. : ve 1 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1918. outreat, reigns, igs snemaes?| ~ WIEUT. COLONEL FORBES ROBERTSON SAVED WESTERN LINE TT ------ Montreal, freight, bags Y bran, per ton, $35; shorts, $40. ~ : 1 Manitoba flour--War quality ; Ee ------ - : ' $10.95, Toronto, EEN Hay---Track, Toronto, No. 1, $13 LIVE STOCK MARKETS. to $14; mixed, $11 to $12, Straw-- : ¥ {Car lots, $8 to $8.50. + Montreal, New York. 4 . | New York, July 23.--Flour--Mar- gH Ju Choke ort. x ag ana as dium, $8 to $10 50: butcher bulis | 1353.35 to $311.75; winter, $11 to "holeg oS Bl "| $11.35. choice, 30 good 8 | Rye flour--Market quiet; fair to butcher cows, $10 to $11; good $9.-} Hoed, 310 Io $hy.ve; Sholer 10-1413; 60 0 $10; medium, 37.50 to $8.50. 1 0 oT GF Loi WANS © othare 87 to B10 timo tsr2 1 #ia;| Barley flour--Market dun; $9.78 spring lambs per pound $18e to 20¢ | 10 $10; in 98-1b. sacks, Corn meal pir owing pi eg A to | Steady; yellow granulated, $4.70 to $19.95 * : | $5.05; white granulated, $5.06 to rer $5.76. Rye--Market easy, No. 2 western,| § i § 4 ihe x fant ! : 2 Toronto, I 5 : i ; > "Hg y $1.87, cost and freight New York. 1 : : ) > (> y : : § . Toronto, July 23.--The market at Barley-- Market dull; teeding,| #1 co v2 a et Fn Gi i i sie igure ut at the Sails this morning was steady! ,,'ss' fo, 30" ond malting. $1.30 £0 ve Rocio trades was Quite ac | $1.35 cost and treignt New York, | 1 a \ XE ; Be tle, 464 calves, 1,648 hogs, 657 sheep, | , Wheat--Spot market steady; No.| { ; AEN oN we a ol rn Costs Quotations were: Export cattle, 2 red, $2.35 track New York to ar-| Hla 3 \ a : aT . a5 4; medium, $12.-| Five. Gy oF ir] as : : : : Shulce, HE 1a Bia Beton. 3 3 Corn--Spot market steady; fresh f : i : HR) ; Cost of Having Cost of Ending $10.76; butcher , cattld, -choice;| Shelled No. 2 yellow, §1.90%, and pr fos % » ] Wi | Figure the hours which a corn may In time it tgkes a jiffy -- just the $10.76 to $12; medtum, $10 to $10.-| NO. 2 yellow, $1.80%, cost and # kN a 4 h ' spoil--the best hours that you have. moment needed 10 apply alittle Blue 50; common, $7.75 to $8.60; butch-| freight New York. - wr bi Fog ; : . lay plaster. The money cost is about er cows, choice, $7 to $9.75; medium, | _Oats--Spot market egsy; standard, : . ; 5 : oo " . d Figure the hours spent in paring it four cents. $8 to $8.50; canners, $5.25 to $5.75; | 85 %«. i y An | y ht : --Juet 10 lessen the pain for a time. The corn pain then stops instantly butcher bulls, $7.78 to $9.50; feeding ate oa. Y ay? Sod pe 4 tN Ee . never to come back. The corn itself steers, $8.60 to $9; stockers, cholce, . Chicago. C a (4 b hee he Joture, the discomfort disappears completely, and usually $8.25 to $8.50; stockers, light, $8 tN Duigagos uly Bom, Ne: 23a : ge bi : h g © pay. with one application, 8.26; lkers, ch , $65 t 110; 0 AU; NO, yellow, ' nt R y , J yA ers. © As 20, 19 $1.70; No_4 yellow, $31.61 to $1.54. is, : y a Nn rEieaiber tall is uted less, There is no effort, no discomfort. y RO on. } "1 Oats, No.53 w 1MY%e to 11% ¢: ? : ! ¥ " 8Y ' Youapply the Blue-jay and the ewes, $13 to $15.00; bucks and culls, \ bite, 77%ec t Hc; y A jo 5! of corns ended years ago, when Blue- $6 to $11; lambs, $21; hogs, fed and | Standard, 77%e¢ to 78%c. Rye, No.!- 1% h v dnl er dy ' i CN so jay was invented. : corn. Tryit tanighy, What it does ta water, $15.60 to $15.60; hogs, £.0.b., 2, $1.70. Barley, $1 to $1.15. Timo- | A 1 y I , § 9 one Som & wi 0 to every corn that $17.50 to $17.76; calves, $16 to $17.- | thy, $5 to §8. Clover, nominal. Pork, | Hl o BORA 4 wi . Millions of people never know a Sones, AS one goes, all will go, and 50. nominal. Lard, $26.10 to $26.15. { Ne? 9 : E p a a ; 3 corn ache. Nobody ever should, *9 00N as they appear. Ribs, $23.97 to $24.50. : ? Those who do either coddle corns, You may save a thousand hours, Or use some old-time treatment, perhaps, by proving this fact now, / Buffalo, East Buffalo, July 13.--Cattle -- Winnipeg. : : " fess' t : i: Receipts, 5,600; easier. Prime steers,| Winnipeg, July 23.--Oats, No, 2 >. : ' : ' : 4 BAUER & BLACK, Limited, Chicago, New York, Toronto $17.26 to $17.50; shipping steers, |C.W., 8934c; No. 3 C/W., 86 ¢; ex- 4 gh Makers of Surgical Dressings, ete. $316.50 to $17; butchers, $12 to|tra No. 1 feed, 86%; No. 1 feed, ! $16.60; yearlings, $13 to $16.50; |83%c; No. 2 feed, 80%c. Barley, 3 4 aw i 3 3 " heifers, $310 to $13; cows; $6.50 to] rejected, $1.26; feed, $1.26. Flax, & '. 3 J hg PR # $11.50; stockers and feeders, $7.50 | No. 1 N.W.C., $4.37%; No. 2 C.W., : % a et ¢ i C orn to $10.60. Fresh cows and spring-| $4.33%. I ¥ 3 ] i W ue-jay Plasters ers, $365 to $145, 2.950 4 i % Calves--Receipts, 2, : ood, Minneapolis. . strong; EON Sow, 37 to $18.25 Minneapolis, July 23.--Flour, Stop Pain Instantly--Ead Corns Completely Hogs--Receipts, 2,600; active and | obanged. Bran, $$24.45. Corn, Large Package 25¢ at Druggists-- Small Package Discontinued strong, Heavy, $19.60 to $19.80; (3 yellow, $1.66 to $1.62. Oats, mixed, $19.76 to $19.90; yorkers,|3 white, 71%e. to" 72%ec, $19.85 to $19.90; light yorkers, and ---- Rigs $19.85 to $820; roughs, $17 to ' Duluth, $17.25; stags, $10 to $13.50. Duluth, July : 23.-- Linseed, on 3 : y gi 2 i slow sug Yower, Lambs, $14 io $17.| $51 asked Sepieriber, $4.65 Di: vn ages ve BR || | MLLNORGTLNESERS | | winineg Travellers : Sl lll | LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE | Get Chance to Study 650; yearlings, $10 to $15.50; weth-{ October, $4.61 bid; November, $4.46 | New York. i} No s 8 go 2 Soa CA : New York, July 23.--Flour steady; ; iro ; : : ; IN EFFECT JUNE 23RD, 1918 Hinterland ers, $13.60 to $14; ewes, $6 to $13; | asked, mixed sheep, $13 to $13.50, « . i $11.36 to $11.76; wi ; Chicago, July 3.--~Hogs--But- | springs, 36 to 76; winters, x 3: ' S-- cers, $18.60 to $18.95; light, $18.65 | $11 to $11.35; Kansas, $11.35 to od Trains will leave and arrive at City 4 KF Po BH 3 ¥ & to $19.05; packing, $17.60 to| $11.75. Rye flour dull; fair to good.| FF Eaes LITENANT ; rs ; ks V Syatiau, Voit vt Johnusn Stiwet; $18.40; rough, $17.16 to $17.50; | $10 to $10.70; choice to fancy,$10.75 HIV + HEN COLONE FORBES-ROBERTSON | bulk of sales, $17.90 to $18.85; (To 11.50. White corn flour steady, 4 BN LINE FROM BREAKING © BY o. 15 aia) pigs, good and choice, $17.25 to| $5.26 to $5.75. Barley flour dull, i Ny BP MAT; i i: : iy ads PRN ! No. 11 Mal a . $17.76. Beet cattle, good, choice | $9.75 to $19.35. ' Hay steady; No. 1.| Jk Ee Q. BY MATANIA FROM SPHERE LONDON EAH [NC 27 Loca els and prime, $17 to $18.30; common | $1.50; No. 2, $1.40; No. 3, $1.20 to . Sr ---- csi TI NO. 1 Intern'l Ltd. 1. and medium, $11 to $17; butcher | $1.30. Hops quiet; state, medium y » 7 Mall sone Going West, Lve. City stock, cows and heifers, $14 to |to choice, 1917, 35¢c to 43¢c; 1916, Jideutenant Colonel J. Forbes Robertson, D. 8. 0. M. C, on four separate occasions saved the line from Going East, $14.25; canners and cutters, $6.50 | nominal; Pacific coast, 1917, 20¢ to breaking and averted a situation which might have had the most serous and far reaching results. He was awarded Mall Tian A nly E . x . J . . common to $7.00; stockers and feeders,|28c; 1916, l4c to 16¢. the Victor? Cross. . 2 Express +... 310am. 352am. Canadians. Modern Front good, choice and fancy selected, cree A 3 pres 233g 3.5: kaowl a 31040 to $15; Infercs, common GENERAL TRADE. 2 bn * (No. 14 Interis "Lid. 1.30 bm. in.| | ing cars and cosches eave . 50; vea . o K " x . 2 cal. .. 6.48pm. 7.87 X Bi Pm. aud im Siam, 32 a $16.25 to Montreal bunches, 26¢; lettuce, 2 tor 5c; | WELDING ALLIES 5 Thara de BO Jurther Joubi bet) Nos. 1, 18, 14, 18, soa pan. a pam Wendy aid iter commetios g : t ; . . onions, Bermuda, case, $2.50 to NOW COMPLET here are a m i ; ot t Winnipeg points 3 ae ldahe Jalon, $15.25; Jor real. ly A oieen, New | $2.75; do., green, bunch, Se to 16¢; Ww PL ED ganization has obtained stupefying Diher trains dally except Sunday ¥ Canada. " » Per doz, 48c; No. 2, 42¢; se-| or g0. "10¢; peas, bskt. ---- results, Germany finds herself faced oe e to Toronto, Peterboro, For Tickets, Reservations, Liters J13.5 Hy 6 £ A aS iim 2 lpeted Dew laid, 52¢. sh A 12.50; do., png Foch Feels That Now He Is by 'three powers whose combined aula, Sho Mortar Bo ation, ably, to Ry he $17 to $18.25: culls, $12 to $16: | prints thc host creamery, per Ib..| peck, 50 to 76c; radishes, 3 bunch | Able to Assume Offensive |popula'ion is three times greator|Ottasn Guibert ponkinaw, Montreal Agent, or write R. L. Fairbairn, ewes, 2 soles and prime, $13 to prints, 47; block, 46¢, es, 10¢; rhubarb, 3 for 10c¢; sage, Tactics than hers." Halifax, Boston and ew York. For G.P.A., 68 King Street East, Toronto, $13.50; medium and good $10.50 Dleamargarive, per To 32. bunch, 5¢; savory, bunch, 5¢; spin- all other RO op kets and 0 $12. 8.1 BW bing i pe vi arge, 24e; twins, | ooh peck, 25c: tomatoes, 1b., 15¢ Rome, July 24.--"The greatness of Woman's tears have more effect | Hanley, Agent. Agency for all ocean ---- J Lard er or Ib. 31% to 20c¢; watercress, 6 bunches, 15¢. booty in' men guns, and material] ©% & man than her words. steamship lines. Open day and night. wi Shortening, per b., 26 he. ! clearly indicates the importance of} Winnipeg, July "23. -- Butcher Honey, white clover, 20 1b. to 60 2 X re the Franco-American' counter-offen- a ----_--. Found Rody in St. Lawrence. sive," said General Corsi to-day. RE Meee PREIS RE en LED 2 Cee CRD RD et NER steers, $6.76 to $13; heifers, $5.50 (1b. tins, 20c; comb, 22¢c. , 4 to $11; cows, $4.50 to $9.76; bulls, | Hams--Large, 34c per 1b.; med- a. Brocgville. Joix 21.--The Stew bo! "The surprise was complete, An en- $5.26 to $8.75; oxen, y lum, 35¢; small, 36¢c. river discovered the body of a man |°my mass estimated at fifteen divis- stockers and feeders, 5. (Bacon, per Ib.--Breakfast, 42c: floating in the water. It was iden- | 1008S has been defeated with overpow- $10.26; vealers, $5.50 - | Windsor, 46¢; Windsor boneless, titied later as that of Joseph Lewis, | ering celerity. It is' impossible yet Sheep and lambs,' $10 to $17.50. | 46¢. privileged patient of the Eastern to say what the final results of the Hogs, selects, $18.25; heavies, $14 (Beans, per bushel -- Japanese Hospital for the Insane, who had |counter-offensive will be, but it must to $15; sows and stags, $12 to $13; | white, $8 to $8.25. been missing since early in June. {at any rate have rendered the Ger: lights, $14.50 to $16.50. Potatoes--90 1b. bags, car load | He wag last seen leaving in a" sail- | Mans acutely conscious. of the. .dan- : lots, ex-track, Quebec stock, $2.65; [boat on a tishirg expedition. ger of the flank of the troops en- GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Hgw American, 1 star, $7.25; No. 2, ---------- ras gaged in the sharp Soissons-Chateau ---- $6.50 per barrel, ex-store. v 3 Thierry-Rheims salient. Montreal, Dressed hogs, per 100 /ibs., fresh Boat ty Nel . Clement, "Though the Germans are being Montreal, July 28.--Oats,Canadian | killed abattoir, $28 50. who resides in Hungerford Town. |driven farther from Epernay and western, No. 2, $1. Oats, extra No. 1 Maple products--Sugar, per 1b.,|ghip, was committed: for trial on a |Chalons, which were the objectives of feed, 87c. Flour, new standard2lc to 22c; syrup, 8 Ibs. tins,|charge of sending a threatening let- | their offensive the real importance of grade, $10.95 to $11.05. Rolled oats, | $1.40 gallons (imp.), $1.90 to $2.- ter to J. Lusk, a neighbor. It is al- [the latest Franco-American move is : bags 90 1bs., $5.25 to $5.30. Bran, |25. leged that in the letter Clement | that it shows that Foch féels he has / = a= >) on oR a J ! (A = $35. Shorts, $40. Mouillie, $68.| Dressed poultry, per Ib. fowls, | threatened to kill Lusk if he met |Sufficlent material at his disposal to a ng, on of 1 Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, $14.60|35¢; spring chickens, 50c; turkeys, | him upon the roadside. pass the offensive tactics on a large : v "lf : to §15. 35¢; ducks, 40c. scale, proving that the welding to- D \ y NS : : Campbeliford Boy Drowned. gether and preparation of the allfed N en : b ET g T Toronto Toronto, {Campbeliford, July 24.--Donald | masses is over, and that the Ameri- i - : LE 00 IE et be sure to take a pair or two i hl ---- et A DIE J -- ZR Toronto, July 23.--Manitoba| foronto, July 23.--Butter, choice | Frederick, aged nine years, son of Cans have sufficient numbers of Wheat--In store, Fort William, |dairy, 46c to 48¢c; do. creamery, 48¢|Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Frederick, of (their stalwart lads in 'France to make nominal {including The tax): No. {to B2¢; margarine, 1b, 35¢ to 3Ve; [this town, was drowned in the [things hot for the German. northern, $2. 3 & northern, | eggs, new laid, doz, 52¢ to 5b5c;|Tremt Canal Saturday evening, 3 NE $2,203; No. 3 nomthern, $2.17%; |cheese, Ib. 30c; do., fancy, Ib., 35c: | white swimming. It is supposed the FORCED AT LAST No. 4 wheat, $2.10%. turkeys 1b., 30c to 33¢; fowl, Ib. [little fellow was taken with cramps. TO ADMIT TRUTH iE Hen Sern 40, 3 yellow | 28¢c to 30c; spring chickens, 50c: -------- kiln-dried, nominal. roosters, 1b., 23¢; ducklings, 85¢; Gifts to Keene Soldiers. paper Ontario wheat--No. 2, $2.22, strawberries, box, 23¢ to 28c¢; blue- Keene, July 24.--Gold lockets German News, Says That basis in store Montreal. berries, 11-qts. $1.76; gooseberries, | and watchh fobs were presented to | Million Americans Are in Manitoba oats--iIn store, Fort basket, $1 to $1.80; eurrants, black, [two of Keene's rethrned soldiers, France. William, No. 2 C.W., 91 1-8¢; No. $1.26 to $2.25; do, red 6-gt., 90c Corporal Meclntyre, who was 'wound- x 3 C.W., 88¢; extra No. 1 feed, 88c; [to $1.65; raspberries, box, 30¢; led. at Dasschendaele, and Albert | Geneva, Switzerland, July 24.-- No. 1 fee, 85c¢. cherries, sour, bskt., $1 to $1.75; |Bishop,<who was shell-shocked at Americans were mentioned Saturday Barley--Malting, $1.35. to. $1.37. | do., sweet, bet, $1.76 40 $2; aspara- | Courcetette: niin for the first time by The Arbeiter Ontario flour--Winter, in new |igus, Can., bunch, 10¢; beans, small ~---- | Zeitung of 'Vienna. The newspaper bags, prompt shipment, war quality, | measure, 26¢; beets, new, hat] Rector's Appointment. states - that the Americans have $10.65, Toronto delivery; $10.65 dozen, 16e¢; carrots, new, half doz, Havelock, July 24---Rev. R. B.|changed the situation for the Entente . Montreal, shipment, 15¢; cucumbers, each, 15e to 25¢; {Patterson has accepted the appoini- | mations, not-only in the political but Buckwheat--$1.80, . | cabbage, each, 10c¢ to 20¢; cauliflow- | ment to the parish of Woodbridge, {in the military phases of the con- minal. er, each, 15c to 30c; celery, 4 |Clairville and Castlémore. flict. The newspaper says: BRINGING UP FATHER 1 dom 3 on hn in Dainty enough for any gown--stylish enough for any occasion--sturdy enough for any sport. | Shoes are made i i Te Sout mo any iff tha family can have just the shoes desired for every summer need, for holiday time as well as for home wear. Pr Shoes are so inexpensive that you wen {Hl Lie sever paist for the Fass Sha Sinden of | et By Pid 27d Camu Yd a ¥ Fiat AS FAR : a S0- TRYIN T AS THE FRONT : ; SNEAK out 0 DOOR VM Sarg. Es 3 Lk YOU SET RIGHT g BACK Up