/ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1918. ER ee fb en ud oe CS TT TT i bis night 'rounds and finding no-! thing to report, but in the morning | he notified the governor of the jail Who at once summoned the jail | surgeon, who pronounced that death was due to heart failure. Turnkey Pollit was on daty when Drapeau was brought fto the jail, | and testified to searching his clothes and removing Nis effects. There 'was nothing eft on his person wit! which he could injure himself He | showed no evidence of liguor i TC, WW. Mapping, governor of the jail, also [gave evidence, and stated | that while the jail surgeon was al-| ways ealled when any man 'was sick, | he was of the opinion that all pri-| soners should be medically examin-| ed when admitted. yi { The evidence of the jail surgeon | showed that the deceased suffered | from valvular disease of 'the heart and had consulted him 'before his! arrest, | INQUEST HELD AT JAIL FOUND THAT DRAPEAU DIED FROM NATURAL CAUSES, Probs: Thursday, fair and warm. ' Special ANNOUNC Tomorrow we begin our "Annual July Clearance" -- the greatest | event of its kind in Eastern Ontario -- a merchandising event of the 'greatest interest to all thrifty bargain-wise' women who depend on Jury Recommends That All Prison- ers on Admission to Jail bé Ex. amined by the Jail Physician-- Deceased #Had Consulted Doctor dust Recently, The dnquest into the death of Stanley Drapegu, an inmate of the county jail, was held Tuesday even- ing by Ooroner Dr. W. W. Sands and after viewing the body fand hearing the evidence the Jury. pronounced the following verdict: "That the said Stanley Drapeau came to his death by natvralicanses. and we recommend to the proper authorities that all prisoners un wa mission to the jall be examined 'by t #1 purgeon." 6 prisoner had been arrested upon'. a charge of indecent assault and was committed for trial. He was admitted to the jail at 3.30 p.m.' on Monday, and was locked up in a cell at 6 o'clock. The first Withess called was a fellow-prisoner named "Thiebault, who testified that he conversed 'with the deceased after lockup in the evening about his case. heard m molse like snoring amd he thought Drapeau was asleep Thiebauit awoke when the turnkey was making his rounds in the night, and in the morning, when he ealled to [Drapeau there was no response. , When the turnkey unlocked the cell he also unlocked the door of Drapeau's cell, and he went to the door with the turnkey and found Drapeau lying on fils bed dead. The turnkey testified mo making A A A Sg "live mn > 'a Worry invites death in a hurry." Worry wastes nerve force at a tremendous rate. The more exhausted the great- .er the tendency to worry. Then how is one to get out of this vicious cirele? By building up the ner- vougsystem with the aid of De Chase's Nerve Food. As the nerygs are strengthened vot forget to worry and find yourself resting and sleeping na- turally. 3 RK Steacy's for all their personal and household needs: In a Special Effort To increase our patronage by adding 500 new customers to the Steacy way of merchandising we will offer for. FORMER QUEEN'S ATHLETE SI an THE LATE WILLIAM E. RANKIN, B.A, Who was burned to death with acids at Trenton on Friday night. . He gradgated in Arts from Queen's University last April. Capt. "Forrie" Wéatherhead Played Against Ottawa in 1802, Ottawa Journal, One of the most interested vikitors to the annual 'Spring Fours" of the Ottawa Rowing Club was Capt. (Dr.) 8. P. Weatherhead the former great hockey and football player of Queen's University and Brockville, Capt. Weatherhead, who spent considerable time in France, being a victim of shell shock, for which he was in- valided home, and from which he is still suffering, took advantage of his trip to the Capital on military business to run down to the Ottawa Rowing Club for the regatta. Capt. Weatherhead was one of the greatest hockey and foothill players Queen's University ever turned out. He will be remembered by those who took an interest in hockey back in the days of Morell Chauncey Kirby, Weldy Young, Bradley, H. Kirby, Jenkins and others, as a member of the Queen's team which played off with Ottawa for the Ontario Hockey Association championship in 1893, the students losing 6 to 4. Capt. Weatherhead played on the forward line which was the first to introduce four man abreast short guick pass- ing attack. At football a public school staff, is spending three weeks of her holidays with friends in Syracuse, N.Y., and Toronto. The Misses Erma and Florence Valleau, of Toronto, formerly of Kingston, ure visiting friends in the city, vel Miss Vera and Miss Beatrice Sni- der, Toronto, are spending a few days with their aunt, Mrs. Henry Wiskin, Nelson street. J (EL. Sidi thd de ih Ar ee Told In Twilight ded (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, in common with other papers all over Canada, will make a charge of 50¢ for inserting an engagement, mar- riage or reception announcement.) » * » Tomorrow Only Double Discount Stamps This means that you save 10% on all cash purchases made at this store Thursday -- and besides getting the choice of the finest stand- ard quality merchandise in broadest assortments at the lowest pos- sible prices consistent with quality. Y £ to their plans, it is ex- the. Duke and Duchess ire will spend the latter month of September at Accor pected of Devor half of the Quebec Misses Jennie Newman and Mamie Fields, conductresses on the street r y in Kingston, spent the jweek as guests of MrY. Iitta Tafel, Watertown, N.Y. » J. MH. Jarvis, away for the past three weeks for 'hig health, returned home to-day. r | | Mrs. H. ¥. Day and Miss Hilda Day, (Alfred sireet, spent a féiw days last week with Mrs. Walter Cooke. Cataraqui They were among the several gatherings given pf [Miss Frances Meacham and Miss Jemima Meacham, who are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Guess, Cata- ragui The Misses Meacham are daughters of Dr. [George Meacham, a graduate of Queen's University. I Mrs. IW. G. Craig entertained at the tea hour Tuesday afternoon in honor of jher daughter, Mrs. Ham- fiton Mackerras wand Mrs. * Jack Craig, Ottawa, . Mrs; J. [Farrand (Pringle and her two children, 'who have been the fuests of Mrs. Cooke and Fev. Al- fred (Cooke, Barriefield, are leaving on Thursday for Halifax. Mrs. R. O. Sweezey, Union street, left on Monday to gpend a few days with Mr. land Mrs. N. C. (Polson at their summer cottage. Reginald Bland, visiting his sister, Mrs. Harold Hughes, is leav- ing for Montreal to-morrow. Mr. and Mrs. [A. Snider and Mr. and Mrs. G. H. (Gillespie, Madoc, spent yesterday in town on their re- tnrn fron: a delightful motor trip through New York State Miss Hilda Jarvis, visiting friends in Byracuse, N.Y., for two weeks, returned to-day after haviag had a while you Start Tomorrow -- the Steacy Way -- and save money. : - N EC 4 : : w iCapt. Weatherhead was a back division player, and after leaving Queen's played for Brockville in the Quebec Union. On the Queen's hockey team with Weatherhead were Guy Curtiss, Ray- side, McLennan, Waldron, Gilles and Taylor. Rayside and McLennan were Glengarry boys, and thé former play- 'ed football with Ottawa after leav- ing college, " Guy Curtis went to Queen's longer tha nit takes most fellows to gether in a college education, but he was one grand defence player, Capt. Weatherhead is at present stationed at Kingston, being con- plessan: time. i nected with the Medical Service . sr Corps for Military District No. 2. Miss Mary Kidd, Burriit's Rapids, Ses ph is the guest of her brother, Major T. MARKED GENEROSITY, .| A. Kidd, at "The Belvidere." 3 ! Miss Lillie Murray is expocted T. A. Low, ex-M.P,, Offers Site For | tron, Toronto on Thursday to spend ! Renfrew Hospital, der holidays with her parents, Mr. Renfrew, July 17.--E. J, Stewart, land Mrs. David Murray, Frontenae solicitor, on behalf of T, A. Low, ex-| street . i ALP. appeared before the Victoria| Miss (Clarke, Watertown, N.Y., is Hospital Board to predent that body |the guest of Miss 'Bella. dutton, @ proposal of a handsome donation in| Barriefieid. , the shape of one of the best sites in Miss d.ett, Staten Island. is the Renfrew for the purpose of erecting | guest of Mrs. Quirk, Barris street, an up-to-date hospital. Further, Mr. Mrs. Frank Strange, Sydenham Stewart explained that it was the in-|street, who (has been visiting 'her tention of the doner of the site to ask | sister, (Mrs. Schofield, Chicago. re- for a committee to be appointed turned hom this week. which will visit certain towns and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. ; cities of this province with a view of | anoque, are. visiting day afternoon Bridge Club this obtaining the information which Syracuse, N.Y. f . week. . would lead to the construction of a : 5.8.9 / Poem GT, thoroughly modern hospital, and fur- Miss Frances Ada, Ottawa, after Miss @. Seyburna is the gucst of ther, that he, Mr. Low,"would be pre-| spending a week with friepds in Mrs. A. W. Browne, Barrie street. pared to pay the expenses of that| Hamilton, came to Kingston t# spend Miss (Frances Sullivan and Miss committee and also pay the archi: a few days with her grandmother, Agnes Browne spent the week-end oa none. That it Is appreciated is tect's expensex. for plans and specifi-| Mrs, Willlam Ada, Arch street, with Miss (Lettice Tandy at Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. (Lawrence (Lambe amply proven by the number of cations as agreed upon. Mrs. F', A. Thomas and children, |Island. ) and Miss Margaret Lambe, Ottawa, doctors who send their prescrip- 4 ------------ Peterboro, have returned home after Miss Mildred Jones returnod fron |are spending a few weeks at Kirk's tions here and by the hundreds Busy With {New Coins. Washington, Yuly 17.--Money having spent two weeks in Kingston, | Rochester, N.Y., on Monday and left | Ferry, er of satisfied customers. the guests of Bergt.-Major and Mrs. [Yesterday for Thirteen Island Lak Mrs. [Hora and little Miss Mary Both at the main store and making as well as gioney spending | A. Jarrett. to avin the cdinpers there, * | Hora spent the week-end with Mrs. at the Branch a qualified drug- records have been broken by the Mrs. Rayson, University avenue, is oy ! H. E. Richardson at Wolfe Island. gist is always on the job, wait- United States Government - in the | visiting her cousins, the Misses Alice Mrs. David Walker and her son, ing to compound medicine fiscal year ending June 30th, 714,-|and Helen Houston Ottawa, for a few with (Mrs. B. \W. (Robertson, - Earl which may mean life or death. 139,119 new coins being turned out | weeks. street, have returned to Toronto. This service means long, from the mints of the nation. Mrs. J.D. Smith and Mrs. J. L. Miss M. Going, Earl dtreet, left weary hours and careful, (ry- The mints have been working on | Gurd have returned to the city from yesterday for Toronto to meet Miss ing watchfulness, and it is a 24-hour basis practically the whole | Montreal. Mary 'White, and together they will really up to you to take advan- year, the director of the mint stated Sir Joseph and Lady Pope wil £0 to spend a couple of weeks at tage of it and take all your does to-day. (Among the new coins plae- ." ed in circulation were more than leave at the end of ths month for Beaverton. tors' orders to 'Best' Metis, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. (Horsey and 4d 500,000,000 one cent pieces, 83,- 000,000 nickels, 24,000,000 hall Miss Mildred Horsey motored from Cressy 'and spent a few gays with (dollars, 116,000,000 dimes and about 45,000,000 quarters. spend it. Watch This Spa Tomorrow { . Mrs. Jack (Craig, Ottawa, is visit- ing Mrs. Hansord Hora, King street. E. W? Robinson, Denver, Color- ado, is 'expected 'this week to visit his sister, Mrs. (Rebinson, Alfred street. 