THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG;, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1918. | | ___ PAGE ELEVEN =====ss=tews| . , THEY DROPPED FROM THE AIR em Ask For St. Lawrence Ale & Porter A Pleasant Smile With Every Glass X Ring Phone 645 for a Case. _ A. TYO, 473 Princess St. Kingston. Ae Hil a RR little son of Kings- [enthustastre workers. The barracks Charlton's, { has been painted recently and many | ---- [other improvements have been com- | MOUNTAIN GROVE. | pleted on the officers' quarters. The! July 12.--Rey., A, Webster left on |funeral of Mrs. Andrew Mavety, who | July 2nd to drive to his new work at [passed away in the Kingston Geie- | Bridgenorth, Mrs. Webster and Miss | 14] Hospital last ¥riday, was held | GLENVALE, Ruby went by train on Friday. Rev, | from her late home last Sunday. af: | July 15.~--~The hum of the mowing | Mr ana Mrs. Bukler arrtved on: Wed- | Terool™ The services were can- | machine is again fPard and farmers neaday of last week, Miss Agnes [ducted by Capi. Foster and the re- | teport a fair erop. Miss Hilda Qrser | Price fs at home,after visiting friends | Bains Placed in Violet cemetery. | was successful in passing her recent |at Wooler. Mrs. William Fraser has 8 | examination in music. Miss Husband gone to Kingston for an operation. » CENTREVILLE, | is to be congratulated on having the Mr. and Mrs, A MeDonald accom- July 10---~Confinued wet weather is] five pupils she trained for entrance, panied her, Mrs. A. W. Thompson | leaving the farmers very idle at pres-| all successful, namely, Ola Butterill, entertained the Women's Institute on | ent, but ¥ going' to make the hay | Kathleen Campsall, Marjorie Eller- Wednesday. A number from here at- | #0d grain rush all together, The re-| beck, Michael Maloney and Melville tended the G.W.V.A. :ccicLration in [mains of the late Matthew Gehan, | Patterson. G. A, B. Clark 1s building Kingston on Dominion Day. Born, |Cemden East, were brought to the | an addition on his barn, Mr, and | to Mr, and Mrs) J. I, Clark, a daugh- | Roman Catholic church on Monday | Mrs, George Watts, also Mr. and Mrs, ter. J. E. Price made a business trip | Where a solemn requiem mass was | 3 Henry Smith, Odessa, were recent | to Kingston this week, Mr. and Mrs, [SUNg by Rev. "BE. McCarthy, after £3 . er - visitors at JeAO. Ellerbeck's. Roy| A w. Thompson have gone to Kings- | Which his remains were interred in| Royalty lms now invaded the alr wamsportation service. The King . 5 : Gordon is at'home after his recent [ton to visit their son Hugh, at Bar- | the churciy cemetery, Miss Bird Xen-| Queen of Belgium decided Lutriedly to visit England to atend the sfiver Now Is the Time To Purchase That New Hiness in the General Hospital, J.|riefield camp, Miss Mabel Price will [nedy, Brooklyn, N.Y, is visiting her anniversary of Kikg George and Queen Mary, Thereupon they requisitioned : Cooper is utidergoing treatment In| raturn to Napanee on Monday, ac.|mother, Mrs. P. Evans. Miss Mar-| irplane last Saturday and flew to England. To say the people of th the Hotel Dieu, Kingston. A large [companied by Misses Gertrude and | Earet Flynn, Evinsvilie, fs the guest{ an airplan Sa ¥ ingland. 