let my name be used in a testimonial but Tanlac has done me so much good that | feel it my duty to tell others about it," sald Mrs. Mary Bond of 42 Daly avenue, Ottawa, in an interview recently. Mrs. Bond has been a resi- dent of Ottawa for thirty five years and her statement will be read with interest by hundreds of people who know and respect her, + "I have suffered almost continu ally," she continued, "with stomach for thirty years and had al- most dispaired of ever getting any better, Everything 1 would eat caused me to suffer agony. Almost immediately - after eating my pain would begin. There was a gnawing sensation in the. pit of amy stomach and sometimes my su was al- most beyond endurance, Many a time 1 sat down at the table and actually BARRED FROM ENTRANCE MATRIOULANTS WITHOUT LAT- IN CANNOT ENTER COLLEGE. This Regulation Will Prevent an Abnormal Number of Applications ~Men Will be on the Strength of LAMLC. eg The announcement of the new re- gulations regarding disposal of medical students have been receiv- od with muéh int among the students of Queen's Medical At présent those are liable for military service are" in the Army Medical Corpe at the various camps in the district. The new regulations will require them 0 remain in the army until they have completed their course when they will be grant- mY) 2d commissions in the Canadian Ex- peditionaty Force. First year students wihio were not included in the previops erder will now be called upon to report to the C. AML. tor service when they be- come liable to the MS.A. and will be able to continue th@ir studies at Quéen's University during the wint- er months, & 3 cried beeamse 1 could not eat. Just would turn sick and have to leave the table. I was troubled a great deal by tire gas pressing on my; heart, and for the past year now I have heen unable to retain anything scarcely on my stomach. Even sweet milk disagreed with me, I never dared to eat meats or any of the more nourishing foods on account of the misery they caused me aml had to live mostly on dry, toast and other very Hght things. I would have at- tacks of vomiting that would com- pletely exhaust me and my suffering, especially, during the past ten years, Just ean' be described, ':'I had very little idea that Tanlac would help me, just thought it was Ikke everything else I had tried, but I had been taking it only a few days fintil I tound it was making me feel better. I have taken five bottles now and am beginning to feel like a new person. . My appetite is good and my stomach is 80 much better that I can eat most anything without it hurting me. I never have any pain or indi- gestion now after meals and I haven't had a spell of vomiting since I began taking Tanlac, I sat down the other days and ate a big, nice plece of steak without it hurting me a par- ticle and anyone can imagine how good I felt after having Mved on such scanty diet for so long. Before I bee gan on Tanlac I felt too weak and bad to dress and go out anywhere, but I am so much stronger now that I can get around fine and my house- work is a pleasure and I don't feel ex- hausted all the time. I have nothing but praise for Tanlac apd 1 will glad- = perso . 'what t has done for me." Tanlac 15 sold in Kingston by A, P. Chown, in Plevna by Gilbert Ostler, leigh by Erwin Martin, in Ardoch by M. J. Seullion, in Sharbet Lake by W. Y. Gannon... oh wd --ADVT, PUNISHED BY COMRADES, Cadet Who Insulted Lady = Tarred Feathered. And A Toronto, July 17--Following what his comrades considered unseemly conduct "towards one of the young lady stenographers at Haydon House Barracks, RAF, a young cadet was seized and stripped of his clothing, his hands tied behind his back, and carried into the yard. The culprit appealed in vain for quarter. "We'll teach you to insult our girls," shout- ed one of the airmen, and, despite his struggles, he was covered with what the men call "dope," and feath- ered, and then the fire hose was turn- as soon as I looked at the food I matriculants to enter the medical colleges, and should thei ] they will be permitted to for the dnration of the course, mearwhile bejng enrolled in the C.AMLC. The number who will be enapled to take advantage of this opportun- 'ity to continue their gourse in medi- cite without being drafted will be. 1imited not only by reason of the re- gilations of the authorities, but also, by the fact that a majority have not a full medical matriculation. It was stated that many had nol completed their work In Latin at the high schools; aid consequently as this is an 'subject they will be un- able to enter the lege. During the past few years pupils in the schoolé have shown a growing ab- hiorrenes for the "dead" languages and many have discontinued the study of them. This attitude has been apparent all over the province as well as at the Ki€.I, and many ths otherwise fitted for a medical training will not be able'to take up that profession, and will be liable for immediate military service when they became of age apd are medical- ly fit. : [= sexes sen. is the grey angel of suec- cess. --DF, Ganpet. Ti id und our powers in It are tar more swill and beautiful than even we know until somie acci- dent reminds us.