4 Jack Brandon, University avenue, left for Winnipeg this week, where he will spend the remainder of the summer. i Mrs. Charles MacDunnough, who has been wisiting [her amother, Mr{. Henry Wilkiqison, Bagot street, is leaving shortly for her howe in Woodstock. t Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, |Kitg street, returned this week after being the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Brock, To- ronto. ¥ ' > Miss Torraine Mintes, Clergy street, is spending a few days at Murton's Point dvith the Misses Mar- jorie and Norah Minnes. Ld - *. 3 Steacy's - Limited | 2p "The Woman's Store of Kingston." EMRE EO been spending a few days wii Major and Mrs. (H. O. Lawson at the St. Claire Apartments. Mrs, Colip Hamilton and. Miss Sibbald Hamilton, Earl street, have opened their cottage at Wolfe Is- land. \ Mr. and Mrs. Rees and Miss Edith Rees motored from Gananoque and spent Saturday in town. , oh Ne ame » GY Sanaa: ING CHE x Be 7 LC RRAPIOR 15. of HA ™ BRIT. GOVT. STAMP APFIZED TO GENUING PACKETS. Mrs. Stewart Robertson, Syden- Carroll, Gan- [ham street, was _hostess at the Mon- Prescription oe ce At 'Best's stores fs second to UP-TO-DATE BEDROOM FURNITURE A large stock of up-to-date designs to choose from, in mahogany, walnut and * : ivory and grey enamels. ; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boyd and their family are expected from Ot- tawa tit'a week to spend some time at Garden 1sland. iMrs, Rayson, University avenue, has left to join Robert Rayion, M.A., who has a charge near Ottawa. Mra. WW. JA. 'Béllhouse and Miss Agnes {Belthouse, Earl street, left to-dad Tor: Stoney Lake to spend the remainder-of the summer at "Tower Farm." x Miss Nora Martin, who has heen visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin. Toronto, is now ithe guest of Miss Misses Mary 7. Mangan and Esther Briceland are visiting friends in Buf- talo and Niagara Falls, Mra. (Dr) Lockhart, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ellerbéck of this city. Mrs. Cooke and Rev. AMred (Cooke at "The IRectory," Barriefield. - . * EE NV NNN NIININRppnpagagagg CB > CFORSe : 5 Firemen Want Further In ra Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Weese an- of the [Lindsay 'fire department have potified the town counéll that increase voted them at the last ses- 48ion to $100 each member is satisfactory. ing to the increase in 'the cost Lindsay, July 17.---The members| | the not They claim that ow- of Miss BE. VanLuven, of the Kingston Miidred Horyev at (Cressy. - * . Mrs. (W. Lawrence Uglow, visiting her mother; Mrs. IRobegtson. Fens ton Pais, det on Monday fas Fort Sai kuichewan 10 loin Dr Usinw, Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Coupe'l and Lieut. «Col: and Mrs. R. J. Gardiner nounce the engagement of their daughter, Bessie Elizabeth, to Rev. George Oliver Davies, BA, Lam- peter, 8. Wales, priest-in-chargé of the. Shulus Indian Mission in the Diocese of Caribou, British Columbia, the marriage will take place the 3rd T. F. ctrolas and Victor Records lai A large stock on hand. % 4 Betessities, and especially wearing 2 CO. L1 D japparel, the salary at present paid, 1 E together 'with the increase, is mot Phone 90. 5 sufficient to warrant them continu 1ing in the 'tgwn's Service. They name a stated "date od which their services will end unless a farther increase is forthcoming. ---- New Steel Plant for the West, Trail, B.C, July 17.--1It is atated here that [Trail has been selected as { the aite for the new steel plant to | be erected in Western Canada, with assistance in the way [of bonuses {from the Federal and Provineial {{ Governments. The reason for this selection is given that Trall 1a in} |close y. @ Rargest body of suitable fron ore jin British Col- 3 r ¢ umbia. . week in July in St. Chad's College Chapel, Regina, Sask. 4 (Continued on Page 10.) FRONT have been: enjoying a molar trip through New York State. Mrs. Hankstraw, Gananogue, has NEW ZEALAND EDITORS ON WAY TO Perr rr p Brockville Citizens Gone, Brockville, July 17.---james ris Manhard and Thomas ee -------------- here has Deen » #irong months past 1 51 : {iveiing that prices have been too v