3 people of the number attended the Orange celebhra- Kathleen, who will visit their aunt, |°f Mrs. Vince Donoghue. Miss Jen-| British isles were astonished and delighted {s putting the matter mildly, tion at Sydenbam on Friday last, Mrs. W. J. Magee, at "The Pines.' nie O'Meara, Yarker, is visiting Miss -- an : Mrs, W. H. Cowdy and children are |jVa Cassidy. Miss Mary Ann Bid} x os : 4. $10 10.70: choi t visiting friends in Portfand, Mr. and |frinsville, is holidaying at her un- | §17.25. & oii . .. J 8ood, $ Jo $10.70; Choice to KEELERYILLE, Mrs. Eugene Smith have returned to |€1e's, Charles Ingoldsby's. 'H. Lee, | Cattle--Receipts, 20,800. Godd | fancy, $10.75 to $11.50. Ww hite | July 12.--The rains have improved Toronto, Miss Evelyn Coulter is|Colebrooke, is at Robert Moon's. |to best corn-fed Steers steady; oth-|corn flour firm, $5.40 to $8. Barley the crops very much the past two holidaying at Wolfe Island Huckle- | Irene and Genevieve Donhug are at|ers and butchers' slow and lower. | flour quiet, $9.75 to $10.25. Hay Knowlton and ton, are at Elmer gi) uite up to the average. he cheese a : sojourn at his 'father's. 8 a q P great crop. James McDonald and par- nie O'Meara and Miss Eve Cassidy lambs and light yedrlings unevenly] 1917, 35c factory had to shut down for a day > for repairs, Mr, Andrews, cheese y rsd to Smith's Pails jo atiend are visiting in Marysville, 1 ! | : © celebration, 8 focal LOL. is], a B. Campbell has returned to her [One load choice Washington to out-| 1916, 14¢ to. 16e. maker, a on the sick Tit," Dis Jon-| {he celebration. Tho lo n mpbell ha ed to her [ono load choles You Have Long Promised Yourself. nie rk Is spending a few days wit . : . ome at Arthur after teaching here sides a 19. e-------- | . ails . Mrs. R. J. Stanley at Sunbury, Miss thie past year, i Sttal Mowtreal Sloutreal, Oats: . Can We have the best machines in all sizes at the Mildred Anglin is spending her holi- -------- | uffalo. Montreal, July i.--Oats, Cana-| » ' days at Athens and Brockville, Mr.|g - . + + | East Buffalo, July 16.--Cattle-- | dian western, No. 2, $1.02: extra No. | ! lowest possible prices. : and Mrs, Harold Sleeth of Cedar . | Receipts, 4,600; good firm: com-}1 feed, 99¢. Flour, new standard| : Lake and Mrs, Townsend, of Syden- X and on Townshi - {mon easier; prime steers, $17.25 to| grade, $11.05. Rolled oats, bags, 90 ham at John Robb's; Mr. and Mrs p {$17.50; shipping steers, $16.50 to] ibs, $5.20, Bran, $35. Shorts $40.] H t Alfred Sands of Milburn at James| ** h | $17; butchers," $12 to $17; year-| Mouillle, $67. Hay, No 2, per ton, | evenson un e McLroy's Mr. and Mys, Wesley Tow- MILL HAVEN $ } riss and Miss Clara Taber of Glen 13.351 ea 5 io "to $13: bl ans | Phone 53 REY 85-87 Princess St. A -- weeks. There fs an abundant crop of , oro . . " E. O'Connor's. J. Lapurn has return-| Sheep--Receipts, 24,000; heavy | quiet, No. 1, $1.45 to $1.50; No. 2, everything exaopt hay, which is not ne is dle vrideipal occupation | De ave camp after a short sheep and heavy yearlings steady; $1.30 to $1.40: No. 3, $1 to $1.15. St now, and every one reports a Miss Jen-|choice Washington wethers, $14; | Hops quiet; Suge. medium to choice, | to 43¢ t 1916, nominal; | Miss Ag-|lower; medium kinds sharply down; | Pacific Coast, 1917, 20¢ to 23c; | July 11.-The rains of the past LOUGHBORO. 2; stock eder Fi 1 an > R art 1 3 A stockers and feeders, Winni A Buell and J. §, Roberts and family Nook has helped the Sone wonder- Sydenham, July 2.--Council met 7.50 to $10.50; fresh cows apd Oats, No. 2 C vr Feo %e: No. 3) ', in this vicinity. uite a num-fat 2 p.m. All members present, Bills Inee 65 to $145 rm RF a ING. 1 tat ara all at J. B. Anglin's, J. E. Anglin | 0HY p ' I springers, $65 to $145. : CW., 87%; extra No. 1 feed, 87% ¢; | attended the funeral of his aunt at] Der of farmers are shipping their|patd: < §128,63, Alex. Thompson, pay| ~iCalves--Redeipts, 2.500; steady. No, 1 feed, 84% ¢; No, 2 feed, 82 %c. Iroquois Inst Weidnesday. Miss Lil baled hay. Robert Rickey is laying] list for work on Portland boundary at|$7 to $18.50. : ' Barley, No. 3 C.W,, $1.30; No. 4 - S i Birks al. and ry WAR Dr | M. 400. rs. Toso Bol of Naphase| Lor stent meni Se 5 | Hopk Recost, 6.400; pig, a3, i252 edited. "1:20: oa, EA Bleeth's. Mr, and Mrs, Will 4 ¥ spent Sunday at Harvey Amey's. liam Brawley shovelling snow; $2 $18.25 t $18.50; mixed 0 J 2 OW x t Tr ' ' «0 lo S.0US mixed, $18.5 to No. b L 4.42 on are at Kingston. Quite a number Miss Iva Peters. of Osb , Is vistt-| wm BrawiSy, vah ou DI818.66; yorkers, STRE0 ta $is 6b. No. 2 C.W., $4.42. = \ ---- st x t t g » 1 -------- -- bi berng®ud in I iaosnd Rn Ing at her sister's, Mrs. H. Hegadorn; | killed by dogs; $5.50, Willlam Van. light yorkers and pigs,' $18.75 to : 0 E week Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, London; conghmet, putting in tfle culvert on $19; roughs, $15.75 to $16; stags, Chicago. -- & oul £5 and Miss Ruby Buek and Mrs, Buck, ~W dé Mrs, John Turnem and Miss Annie Portland boundary: $3.60, British $10 to $12. Chiedko, July 16. -- Wheat, No. 1 Hackney, Chatham, spent last week Whig Publishing Co., advertising: Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 1, | red, $2.27 to $2.29; No, 2 red, $2.20! PERTH ROAD, at Pred Wemp's; Mr, and Mrs. Ezra $1.80, O.N.R. Co., freight on tile: 000; lambs strong; lambs, »14 to] to $2.26; No. 1 hard, $2.31 to $3.-| ® ° July 15.-~The strawberry season| Huffman and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur $3, John Sears, repairing culvert: $19.50; yearlings, $10 to $16.50; | 31%. Corn, No. 2 yellow, $1.80 to] f ] ? is over put the huckléberries are Lloyd, Hay Bay, spent Sunday at|$1.50, oH, Ww. Guess, hauling tfle.|wethers, $13.50 to $14; ewes, $12] $1.82; No. 3 yellow, $1.70 to $1.75; | e nni 0 a » Jemitul, Hajios Sims kil soon bel Oscar Awey's, : Council adiourned. to $13; mixed sheep, $13 to 13.50. | No, 4 yellow, $1.60 to $1.67. Oate. ere, 6 members of the Presby- ee Sydenham, June 15.--Council met rs No, 8 white, 77%¢: sta 77 a terian church and his many friends BETHEL. at call of the reeve at 8.30 p.m, All Winnipeg. to 78% e. Rye, He yo Tis In order to keep a Panama Right it Must Be of other denominations learned with July '15.--Hay harvesting has members present, Winnipeg, July 16.--Union 'Stock | $1.10 to $1.95. Timothy, $5 to Cl ed BI h d d Re y regret that Rev. Mr, Caswell is leav-| started, but meadows are not first] Riils paid: $233.50, William Ennid]| Yards receipts to-day, 1,000 cattle, f $7.60, Clover, nominal. Pork, nom. €aned, bleached an Hea. ing, He las received "a call" from| class by any means, A few from | pay list for work near Perth Road; 28 calves, 1,028 hogs and 484 sheep. | inal. Lard, $26.05. Ribs $24 to at intervals. Bring us your work. We guarantee sitisfaction Tamworth, . His farewell sermon was| around here attended the celebration $225.30, Schuyler Slack, pay list for| Butcher steers, 6.75 to $14.50; heil- | $24,650. . : and will add to the appearance and life of your hat. given last Sunday morning. All feel in Deseronto on Friday last, Fred work near Perth Road; $127.50,{ers, $6.50 to $12; cows, $4.50 .to » ° the 088 of a kind brother and friend.| Baker and father spent a few days, George Green, pay list for work near $11; bulls, $550 to $8.50 oxen; > The members of the Perth Road 1.0. | north, in seaboh of huckleberries; re-| Perth Road: $102, Allan Davey, use|$5.76 to $9.25; stockers and feed. GENERAL TRADE. New York Hat Cleanti Co. L and i os attended the cele- | ports are Jat they Are very plentiful fof engine on work at Perth Road; lers, $6.60 to $10.26; veal calves, ng oe bration" a denham on the 12th. in some places, r. and Mrs. r8e| $55, A. A. Blakeslee, supertinding|$7.50 to $15; sheep and lambs, $10 Toronto, ~ ° J MW, Jolinston, Lansdowne, is the Hawley and son,d Harold, also Miss|work mear Perth Road; $18.78.ito $17.50; hogs, selects, $17.40: Toronto, July 16.---Buttter, choice 208 Princess St. Phone 305. Five doors below Opera gest of her mother, Mrs. J. Ray-|Oassie Miller, Hay Bay, spent a day Thomas Foxton, , repairing ceiling heavy, $13.40 to $14.40: sows and dairy, 45¢ to 48¢; do. creamery, 48¢ mond; Pte. C, Shaler; who has been at J. M, Jaynes'. ~ Miss Estella Man- and chimney at the township hall; |stags, 11.40 to $12.40; light, $14 to [to 5Zc; margarine, 1b., 35c to 37¢; fiome fdr a few days, leaves to-day | ion is spending her hoMdays at her $13.96, CN.R. Co., freight on the tile $16. ) eggs, new laid, doz. : 62 to be: for Toronto to attend the Aviation |liome here, A number of friends of from Kingston; $10, G. E. Allard, cheese, Ib, 20¢; do., faney, Ib, 8bec! School. John Bhales visited friends | Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hufr gathered | painting traffic signal: $490, H. W. RL turkeys, 1b., 30c to 33¢; fowl, 1b., at Elgin recently. Mrs, Bdward Todd, | at their home and spent a very pleas-| Guess, plank and hauling tile, GRAIN QUOTATIONS. 30¢; spring chickens, 50¢; roosters. | FREE Buffalo, N.Y,, is the guest of her|ant evening on Monday last. Mrs. % 1b., ducklings, 1b., 36¢; strawberries || mother, Mrs, F, Clough. Miss Gow- | Clarende Allen, Moscow, at her fath- Toronto, 2+ | POX. 26¢ to 28¢; gooseberries, basket. | Bi an;-Kingston; is spending a few days |er's, W.' McWilliams. Mr. and Mrs. o Toronto, July 16.--Manitoba wheat 80¢ to $1.75; currants, black, 6qt. || at Miss B. Raymond's. The entrance | K. Lee, Wilton, spent a day last week we " Toro. 1 northern, $2233%; No. 2.18123 to $1.95: Ho. red,, 6-qt., 75¢; | pupils, Hilliard Raymond and Harry | with Mr. and Mrs, John Curl. Ogden The Market Reports $2.20%; No. 3, $2.17%; No. 4, $2. raspberries, box, 30¢ to 3c: cherries. ; y Votary, werd successful in their re-| Hinch is home on furlough for two or 10%, dnecluding 2%e tax, -in store sour, 6-qt., basket, 80c to $1.00: do | EB cent examinations, The Wilmur|three days. Mrs. Fred Baker came Fort. William. : 7% o- | 5WeEOL, 6-qt. basket, $1.00 to $1.50;|8 Helping Hand will meet at the home [home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Monitoba oats, No. 2 C.W., 90 %e¢; asparagus, Can., bunch, 10c: beans. of Mrs, R, Smith, next Wednesday. |gar-Saisbury spent a recent evening LIVE STOCK MARKETS. No. 38 C.W., 87%¢; extra No, 1 feed, small measure, 25c; beets, new. The M.L.M. Circle met at the shore|at Wesley. Mr. and Mrs, Walter 87%¢; No. .1 feed, 84%, in store, bunch, 5¢; carrots, new, bunch, Bo: | ks of Ihdian Lake last Wednesday after-| Higgs, Hay Bay, spent over night at Toronto, Fort William, . cucumbers, each, 1be to 25c: cab. El - : noon, where an enjoyable time was| Wesley Surl's. Mrs, John O'Mara Toronto, July 16.--Choice butcher, Ontario oats--No, 2 white, 85¢ § bage, each, 10¢ fo 25c: calulifiower, | § visited her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Dil-| $13.50 to $14; do., medium, $11.25|86¢, nominal; No. 2 white, 84c fo each, 25¢ to 30c; celery, 6 bunches |} 8 t, eq lon, for a few days recently, at Chip- | to $11.50; do., common, $9 to $10; |86c. 26e; lettuce, 2 for Ge; onions, Ber- Semin pawa. Miss Jennie O'Mara has been | heifers, good to choice,$11 to $12.75: Barley--maiting, $1.30 to $1.32. muda, case, $2.50 to $2.75: do. | : MITH. visiting friends ut Centreville. Mrs. | butcher cows, clioice, $10.50 to $10.-| Ontario Oats--No. 2 white, $3c to green, bunch, Gc (to -10¢; parsley, | «ae «:T ra Nourishing and Attractive h - July sD ARRO RROWSMITH. on of | William Jackson baa ont ood oirom | 76; do., medium, $8 to $9; bulls, |84¢, nominal; No. 2 white, 82¢ to|yicl JRCH. 8 pasket, 50¢ to The; | | July 4th Mrs ¥F. McCammon was | Toronto, where she spent a couple of | choice heavy, $10.25 to $11; do, |83c. : potatoes, bag, $2.25 to $2.50; do.' hostess to & few invited friends in | ¥o¢kS with her daughter, Mm, N.|good, $9.25 to $10; do. ght, $7 to Buckwheat--31.80, new, peck, 60¢ to 76e; Radighes, 3 honor of her guest of a few days, | Sutton, $8; canners and cutters, $6 to $7.26: Bye NA 31.80, y ht i bunches, 10c; rhubarb, 3 for 10c: 3 Mrs. Thomas Moore and little feeders, 900 to 1,000 Ibs., $10.50 to Onsale a ar qual 0) $10.~lsage bunch, Se: savory, bunch, Ge: daughter, Isabelle, Kingston. A war- ODESSA. $11; stocvkers, 750 to 800 Ibs., §9.50 (65. Toronto-Montreal, $10.65, new |gninian peck, 5c; tomatoes. Ib..| GQ} - ROB ROY ' s to $10; do., medium, 630 to 700 1bs,, | Dags. 18¢ to 2bc; watercress, 6 bunches for| time lunch was served upon the July 15.--Mrs. Herbert Kendall, ; AL Manitoba flour--War uality, & shady lawn. Among those present |late of Montreal, Is visiting her | $9 to $9.50; do., light. §00 to $6.50 10.9, Trronic, q Yl 16e. g ROBIN HOOD 3 : B. Purdy, Murvale; Mrs. | mother, Mrs. Clyde. Mrs. Harry | 1bs., $9 to $9.25; grass cows, $8 to ----aia 2 ~ EE gun aes Hila Brock, Mev [Euler Ia The Sup af | 551 ae sows 80 n Shak | Aiea Jota, dettvovas Hee." ' CORNMEAL SNAPS F. D. Kuapp, Miss L. M. Phillips, and Mrs. P. A. Mabee. Archibald | calves, $22 to $23: sheep, light, $14 I , Shonts, 340. a sire : CORNMEAL WAFERS Miss B. M. Clow and Miss Graer| Babcock and family, Manotick, visit-| to $15; hogs, fed and watered, $18.- out, OL quoted; m h areal, Tale Ese. ae a Thompson. ong' those who at- {ed relatives last week. Miss Rosi | 25; do., off cars, $18.50; do., toh. , » Der doz., 46; No, 2, 42; selected | § . tp L - a mpsen. Among services of the | Joy, Napanee, was the guest of Mr. $17.25, a Hlay--Baled, track Toronto, Car {new laid, 50c, £3 OATMEAL GEMS. late Mrs. W. Amey, Wilton, on Sat-}and Mrs. John Mancur last Thurs ie Mien (lots, No. 1, $13 to $14; No. 2 mix- Butter, finest creamery, per Ib,,| : : URIEY STTEFAOON" Jast ~ were Albert day. Harry Denyes, Petawawa "iy Montreal a in to $12; straw car lots, $ prisis, 47¢; black, 46 bi 3 Ww yj camp, and late Vancouver, call- A treal. al. fomargarine, per Ib., large, 24¢; Snider and sister, Mrs. MoCammon P ot Ya Montreal, July. 16.--Choice steers, twins, 24c; Stiltons, 256. s s Clow, Miss E. M. Jed on friends last week, Fred : b ad pry. Tobi Clow Davis, Wil- | Sproule, Toronto, is spending his [$12.50 to $13; good, $11 to $12; Minneapolis. ra Lard, In tubs, per Ib., 32c, £ | 9 and highly | vacation with his parents, Mr. and | medium, $9 to $10.50: choice but Minneapolis, Minn,, July 16.-- Shortening, per 1b., 37¢ in tubs, 4 lam Shangraw, an Sls and town- | Mrs. Sidney Sproule Miss Lena Bur-| cher, medium, §9 to $9.50; cheice| Flour unchanged. Bran, $24.45. Honey, white elover, 20 1b. to 60 respect ent ship, tog dant of Sunday after- | ley is visiting friends in Kingston. | butchers' cows, $10 to $11; good |Corn, No. 3 yellow, $1.60 to $1.50. | 1b. tins, 20¢; comb, 22. noon after a long illness. The fune-| Mrs. A. McCabe, Kingston, fs the | cows, $7.50 to $10; sheep, $12 to Oats, No. 3 white, 76c to 77c. Hams-- Large, 3c per 1b; me- Biscuit and Confectionery Manufacturers. Tal services will be held at the |guest of her sister, Mrs. Robert| $13.50; lambs, $18 to $20; calves, en, dium, 36c; small, 36¢, 'house on Tuesday afternoon. There | Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald | $11 to $14; others, $8 to $10. Duluth. x Hams--Large, 34c per 1b.; me-| | were only a few who did not ateud | Simmons, Wilton, spent last Sunday Duluth, Minn., July '16.--Linseed [dfum, 36¢; small, 3c, the celebration of Sydenham ou | guests of Mr. and « D. F. Thonp- ; Chicago, on track, $4.61 to $4.63; arrive,| Bacon, per Ib.--Breakfast, 42; July 13th.: Mrs. F. D. Knapp and |son. Miss Zita' Kenyon, Kingston,| Chicago, July. 16.-Hogs--Re- | $4.61; July, $4.60 bid; September, | Windsor, 48¢; Windsor boneless, motored to Deseronto on Sun>{is spending her vacation with rela. ceipts, 42,000; market strong, most- | $4.68; October, $4.64; November, | 46c. . " Barty W. Cook and family, Smith's | tives here. The sale and tea held in {ly 10¢ higher. : Choice light and [$4.61 bid. | i _ Cooked Ham, per 1b, 52¢. A Falls, are spending a few days with [the Salvation Army Barracks last light butchers', $18.15; one load Beans per bushel--Japanese white, Gils mother, . Mrs. Alfred Babeock, {Saturday night was a great suc- prime heavy, $18.05; bulk of sales, New York. $8 to $8.25. 4 4 Belleville, is visiting friends here | cess. The many booths were hand- $17.25 to $18.10; butchers, $17.75' New York, July 16.--Flour un-| Potatoes--90 Ib, bags, car" load. at Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs. S.|somely decorated wand well filled | to $18.15; King, $17 to $17.75; |settled; springs, $10.90 to $11.50; | lots, ex-track, Green Mountains, $2.- so a Belen, geton, spent the weok-| wil useful and well-made articles, | light, $17.85 to $18.15; rough, | winters and Kansas, $11.35 to|50; new American, 1 star, $6.25 per end at W. J. Lyons'. Mrs. E.'which reflected Bfeat credit to the| 16.40 to $16.90; pigs, "$1675 to [$11.75 Rye flour firm; fair to barrel, ex-store. ¥ UPFATHER n° . ay on a THERE'S One HAVE YOU any FRIENDS YOU EVER IN A IN THIS GREAT, 3 BATTLE EVERY Nigur dir Seiden 'AY MY House. - NW TT Rac of hey . us