--G. K. Chesterton. : { in Battersea by C.: 8. Clark, in Fern- For the love of God is broader: © Than the measures of man's mind,, And the heart of the Eternal Is most wonderfully kind. --Faber. You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must: hammer and forge yourself into one.--Froude. All thinking men and women get the main satisfaction of "life, aside from thy domestic joys, out of the productive work they do.--Charles W. Eliot, : Who steadfastly pursues his goal Despite what winds prevail, Nor leses courage from his soul Can never wholly fail, . Susie M. Best. The saddest.sight in all the world ed upon him. tion of the offence would more serious punishment, Will Apply For Divorce. Ottawa, July 17.---Notice appears. in the Canada Gazette that William Lewis Evans, of Montreal, will ap- ply to Parliament next session for a divorce from his wife, Dame Mete Rogers, of New York, lead to CASTORIA In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears . the - He was admonished that a repeti-| is not. a grave of the dead, grievous as that might be, but it is a grave of the living --- humanity sepulchred while yet alivé.--Frances E. Wil- rd JOE WELCH DEAD. One of America's Best Known He- brew Comedians. Bridgeport, Conn., July 17.--Joe Welch, aged forty-five, one of the best-known Jewish comedians on the American stage, died here. He was walking around the ward of the hospital when stricken with a faint-. ing spell and died in five minutes. He had been in the hospital about a month to recover his mental poise, and during the early period at the sanitarium showed signs of improve- ment, but of late suffered. several relapses. palty. 1 ANK OF MONTREAL Deeds, Insurance Policies, Securities and other valu. ables should be kept safe from fire and theft. Safe it Boxes in the vaults of this Rank may be rented at a moderate HEAD OFFICE, MONTR: EAL ORR pon TT =) % A. J. Macdonell, Manager, Kingston Branch. Between CANADIANPACIFIC IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE N. and OTTAWA KINGSTO 12.00 NoonfLeavs Ottawa 5.25 P.M.JArrive Kingston Leave Kingston Arrive Ottawa + Daily Except Sunday. F. CONWAY, C.P.A., W. B. HOWARD, D.P.A., A cc ct A Ar ag 10.30 AM. IPN J Kingston. Toronto. 'I No. 18 J TRS LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MARCH 3187. elma i Traing will leave and aursive at Oy Station, Foot of Johnsen Street, Golag West. ¥ Lve. City Mafl .: +o + 1230am No. 13 Express . .. 3.10am. No. 27 Looad .. .. 8.45am. No. 1 Intern') Ltd. 1.80 p.m, No. TMatl , .. ..300pm, . Bast, : Live. City No.18 Man . .. .. l40am, ress . .. 3.10am, No. § 1... ss +1220 pm. No, 14 Intern "led. 1.30 No.5 Lacs) TR Sap 08 1, 13 14, g Other 'trains gaily route to Toronto, Pe Buffalo, Lond Direct Hamilton, Chi TRIP WEST 7 We Have Them: Convenient Trains Comiortable Service Worth-while Scenery by-the.-way Make it C.N.R. this time! 10 p.m. trom Toronts, Men, Wed. or Fei. For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, s»ply to J. E. Ivey, Station Agent, or M. C. Dunn, City Agent, or write R. L. Falrbaim, G.P.A, 68 King Street East, Toromo. CANADIAN NORTHERN # | | li Him Hl gr } | A HE L by the use of . . | friction. | | nina uy I | l and crankshaft bearings. motor against this danger, | BEWARE OF "KNOCKS" ; Every "knock" in your engine is a danger signal. Knocks mean extra strain, excessive wear on mcving parts. They foretell increased repairs--decreased dntrinsic car value. the cause of these "knocks is the use of the wrong lubricant, Don't wait for that metallic warning from a 'worn part before you ' realize that there is a great difference between lubricants. Help save your engine to-day from that possible breakdown of to-morrow Polarine for It has both body and labricating qualitie It flows free and run thin when you softens vibration--keeps full power day in day out. i$ made in two grades--Polarine and is supplied in. one-half, one and four Rallon , barrels and half barrels, : rine oils and greases for effective transmission and differential ine where you get Premier Gasoline--at the sign of the "Red Ball." Write us at Room 704 Imperial : booklet on r motor heats up. A Oil Bidg., Toronto, for i dg Levanta, for interesting olarine TI REDUCING MOTOR OIL: "Makes a good car better" For Piston Pins Pies pins receive the full force of every explosion. Unless their bearings are adequately cushioned with .~ oil of correct body and lubricating qualities, they soon wear loose, with vibration that racks connecting rod Correct lubrication guards your And often s that minimize wear and ly at all temperatures --does not break down It lessens carbon trouble-- your car running smoothly and delivering Polarine Heavy. It . sealed cans, also in 124 ication IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED